Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Rudy Tutti should probably not throw stones in glass houses....

but its OK for Schiff to do that? I want to see Schiff under oath and asked about his dealings with the whistle blower.

The whistleblower did a service to our country

By making up a story? By lying? By conspiring with Schiff to create a fake report? How exactly is that a service to our country?
What was made up?
Trump admitted to everything he said

Did you even read the whistleblower complaint?

the transcript is very clear, there was no deal offered or forced. the funding was released, the meeting was held, no investigation was started or announced.

yes, I have read the lies created by the dem staffer (whistle blower) working with Schiff and his staff. its all lies. the house called 17 witnesses and not one of them alleged any wrong doing, they talked about their "assumptions" but assumptions are not evidence. If I assume that you have the brains of a toad, does that make it so?

neither Zelensky or anyone on his staff said there was any pressure, in fact they did not even know that the aid had been paused.

face it winger, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, and the rest of them are LYING to you.

The Transcript is complete- President Trump made a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

And the testimony shows that his private attorney demanded that Ukraine announce an investigation into the Biden's.

Virtually everything the whistleblower reported has been confirmed- either by the President himself, or by the witnesses and supporting evidence.

Face it- Trump and his lackeys are LYING to Americans. But you knew that. It is what they do every day.
I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

No Moon Bat you are confused.

I didn't catch the guys name because he was introduced before I turned on the show.but it was a guest on the Glenn Beck show that was an expert in Biden corruption. Not Glenn Beck.

I know you stupid Moon Bats don't want to hear about Biden's corruption but it is a fact. A cold hard fact. Just like you assholes didn't want to hear about Crooked Hillary's corruption. Shame!

You immoral Moon Bat filth don't know any more about Ethics as you do Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or the Constitution.
I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

No Moon Bat you are confused.

I didn't catch the guys name because he was introduced before I turned on the show.but it was a guest on the Glenn Beck show that was an expert in Biden corruption. Not Glenn Beck.

I know you stupid Moon Bats don't want to hear about Biden's corruption but it is a fact. A cold hard fact. Just like you assholes didn't want to hear about Crooked Hillary's corruption. Shame!

You immoral Moon Bat filth don't know any more about Ethics as you do Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or the Constitution.

If its a 'cold hard fact' then you must have tons of evidence.

Either you have such evidence- which by the way you should turn over to the FBI and the Attorney General because apparently they don't have it or
You don't have such evidence- and are just parroting what your Dear Leader and his right wing Propaganda quislings are telling you.

Which is it?
I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

You immoral Moon Bat filth don't know any more about Ethics .

I didn't vote for the guy who:
a) Cheated on his first wife.
b) Cheated on his second wife.
c) Cheated on his third wife with a porn star
d) Paid off the porn star not to tell Americans about his adultery
e) Brags about being able to grab women by the pussy.
f) Used his private charity to purchase portraits of himself that he then hung up at his own golf club.

Tell me more about these 'high ethical' standards you know so much about........
Oh, so now it's interfering in the election? Do you people make this stuff up as you go along?

Please explain how Trump was going to interfere in the election by looking for what the Biden's ACTUALLY DID???

Have you been living under a rock for the last 2 months?

Trump has never looked at what the Biden's actually did.
Trump did fire the ambassador that Giuliani and his two criminal associates had indicated were in the way of their anti-Biden campaign.
Trump did make a secret phone call to the President of Ukraine asking him to investigate his political rival- and his son.
Trump did have his personal attorney secretly demand that the President of the Ukraine personally announce an investigation into his political rival.
Trump has never made an official, written request to Ukraine to investigate the Bidens- no official paper trail.

Have I been living under a rock? You talk about all these secretive things going on, yet somehow, you know about them. Do you have friends in Ukraine or something???

