Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Sad to see what has become of Rudy Giuliani

At one time, he was at the forefront of bringing down the Mafia
He was the symbol of American resilience after 9-11

He is now nothing but a sleaze ball lawyer spouting lies to protect his client
And uncovering the Crimes committed by Lib clowns.
Still waiting for all of these revelations
Democrats are hiding in fear.

Rudy used to be able to back up his threats
Says he has the goods. I believe it.

The party sheep always believe what they are told to believe
Depends on who is doing the TELLING. Seems the CommieCrats have 90% of the Media. So---If the shoe fits....

100% of the media is controlled by 6 major corporations 100% controlled by conservative republicans.

Which is why 90% of millenials, and generation z get their news from their smart phones.

Nobody with a brain trusts news sources controlled by conservative republicans.

Which explains Fox News large audience.
Yeah. Sure. And the sky is Red. NBC ,ABC ,CNN ,CBS all controlled by globalist Lib Commies. Proven fact. How about PROVING otherwise?
Depends on who is doing the TELLING. Seems the CommieCrats have 90% of the Media. So---If the shoe fits....

That is why I discount 100% of the put your shoes back on, your feet stink.

Rudy made this same basic claim back in Nov and never produced a damn thing, and now he does it again and is 2 weeks past the date he gave and it never even occurred to you that he might be full of shit.

I wonder why that is.
Depends on who is doing the TELLING. Seems the CommieCrats have 90% of the Media. So---If the shoe fits....

That is why I discount 100% of the put your shoes back on, your feet stink.

Rudy made this same basic claim back in Nov and never produced a damn thing, and now he does it again and is 2 weeks past the date he gave and it never even occurred to you that he might be full of shit.

I wonder why that is.
Waiting for Durham ,of course. Better to hit a Grand Slam than a solo shot.
Depends on who is doing the TELLING. Seems the CommieCrats have 90% of the Media. So---If the shoe fits....

That is why I discount 100% of the put your shoes back on, your feet stink.

Rudy made this same basic claim back in Nov and never produced a damn thing, and now he does it again and is 2 weeks past the date he gave and it never even occurred to you that he might be full of shit.

I wonder why that is.
Waiting for Durham ,of course. Better to hit a Grand Slam than a solo shot.
Why would he wait for Durham? Rudy says he's already got the goods.
Depends on who is doing the TELLING. Seems the CommieCrats have 90% of the Media. So---If the shoe fits....

That is why I discount 100% of the put your shoes back on, your feet stink.

Rudy made this same basic claim back in Nov and never produced a damn thing, and now he does it again and is 2 weeks past the date he gave and it never even occurred to you that he might be full of shit.

I wonder why that is.
Waiting for Durham ,of course. Better to hit a Grand Slam than a solo shot.
Why would he wait for Durham? Rudy says he's already got the goods.
Like I said. Get all the traitors at once.
Depends on who is doing the TELLING. Seems the CommieCrats have 90% of the Media. So---If the shoe fits....

That is why I discount 100% of the put your shoes back on, your feet stink.

Rudy made this same basic claim back in Nov and never produced a damn thing, and now he does it again and is 2 weeks past the date he gave and it never even occurred to you that he might be full of shit.

I wonder why that is.
Waiting for Durham ,of course. Better to hit a Grand Slam than a solo shot.
Why would he wait for Durham? Rudy says he's already got the goods.
Like I said. Get all the traitors at once.

So, what you are saying is that Rudy has evidence of crimes and is holding onto it for the maximal damage, instead of turning it over to law enforcement.
Sad to see what has become of Rudy Giuliani

At one time, he was at the forefront of bringing down the Mafia
He was the symbol of American resilience after 9-11

He is now nothing but a sleaze ball lawyer spouting lies to protect his client
And uncovering the Crimes committed by Lib clowns.

Ummmm.....still waiting aren’t we?
There was a time when Rudy said he had the goods....he delivered
Now it is just empty threats
This is what I call a SNOWFLAKE MELT!....RITFLMFAO!

Rudy is either opened himself up to one hell of a defamation lawsuit or he has a shit show on Joe Biden and the Democrats!

