Rudy receiving death threats

Bush almost single handedly destroyed the country with the wars and financially causing the biggest collapse in history... yet you STILL hate the brown man... All you got is Obama's shit stinks.

What makes you think I liked Bush any better? Oh yeah, because you're a mindless partisan, so obviously everyone else must exist in the same two political dimensions as you.

Sorry you must have missed it. I am NOT political. I am tactical. There are no more politics you moron. You asshats have destroyed the political system.

own up to it not be coy

Ii can't believe this MB allows someone as stupid as you to be a mod.

This place has sure taken a nose dive since GUNNY got drunk and had to go. At least he wasn't as dumb as a bag of doornobs.

That said... I own every word I post. I just got off shift spending the early morning hours rousting junkies johns prostitutes and gang bangers off the land and buildings I'm charged with keeping clean from THEIR particular kind of stupidity. I CAN'T WAIT to use my skills to apply to stupid fucks like yourself when you have TOTALLY destroyed the country and you come crawling around looking for a sympathetic heaven in MY neck of the apocalypse. I can't wait for somebody to come along at 3 AM ..look up with that stupid shit eating grin and announce he is a CHRISTIAN... GOOD TIMES!!!!
I CAN'T WAIT to use my skills to apply to stupid fucks like yourself when you have TOTALLY destroyed the country

It's already destroyed. Most of you just haven't opened to your eyes to it yet.

You don't think I already see the writing on the wall??? I'm on the front lines pal. I SEE the homeless.. THOUSANDS of them just in North Seattle. AND this area has better employment than most areas in the country..something like top 5 or 6.

Thanks to you asshats NOTHING will ever get fixed again. Count on it and pat your stupid selves on the back.
This is when Jesus ruled the south...Holy Schnikes those be white Christians going ISIS on Black Americans ...say hallelujah


Didn't have anything to do with Jesus.
Them is white Christians doing what the Bible said ....own up to it..its the "Christian thing to do"


The South’s True Face of Hate: Oozing Nonsense From Demented and Corners of Religious Right

Show me the scriptures in the New Testament that says it's okay to hang people from a tree because you hate them.
I just showed you pictures that document Bible belt Christians doing their torture murder thing ...its a white Christian Bible belt practice...maybe they are focused on the old Testament or maybe they are simply deluded fools like you seem to be in denying the reality of Christian support of slavery and of lynching...
You fairies are complete liars. Obama was CLEARLY talking about Bush's POLICY, you know what the Right pretends to do when they attack Obama personally. You can tell Obama is talking about policy because Obama says "IT'S irresponsible, IT'S unpatriotic."

If he's claiming Bush's policies are unpatriotic, then he's calling Bush unpatriotic. You're attempting a game of semantics, but you already know that because you're a dishonest and dishonorable person.
And yet when the Right pretends to attack Obama's policies they claim they are not attacking Obama personally. The Right can RATIONALIZE anything!

October 9, 2008
RUSH: I call Obama a squirrel. What's a squirrel? Nothing but a rat with better PR.

October 15, 2008
RUSH: What sharply personal attacks? All they are is people telling the truth about the little squirrel. What personal attacks? "Well, see, Rush, there you go, that's a personal attack right there." No, no, no, no. Not a personal attack
You fairies are complete liars. Obama was CLEARLY talking about Bush's POLICY, you know what the Right pretends to do when they attack Obama personally. You can tell Obama is talking about policy because Obama says "IT'S irresponsible, IT'S unpatriotic."

If he's claiming Bush's policies are unpatriotic, then he's calling Bush unpatriotic. You're attempting a game of semantics, but you already know that because you're a dishonest and dishonorable person.
And yet when the Right pretends to attack Obama's policies they claim they are not attacking Obama personally. The Right can RATIONALIZE anything!

October 9, 2008
RUSH: I call Obama a squirrel. What's a squirrel? Nothing but a rat with better PR.

