Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

This is what I call a SNOWFLAKE MELT!....RITFLMFAO!

Rudy is either opened himself up to one hell of a defamation lawsuit or he has a shit show on Joe Biden and the Democrats!

He may not have anything. He may have something, and Barr suggested he keep it to himself for now. He may have something, and trying to figure how to make money off it. Who knows?

Giuliani is a lawyer- he knows he can defame public figures and get away with it.

But we do know that Giuliani lied when he said he would reveal this amazing evidence 2 weeks ago.
Depends on who is doing the TELLING. Seems the CommieCrats have 90% of the Media. So---If the shoe fits....

That is why I discount 100% of the put your shoes back on, your feet stink.

Rudy made this same basic claim back in Nov and never produced a damn thing, and now he does it again and is 2 weeks past the date he gave and it never even occurred to you that he might be full of shit.

I wonder why that is.
Waiting for Durham ,of course. Better to hit a Grand Slam than a solo shot.

Just like Trump is waiting for his investigators to finish their investigation into Obama in Hawaii.........
Democrats are hiding in fear.

Rudy used to be able to back up his threats
Says he has the goods. I believe it.

The party sheep always believe what they are told to believe
Depends on who is doing the TELLING. Seems the CommieCrats have 90% of the Media. So---If the shoe fits....

100% of the media is controlled by 6 major corporations 100% controlled by conservative republicans.

Which is why 90% of millenials, and generation z get their news from their smart phones.

Nobody with a brain trusts news sources controlled by conservative republicans.

Which explains Fox News large audience.
Yeah. Sure. And the sky is Red. NBC ,ABC ,CNN ,CBS all controlled by globalist Lib Commies. Proven fact. How about PROVING otherwise?

"Proven fact"

Whenever a Trumpsky says that you know that they are just pulling crap out of their asses again.
Still waiting for all of these revelations
Democrats are hiding in fear.

Rudy used to be able to back up his threats
Says he has the goods. I believe it.
Yea....just like Trump said he had the goods on Obama’s birth certificate

I have my best people looking into it.....they can’t believe what they are finding

Trump and his lackeys have always relied on his gullible followers to not actually care about what he promised last week.

Their M.O. is to make big promises and big smears and just keep repeating them, knowing their gullible followers will never care that they all they are doing is repeating the same lies and smears and never actually deliver the evidence.

4. "I have people that have been studying [Obama's birth certificate] and they cannot believe what they're finding ... I would like to have him show his birth certificate, and can I be honest with you, I hope he can. Because if he can't, if he can't, if he wasn't born in this country, which is a real possibility ... then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics."
Only one problem with this. Besides the fact that it sucks. --The Economy is great. Market way up ,which means those with 401k's and IRA's are doin' good. ISIS is crushed. Rotten Iran and Paris deals kaput. Regulations cut to the bone ,allowing 8 MILLION new jobs. Unemployment at record low. Rather be a "Lackey" to someone who ACTS instead of a Flunky to a worthless guy who "Talks Nice". Maybe the traitor Dems should "Investigate" how this was done instead of carping the guy who made it happen.
But the new Trump Party believes wealth is bad

Trump made his money legally in the private sector.

Biden, McConnell, and Pelosi have stolen their money from the American taxpayer.


When one has success in the private sector, America benefits
When one steals from the American taxpayer, America loses

How can you fucking lie like that?

Trump made his money illegally that is why he is hiding his tax returns.
Trump made money by not paying his contractors. Trump is the most inept corrupted US president ever. That’s been proven many times.

Biden and Pelosi? You have no single proof of evidence that Biden or Pelosi stolen from tax payers. Nothing NONE except your never ending bullshit.

Says he has the goods. I believe it.

The party sheep always believe what they are told to believe
Depends on who is doing the TELLING. Seems the CommieCrats have 90% of the Media. So---If the shoe fits....

100% of the media is controlled by 6 major corporations 100% controlled by conservative republicans.

Which is why 90% of millenials, and generation z get their news from their smart phones.

Nobody with a brain trusts news sources controlled by conservative republicans.

Which explains Fox News large audience.
Yeah. Sure. And the sky is Red. NBC ,ABC ,CNN ,CBS all controlled by globalist Lib Commies. Proven fact. How about PROVING otherwise?

