Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Because his last name was Biden. It wasn't illegal. Questionable ethically, but perfectly legal. Do you really want to start getting into an ethical discussion when Trump is president?

and what exactly did the Ukrainian gas company expect in return for their 83K per year? It was an attempt to buy influence in the obama white house through Biden. That is corruption, and Uncle Joe and Barry instigated it.

I just told you, moron. Name recognition. They could say they have a Biden on their board. And? Seriously, with Trump in office, this really is not a rock you want to turn over...but don't let me stop you.

Can you please tell me how name recognition would help a company? Would they get more customers? Would that name create more profit?

It's no secret that Burisma is one of the most corrupt companies in one of the most corrupt countries of the world. So if you were in charge of Burisma, how would you keep people (and the US government) off your back? Think real hard now.

Emails Reveal Burisma Consulting Firm Leveraged Hunter Biden To Get State Dept. Meetings
Here is what corruption looks like with connections
And name dropping
in high places..

Trump and Giuliani should not throw stones in glass houses.... THEY are the crooked trying to deflect.

Oh, my!!

President Donald Trump pressed then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to help persuade the Justice Department to drop a criminal case against an Iranian-Turkish gold trader who was a client of Rudy Giuliani, according to three people familiar with the 2017 meeting in the Oval Office.
Tillerson refused, arguing it would constitute interference in an ongoing investigation of the trader, Reza Zarrab, according to the people. They said other participants in the Oval Office were shocked by the request.

Trump Urged Top Aide to Help Giuliani Client Facing DOJ Charges

Ah, on the (witch) hunt again. The Democrats can't stand the fact they can't beat Trump in an election so they continue their never-ending hunt.
the only witch hunts are done by Trump the Terrible, and his minions....with their never ending investigations in to Clinton, always netting NOTHING, and in to investigations in to investigators blah blah blah.... and Bidens, and Cowdstrike, and whomever they can conjure up..... to deflect from the absolutely MOST CORRUPT administration in my lifetime and yours as well..... sad!
When are you going to learn anything you lying leftist latrine cleaner? Again moron, where’s your “iron clad proof of Russian collusion” YOUR side claims to have had for 3 years? If being stupid is painful, you must be bedridden as dumb as you show yourself on a daily basis. Or are you blaming your stupidity on Trump too, like you do all your other poor decisions?

I do not have a side and I have 100's of post on here of me saying that I did not think that Trump did anything illegal, that he should not have been investigated by Mueller and should not have been impeached.

You are a fucking moron that has no clue at all of what you speak.

Yes or no, a President should be able to use the power of his office to exert pressure on a foreign country to dig up dirt on political rivals.

Well now that Bernie is starting to show some power, will the Democrats offer a public House apology to the President if Bernie wins? After all, if Sander's gets the nomination, then Biden was never Trump's political rival--Bernie was. So it's a bogus impeachment.

An apology because the corrupt Senate says that Trump is guilty but the offence isn't serious enough to remove him from office. Are you that fucking deranged, or are you not going to try to convince us that Trump didn't try to extort the Ukrainians now?

The Senate just took a giant shit on the Constitution and you want Democrats to apologize. Republicans are dumber than a sack of hammers.

Yes I do want that, but as we all know, the Democrats don't have the integrity to admit they made a mistake.

It was all centered on Biden, because the libs made up this lie that Biden was his rival. They knew almost a year ahead of time who Trump was going to be facing. You see, in our country, quid pro quo's have been used by many Presidents, so it's not considered extortion. That's why when Biden did it, nobody from the Republican side went after him or DumBama.

Their bogus impeachment claim was less about a quid pro quo, and more of what he wanted it for, which was for Zelensky to look into the Burisma/ Biden situation. But as we all know, no quid pro quo was mentioned in the phone call.

So if Biden doesn't get the nomination, then the entire impeachment was based on lies and false information. Since you can't take back an impeachment, the very least they should do is make a public apology to the President for falsely impeaching him.
Have you ever answered these questions? please do NOT respond to this post UNLESS you answer these questions....

1. why did Trump require the Ukrainian President to MAKE A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT in to Burisma/the Bidens being investigated on CNN in order to get the coveted white house meeting and military aid?

