Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Here it is the end of the day on Wednesday, anyone seen this stuff from Rudy yet?

unlike the dems, Rudy will have everything together before he brings it. It will be a solid case, not a circus like the Schiff/Nadler fiasco

You are such a rube!!

Do you think the house impeachment case is solid and backed by facts? do you think it proves that any crimes or impeachable offenses were committed?

The corrupt dems are about to be held to account. Barr is doing a very careful and meticulous investigation and the results will be seen in the next few months.

You mean like Rudy released his 'findings' last Friday?

We have already seen that the corrupt Republicans are happy to cover up your Dear Leader's corrupt scheme in Ukraine.

Neither Rudy, Barr, or Durham have released any findings yet. They are getting it together and when it comes out it will be solid and some dem heads are going to roll.

Funny, the house impeachment committee didn't come up with any proven crimes or corruption. If you have some they would probably like to hear from you.
I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

the evidence of Biden corruption is available. its not propaganda, its solid evidence.
but its OK for Schiff to do that? I want to see Schiff under oath and asked about his dealings with the whistle blower.

The whistleblower did a service to our country

By making up a story? By lying? By conspiring with Schiff to create a fake report? How exactly is that a service to our country?
What was made up?
Trump admitted to everything he said

Did you even read the whistleblower complaint?

the transcript is very clear, there was no deal offered or forced. the funding was released, the meeting was held, no investigation was started or announced.

yes, I have read the lies created by the dem staffer (whistle blower) working with Schiff and his staff. its all lies. the house called 17 witnesses and not one of them alleged any wrong doing, they talked about their "assumptions" but assumptions are not evidence. If I assume that you have the brains of a toad, does that make it so?

neither Zelensky or anyone on his staff said there was any pressure, in fact they did not even know that the aid had been paused.

face it winger, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, and the rest of them are LYING to you.

The Transcript is complete- President Trump made a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

And the testimony shows that his private attorney demanded that Ukraine announce an investigation into the Biden's.

Virtually everything the whistleblower reported has been confirmed- either by the President himself, or by the witnesses and supporting evidence.

Face it- Trump and his lackeys are LYING to Americans. But you knew that. It is what they do every day.

the words of the transcript say otherwise, the president of Ukraine says otherwise, but you believe pencil neck Schiff, toad boy Nadler, and crazy old Nancy?
I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

the evidence of Biden corruption is available. its not propaganda, its solid evidence.

...and the Moon Bats don't give a shit because they don't have ethics or morality. They are so hell bent on making the US a socialist shithole so they can get their free shit that they will overlook Democrat leadership corruption.

They will give Biden a pass on his blatant corruption just like they gave Crooked Hillary a pass on her massive corruption.

The whistleblower did a service to our country

By making up a story? By lying? By conspiring with Schiff to create a fake report? How exactly is that a service to our country?
What was made up?
Trump admitted to everything he said

Did you even read the whistleblower complaint?

the transcript is very clear, there was no deal offered or forced. the funding was released, the meeting was held, no investigation was started or announced.

yes, I have read the lies created by the dem staffer (whistle blower) working with Schiff and his staff. its all lies. the house called 17 witnesses and not one of them alleged any wrong doing, they talked about their "assumptions" but assumptions are not evidence. If I assume that you have the brains of a toad, does that make it so?

neither Zelensky or anyone on his staff said there was any pressure, in fact they did not even know that the aid had been paused.

face it winger, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, and the rest of them are LYING to you.

The Transcript is complete- President Trump made a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

And the testimony shows that his private attorney demanded that Ukraine announce an investigation into the Biden's.

Virtually everything the whistleblower reported has been confirmed- either by the President himself, or by the witnesses and supporting evidence.

Face it- Trump and his lackeys are LYING to Americans. But you knew that. It is what they do every day.

the words of the transcript say otherwise, the president of Ukraine says otherwise, but you believe pencil neck Schiff, toad boy Nadler, and crazy old Nancy?

Amazing how every Dim here NEVER thought Mueller would get Trump. Even though that’s all we heard for over 2 years. Noting how little yellow coward avoids his LIE about Comey. Keep coming, slapping you never gets old.
So your answer to my question is a resounding-- hell no! :lol:

I’ve seen no evidence to date that trump colluded with Russia in regards to them hacking Democrats. So no, I have not made any such accusation. Like most others, I’m waiting for Mueller to release his report on the matter before I render a judgement on it.
Not this Liberal. I always said I would wait for the report to come out to render a judgement; and I did. And when the report came out, I said he's not guilty.

You would be the imbecile swinging a dildo around. Note you STILL avoid your blatant LIE about Comey and his “investigation”. Like the coward you are.