"Proven fact"

Whenever a Trumpsky says that you know that they are just pulling crap out of their asses again.
Economy says different.
But the new Trump Party believes wealth is bad

Trump made his money legally in the private sector.

Biden, McConnell, and Pelosi have stolen their money from the American taxpayer.


When one has success in the private sector, America benefits
When one steals from the American taxpayer, America loses

How can you fucking lie like that?

Trump made his money illegally that is why he is hiding his tax returns.
Trump made money by not paying his contractors. Trump is the most inept corrupted US president ever. That’s been proven many times.

Biden and Pelosi? You have no single proof of evidence that Biden or Pelosi stolen from tax payers. Nothing NONE except your never ending bullshit.

Says CNN and PMSNBC.
You mean like when a politician who happens to be the President of the United States makes a secret call to a foreign country known for corruption to ask that country to investigate his political rival?


and it doesn't matter that his "political rival" rigged a foreign aid package to give a US taxpayer funded KICKBACK to his drug addicted kid.

To Dems, stealing from the American taxpayer is not a crime.

Funny how Dems always get rich AFTER getting elected.
It’s not that funny. Former politicians often get lucrative book deals and command high speaking fees.
Hillary got rich by Grafting foreign countries and money laundering through her fake charity. Mad Maxine got rich stealing Gov't funds.

WRONG AGAIN DUDE. Hillary charity is open for audit and still open for audit today. If anything illegal so how come Trump or DOJ is not investigating Hillary?

Since you are new here. Do you know what you are talking about or you are here to just post lies and horse shit? What you are posting is not an opinion it’s a total lie.

Trump foundation which is a fraud was ordered to pay $2 millions and ordered to shut it down.
And who put him in charge of that, and why, given his son was working for the most corrupt company in the most corrupt country in the world???

Obama put him in charge of that- openly and publicly.

Proof that Burisma is the 'most corrupt company' in the Ukraine?

Why do you think that Trump made a secret request to Ukraine to investigate his political rival, and a secret demand that they make a public announcement of the request- but still has not made any formal request- with a paper trail- to Ukraine to investigate his political rival?

What secret? Trump was fully aware of everybody that listens to calls between the White House and leaders of other countries.

I will repeat again- it was a secret call:
a) It literally was labeled 'Secret" and stored away in a secure intellegence data vault.
b) The number of people on the call was far more limited than usual for those calls
c) Americans still would not know about Trump's secret call to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival if it was not for the brave whistleblower, who knew he/she was going to face retribution from the always vindictive Trump for revealing his secret scheme.

If there was some kind of secret call, HTF do you know about it? Why didn't this secret call make it to Vindman so he could testify to it? Why didn't the Democrats even think about trying to subpoena this secret call?

The impeachment was not about some secret call, it was the call that Trump issued a transcript for.


I literally explained why and how you and I know about it and you just ignored it completely.-

The Trump's administration literally labeled it as 'secret' and literally stored it in a secure vault.
Americans still would not know about Trump's secret call to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival if it was not for the brave whistleblower, who knew he/she was going to face retribution from the always vindictive Trump for revealing his secret schemek.

Trump didn't release the summary of the call until after he knew that Congress was going to get the whistleblower report.

The only reason we know about Trump's secret scheme is because of the whistleblower.

We can drill these Trumpits to the core of their brains they wouldn’t know the difference.
Just because what Trump told them the most lying SOB president that lied just about every time he open his mouth. It’s true.

The Clinton kill Eipstein. Obama erected 10 foot wall of his mansion in DC to stop illegal immigrants from coming in. Wind turbines create cancer. It must be true.

Just imagine what kind of fucking mentality of this moron POTUS.
And only if you can prove that Joe got Shokin fired to save his son should he have to resign. I am using the exact same parameters for both Trump and Biden.

Look- I can repeat to you again why Biden got Shokin fired- its in the record- Biden was acting as part of official U.S. foreign policy, as part of a campaign that had been going on for months with the support of GOP senators, the IMF, the EU and Ukrainian activists- but you know all of that.

And I can point out that there is no evidence that Trump made the secret call to Zelinsky, and had his personal attorney secretly pressuring Ukraine to make a public announcement of an investigation of his political rival for any reasons other than to help his re-election campaign. But you know all of that.