2. Why did Trump use his campaign operative, Giuliani and his accused felon friends, instead of following the legal channels for corruption investigations abroad, with AG Barr?
Ok this is on page 74 and I have periodically checked in to see the release of these names. Did I miss them? Where is Rudy?
I do not have a side and I have 100's of post on here of me saying that I did not think that Trump did anything illegal, that he should not have been investigated by Mueller and should not have been impeached.

You are a fucking moron that has no clue at all of what you speak.

Yes or no, a President should be able to use the power of his office to exert pressure on a foreign country to dig up dirt on political rivals.

Well now that Bernie is starting to show some power, will the Democrats offer a public House apology to the President if Bernie wins? After all, if Sander's gets the nomination, then Biden was never Trump's political rival--Bernie was. So it's a bogus impeachment.

An apology because the corrupt Senate says that Trump is guilty but the offence isn't serious enough to remove him from office. Are you that fucking deranged, or are you not going to try to convince us that Trump didn't try to extort the Ukrainians now?

The Senate just took a giant shit on the Constitution and you want Democrats to apologize. Republicans are dumber than a sack of hammers.

Yes I do want that, but as we all know, the Democrats don't have the integrity to admit they made a mistake.

It was all centered on Biden, because the libs made up this lie that Biden was his rival. They knew almost a year ahead of time who Trump was going to be facing. You see, in our country, quid pro quo's have been used by many Presidents, so it's not considered extortion. That's why when Biden did it, nobody from the Republican side went after him or DumBama.

Their bogus impeachment claim was less about a quid pro quo, and more of what he wanted it for, which was for Zelensky to look into the Burisma/ Biden situation. But as we all know, no quid pro quo was mentioned in the phone call.

So if Biden doesn't get the nomination, then the entire impeachment was based on lies and false information. Since you can't take back an impeachment, the very least they should do is make a public apology to the President for falsely impeaching him.
Have you ever answered these questions? please do NOT respond to this post UNLESS you answer these questions....

1. why did Trump require the Ukrainian President to MAKE A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT in to Burisma/the Bidens being investigated on CNN in order to get the coveted white house meeting and military aid?

2. Why did Trump use his campaign operative, Giuliani and his accused felon friends, instead of following the legal channels for corruption investigations abroad, with AG Barr?

Ukraine is renown for saying they'll do something and never coming through. Trump believed that if he made a public announcement, it would hold Zelensky more accountable. As per the Senate trial, it was pointed out that Trump extended a White House meeting with Zelensky on several occasions. So it's another lie that Trump was holding that over his head to get an invitation to the White House.

Rudy is Trump's lawyer. He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions. He was acting on Trump's behalf--not the USA, although he did go to Ukraine on one occasion at the request of the State Department.
Rudy is Trump's lawyer. He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions. He was acting on Trump's behalf--not the USA, although he did go to Ukraine on one occasion at the request of the State Department.

Should the president of the US use his power and position to coerce another county into helping his personal lawyer for his personal benefit?
Rudy is Trump's lawyer. He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions. He was acting on Trump's behalf--not the USA, although he did go to Ukraine on one occasion at the request of the State Department.

Should the president of the US use his power and position to coerce another county into helping his personal lawyer for his personal benefit?

No, that's why Trump didn't do it. I don't know how many times this has to be repeated: JOE BIDEN WAS NOT TRUMP'S RIVAL. HE STILL DOESN'T KNOW. HE WON'T KNOW WHO HE WILL BE FACING UNTIL THIS SUMMER!!!!

That's why this impeachment is a farce. It's made up of pure lies.
Rudy is Trump's lawyer. He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions. He was acting on Trump's behalf--not the USA, although he did go to Ukraine on one occasion at the request of the State Department.

Should the president of the US use his power and position to coerce another county into helping his personal lawyer for his personal benefit?

No, that's why Trump didn't do it. I don't know how many times this has to be repeated: JOE BIDEN WAS NOT TRUMP'S RIVAL. HE STILL DOESN'T KNOW. HE WON'T KNOW WHO HE WILL BE FACING UNTIL THIS SUMMER!!!!

That's why this impeachment is a farce. It's made up of pure lies.

You just said Rudy went there to find proof of his clients in innocence. Trump asked for help with that, and that was for Trump’s on personal benefit.
Rudy is Trump's lawyer. He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions. He was acting on Trump's behalf--not the USA, although he did go to Ukraine on one occasion at the request of the State Department.

Should the president of the US use his power and position to coerce another county into helping his personal lawyer for his personal benefit?

