Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

So he passes on $400K while doubling the membership fees at his club to $200K.

Yeah, what a sacrifice.

Taxpayers are not forced to pay to join his club. Neither is anyone else. It is completely voluntary.
Tax payers are still paying his salary, ya dumbfuck.


He isn't getting a "salary". It is being donated, dummy. Try to get over your TDS and follow along.
Dayum, you cultist freaks are dumb as shit. :eusa_doh:

He's Constitutionally required to be paid a salary. Even though he donates it, we still pay it.

But HE is not getting a salary. YOU are dumb as shit for not getting that little detail.
He's making that back just renting the Doral to the RNC for 4 times the going rate.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?
So, when is this supposed to happen?

It's been over a week and not a word from Rudy. be that he was lying

He is? Then why didn't he drop it the 20 years I worked for him before? You people are incredibly naive.

Did Obama make him do it?

Did the government make him do it?

Or did he choose freely to do it?

You really have a thing against personal responsibility.
And I said he is not getting a salary because he donates it. So therefore HE is not getting it. Get it?

He could not donate it if he did not first get it...thus he IS getting a salary. He is just choosing to donate it, or so we are told.
Again- you have absolutely no evidence that the Biden's were corrupt.

If Peter Schweizer had presented any evidence of any crimes, your Dear Leader's puppet AG would have already arrested Joe.

After all, we all know that all of this is about Trump trying to destroy his political opponent- if Trump could go beyond just secretly pressuring a foreign government to announce they were investigating Joe Biden- by actually having Biden arrested- your Dear Leader would not hesitate.

Why after 1200 posts in this thread hasn't one of you been able to provide any actual evidence of any crime committed by Joe? Because you have none- you just swallow your Dear Leaders jizz like the good little puppets you are. Just parroting Trump's propaganda and unable to think for yourself.

Trump was asking Zelensky about possible corruption. Because he did, you want to make claim that Trump was doing so because Biden was going to be a political opponent. In other words, nobody can prove the Biden's did anything wrong, and if anybody looks, the commies will impeach Trump.

You are a LIAR Dude. You proved yourself a corrupted disgusting dishonest person.

I’m will not surprised if you don’t have criminal record.

Post #1229 gave you the real facts evidence that you can research.

Yet you and the rest keep repeating the same lying BULLSHIT post. Aren’t you embarrassed being blasted by your ignorance just because you support Shokin?

What did I lie about? Was Trump not impeached because they found out he was asking about the Biden's?

Are you asking about your lies?

I'm asking you to show me where I lied. You can't because I don't lie.

1. You posted several times Obama an anti business. I asked you to prove it. You came out NOTHING. You lied.

2. You posted several times Trump deregulations created jobs. You came out NOTHING. You lied.

3. Trump Tax. How can you benefits Trump tax cuts? A truck driver income? You lied.

I did benefit from Trump corporate tax cut.
YOU a truck driver?
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?

Wow, going on 10 days since Rudy said he would give us his dirt...any clue where he left it?
Sure, it is festering as MORE NEWS comes out....Guess you don't read much, Braille is hard to do on the internet!

I cannot wait to bring up this thread in 6 months when Rudy still has not given a single thing and see your excuses then.

Sort of like this thread from Nov in which Rudy was again full of shit...

Giuliana says he'll expose "pay to play" scheme under Obama Administration

When will you rubes ever learn your lesson.

When are you going to learn anything you lying leftist latrine cleaner? Again moron, where’s your “iron clad proof of Russian collusion” YOUR side claims to have had for 3 years? If being stupid is painful, you must be bedridden as dumb as you show yourself on a daily basis. Or are you blaming your stupidity on Trump too, like you do all your other poor decisions?
He is? Then why didn't he drop it the 20 years I worked for him before? You people are incredibly naive.

Did Obama make him do it?

Did the government make him do it?

Or did he choose freely to do it?

You really have a thing against personal responsibility.

