Rudy is going to have sell his NY apartment

Under the bus he goes. He's gonna have to sell a lot more than that before it's all done and over.
That's OK, he sold his soul. Money should be just a mi inconvenience for him. :)
He will have to file bankruptcy soon. Evidently Trump doesn't pay his bills. Shocker!
I'm totally going to save that, and spread the message when Trump is exonerated AGAIN. No worries, I'll give you all the credit.

save this one too!!!


The total lack of empathy for fellow human beings evidences that people like OP are horrible human beings.
Actually, no one should have empathy for democrats. It only encourages them. They, of course have no empathy. They are jacobins.

Rudy put his apartment up for sale six months ago. New York is rushing towards dystopia

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