No, that's why Trump didn't do it. I don't know how many times this has to be repeated: JOE BIDEN WAS NOT TRUMP'S RIVAL. HE STILL DOESN'T KNOW. HE WON'T KNOW WHO HE WILL BE FACING UNTIL THIS SUMMER!!!!

That's why this impeachment is a farce. It's made up of pure lies.

You just said Rudy went there to find proof of his clients in innocence. Trump asked for help with that, and that was for Trump’s on personal benefit.

No, that is what your attorney is supposed to do. That's what you pay him for. The commies accused Trump of X, and in preparation, you gather information for your defense. Trump had no idea if his people (including Rudy) would be subpoenaed for testimony before the House. He had no idea if the Senate would call witnesses.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?
Well, it's been a week now. Anything further from Rudy? Didn't think so. Once again you create a thread with some baseless horseshit and no link.

unlike the dems , Rudy will have his shit together before going public. its coming, be patient.

Rudy ? Shit together??:rofl::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

We shall see.

Now that we know that Schiff''s daughter is dating the whistle blower ( who schiff claimed to not know) the plot becomes much more clear.

Sorry, but your corrupt lying dems are going down.
You wouldn't know facts if they crawled up your ass and shot out your nose.

Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine

At the time of his board appointment, the younger Mr. Biden had just been discharged from the Navy Reserve for drug use. He had no apparent experience in Ukraine or natural gas. And while accepting the board position was legal, it reportedly raised some eyebrows in the Obama administration. The Burisma board position was lucrative: Mr. Biden received payments that reached up to $50,000 per month.

A year later, Viktor Shokin became Ukraine’s prosecutor general, a job similar to the attorney general in the United States. He vowed to keep investigating Burisma amid an international push to root out corruption in Ukraine.

But the investigation went dormant under Mr. Shokin. In the fall of 2015, Joe Biden joined the chorus of Western officials calling for Mr. Shokin’s ouster. The next March, Mr. Shokin was fired. A subsequent prosecutor cleared Mr. Zlochevsky.

nothing in your cite refutes the FACT that Hunter was given the 83K/month board job because Joe was VP and was assigned to Ukrainian relations.

Why the furk do you think they put him on the board? It was influence buying plain and simple, and then daddy Joe got the prosecutor fired in exchange for the release of a billion in foreign aid to Ukraine, he bragged about it on national TV. Everyone has seen the clip "if you want the money you must fire the guy, and son of a bitch, he was fired"

geez, woman. are you really as dumb as you seem?

So? There's nothing illegal about that now is there? Do you really want to start in on politician's children getting positions above their paygrade? Really?

sure, lets do it, starting with Chelsea Clinton, Hunter Biden, the kids of Pelosi and Romney. Sure, bring it. Trump's kids are actually working in his or their businesses, not some fake board job or made up government position.
Sure, let’s get into the Trump kids and their Top Secret Security clearances.
Let’s get into Jared Kushner and his international conflicts of interest

Bring it on

You mean the ones they were denied because of all their overseas "entanglements"?

Whistleblower says Ivanka, Jared got security clearance over experts' advice

all security clearances are reviewed, some are denied, most are approved. your cite proves nothing except that there are a lot of biased trump haters writing articles.
Because his last name was Biden. It wasn't illegal. Questionable ethically, but perfectly legal. Do you really want to start getting into an ethical discussion when Trump is president?

and what exactly did the Ukrainian gas company expect in return for their 83K per year? It was an attempt to buy influence in the obama white house through Biden. That is corruption, and Uncle Joe and Barry instigated it.

I just told you, moron. Name recognition. They could say they have a Biden on their board. And? Seriously, with Trump in office, this really is not a rock you want to turn over...but don't let me stop you.

Can you please tell me how name recognition would help a company? Would they get more customers? Would that name create more profit?

It's no secret that Burisma is one of the most corrupt companies in one of the most corrupt countries of the world. So if you were in charge of Burisma, how would you keep people (and the US government) off your back? Think real hard now.

Emails Reveal Burisma Consulting Firm Leveraged Hunter Biden To Get State Dept. Meetings
Here is what corruption looks like with connections
And name dropping
in high places..

Trump and Giuliani should not throw stones in glass houses.... THEY are the crooked trying to deflect.

Oh, my!!