How is that? When I was looking for a job, I made sure I got one that provided that coverage. Thanks to the commies, I lost it.

But since you insist on playing stupid, I'll take your hand and explain it to you. Our business structure was such where employers offered healthcare benefits to attract and keep workers. Nobody really wanted to to it, but it was pretty much par for getting good employees.

When Commie Care started, it was an opportunity for employers to get rid of healthcare because other employers were doing the same thing. They were less concerned about losing workers to other companies since they were dropping (or already dropped) coverage as well. The Commies provided that opportunity.

When I went looking for another job, I was shocked to find out how many said they no longer had that benefit. They dropped it X years ago, around the time when Commie Care started.

It was no accident either. They knew how employers would respond, thus eventually making more Americans government dependent. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
When are you going to learn anything you lying leftist latrine cleaner? Again moron, where’s your “iron clad proof of Russian collusion” YOUR side claims to have had for 3 years? If being stupid is painful, you must be bedridden as dumb as you show yourself on a daily basis. Or are you blaming your stupidity on Trump too, like you do all your other poor decisions?

I do not have a side and I have 100's of post on here of me saying that I did not think that Trump did anything illegal, that he should not have been investigated by Mueller and should not have been impeached.

You are a fucking moron that has no clue at all of what you speak.
Why would he lie? He got fired because of Biden. No reasonable person can deny that, because Joe is on video making the exact same claim. Or are you going to tell me that Joe has his information second hand too?
Why did it take 4 months, from Biden asking, to the Ukes firing him?

Biden sure did put his thumb on the scale eh? They were so in fear of Biden's threat, they waited 4 months to fire Shokin and they waited, until Shokin's two prosecutors were raided and found with piles of loose diamonds, from their payoffs by the corrupt companies they would not prosecute... then the Ukrainians protested Shokin cuz he didn't prosecute the Diamond Prosecutors and let them slide on being bribed, until the Ukrainian President finally fired him.

Is that the new liberal lie now, that Joe wanted him fired for four months?

Supposedly, Joe wanted him fired for the only reason that he was corrupt. So he was fired, and they put somebody else in there that was just as corrupt. Why didn't Joe demand he be gone too? That corrupt prosecutor didn't seem to bother Joe as much, only Shokin did.

It's not like this is an isolated incident when it comes to Joe's family members getting wealthy from Joe's position in government. He has a history of it. The problem is, Hillary was supposed to win and keep this all under the rug. Now that Trump is looking into what went on with Joe and his dealings, the commies are scrambling to find a way to try and get rid of him.
Joe worked with other world leaders. He was open with what he was doing and why. He did not ask for personal favors.

Biden did not lock away the conversation, he did not demand secrecy. It did not take a whistleblower to reveal what was going on

Talk about secrecy, why didn't Schiff Face bring forth the testimony from the 18th witness? Why did he hide that testimony, or not bring him to the open House inquiry for Republicans to question?

According to Shokin, on video, he stated that Joe got him fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter. If that's the case, then Joe did get him fired for personal reasons, which was to protect his son.
That was up to the Defense team to call their witnesses friend and hostile, to the trial, for them to Question, but the FIX WAS IN, and The DEFENSE wanted no witnesses so the Rs voted to allow no witnesses and no additional new documents pertaining to the FAUX Senate trial.

Hard to call witnesses when Schitt for brains wouldn’t allow them. So you can STFU about the Senate when YOU were the ones rigging the process from the start. It’s not fun when you can’t bully people and you get your asses handed to you.
How is that? When I was looking for a job, I made sure I got one that provided that coverage. Thanks to the commies, I lost it.

But since you insist on playing stupid, I'll take your hand and explain it to you. Our business structure was such where employers offered healthcare benefits to attract and keep workers. Nobody really wanted to to it, but it was pretty much par for getting good employees.