But I will point out that Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- despite Ukraine asking him to do so. And that there is no evidence that Trump asked the FBI to investigate the supposed corruption

Why do you think that Trump went to such lengths to have secret requests with no paper trail to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- but has never actually formally asked Ukraine or the FBI to investigate the Bidens?

Why do you think that the Biden's are literally the only people in the world that Trump has asked Ukraine to investigate- even when Paul Manafort was convicted in part for his shady Ukrainian dealings?

What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Little bump for Ray

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?

I wonder why Ray just can't bring himself to respond to this?

He had no problem with saying that Biden should drop out of the race if it is proven that he acted corruptly for his son's benefit.

But he just can't bring himself to say that Trump should resign if it is proven that he acted corruptly to influence our election.

Yeah- pretty cult-like.

You prove to me that Biden committed a crime- or that Biden took his actions with the specific intent of benefiting his family rather than for the benefit of the U.S.- and I will be glad to call for his resignation and prosecution.

That the Trumpskies are just unable to bring themselves to say the same thing about Trump just shows the cult like nature of the new Trump Party.

I'm not about to get in a pissing contest with you. I hate when I see posters go back and forth saying the same shit over and over. So for the last time: Biden was not Trump's rival when he placed the call. He isn't Trump's rival now. He won't be Trump's rival until Biden wins the nomination, which is looking pretty unstable since he didn't do good in Iowa, and is just about out of money. Biden was not (and is still not) President Trump's contender for the White House.

Going back and forth?

You accused the Biden of wrong doing back and forth which been debunked many times over. And they also slap Trump at his impeachment trial that is proven wrong about Biden.
Yet you keep repeating the same lies and dog shit about Biden.

It’s too early to say any of Trump challenger at this point. But 100% sure you and Trump is very scared of Biden.
But the new Trump Party believes wealth is bad

Trump made his money legally in the private sector.

Biden, McConnell, and Pelosi have stolen their money from the American taxpayer.


When one has success in the private sector, America benefits
When one steals from the American taxpayer, America loses

How can you fucking lie like that?

Trump made his money illegally that is why he is hiding his tax returns.
Trump made money by not paying his contractors. Trump is the most inept corrupted US president ever. That’s been proven many times.

Biden and Pelosi? You have no single proof of evidence that Biden or Pelosi stolen from tax payers. Nothing NONE except your never ending bullshit.

Says CNN and PMSNBC.

My post are real facts and reality. I don’t fucking lie.
I watched both CNN and Fox News.

If you compared the 2. Fox News promotes conspiracies and lies what Trump is lying about.
But the new Trump Party believes wealth is bad

Trump made his money legally in the private sector.

Biden, McConnell, and Pelosi have stolen their money from the American taxpayer.


When one has success in the private sector, America benefits
When one steals from the American taxpayer, America loses

How can you fucking lie like that?

Trump made his money illegally that is why he is hiding his tax returns.
Trump made money by not paying his contractors. Trump is the most inept corrupted US president ever. That’s been proven many times.

Biden and Pelosi? You have no single proof of evidence that Biden or Pelosi stolen from tax payers. Nothing NONE except your never ending bullshit.

Says CNN and PMSNBC.

And I know you are a LIAR.

Show me a proof that Biden and Pelosi stole from tax payers.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?
I used to be a democrat. Back when they had a basic measure of common sense. When I vote for a creep like Trump in an effort to oppose the insane and illegal things the Democrats have done, I am disgusted with this country. We are broken.
But the new Trump Party believes wealth is bad

Trump made his money legally in the private sector.

Biden, McConnell, and Pelosi have stolen their money from the American taxpayer.


When one has success in the private sector, America benefits
When one steals from the American taxpayer, America loses

How can you fucking lie like that?

Trump made his money illegally that is why he is hiding his tax returns.
Trump made money by not paying his contractors. Trump is the most inept corrupted US president ever. That’s been proven many times.

Biden and Pelosi? You have no single proof of evidence that Biden or Pelosi stolen from tax payers. Nothing NONE except your never ending bullshit.

Says CNN and PMSNBC.

Your excuses of new here. Doesn’t give you an immunity to post an opinion that is a total LIE.
You post LIES and Bullshits just like your colleagues here. You will get blasted.
What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Little bump for Ray

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?

I wonder why Ray just can't bring himself to respond to this?

He had no problem with saying that Biden should drop out of the race if it is proven that he acted corruptly for his son's benefit.

