Ruby Ridge- Waco and Operation Fast/Furious


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
It was the George H.W. bush administration when Federal Law Enforcement decided to entrap a civilian to force him to become a government informant. Randy Weaver's young son was shot in the back and killed and his wife was shot in the face by an FBI sniper while she was holding a 18 month child in her arms. The same agency decided that citizens who ordered completely legal brochures about refurbishing old rusty WW2 British junk weapons might be planning to overthrow the government. The notion is preposterous in retrospect. The Feds could have arrested Branch Dividian leader David Koresch at the local 7-11 but what they really wanted was a media splash. The U.S. government ended up using tanks, allegedly armed helicopters and poison gas and after the conflagration was done about 80 men women and children were dead. Evidence alleged in the initial warrant of actual conversion or attempted conversion of junk WW2 weapons was not found in the rubble. The issue was ignored by the media. A couple of years later the same federal agency convinces the Obama administration to ship over 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico. Somehow the fantasy plan includes tracking the serial numbers but it doesn't work out. The weapons disappear and hundreds of Mexican citizens are allegedly murdered and one American Border Patrol officer is killed with one of the weapons shipped to Mexico by our own government. Nobody is indicted or even fired because the mainstream media justified and supported the administrations at the time and there was little outrage among the public.
It was the George H.W. bush administration when Federal Law Enforcement decided to entrap a civilian to force him to become a government informant. Randy Weaver's young son was shot in the back and killed and his wife was shot in the face by an FBI sniper while she was holding a 18 month child in her arms. The same agency decided that citizens who ordered completely legal brochures about refurbishing old rusty WW2 British junk weapons might be planning to overthrow the government. The notion is preposterous in retrospect. The Feds could have arrested Branch Dividian leader David Koresch at the local 7-11 but what they really wanted was a media splash. The U.S. government ended up using tanks, allegedly armed helicopters and poison gas and after the conflagration was done about 80 men women and children were dead. Evidence alleged in the initial warrant of actual conversion or attempted conversion of junk WW2 weapons was not found in the rubble. The issue was ignored by the media. A couple of years later the same federal agency convinces the Obama administration to ship over 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico. Somehow the fantasy plan includes tracking the serial numbers but it doesn't work out. The weapons disappear and hundreds of Mexican citizens are allegedly murdered and one American Border Patrol officer is killed with one of the weapons shipped to Mexico by our own government. Nobody is indicted or even fired because the mainstream media justified and supported the administrations at the time and there was little outrage among the public.
Much of this is inaccurate or a lie – none of it has anything to do with the Second Amendment.
The ATF or FBI also claimed that the Branch Davidians had 50 caliber machine guns, capable of shooting down helicopters, although none of those were found in the rubble.

I lived in Dallas when that played out. The whole thing was surreal when it started, and a local radio station was talking to Koresh on the phone, the night after the FBI tried to raid the compound.

After the long standoff, it was pretty horrifying when the compound went up in fire. I'm not defending Koresh, as he was having sex with underage girls. But the Justice Department really fucked that up pretty badly, just like they did with Elien Gonzales.
It was the George H.W. bush administration when Federal Law Enforcement decided to entrap a civilian to force him to become a government informant. Randy Weaver's young son was shot in the back and killed and his wife was shot in the face by an FBI sniper while she was holding a 18 month child in her arms. The same agency decided that citizens who ordered completely legal brochures about refurbishing old rusty WW2 British junk weapons might be planning to overthrow the government. The notion is preposterous in retrospect. The Feds could have arrested Branch Dividian leader David Koresch at the local 7-11 but what they really wanted was a media splash. The U.S. government ended up using tanks, allegedly armed helicopters and poison gas and after the conflagration was done about 80 men women and children were dead. Evidence alleged in the initial warrant of actual conversion or attempted conversion of junk WW2 weapons was not found in the rubble. The issue was ignored by the media. A couple of years later the same federal agency convinces the Obama administration to ship over 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico. Somehow the fantasy plan includes tracking the serial numbers but it doesn't work out. The weapons disappear and hundreds of Mexican citizens are allegedly murdered and one American Border Patrol officer is killed with one of the weapons shipped to Mexico by our own government. Nobody is indicted or even fired because the mainstream media justified and supported the administrations at the time and there was little outrage among the public.

Ruby Ridge was a tragedy.

Weaver got a settlement.