President Donald Trump pressed then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to help persuade the Justice Department to drop a criminal case against an Iranian-Turkish gold trader who was a client of Rudy Giuliani, according to three people familiar with the 2017 meeting in the Oval Office.
Tillerson refused, arguing it would constitute interference in an ongoing investigation of the trader, Reza Zarrab, according to the people. They said other participants in the Oval Office were shocked by the request.

Trump Urged Top Aide to Help Giuliani Client Facing DOJ Charges

Ah, on the (witch) hunt again. The Democrats can't stand the fact they can't beat Trump in an election so they continue their never-ending hunt.

Ya ya ya...coming from the party that vowed to make Obama a one term president the day he was inaugurated...that don't mean much :lol:
nothing in your cite refutes the FACT that Hunter was given the 83K/month board job because Joe was VP and was assigned to Ukrainian relations.

Why the furk do you think they put him on the board? It was influence buying plain and simple, and then daddy Joe got the prosecutor fired in exchange for the release of a billion in foreign aid to Ukraine, he bragged about it on national TV. Everyone has seen the clip "if you want the money you must fire the guy, and son of a bitch, he was fired"

geez, woman. are you really as dumb as you seem?

So? There's nothing illegal about that now is there? Do you really want to start in on politician's children getting positions above their paygrade? Really?

sure, lets do it, starting with Chelsea Clinton, Hunter Biden, the kids of Pelosi and Romney. Sure, bring it. Trump's kids are actually working in his or their businesses, not some fake board job or made up government position.
Sure, let’s get into the Trump kids and their Top Secret Security clearances.
Let’s get into Jared Kushner and his international conflicts of interest

Bring it on

if you think you have something, post it

no crap from NY times or MSNBC

Cashing In On The White House Connection: It's Not Just Hunter Biden

But Trump has relatives making business deals too. Trump has never really separated himself from his family's business, the Trump Organization, which is run by his sons, Eric and Donald Jr., and the family has frequently been accused of seeking to profit off the presidency.

The Trumps' business dealings are even more questionable, Zelizer says, because Trump's daughter Ivanka and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, actually work in the White House.

"Billy Carter was not in the White House. He was not making decisions with the president, and that was the case with Neil Bush, too. So what we're talking about now is fundamentally different," Zelizer says.
Trump the corruption fighter? Start with his business, family, himself

Let’s begin with Trump’s grown sons, the ones he didn’t want working in the White House.

I wish my name was Hunter Biden," Donald Trump Jr. recently said. "I could go abroad, make millions off of my father's presidency. I would be a really rich guy.”

Don Jr. may not be aware of this, or of anything that requires self-awareness, but the company he allegedly runs is still owned by his father, who refused to clearly divest from it, in violation of 19 promises to do so.

The Trump Organization has been implicated in money laundering, tax scams and the rampant hiring of undocumented workers.

You could make the case that a president's sons should not even get near a “corrupt company,” as Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., did during impeachment hearings last week.

Of course, Stefanik was talking about Hunter Biden’s work on the board of the Ukrainian company Burisma — not Don Jr. and Eric Trump’s employment at a company whose two biggest growth areas are generating conflicts of interest and using their dad’s influence to fuel a fundraising pyramid scheme. But boys in their mid 30s and early 40s will be boys.
Trump criticizes the Bidens, but his own family’s business raises questions

Nearly three years into Trump’s tenure, the nonprofit Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) has documented more than 2,000 instances that it considers conflicts of interest between his business interests and his duty to the country as president. The conflicts come, in part, because Trump has retained ownership of his international business operation, the Trump Organization, despite calls demanding he divest to avoid conflicts of interest.

“Americans should never be put in that position where there is any question of whether these politicians are acting in the interest of the American people who they are serving,” said Robert Maguire, research director at CREW, which is currently party to a number of lawsuits against the Trump administration, including two involving potential conflicts of interest.[...]

Public pressure led Trump to promise he would not make any new business deals while in office. But reports have shown Trump is not keeping that pledge.

In December, a London-based anti-corruption group found that that Trump Organization is pursuing a real estate project in the Dominican Republic.

In 2017, Trump’s real estate company sold a $16 million Manhattan penthouse to the owner of a consultancy company that helps U.S. companies establish a presence in China. In June, it was reported the Trump Organization sold a $13.5 million Beverly Hills mansion to Hillcrest Asia Ltd, a corporate entity connected to an Indonesian businessman.