Yes, Trump was looking into what the Biden's were up to. Nothing wrong or illegal about it. He (as CEO) has that authority.
We know about them thanks to the courage of a whistleblower.
Without the whistleblower, Trump would have gotten away with it

And we certainly can't have that; a US President asking another President to look into corruption of the last administration. Wow, what a crime that is.
Yes, it is a crime. Why on Earth would you want leaders of other countries being encouraged and welcomed to interfere with our elections?? :cuckoo:
Then you admit she's not innocent.
Uh, no. Fucking moron. :cuckoo:
Uh, yes, fucking moron.

Fucking moron be like, yuh-huh!
I'm mocking you, fucking moron.

libs are too dumb to know when they are being laughed at.

That's funny. You said you have me on ignore. So how do you know who he's posting to??

Thanks for revealing I'm not really on your ignore list. :mm:
He was told by his boss what Biden demanded.

That’s hearsay. Second hand information.

He's the one that got fired. You can't be more direct than that.

BREAKING: Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin FILES FEDERAL COMPLAINT Against Joe Biden

He doesn’t know why he was fired. He’s saying what someone told him what they heard was the reason he got fired. If you want direct, first hand testimony, your have to go to Poroshenko and see if he says that Biden told him why he wanted Shokin fired.

Until then, you’re relying on second hand information

Why would he lie? He got fired because of Biden. No reasonable person can deny that, because Joe is on video making the exact same claim. Or are you going to tell me that Joe has his information second hand too?
He was told by his boss what Biden demanded.

That’s hearsay. Second hand information.

He's the one that got fired. You can't be more direct than that.

BREAKING: Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin FILES FEDERAL COMPLAINT Against Joe Biden

He doesn’t know why he was fired. He’s saying what someone told him what they heard was the reason he got fired. If you want direct, first hand testimony, your have to go to Poroshenko and see if he says that Biden told him why he wanted Shokin fired.

Until then, you’re relying on second hand information

Why would he lie? He got fired because of Biden. No reasonable person can deny that, because Joe is on video making the exact same claim. Or are you going to tell me that Joe has his information second hand too?

Why would he lie? Really?
The United States, the IMF, the EU, and multiple Ukrainian watchdog groups all wanted this guy fired- both because he was not fighting corruption and for suspicions that he himself was corrupt.
So he got fired.

Now he is trying to claim he was unjustly fired.

Now what are the odds that a guy accused of corruption, in a country that is known for corruption would possibly lie for his own gain?
He was told by his boss what Biden demanded.

That’s hearsay. Second hand information.

He's the one that got fired. You can't be more direct than that.

BREAKING: Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin FILES FEDERAL COMPLAINT Against Joe Biden

He doesn’t know why he was fired. He’s saying what someone told him what they heard was the reason he got fired. If you want direct, first hand testimony, your have to go to Poroshenko and see if he says that Biden told him why he wanted Shokin fired.

Until then, you’re relying on second hand information

Why would he lie? He got fired because of Biden. No reasonable person can deny that, because Joe is on video making the exact same claim. Or are you going to tell me that Joe has his information second hand too?

Why would he lie? Really?
The United States, the IMF, the EU, and multiple Ukrainian watchdog groups all wanted this guy fired- both because he was not fighting corruption and for suspicions that he himself was corrupt.
So he got fired.

Now he is trying to claim he was unjustly fired.

Now what are the odds that a guy accused of corruption, in a country that is known for corruption would possibly lie for his own gain?

So what's the gain? There is no gain for him. Yes, he was corrupt, removed, and replaced by another prosecutor just as corrupt. But the commies didn't have any problem with the new corrupt prosecutor.

So what we have are two corrupt entities here: Shokin and the Democrats. I choose to believe Shokin. Given the Democrats record, he is much more trustworthy than they are.
That’s hearsay. Second hand information.

He's the one that got fired. You can't be more direct than that.

BREAKING: Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin FILES FEDERAL COMPLAINT Against Joe Biden

He doesn’t know why he was fired. He’s saying what someone told him what they heard was the reason he got fired. If you want direct, first hand testimony, your have to go to Poroshenko and see if he says that Biden told him why he wanted Shokin fired.