October 15, 2008
RUSH: What sharply personal attacks? All they are is people telling the truth about the little squirrel. What personal attacks? "Well, see, Rush, there you go, that's a personal attack right there." No, no, no, no. Not a personal attack

Its called "Gish Gallop"...they relentlessly argue their ignorance and their made up bull shit is just as good as any facts or documentations
You fairies are complete liars. Obama was CLEARLY talking about Bush's POLICY, you know what the Right pretends to do when they attack Obama personally. You can tell Obama is talking about policy because Obama says "IT'S irresponsible, IT'S unpatriotic."

If he's claiming Bush's policies are unpatriotic, then he's calling Bush unpatriotic. You're attempting a game of semantics, but you already know that because you're a dishonest and dishonorable person.
And yet when the Right pretends to attack Obama's policies they claim they are not attacking Obama personally. The Right can RATIONALIZE anything!

October 9, 2008
RUSH: I call Obama a squirrel. What's a squirrel? Nothing but a rat with better PR.

October 15, 2008
RUSH: What sharply personal attacks? All they are is people telling the truth about the little squirrel. What personal attacks? "Well, see, Rush, there you go, that's a personal attack right there." No, no, no, no. Not a personal attack

Its called "Gish Gallop"...they relentlessly argue their ignorance and their made up bull shit is just as good as any facts or documentations

Illegal wars and near total financial collapse is not NEARLY as offensive as the way Obama's poop smells!!!!

For REALS !!!!
oh dear. what the left forgets is there is a stash people can go back to show their two faced hypocrisy. what a nasty man that Obama is

FLASHBACK: Liberals Cheered Obama When He Questioned George Bush’s Patriotism (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, February 21, 2015, 3:15 PM

In 2008 then Senator Obama called President Bush “unpatriotic” for adding trillions to the national debt. Bush added about four trillion to the debt in eight years after the 9-11 attacks and mortgage crisis. Barack Obama then added the same amount of debt in less than three years.
Via Flopping Aces:

You certainly didn’t hear any reporters lecturing Obama for his uncivil rhetoric after that outrageous attack.

ALL of it here:
FLASHBACK Liberals Cheered Obama When He Questioned George Bush s Patriotism Video The Gateway Pundit

You fairies are complete liars. Obama was CLEARLY talking about Bush's POLICY, you know what the Right pretends to do when they attack Obama personally. You can tell Obama is talking about policy because Obama says "IT'S irresponsible, IT'S unpatriotic."

And so Obama does it himself and you think we should ignore it because Bush supposedly did it. BTW, Bush didn't spend all of that money. The Democrats helped. Obama has been going around congress, by his own admission, and has been spending. It would be even worse if the Democrats were still in control of the purse.
You fairies are complete liars. Obama was CLEARLY talking about Bush's POLICY, you know what the Right pretends to do when they attack Obama personally. You can tell Obama is talking about policy because Obama says "IT'S irresponsible, IT'S unpatriotic."

If he's claiming Bush's policies are unpatriotic, then he's calling Bush unpatriotic. You're attempting a game of semantics, but you already know that because you're a dishonest and dishonorable person.
And yet when the Right pretends to attack Obama's policies they claim they are not attacking Obama personally. The Right can RATIONALIZE anything!

October 9, 2008
RUSH: I call Obama a squirrel. What's a squirrel? Nothing but a rat with better PR.

October 15, 2008
RUSH: What sharply personal attacks? All they are is people telling the truth about the little squirrel. What personal attacks? "Well, see, Rush, there you go, that's a personal attack right there." No, no, no, no. Not a personal attack

Its called "Gish Gallop"...they relentlessly argue their ignorance and their made up bull shit is just as good as any facts or documentations

Illegal wars and near total financial collapse is not NEARLY as offensive as the way Obama's poop smells!!!!

For REALS !!!!
Those wars were approved by congress. Libya was illegal.
So much for the idea that liberals are a tolerant breed and are open to hear oppossing view points.
You fairies are complete liars. Obama was CLEARLY talking about Bush's POLICY, you know what the Right pretends to do when they attack Obama personally. You can tell Obama is talking about policy because Obama says "IT'S irresponsible, IT'S unpatriotic."

If he's claiming Bush's policies are unpatriotic, then he's calling Bush unpatriotic. You're attempting a game of semantics, but you already know that because you're a dishonest and dishonorable person.
And yet when the Right pretends to attack Obama's policies they claim they are not attacking Obama personally. The Right can RATIONALIZE anything!