But he just can't bring himself to say that Trump should resign if it is proven that he acted corruptly to influence our election.

Yeah- pretty cult-like.

You prove to me that Biden committed a crime- or that Biden took his actions with the specific intent of benefiting his family rather than for the benefit of the U.S.- and I will be glad to call for his resignation and prosecution.

That the Trumpskies are just unable to bring themselves to say the same thing about Trump just shows the cult like nature of the new Trump Party.

I'm not about to get in a pissing contest with you. I hate when I see posters go back and forth saying the same shit over and over. So for the last time: Biden was not Trump's rival when he placed the call. He isn't Trump's rival now. He won't be Trump's rival until Biden wins the nomination, which is looking pretty unstable since he didn't do good in Iowa, and is just about out of money. Biden was not (and is still not) President Trump's contender for the White House.

Going back and forth?

You accused the Biden of wrong doing back and forth which been debunked many times over. And they also slap Trump at his impeachment trial that is proven wrong about Biden.
Yet you keep repeating the same lies and dog shit about Biden.

It’s too early to say any of Trump challenger at this point. But 100% sure you and Trump is very scared of Biden.

Nothing has been proven wrong about Biden because it's never really been looked into. The prosecutor he had fired stated in an interview that the reason Joe had him fired is because he was indeed on Burisma's back, and yes, that included no-show Hunter and his big money position. It's the Democrats who are saying otherwise. So nothing has been proven, but I'll take the word of a corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor over a Democrat any day of the week.
LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Little bump for Ray

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?

I wonder why Ray just can't bring himself to respond to this?

He had no problem with saying that Biden should drop out of the race if it is proven that he acted corruptly for his son's benefit.

But he just can't bring himself to say that Trump should resign if it is proven that he acted corruptly to influence our election.

Yeah- pretty cult-like.

You prove to me that Biden committed a crime- or that Biden took his actions with the specific intent of benefiting his family rather than for the benefit of the U.S.- and I will be glad to call for his resignation and prosecution.

That the Trumpskies are just unable to bring themselves to say the same thing about Trump just shows the cult like nature of the new Trump Party.

I'm not about to get in a pissing contest with you. I hate when I see posters go back and forth saying the same shit over and over. So for the last time: Biden was not Trump's rival when he placed the call. He isn't Trump's rival now. He won't be Trump's rival until Biden wins the nomination, which is looking pretty unstable since he didn't do good in Iowa, and is just about out of money. Biden was not (and is still not) President Trump's contender for the White House.

Going back and forth?

You accused the Biden of wrong doing back and forth which been debunked many times over. And they also slap Trump at his impeachment trial that is proven wrong about Biden.
Yet you keep repeating the same lies and dog shit about Biden.

It’s too early to say any of Trump challenger at this point. But 100% sure you and Trump is very scared of Biden.

Nothing has been proven wrong about Biden because it's never really been looked into. The prosecutor he had fired stated in an interview that the reason Joe had him fired is because he was indeed on Burisma's back, and yes, that included no-show Hunter and his big money position. It's the Democrats who are saying otherwise. So nothing has been proven, but I'll take the word of a corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor over a Democrat any day of the week.
Of course- you will take the word of a corrupt prosecutor in the country you call the most corrupt country in the world- over any American.

that is how you Trumpkins roll.

Denial, Denial, Denial.
The party sheep always believe what they are told to believe
Depends on who is doing the TELLING. Seems the CommieCrats have 90% of the Media. So---If the shoe fits....

100% of the media is controlled by 6 major corporations 100% controlled by conservative republicans.

Which is why 90% of millenials, and generation z get their news from their smart phones.

Nobody with a brain trusts news sources controlled by conservative republicans.

Which explains Fox News large audience.
Yeah. Sure. And the sky is Red. NBC ,ABC ,CNN ,CBS all controlled by globalist Lib Commies. Proven fact. How about PROVING otherwise?

"Proven fact"

Whenever a Trumpsky says that you know that they are just pulling crap out of their asses again.
Economy says different.

Proving again:
"Proven fact"

Whenever a Trumpsky says that you know that they are just pulling crap out of their asses again.
Still waiting for all of these revelations
Democrats are hiding in fear.

