Rudy Giuliani says he’s “more than willing to go to jail” — but those who put him there will “suffer the consequences in heaven”

That’s not true… you’re just speaking partisan hate blah blah… do better
Martha Stewart went to prison for insider trading. Nancy Pelosi has gotten filthy rich on insider trading. Democrats are in Washington for one reason, to get rich. The DOJ and FBI are supposed to investigate and stop criminal activity, but they too are corrupt and are owned by the DNC. Why else do you think former FBI Director Louis Freeh gave Joe Biden's grandchildren $100,000?

And Hunter Biden is, suddenly, a world-renowned artist and his painting are n such demand that rich art lovers are paying him $500K for a painting and you think that's just fine, right?
Martha Stewart went to prison for insider trading. Nancy Pelosi has gotten filthy rich on insider trading. Democrats are in Washington for one reason, to get rich. The DOJ and FBI are supposed to investigate and stop criminal activity, but they too are corrupt and are owned by the DNC. Why else do you think former FBI Director Louis Freeh gave Joe Biden's grandchildren $100,000?

And Hunter Biden is, suddenly, a world-renowned artist and his painting are n such demand that rich art lovers are paying him $500K for a painting and you think that's just fine, right?
Pelosi and other Dems and republicans have gotten rich on insider trading. You're acting like it is a Dem thing... Its not, its a power thing.
Pelosi and other Dems and republicans have gotten rich on insider trading. You're acting like it is a Dem thing... Its not, its a power thing.
I agree and that's another reason why we need Congressional term limits, which most leftists oppose. Additionally, most leftists have no problem with their leftist masters ripping off the American people wherein most on the right despise it no matter who is doing it.
I agree and that's another reason why we need Congressional term limits, which most leftists oppose. Additionally, most leftists have no problem with their leftist masters ripping off the American people wherein most on the right despise it no matter who is doing it.
What’s with all this stereotyping… most leftists?! Haha you sound like a brainwashed partisan hack
What’s with all this stereotyping… most leftists?!
Over the years I've engaged with many leftists on the topic and the vast majority of them were OPPOSED to Congressional term limits.

How about you? Do you support Congressional term limits?
Over the years I've engaged with many leftists on the topic and the vast majority of them were OPPOSED to Congressional term limits.

How about you? Do you support Congressional term limits?
I like the idea of term limits. I think one of our biggest problems in Washington is the perpetual campaigning and fund raising that our "Leaders" do in lieu of doing their jobs. Many things need to change in the campaign financial and congressional operations side of our government.
I like the idea of term limits. I think one of our biggest problems in Washington is the perpetual campaigning and fund raising that our "Leaders" do in lieu of doing their jobs. Many things need to change in the campaign financial and congressional operations side of our government.

Nobody should be a career politician. Citizens should live and work in THEIR communities and can serve as a representative of their community for a short time and then RETURN to the community that they helped mold. People stay in national politics because of the vast power and wealth, much of it under the table, that they can and do accumulate. They sell out their own communities for the almighty dollar. It's totally corrupt.

Nobody should be a career politician. Citizens should live and work in THEIR communities and can serve as a representative of their community for a short time and then RETURN to the community that they helped mold. People stay in national politics because of the vast power and wealth, much of it under the table, that they can and do accumulate. They sell out their own communities for the almighty dollar. It's totally corrupt.
Some do yes... But that can also go the other way... Looking at a kook like Margery Taylor Green or OAC... They can come in sweeping up the wing nutters and then cash out with book deals and Activist gigs. Go lobby for a few years and then run for reelection again. There can be corrupt cycles with any scenario. The problem is much larger than just term limits.
It's amazing to me that guys like you love an openly corrupt crook like Joe Biden, who's been a TERRIBLE president for the people, yet you hate Trump who was GREAT for poor and average Americans. As I said in another thread, if Hitler had that magical "D" by his name, you'd worship him too.
Too bad HitleR has an R.
The country was in great shape under Trump
No it wasn't. Tramp's economy was WORSE than Obama's. Tramp had the WORST GDP since Hover!!!
And Hunter Biden is, suddenly, a world-renowned artist and his painting are n such demand that rich art lovers are paying him $500K for a painting and you think that's just fine, right?
Somebody is very jealous!
You're counting 2020 against Trump. It wasn't his fault that the Fauci-funded Chinese virus was unleashed upon the U.S. and wrecked our strong economy.
There was no Fauci funded virus. Tramp fucked up the response to the Trump-45 virus all on his own.

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