Your arm never tires, huh? :lmao:

You’re pathetic. You don’t even know what not taking a salary means. As has been proven as nauseous here. Repeat the same bullshit because you’re u can’t even refute facts. No, bitch slapping you never gets old. It’s fun watching you cry like the little yellow coward eunuch snowflake you are BITCh!

Keep swingin' your purse, twink.

Keep swinging that dildo you pathetic eunuch. Keep dodging your blatant LIE about the reopening of the email investigation (note the coward has yet to even attempt to refute this). Throwing gay insults, showing obvious Tourette’s and insecurity. As well as cowardice. You are bitch slapped again bitch.
I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

Boy are you stupid. And illiterate. Peter schweizer has outlined the Biden’s corruption in his new book. With documentation. There’s your evidence with documentation. But keep swallowing that Dim jizz like a good little Gruber.
Has Rudy released anything yet?

I doubt it if Giuliana will release anything. Like I posted several times. Graham sent him an open invitation to show what he got and that was December 18, 2019.

So far Rudy has not come out.

Graham warns Giuliani: 'I hope you know what you're talking about'

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned on Wednesday that if Rudy Giuliani, President Trump's personal lawyer, is going to publicly suggest a "cover-up" involving the Bidens and Ukraine "then I hope you know what you're talking about."

Graham's comments come after Giuliani took a trip to Ukraine this month and met with a host of former and current officials as part of an effort to unearth more dirt on Trump's political rivals, including 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Graham has invited Giuliani to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee over his concerns about corruption in Ukraine. He reiterated on Wednesday that Trump's lawyer has an "open invitation" before the panel he chairs.

"If he comes, you gotta be willing to ask questions about your conduct. It's just not good for the country to make these accusations on cable television without them being tested," Graham added.
I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

the evidence of Biden corruption is available. its not propaganda, its solid evidence.

WHERE are the evidence that Biden is corrupt? WHERE?

Do you want me to prove to you that Trump is proven corrupt?
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn? has been a whole week now...anyone have any idea where Rudy's dirt is?
I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

Boy are you stupid. And illiterate. Peter schweizer has outlined the Biden’s corruption in his new book. With documentation. There’s your evidence with documentation. But keep swallowing that Dim jizz like a good little Gruber.

Again- you have absolutely no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.

If Peter Schweizer had presented any evidence of any crimes, your Dear Leader's puppet AG would have already arrested Joe.

After all, we all know that all of this is about Trump trying to destroy his political opponent- if Trump could go beyond just secretly pressuring a foreign government to announce they were investigating Joe Biden- by actually having Biden arrested- your Dear Leader would not hesitate.

Why after 1200 posts in this thread hasn't one of you been able to provide any actual evidence of any crime committed by Joe? Because you have none- you just swallow your Dear Leaders jizz like the good little puppets you are. Just parroting Trump's propaganda and unable to think for yourself.

WHERE are the evidence that Biden is corrupt? WHERE?

You sound like one of these Moon Bats that thought Crooked Hillary was not corrupt. LOL!

The other day Pam Biden spent about 30 minutes laying out in great detail the corruption of the Bidens.

I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

the evidence of Biden corruption is available. its not propaganda, its solid evidence.

They will give Biden a pass on his blatant corruption just like they gave Crooked Hillary a pass on her massive corruption.

Still waiting for that evidence of corruption- if it is so blatant- why is it so hard for you to find?

WHERE are the evidence that Biden is corrupt? WHERE?

You sound like one of these Moon Bats that thought Crooked Hillary was not corrupt. LOL!

The other day Pam Biden spent about 30 minutes laying out in great detail the corruption of the Bidens.

You mean where Pam Biden spent that time once again not providing any evidence of crime or corruption by the Bidens?

Instead of refuting the corruption by Donald Trump?

WHERE are the evidence that Biden is corrupt? WHERE?

You sound like one of these Moon Bats that thought Crooked Hillary was not corrupt.

The other day Pam Biden spent about 30 minutes laying out in great detail the corruption of the Bidens.

So, why have they not yet been arrested?

Why hasn't Trump even made a formal request to have Ukraine investigate the Biden's?

Hell he doesn't have to worry about hiding a paper trail anymore- his secret scheme is out in the open.
I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

Boy are you stupid. And illiterate. Peter schweizer has outlined the Biden’s corruption in his new book. With documentation. There’s your evidence with documentation. But keep swallowing that Dim jizz like a good little Gruber.

LOL. This is hilarious.
Peter Schweitzer? Works for Breitbart.

One of his conspiracy crap theory work embraced by this inept president and Hannity was the Uranium One. Trump and Hannity mentioned this several times during his lying campaign.

