Rudy Giuliani punks out after telling the truth that Obama doesn't love America

The ex-mayor is a senile old tool.

The "truth" about Obama. You don't put yourself through 2 Presidential election for a country you "hate" -- fucking idiot.
For power yes you do. And Giuliani is not senile. Just a pussy.
I agree Giuliani got it right the first time.
Too bad he doesn't have the cajones to stand up to the rabid left wing media. Typical gutless Republican.
Majority no longer support our socialist loving president!

A large segment of those who originally voted for Obama have realized they made a huge mistake and admit it!

See:Poll: Just 79% Say They Would Back Obama Again

Feb 18, 2014

”Given a chance to do it all over again, only 79 percent of those who voted for President Obama would vote for him again and 71 percent of Obama voters now inclined to vote for somebody else “regret” their vote to reelect the president, according to a new poll.

The Economist/ poll found that Obama would lose enough votes in a rematch with Mitt Romney that the Republican would win. “90 percent of people who voted for Romney would do it again, compared to only 79 percent of Obama voters who would,” said the poll.”

The unfortunate thing is, many of those who are receiving free government cheese still support Obama in spite of Obama weakening and destroying America from within.

And here is another Obama supporter also wanting FREE BACON for prostituting her vote in support of Obama.

Why is prostituting one's vote for free government cheese so enticing among Obama supporters? Do they not realize Obama's policies are killing the cheese makers?


If we can make 51 percent of America’s population dependent upon an Obama, welfare, food stamp, section 8 housing, college loan check, and now free Obamacare along with FREE BACON, we can blackmail them for their vote, keep ourselves in power and keep the remaining portion of America’s productive population enslaved to pay the bills ____ Obama's Free Cheese Democracy, designed to establish a federal plantation which redistributes wealth that wage earners, business and investors have worked to create.
The ex-mayor is a senile old tool.

The "truth" about Obama. You don't put yourself through 2 Presidential election for a country you "hate" -- fucking idiot.

You don't know what quotes mean. Giuliani didn't say that
^ why is a liebertarian falling over hisself to run interference for a repub who made a gross comment? :eusa_think:
why you runnin interference for a rw establishment-type Mr. Liebertarian?
For power yes you do. And Giuliani is not senile. Just a pussy.

Rudy took down the entire hierarchy of the 5 NYC mafia families....and here's a pinhead little coward calling him a "pussy".....from the safety of the internet of course.
why you runnin interference for a rw establishment-type Mr. Liebertarian?

I'm not running interference for anyone. They are right, you look like a bunch of group think circle jerking collectivists incapable of independent thought
^ why is a liebertarian falling over hisself to run interference for a repub who made a gross comment? :eusa_think:

Stating the truth is a "gross comment"?

listen here for why Obama hates America and tells us so in his own words!


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Islamic terrorist activities begin in our southern Border States or cities like New York City?

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