He may not have anything. He may have something, and Barr suggested he keep it to himself for now. He may have something, and trying to figure how to make money off it. Who knows?
LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.

And who put him in charge of that, and why, given his son was working for the most corrupt company in the most corrupt country in the world???

Most corrupt country? Ukraine is not even close.,You are lying. Here is link for you to upgrade your lying opinions. Start at the bottom who is the most corrupted country.

Don’t you even check what you are lying about?

Corruption Perceptions Index - Wikipedia

So post a link instead of answering the question. Why would DumBama give Joe that job when he knew full well of the position and pay Hunter had there?

So what? If Hunter got to the job?

What is that has anything to do with with your ignorance and bullshit about Hunter?

What is that has anything to do with Trump trying to cheat the next election?

Where did Hunter committed any wrongdoing?

You keep repeating going round and round of the same horse shit.
You mean like when a politician who happens to be the President of the United States makes a secret call to a foreign country known for corruption to ask that country to investigate his political rival?


and it doesn't matter that his "political rival" rigged a foreign aid package to give a US taxpayer funded KICKBACK to his drug addicted kid.

To Dems, stealing from the American taxpayer is not a crime.

Funny how Dems always get rich AFTER getting elected.

LOL. Really? Like what? Like who?
It was words.. it’s was on tv lol helloooo

This will shock you, but TV also includes pictures and that makes is possible to provide evidence. Lacking any evidence nothing Rudy says should be taken as anything more than a lie.

Are you saying because trump ran for president The Trump family successful business enterprise Hass to stop? Are you lot proud that we have a successful American family in the oval office and they should be punished?? W.T.F. is wrong with you?

I do not think the Trump family has anything to do with Hass avocados...but you seem to think that Biden family should have stopped their business enterprises, why should they stop and not the Trump family?

the bidens didnt have a business enterprise,,,they had a money laundering operation of not just our tax payer money but that of other countries,,,
It sure does appear that away. There shouldn't be even an appearance of corruption but these politicians have gotten so out of control the whole system appears totally corrupt. If a person wants to be a thuggy rich type they need to stay out of public office. If we are unwilling to hold then all to a higher standard then we get whatever comes down the pike. This country and its people are paying a way too high of price for these corrupt political leaders and corrupt bureaucrats. Corruption creates poverty for the people throughout. Those who have enriched themselves and their families through the political process need to be prosecuted and those who have compromised their positions need to go home.

There shouldn't even be an appearance of corruption?

You mean like when a politician who happens to be the President of the United States makes a secret call to a foreign country known for corruption to ask that country to investigate his political rival?

That sure appears corrupt to me.
Making perfectly innocent activity sound sinister is a TDS moron specialty.

TDS? Trump Dumb Stupid. Trump Dumb Shit.

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Still waiting for all of these revelations
Democrats are hiding in fear.

Rudy used to be able to back up his threats
Says he has the goods. I believe it.
Yea....just like Trump said he had the goods on Obama’s birth certificate

I have my best people looking into it.....they can’t believe what they are finding

Trump and his lackeys have always relied on his gullible followers to not actually care about what he promised last week.

Their M.O. is to make big promises and big smears and just keep repeating them, knowing their gullible followers will never care that they all they are doing is repeating the same lies and smears and never actually deliver the evidence.

4. "I have people that have been studying [Obama's birth certificate] and they cannot believe what they're finding ... I would like to have him show his birth certificate, and can I be honest with you, I hope he can. Because if he can't, if he can't, if he wasn't born in this country, which is a real possibility ... then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics."
You mean like when a politician who happens to be the President of the United States makes a secret call to a foreign country known for corruption to ask that country to investigate his political rival?


and it doesn't matter that his "political rival" rigged a foreign aid package to give a US taxpayer funded KICKBACK to his drug addicted kid.

To Dems, stealing from the American taxpayer is not a crime.

Funny how Dems always get rich AFTER getting elected.

Funny how Republicans always get rich after getting elected.

Like Mitch McConnell - first elected to office in 1977- and worth $7.8 million by 2007.
Pelosi is worth $100 million, shit bag.

Wrong. You are lying like always.

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