Until then, you’re relying on second hand information

Why would he lie? He got fired because of Biden. No reasonable person can deny that, because Joe is on video making the exact same claim. Or are you going to tell me that Joe has his information second hand too?

Why would he lie? Really?
The United States, the IMF, the EU, and multiple Ukrainian watchdog groups all wanted this guy fired- both because he was not fighting corruption and for suspicions that he himself was corrupt.
So he got fired.

Now he is trying to claim he was unjustly fired.

Now what are the odds that a guy accused of corruption, in a country that is known for corruption would possibly lie for his own gain?

So what's the gain? There is no gain for him. Yes, he was corrupt, removed, and replaced by another prosecutor just as corrupt. But the commies didn't have any problem with the new corrupt prosecutor.

So what we have are two corrupt entities here: Shokin and the Democrats. I choose to believe Shokin. Given the Democrats record, he is much more trustworthy than they are.

LOL you somehow left out the corrupt Trump family and the corrupt Republicans.

Of course you believe what your Dear Leader tells you to believe.

Of course you do.

After all- you believe that it made more sense for your Dear Leader to make a secret call to a corrupt country- Ukraine to get his American political opponent investigated- rather than asking the FBI to make a formal investigation of his political opponent.

He doesn’t know why he was fired. He’s saying what someone told him what they heard was the reason he got fired. If you want direct, first hand testimony, your have to go to Poroshenko and see if he says that Biden told him why he wanted Shokin fired.

Until then, you’re relying on second hand information

Why would he lie? He got fired because of Biden. No reasonable person can deny that, because Joe is on video making the exact same claim. Or are you going to tell me that Joe has his information second hand too?

Why would he lie? Really?
The United States, the IMF, the EU, and multiple Ukrainian watchdog groups all wanted this guy fired- both because he was not fighting corruption and for suspicions that he himself was corrupt.
So he got fired.

Now he is trying to claim he was unjustly fired.

Now what are the odds that a guy accused of corruption, in a country that is known for corruption would possibly lie for his own gain?

So what's the gain? There is no gain for him. Yes, he was corrupt, removed, and replaced by another prosecutor just as corrupt. But the commies didn't have any problem with the new corrupt prosecutor.

So what we have are two corrupt entities here: Shokin and the Democrats. I choose to believe Shokin. Given the Democrats record, he is much more trustworthy than they are.

LOL you somehow left out the corrupt Trump family and the corrupt Republicans.

Of course you believe what your Dear Leader tells you to believe.

Of course you do.

After all- you believe that it made more sense for your Dear Leader to make a secret call to a corrupt country- Ukraine to get his American political opponent investigated- rather than asking the FBI to make a formal investigation of his political opponent.

You mean the same FBI that got phony surveillance warrants? The same FBI who recently had somebody change FISA records? The same FBI that had agents constantly talking about the defeat of Donald Trump? That FBI?

There was no secret call. The call was monitored by 15 people as all presidential calls are to other foreign leaders.

You want me to believe that the VP's son, a drug addict, kicked out of the military, in and out of rehab was the most qualified for a job in a country his father was in charge of for 83K a month. The same father who's brother got a high paying job at a construction company, and had no construction experience, and that company landing a 1.5 billion dollar government contract?

Yeah, no corruption in the Biden family. It's a coincidence several of his family members are now wealthy thanks to government.

Yeah, I trust Shokin more than that corrupt bunch.
File this with the little yellow coward’s claims that Mueller would get Trump, Trump will be arrested, removed, blah, blah, blah. By the way ignorant one, Comey was TOLD by the New York field office that if he DIDN’T look into the classified info found on Weiner’s laptop from Hillary that they would go public with what they found. Funny how Dims keep ignoring that fact......

Are you ever not an imbecile? I never said Mueller would get Impeached Trump. I said all along I would wait for Mueller's report and would accept it no matter what he found. And I did, posting how Mueller exonerated Impeached Trump of collusion.