Session assigned special investigators about Uranium One before he resigned. December 2019 proven to be 100% FAKE by Trump owned investigators.

Even Fox News blasted this Peter.

Fox's Bret Baier pretends Peter Schweizer is criticized for doing "opposition research" instead of for being wrong all the time

Baier's bad question erases the substance of critiques against Schweizer's work. His previous bombastic claims have been proved misleading at best or false at worst -- but only after they have done considerable damage to their targets by fueling incessant right-wing media smears.

Schweizer's total lack of credibility is best summed up by the sprawling saga of Uranium One, a conspiracy theory from his 2015 book, Clinton Cash, alleging that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton illegally authorized the sale of the company Uranium One and “20% of U.S. uranium deposits” to Russia.
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I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

Boy are you stupid. And illiterate. Peter schweizer has outlined the Biden’s corruption in his new book. With documentation. There’s your evidence with documentation. But keep swallowing that Dim jizz like a good little Gruber.

Again- you have absolutely no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.

If Peter Schweizer had presented any evidence of any crimes, your Dear Leader's puppet AG would have already arrested Joe.

After all, we all know that all of this is about Trump trying to destroy his political opponent- if Trump could go beyond just secretly pressuring a foreign government to announce they were investigating Joe Biden- by actually having Biden arrested- your Dear Leader would not hesitate.

Why after 1200 posts in this thread hasn't one of you been able to provide any actual evidence of any crime committed by Joe? Because you have none- you just swallow your Dear Leaders jizz like the good little puppets you are. Just parroting Trump's propaganda and unable to think for yourself.

Trump was asking Zelensky about possible corruption. Because he did, you want to make claim that Trump was doing so because Biden was going to be a political opponent. In other words, nobody can prove the Biden's did anything wrong, and if anybody looks, the commies will impeach Trump.

WHERE are the evidence that Biden is corrupt? WHERE?

You sound like one of these Moon Bats that thought Crooked Hillary was not corrupt. LOL!

The other day Pam Biden spent about 30 minutes laying out in great detail the corruption of the Bidens.

Oh Lordy.

Hillary tax returns and Clinton foundations are available. Trump is the president now why are they not in jail?

Corrupted disgusting dishonest Trump tax returns are not available and 100% proven corrupt. Fake Trump U and Fraudulent Trump foundation? Etc etc etc.....

Pam Bondy lies was blasted several times by the democrat managers. This is the same topics and LIARS like you keep promoting here. Bondi has no evidence what she is talking about.

Talking about corruption. The same corrupted attorney general who took $25,000 bribes from Trump Foundation not to prosecute Trump University.

I can assure you that high percentage of those impotent republicans senators. Don’t want that corrupted woman in there. If you want just to lie why not pick someone that has no record of corruption?
I went to the rifle range this morning. On the way back I had Glenn Beck on the radio. I didn't catch his name but Glenn had a guest on that was itemizing the corruption of the Biden family. My god the Biden family are corrupt assholes! Unbelievable! Tony Soprano would be envious.

Pam Bondi only scratched the surface the other day when she lambasted the sonofabitches on the floor of the Senate.

These filthy immoral Democrats want to give the Biden's a pass on their corruption just like they gave that piece of shit Crooked Hillary a pass. Despicable!

Okay to recap:
Glenn Beck told you the Biden's were corrupt.
Trump told you the Biden's were corrupt.
You have no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.
You just follow your Dear Leader and his Propaganda machine like the good little sheep you are.

Boy are you stupid. And illiterate. Peter schweizer has outlined the Biden’s corruption in his new book. With documentation. There’s your evidence with documentation. But keep swallowing that Dim jizz like a good little Gruber.

Again- you have absolutely no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.

If Peter Schweizer had presented any evidence of any crimes, your Dear Leader's puppet AG would have already arrested Joe.

After all, we all know that all of this is about Trump trying to destroy his political opponent- if Trump could go beyond just secretly pressuring a foreign government to announce they were investigating Joe Biden- by actually having Biden arrested- your Dear Leader would not hesitate.

Why after 1200 posts in this thread hasn't one of you been able to provide any actual evidence of any crime committed by Joe? Because you have none- you just swallow your Dear Leaders jizz like the good little puppets you are. Just parroting Trump's propaganda and unable to think for yourself.

Trump was asking Zelensky about possible corruption. Because he did, you want to make claim that Trump was doing so because Biden was going to be a political opponent. In other words, nobody can prove the Biden's did anything wrong, and if anybody looks, the commies will impeach Trump.

So far after several threads of the same topic.

You have not proven any wrongdoing by the Bidens. Except bunch of crap and lies.
You support Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor in Ukraine.

What that makes you? A corrupted disgusting dishonest person.

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