When Commie Care started, it was an opportunity for employers to get rid of healthcare because other employers were doing the same thing. They were less concerned about losing workers to other companies since they were dropping (or already dropped) coverage as well. The Commies provided that opportunity.

When I went looking for another job, I was shocked to find out how many said they no longer had that benefit. They dropped it X years ago, around the time when Commie Care started.

It was no accident either. They knew how employers would respond, thus eventually making more Americans government dependent. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Your employer choose to get rid of it, why do you blame Obama for the actions of your employer?
And I said he is not getting a salary because he donates it. So therefore HE is not getting it. Get it?

He could not donate it if he did not first get it...thus he IS getting a salary. He is just choosing to donate it, or so we are told.

You are incredibly stupid you latrine cleaner. It’s been documented numerous times that Trump donates his salary. Thus he does not receive a salary no matter how much you lie and like to make yourself look like the idiot you are you lying leftist.
When are you going to learn anything you lying leftist latrine cleaner? Again moron, where’s your “iron clad proof of Russian collusion” YOUR side claims to have had for 3 years? If being stupid is painful, you must be bedridden as dumb as you show yourself on a daily basis. Or are you blaming your stupidity on Trump too, like you do all your other poor decisions?

I do not have a side and I have 100's of post on here of me saying that I did not think that Trump did anything illegal, that he should not have been investigated by Mueller and should not have been impeached.

You are a fucking moron that has no clue at all of what you speak.

Lies, lies, and more lies from a lying leftist. Keep it up internet tough guy. I laugh at you like the other poster you threatened did you pissant. You are a lying asshole who has trouble with basic math. As has been shown here several times as well. Now cry some more latrine cleaner, laughing at your feeble responses is entertaining.
How is that? When I was looking for a job, I made sure I got one that provided that coverage. Thanks to the commies, I lost it.

But since you insist on playing stupid, I'll take your hand and explain it to you. Our business structure was such where employers offered healthcare benefits to attract and keep workers. Nobody really wanted to to it, but it was pretty much par for getting good employees.

When Commie Care started, it was an opportunity for employers to get rid of healthcare because other employers were doing the same thing. They were less concerned about losing workers to other companies since they were dropping (or already dropped) coverage as well. The Commies provided that opportunity.

When I went looking for another job, I was shocked to find out how many said they no longer had that benefit. They dropped it X years ago, around the time when Commie Care started.

It was no accident either. They knew how employers would respond, thus eventually making more Americans government dependent. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Your employer choose to get rid of it, why do you blame Obama for the actions of your employer?

Time to educate you again latrine cleaner. Had Obozocare not been shoved through against the wishes of the people, his employer would not have dropped coverage. Cause and effect. Of course, one needs a job to realize these things.
Trump was asking Zelensky about possible corruption. Because he did, you want to make claim that Trump was doing so because Biden was going to be a political opponent. In other words, nobody can prove the Biden's did anything wrong, and if anybody looks, the commies will impeach Trump.

You are a LIAR Dude. You proved yourself a corrupted disgusting dishonest person.

I’m will not surprised if you don’t have criminal record.

Post #1229 gave you the real facts evidence that you can research.

Yet you and the rest keep repeating the same lying BULLSHIT post. Aren’t you embarrassed being blasted by your ignorance just because you support Shokin?

What did I lie about? Was Trump not impeached because they found out he was asking about the Biden's?

Are you asking about your lies?

I'm asking you to show me where I lied. You can't because I don't lie.

1. You posted several times Obama an anti business. I asked you to prove it. You came out NOTHING. You lied.

2. You posted several times Trump deregulations created jobs. You came out NOTHING. You lied.

3. Trump Tax. How can you benefits Trump tax cuts? A truck driver income? You lied.

I did benefit from Trump corporate tax cut.
YOU a truck driver?

One of the first things Ears did when he took office was force auto dealerships to close down. Next was the Gulf oil that he shut down as well. In spite of court orders to reopen, he refused the court and the rigs moved out of the Gulf, and all the businesses that benefited from oil drilling closed down as well.