Amazing how every Dim here NEVER thought Mueller would get Trump. Even though that’s all we heard for over 2 years. Noting how little yellow coward avoids his LIE about Comey. Keep coming, slapping you never gets old.
So your answer to my question is a resounding-- hell no! :lol:

I’ve seen no evidence to date that trump colluded with Russia in regards to them hacking Democrats. So no, I have not made any such accusation. Like most others, I’m waiting for Mueller to release his report on the matter before I render a judgement on it.
Not this Liberal. I always said I would wait for the report to come out to render a judgement; and I did. And when the report came out, I said he's not guilty.

You would be the imbecile swinging a dildo around. Note you STILL avoid your blatant LIE about Comey and his “investigation”. Like the coward you are.


Your arm never tires, huh? :lmao:

You’re pathetic. You don’t even know what not taking a salary means. As has been proven as nauseous here. Repeat the same bullshit because you’re u can’t even refute facts. No, bitch slapping you never gets old. It’s fun watching you cry like the little yellow coward eunuch snowflake you are BITCh!
I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

You immoral Moon Bat filth don't know any more about Ethics .

I didn't vote for the guy who:
a) Cheated on his first wife.
b) Cheated on his second wife.
c) Cheated on his third wife with a porn star
d) Paid off the porn star not to tell Americans about his adultery
e) Brags about being able to grab women by the pussy.
f) Used his private charity to purchase portraits of himself that he then hung up at his own golf club.

Tell me more about these 'high ethical' standards you know so much about........

Joe Biden inappropriately touches children. Now STFU about your “high ethical standards”. Your side has NONE.
I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

You immoral Moon Bat filth don't know any more about Ethics .

I didn't vote for the guy who:
a) Cheated on his first wife.
b) Cheated on his second wife.
c) Cheated on his third wife with a porn star
d) Paid off the porn star not to tell Americans about his adultery
e) Brags about being able to grab women by the pussy.
f) Used his private charity to purchase portraits of himself that he then hung up at his own golf club.

Tell me more about these 'high ethical' standards you know so much about........

Joe Biden inappropriately touches children. Now STFU about your “high ethical standards”. Your side has NONE.

The Democrats have no morals.

Their agenda is to make this country a socialist shithole and they will lie, cheat and steal to do it.
Uh, no. Fucking moron. :cuckoo:
Uh, yes, fucking moron.

Fucking moron be like, yuh-huh!
I'm mocking you, fucking moron.

libs are too dumb to know when they are being laughed at.

That's funny. You said you have me on ignore. So how do you know who he's posting to??

Thanks for revealing I'm not really on your ignore list. :mm:
I didn't know before, but now he does.

Talk about a fucking moron.

Are you ever not an imbecile? I never said Mueller would get Impeached Trump. I said all along I would wait for Mueller's report and would accept it no matter what he found. And I did, posting how Mueller exonerated Impeached Trump of collusion.

Amazing how every Dim here NEVER thought Mueller would get Trump. Even though that’s all we heard for over 2 years. Noting how little yellow coward avoids his LIE about Comey. Keep coming, slapping you never gets old.
So your answer to my question is a resounding-- hell no! :lol:

I’ve seen no evidence to date that trump colluded with Russia in regards to them hacking Democrats. So no, I have not made any such accusation. Like most others, I’m waiting for Mueller to release his report on the matter before I render a judgement on it.
Not this Liberal. I always said I would wait for the report to come out to render a judgement; and I did. And when the report came out, I said he's not guilty.

You would be the imbecile swinging a dildo around. Note you STILL avoid your blatant LIE about Comey and his “investigation”. Like the coward you are.


Your arm never tires, huh? :lmao:

You’re pathetic. You don’t even know what not taking a salary means. As has been proven as nauseous here. Repeat the same bullshit because you’re u can’t even refute facts. No, bitch slapping you never gets old. It’s fun watching you cry like the little yellow coward eunuch snowflake you are BITCh!

Keep swingin' your purse, twink.


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