Rudy! In America No One Is Above The Law

May 4, 2022
quote: A federal judge has found former New York City mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani liable for defaming two Georgia election workers who he falsely accused of tampering with the 2020 election results.

Giuliani will still go to trial in D.C. federal court on the amount of monetary damages he owes to Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ArShaye Moss for defaming them. But Judge Beryl A. Howell has already ordered Giuliani to pay roughly $132,000 in sanctions between his personal and business assets for failures to hand over relevant information to the plaintiffs.

It's long been my opinion that Rudy was a poser, a fraud, a shyster; a publicly paid lawyer, turned publicly paid pol, turned celebrity profiting off of national tragedy.
quote: A federal judge has found former New York City mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani liable for defaming two Georgia election workers who he falsely accused of tampering with the 2020 election results.

Giuliani will still go to trial in D.C. federal court on the amount of monetary damages he owes to Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ArShaye Moss for defaming them. But Judge Beryl A. Howell has already ordered Giuliani to pay roughly $132,000 in sanctions between his personal and business assets for failures to hand over relevant information to the plaintiffs.

It's long been my opinion that Rudy was a poser, a fraud, a shyster; a publicly paid lawyer, turned publicly paid pol, turned celebrity profiting off of national tragedy.

This is great... This nonsense needs to be stopped and punished.

quote: A federal judge has found former New York City mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani liable for defaming two Georgia election workers who he falsely accused of tampering with the 2020 election results.

Giuliani will still go to trial in D.C. federal court on the amount of monetary damages he owes to Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ArShaye Moss for defaming them. But Judge Beryl A. Howell has already ordered Giuliani to pay roughly $132,000 in sanctions between his personal and business assets for failures to hand over relevant information to the plaintiffs.

It's long been my opinion that Rudy was a poser, a fraud, a shyster; a publicly paid lawyer, turned publicly paid pol, turned celebrity profiting off of national tragedy.

quote: A federal judge has found former New York City mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani liable for defaming two Georgia election workers who he falsely accused of tampering with the 2020 election results.

Giuliani will still go to trial in D.C. federal court on the amount of monetary damages he owes to Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ArShaye Moss for defaming them. But Judge Beryl A. Howell has already ordered Giuliani to pay roughly $132,000 in sanctions between his personal and business assets for failures to hand over relevant information to the plaintiffs.

It's long been my opinion that Rudy was a poser, a fraud, a shyster; a publicly paid lawyer, turned publicly paid pol, turned celebrity profiting off of national tragedy.
You protest prosecuters who go after mobsters ONLY when going after the Biden crime family but not other mobsters, so either you are pro cartel or are corrupt yourself, maybe even a terrorist. There is no explaining going after national heroes unless you are anti American anti Law. They targeted him as soon as he investigated the Biden's Ukraine corruption schemes, as he was getting to close to what would pull down tbe whole house of cards because Biden isn't the only one feeding off Corruption schemes in Ukraine, so is Kerry, Pelosi, and Schiff to name a few
You protest prosecuters who go after mobsters ONLY when going after the Biden crime family but not other mobsters, so either you are pro cartel or are corrupt yourself, maybe even a terrorist. There is no explaining going after national heroes unless you are anti American anti Law. They targeted him as soon as he investigated the Biden's Ukraine corruption schemes, as he was getting to close to what would pull down tbe whole house of cards because Biden isn't the only one feeding off Corruption schemes in Ukraine, so is Kerry, Pelosi, and Schiff to name a few
But what about Biden....wahhhh.
But what about Biden....wahhhh.
The whataboutism is a false narrative, because they use the Trump accusations as a form of intimidation to obstruct the Biden investigations.
Everything is always tit for tat a day after, and often they accused their opposition of things they were doing (whataboutism) to try and strike to it first as a tactical strategy that's in their textbooks on radicalism.
The fact you don't know which came first when it's no Chicken or the egg riddle, means their tactic worked.
You should be insulted that they think so low of your intellect, that you'd buy the spin including their "whataboutism" rebuttles. Dumbest reply you can make to protect selling out your country and causing more deaths than Bin Laden.

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