Earlier this year, an Indonesian theme park that includes a Trump hotel and condos had to relinquish Chinese financial backing after critics warned that the deal could influence Trump’s handling of the U.S.-China trade war.

nothing but lies and propaganda. if there was any truth to it don't you think the dems would be all over it?

the truth is that Hunter Biden was paid in exchange for access to his VP father. It was a bribe. plain and simple.
and what exactly did the Ukrainian gas company expect in return for their 83K per year? It was an attempt to buy influence in the obama white house through Biden. That is corruption, and Uncle Joe and Barry instigated it.

I just told you, moron. Name recognition. They could say they have a Biden on their board. And? Seriously, with Trump in office, this really is not a rock you want to turn over...but don't let me stop you.

Can you please tell me how name recognition would help a company? Would they get more customers? Would that name create more profit?

It's no secret that Burisma is one of the most corrupt companies in one of the most corrupt countries of the world. So if you were in charge of Burisma, how would you keep people (and the US government) off your back? Think real hard now.

Emails Reveal Burisma Consulting Firm Leveraged Hunter Biden To Get State Dept. Meetings
Here is what corruption looks like with connections
And name dropping
in high places..

Trump and Giuliani should not throw stones in glass houses.... THEY are the crooked trying to deflect.

Oh, my!!

President Donald Trump pressed then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to help persuade the Justice Department to drop a criminal case against an Iranian-Turkish gold trader who was a client of Rudy Giuliani, according to three people familiar with the 2017 meeting in the Oval Office.
Tillerson refused, arguing it would constitute interference in an ongoing investigation of the trader, Reza Zarrab, according to the people. They said other participants in the Oval Office were shocked by the request.

Trump Urged Top Aide to Help Giuliani Client Facing DOJ Charges

Ah, on the (witch) hunt again. The Democrats can't stand the fact they can't beat Trump in an election so they continue their never-ending hunt.

Ya ya ya...coming from the party that vowed to make Obama a one term president the day he was inaugurated...that don't mean much :lol:

the opposing party ALWAYS tries to make an opposing party president a one termer.. Most fail. Nothing new or significant in your post.
No, that is what your attorney is supposed to do. That's what you pay him for. The commies accused Trump of X, and in preparation, you gather information for your defense. Trump had no idea if his people (including Rudy) would be subpoenaed for testimony before the House. He had no idea if the Senate would call witnesses.

Yes, that is what your attorney is supposed to do. That's what you pay him for.

But what should not happen is for the President of the United States to ask a foreign government to help his personal attorney, but that did happen and you are cool with it because it was your god that did it.
No, that is what your attorney is supposed to do. That's what you pay him for. The commies accused Trump of X, and in preparation, you gather information for your defense. Trump had no idea if his people (including Rudy) would be subpoenaed for testimony before the House. He had no idea if the Senate would call witnesses.

Yes, that is what your attorney is supposed to do. That's what you pay him for.

But what should not happen is for the President of the United States to ask a foreign government to help his personal attorney, but that did happen and you are cool with it because it was your god that did it.

Barr and Durham are doing the investigations. Rudy is representing his client. Nothing improper about any of that.
No, that is what your attorney is supposed to do. That's what you pay him for. The commies accused Trump of X, and in preparation, you gather information for your defense. Trump had no idea if his people (including Rudy) would be subpoenaed for testimony before the House. He had no idea if the Senate would call witnesses.

Yes, that is what your attorney is supposed to do. That's what you pay him for.

But what should not happen is for the President of the United States to ask a foreign government to help his personal attorney, but that did happen and you are cool with it because it was your god that did it.

So what's wrong with him asking that? Rudy is looking for information that in many cases only the government can provide.
No, that is what your attorney is supposed to do. That's what you pay him for. The commies accused Trump of X, and in preparation, you gather information for your defense. Trump had no idea if his people (including Rudy) would be subpoenaed for testimony before the House. He had no idea if the Senate would call witnesses.

Yes, that is what your attorney is supposed to do. That's what you pay him for.

But what should not happen is for the President of the United States to ask a foreign government to help his personal attorney, but that did happen and you are cool with it because it was your god that did it.

Barr and Durham are doing the investigations. Rudy is representing his client. Nothing improper about any of that.

There is nothing improper about Rudy representing his client, there is something improper about the President asking another leader to help him personal lawyer

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