October 9, 2008
RUSH: I call Obama a squirrel. What's a squirrel? Nothing but a rat with better PR.

October 15, 2008
RUSH: What sharply personal attacks? All they are is people telling the truth about the little squirrel. What personal attacks? "Well, see, Rush, there you go, that's a personal attack right there." No, no, no, no. Not a personal attack

Its called "Gish Gallop"...they relentlessly argue their ignorance and their made up bull shit is just as good as any facts or documentations

Illegal wars and near total financial collapse is not NEARLY as offensive as the way Obama's poop smells!!!!

For REALS !!!!
Those wars were approved by congress. Libya was illegal.
You support the wars unleashed by Bush ....crazy bastard
You fairies are complete liars. Obama was CLEARLY talking about Bush's POLICY, you know what the Right pretends to do when they attack Obama personally. You can tell Obama is talking about policy because Obama says "IT'S irresponsible, IT'S unpatriotic."

If he's claiming Bush's policies are unpatriotic, then he's calling Bush unpatriotic. You're attempting a game of semantics, but you already know that because you're a dishonest and dishonorable person.
And yet when the Right pretends to attack Obama's policies they claim they are not attacking Obama personally. The Right can RATIONALIZE anything!

October 9, 2008
RUSH: I call Obama a squirrel. What's a squirrel? Nothing but a rat with better PR.

October 15, 2008
RUSH: What sharply personal attacks? All they are is people telling the truth about the little squirrel. What personal attacks? "Well, see, Rush, there you go, that's a personal attack right there." No, no, no, no. Not a personal attack

Its called "Gish Gallop"...they relentlessly argue their ignorance and their made up bull shit is just as good as any facts or documentations

Illegal wars and near total financial collapse is not NEARLY as offensive as the way Obama's poop smells!!!!

For REALS !!!!
Those wars were approved by congress. Libya was illegal.

THOSE wars were brow beaten into existence you cynical HACK! Dramatic attack against us true but NOTHING more than airplane hijackings with horrible results. It is called a CRIME asshole...NOT an ACT of WAR by any sovereign country. OK so we get the FBI and CIA into gear and round up the CRIMINALS involved. BUT NO... BUSH and CHENEY acted like fucking CHILDREN and demanded opportunity to invade countries over a CRIMINAL ACT!
Somebody raised Rudy the right white Christian way not like that Muslim Kenyan ...

"Another sign of hating America is not being Rudy Giuliani, and not having had the specific experiences that he has had. Like marrying your cousin, avoiding the draft, dumping your wife on TV, race-baiting your way to the mayoralty, backing police brutality against minorities and acting somewhat more like a like a leader than George Bush on 9/11."
So we should all aspire to being like Obama, who's communist mother got married because she was pregnant, then moved to Seattle to get away from Barry's father, met a Muslim and moved to Indonesia, were Barry couldn't get along with the other kids, and had to be shipped back to his communist grandparents to be molested by a pedophile and smoke dope, and snort coke till his brain is fried. Then he becomes a pillow biting faggot and hooks up with former members of the Weather Underground and taught to hate America.

Yeah, Rudy sure is fucked up by comparison.
Somebody raised Rudy the right white Christian way not like that Muslim Kenyan ...

"Another sign of hating America is not being Rudy Giuliani, and not having had the specific experiences that he has had. Like marrying your cousin, avoiding the draft, dumping your wife on TV, race-baiting your way to the mayoralty, backing police brutality against minorities and acting somewhat more like a like a leader than George Bush on 9/11."
So we should all aspire to being like Obama, who's communist mother got married because she was pregnant, then moved to Seattle to get away from Barry's father, met a Muslim and moved to Indonesia, were Barry couldn't get along with the other kids, and had to be shipped back to his communist grandparents to be molested by a pedophile and smoke dope, and snort coke till his brain is fried. Then he becomes a pillow biting faggot and hooks up with former members of the Weather Underground and taught to hate America.

Yeah, Rudy sure is fucked up by comparison.
Tell us your personal story Jack ...I am sure there are bitches bastards and whoores a plenty in your narrative

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