Rudy used to be able to back up his threats
Says he has the goods. I believe it.
Yea....just like Trump said he had the goods on Obama’s birth certificate

I have my best people looking into it.....they can’t believe what they are finding

Trump and his lackeys have always relied on his gullible followers to not actually care about what he promised last week.

Their M.O. is to make big promises and big smears and just keep repeating them, knowing their gullible followers will never care that they all they are doing is repeating the same lies and smears and never actually deliver the evidence.

4. "I have people that have been studying [Obama's birth certificate] and they cannot believe what they're finding ... I would like to have him show his birth certificate, and can I be honest with you, I hope he can. Because if he can't, if he can't, if he wasn't born in this country, which is a real possibility ... then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics."
Only one problem with this. Besides the fact that it sucks. --The Economy is great. Market way up ,which means those with 401k's and IRA's are doin' good. ISIS is crushed. Rotten Iran and Paris deals kaput. Regulations cut to the bone ,allowing 8 MILLION new jobs. Unemployment at record low. Rather be a "Lackey" to someone who ACTS instead of a Flunky to a worthless guy who "Talks Nice". Maybe the traitor Dems should "Investigate" how this was done instead of carping the guy who made it happen.

The funny part is that you think that Trump 'made this happen'- because that is what your Dear Leader told you.

The Economy is doing great at the moment- and would be doing better if Trump hadn't started his stupid 'easy to win' trade war. Of course the economy is on a upward trajectory from the low point- when Obama took over to when Trump took over- Trump took a recovering economy and didn't screw it up enough for it to fail.

ISIS is crushed for now- just as Obama crushed Al Qaeda and had Osama Bin Ladin killed- both good things. Neither means we are safe from terrorists.

Are we safer from Iran right now- or not safer? Iran is now enriching uranium beyond what they were doing under Obama- and that makes you feel better?

A few regulations were cut- some good- some not so good. Mostly of course it has meant that Corporations have been given a pass to screw over consumers and the environment.

And new jobs? Obama already did that
Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Obama created 1.5 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.5 million more that Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

But thank you for trying to change the subject from your Dear Leader's birther lies.......typical.
Depends on who is doing the TELLING. Seems the CommieCrats have 90% of the Media. So---If the shoe fits....

That is why I discount 100% of the put your shoes back on, your feet stink.

Rudy made this same basic claim back in Nov and never produced a damn thing, and now he does it again and is 2 weeks past the date he gave and it never even occurred to you that he might be full of shit.

I wonder why that is.
Waiting for Durham ,of course. Better to hit a Grand Slam than a solo shot.

Just like Trump is waiting for his investigators to finish their investigation into Obama in Hawaii.........
And will release his taxes as soon as that five year audit is over
LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Little bump for Ray

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?

I wonder why Ray just can't bring himself to respond to this?

He had no problem with saying that Biden should drop out of the race if it is proven that he acted corruptly for his son's benefit.

But he just can't bring himself to say that Trump should resign if it is proven that he acted corruptly to influence our election.

Yeah- pretty cult-like.

You prove to me that Biden committed a crime- or that Biden took his actions with the specific intent of benefiting his family rather than for the benefit of the U.S.- and I will be glad to call for his resignation and prosecution.

That the Trumpskies are just unable to bring themselves to say the same thing about Trump just shows the cult like nature of the new Trump Party.

I'm not about to get in a pissing contest with you. I hate when I see posters go back and forth saying the same shit over and over. So for the last time: Biden was not Trump's rival when he placed the call. He isn't Trump's rival now. He won't be Trump's rival until Biden wins the nomination, which is looking pretty unstable since he didn't do good in Iowa, and is just about out of money. Biden was not (and is still not) President Trump's contender for the White House.

Going back and forth?

You accused the Biden of wrong doing back and forth which been debunked many times over. And they also slap Trump at his impeachment trial that is proven wrong about Biden.
Yet you keep repeating the same lies and dog shit about Biden.

It’s too early to say any of Trump challenger at this point. But 100% sure you and Trump is very scared of Biden.

Nothing has been proven wrong about Biden because it's never really been looked into. The prosecutor he had fired stated in an interview that the reason Joe had him fired is because he was indeed on Burisma's back, and yes, that included no-show Hunter and his big money position. It's the Democrats who are saying otherwise. So nothing has been proven, but I'll take the word of a corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor over a Democrat any day of the week.
Why not?
It has been five years....what are you waiting for?

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