And they killed the dog.
The ATF or FBI also claimed that the Branch Davidians had 50 caliber machine guns, capable of shooting down helicopters, although none of those were found in the rubble.

I lived in Dallas when that played out. The whole thing was surreal when it started, and a local radio station was talking to Koresh on the phone, the night after the FBI tried to raid the compound.

After the long standoff, it was pretty horrifying when the compound went up in fire. I'm not defending Koresh, as he was having sex with underage girls. But the Justice Department really fucked that up pretty badly, just like they did with Elien Gonzales.
I have no doubt that there were real problems there in Waco with that cult but there are too many cases where the so called, 'officials' have used misinformation on the citizens to justify their illegal acts.

Per Ruby Ridge as I have stated before a very good friend (retired) was at that trial every day. He was very upset when he called me and told me, "Do not believe what the media is saying happened at Ruby Ridge with Randy Weaver. They are lying".
It was the George H.W. bush administration when Federal Law Enforcement decided to entrap a civilian to force him to become a government informant. Randy Weaver's young son was shot in the back and killed and his wife was shot in the face by an FBI sniper while she was holding a 18 month child in her arms. The same agency decided that citizens who ordered completely legal brochures about refurbishing old rusty WW2 British junk weapons might be planning to overthrow the government. The notion is preposterous in retrospect. The Feds could have arrested Branch Dividian leader David Koresch at the local 7-11 but what they really wanted was a media splash. The U.S. government ended up using tanks, allegedly armed helicopters and poison gas and after the conflagration was done about 80 men women and children were dead. Evidence alleged in the initial warrant of actual conversion or attempted conversion of junk WW2 weapons was not found in the rubble. The issue was ignored by the media. A couple of years later the same federal agency convinces the Obama administration to ship over 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico. Somehow the fantasy plan includes tracking the serial numbers but it doesn't work out. The weapons disappear and hundreds of Mexican citizens are allegedly murdered and one American Border Patrol officer is killed with one of the weapons shipped to Mexico by our own government. Nobody is indicted or even fired because the mainstream media justified and supported the administrations at the time and there was little outrage among the public.
Much of this is inaccurate or a lie – none of it has anything to do with the Second Amendment.
Fuck of you lying moron.

The second amendment of the U.S. constitution states that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Ruby Ridge August 1992, Senior Bush president at the time.

Waco burning out the cult and its children April 1993, Bill Clinton president at the time.
They could have easily arrested him outside as he was known for taking jogs or walks
Netflix has an amazing 4 part or so series on this
The FBI needs to be obliterated with all senior leaders arrested as they have become the KGB
It was the George H.W. bush administration when Federal Law Enforcement decided to entrap a civilian to force him to become a government informant. Randy Weaver's young son was shot in the back and killed and his wife was shot in the face by an FBI sniper while she was holding a 18 month child in her arms. The same agency decided that citizens who ordered completely legal brochures about refurbishing old rusty WW2 British junk weapons might be planning to overthrow the government. The notion is preposterous in retrospect. The Feds could have arrested Branch Dividian leader David Koresch at the local 7-11 but what they really wanted was a media splash. The U.S. government ended up using tanks, allegedly armed helicopters and poison gas and after the conflagration was done about 80 men women and children were dead. Evidence alleged in the initial warrant of actual conversion or attempted conversion of junk WW2 weapons was not found in the rubble. The issue was ignored by the media. A couple of years later the same federal agency convinces the Obama administration to ship over 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico. Somehow the fantasy plan includes tracking the serial numbers but it doesn't work out. The weapons disappear and hundreds of Mexican citizens are allegedly murdered and one American Border Patrol officer is killed with one of the weapons shipped to Mexico by our own government. Nobody is indicted or even fired because the mainstream media justified and supported the administrations at the time and there was little outrage among the public.
Much of this is inaccurate or a lie – none of it has anything to do with the Second Amendment.
Weaver was tricked into cutting a shotgun barrel about 1/2 below the federal limit and they had him. The Branch Dividians were alleged to be converting rusty British junk weapons into pristine fully automatic in violation of federal firearms law. The agency behind the outrage was the ATF which is charged with enforcing laws related to the 2nd Amendment.
Do Christian lives matter even if they seem quirky? The thing Ruby Ridge and Waco have in common is that both the Weaver family and the Branch Dividians were fundamentalist Christians and as such deemed an enemy of the liberal administration. Their extermination was defended by the media at the time.

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