Next he went after the tobacco industry. Besides the high tax increase (nobody making less than 250K will see a tax increase of any kind) he attacked the American Indians. They made a living from selling tobacco products via mail. DumBama put a stop to that. Afterwards, he instituted a tax on all the roll-your-own tobacco stores putting all of those Americans out of business as well.

Let's not forget his attack on coal that closed down hundreds of mines and put tens of thousands of Americans out of work. That of course shut down coal powered electric plants putting those people out of work. His attacks on Gibson guitar company only halted when the owner threatened to move the operation out of the US. The feds closed down and fined the company for the type of wood they've always used for their fine products. The wood they used was no different than their rival company, Fender guitars. But Fender was supporters of the Democrat party, and Gibson usually poised themselves as Republican supporters.

I won't go into details of how Commie Care put dozens of hospitals out of business, not to mention medical suppliers. But I think you get the point here. DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime.
You are incredibly stupid you latrine cleaner. It’s been documented numerous times that Trump donates his salary. Thus he does not receive a salary no matter how much you lie and like to make yourself look like the idiot you are you lying leftist.

His salary is paid to him and then he donates it. If he did not receive it first, he could not ever donate it.

You are just a moron with no logic skills.
Time to educate you again latrine cleaner. Had Obozocare not been shoved through against the wishes of the people, his employer would not have dropped coverage. Cause and effect. Of course, one needs a job to realize these things.

His employer made that choice, he was not forced to do it.
How is that? When I was looking for a job, I made sure I got one that provided that coverage. Thanks to the commies, I lost it.

But since you insist on playing stupid, I'll take your hand and explain it to you. Our business structure was such where employers offered healthcare benefits to attract and keep workers. Nobody really wanted to to it, but it was pretty much par for getting good employees.

When Commie Care started, it was an opportunity for employers to get rid of healthcare because other employers were doing the same thing. They were less concerned about losing workers to other companies since they were dropping (or already dropped) coverage as well. The Commies provided that opportunity.

When I went looking for another job, I was shocked to find out how many said they no longer had that benefit. They dropped it X years ago, around the time when Commie Care started.

It was no accident either. They knew how employers would respond, thus eventually making more Americans government dependent. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Your employer choose to get rid of it, why do you blame Obama for the actions of your employer?

How many times to I have to explain this to you? Are you a child or something? DumBama and Commie Care prompted businesses to drop coverage, so millions of Americans would become government dependent. It was planned that way by the administration.

The company I work for is in competition with other companies like any other industry. Once one company drops coverage, all must drop it to maintain their competitive edge. If they have huge expenses that other companies no longer have, then it puts that company at a great disadvantage.

Does that make sense now?
How many times to I have to explain this to you? Are you a child or something? DumBama and Commie Care prompted businesses to drop coverage, so millions of Americans would become government dependent. It was planned that way by the administration.

The company I work for is in competition with other companies like any other industry. Once one company drops coverage, all must drop it to maintain their competitive edge. If they have huge expenses that other companies no longer have, then it puts that company at a great disadvantage?

Does that make sense now?

You are still blaming the government for a choice your employer made. In the end it was your employers decision and nobody else's.
How many times to I have to explain this to you? Are you a child or something? DumBama and Commie Care prompted businesses to drop coverage, so millions of Americans would become government dependent. It was planned that way by the administration.

The company I work for is in competition with other companies like any other industry. Once one company drops coverage, all must drop it to maintain their competitive edge. If they have huge expenses that other companies no longer have, then it puts that company at a great disadvantage?

Does that make sense now?

You are still blaming the government for a choice your employer made. In the end it was your employers decision and nobody else's.

And what choice was that? Eventually losing his customers to companies that provided lower rates because they dropped their coverage, or dropping his as well to keep up with everybody else to try and keep his rates lower?

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