Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

So what's wrong with him asking that? Rudy is looking for information that in many cases only the government can provide.

Because he is asking for his own personal benefit.

What personal benefit?

To use your own words..." He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions"

And???? So who else would do it if not for Rudy? Do you think the government will provide him with an attorney that will do what Rudy is doing?
Yet I’m still hundreds of rungs higher up the ladder than a lying latrine cleaner like you will ever get. So Trump can’t tell them where to send the check he would normally get? Damn you’re stupid. Slapping you down is almost too easy. Maybe I’ll let my 3 year old take you on. Then you MIGHT have a 1% chance of winning.

When Trump fills out his taxes that money will be listed as paid to him and then donated to a charity. Because that is what happens.

That you are too stupid to grasp even this simple thing is something I cannot help.

Keep swinging and missing lying leftist.
Keep showing your idiocy you lying leftist. Cause and effect. Most of us learned this in grade school. Had Obozocare not been forced on the people, this doesn’t happen. Of course here you are defending Obozo again like the good Obozo worshipper you are. A LAW was passed. Hence employers were FORCED to comply with an uneducated Obozo’s demands.

The law did not force employers to drop coverage, you are a liar.

I think ObamaCare is awful but that does not mean I have to spread lies like you.

Just STFU you lying leftist latrine cleaner. The law did indeed force employers to drop coverage since most plans did not meet your savior Obozo’s minimum requirements. Keep showing you have no clue about simple things like cause and effect. Now go back to worshipping Obozo. You are a proven know nothing liar who blames Trump for your own idiocy.
When are you going to learn anything you lying leftist latrine cleaner? Again moron, where’s your “iron clad proof of Russian collusion” YOUR side claims to have had for 3 years? If being stupid is painful, you must be bedridden as dumb as you show yourself on a daily basis. Or are you blaming your stupidity on Trump too, like you do all your other poor decisions?

I do not have a side and I have 100's of post on here of me saying that I did not think that Trump did anything illegal, that he should not have been investigated by Mueller and should not have been impeached.

You are a fucking moron that has no clue at all of what you speak.

Yes or no, a President should be able to use the power of his office to exert pressure on a foreign country to dig up dirt on political rivals.

Well now that Bernie is starting to show some power, will the Democrats offer a public House apology to the President if Bernie wins? After all, if Sander's gets the nomination, then Biden was never Trump's political rival--Bernie was. So it's a bogus impeachment.

An apology because the corrupt Senate says that Trump is guilty but the offence isn't serious enough to remove him from office. Are you that fucking deranged, or are you not going to try to convince us that Trump didn't try to extort the Ukrainians now?

The Senate just took a giant shit on the Constitution and you want Democrats to apologize. Republicans are dumber than a sack of hammers.

And you’re dumber than that. Where’s the extortion charge you blabber about? As usual you get everything wrong. The only ones shitting on the Constitution are you’re precious moronic Dimbos who denied fair treatment and due process every step of the way. Now crying because the adults in the Senate won’t tolerate your bullshit. Get a clue.
So what's wrong with him asking that? Rudy is looking for information that in many cases only the government can provide.

Because he is asking for his own personal benefit.

What personal benefit?

To use your own words..." He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions"

And???? So who else would do it if not for Rudy? Do you think the government will provide him with an attorney that will do what Rudy is doing?

I have no problem with what Rudy is doing, this is not about Rudy. This is about the president of our country asking the leader of another country to help his personal attorney for his own personal gain.
So what's wrong with him asking that? Rudy is looking for information that in many cases only the government can provide.

Because he is asking for his own personal benefit.

What personal benefit?

To use your own words..." He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions"

And???? So who else would do it if not for Rudy? Do you think the government will provide him with an attorney that will do what Rudy is doing?

I have no problem with what Rudy is doing, this is not about Rudy. This is about the president of our country asking the leader of another country to help his personal attorney for his own personal gain.

What gain? He only asked if he would cooperate with is lawyer. He didn't demand it, he is asking because this is in conjunction with a charge brought on him by the Democrats in the House.
Keep showing your idiocy you lying leftist. Cause and effect. Most of us learned this in grade school. Had Obozocare not been forced on the people, this doesn’t happen. Of course here you are defending Obozo again like the good Obozo worshipper you are. A LAW was passed. Hence employers were FORCED to comply with an uneducated Obozo’s demands.

The law did not force employers to drop coverage, you are a liar.

I think ObamaCare is awful but that does not mean I have to spread lies like you.

Just STFU you lying leftist latrine cleaner. The law did indeed force employers to drop coverage since most plans did not meet your savior Obozo’s minimum requirements. Keep showing you have no clue about simple things like cause and effect. Now go back to worshipping Obozo. You are a proven know nothing liar who blames Trump for your own idiocy.

Nope you are liar. Nobody forced employers to drop coverage. There was a grandfather clause. Better yet you were misinformed by your employer because he/she didn't want to pay for you ass any longer.
Keep showing your idiocy you lying leftist. Cause and effect. Most of us learned this in grade school. Had Obozocare not been forced on the people, this doesn’t happen. Of course here you are defending Obozo again like the good Obozo worshipper you are. A LAW was passed. Hence employers were FORCED to comply with an uneducated Obozo’s demands.

The law did not force employers to drop coverage, you are a liar.

I think ObamaCare is awful but that does not mean I have to spread lies like you.

Just STFU you lying leftist latrine cleaner. The law did indeed force employers to drop coverage since most plans did not meet your savior Obozo’s minimum requirements. Keep showing you have no clue about simple things like cause and effect. Now go back to worshipping Obozo. You are a proven know nothing liar who blames Trump for your own idiocy.

Nope you are liar. Nobody forced employers to drop coverage. There was a grandfather clause. Better yet you were misinformed by your employer because he/she didn't want to pay for you ass any longer.

English not your first language moron? Trying to decipher your idiocy leads to this. Employers WERE forced to drop their coverage when it didn’t meet your savior Obozo’s standards. Of course freeloaders like you love it because we working folks now pay for your shit while getting the shaft.
So what's wrong with him asking that? Rudy is looking for information that in many cases only the government can provide.

Because he is asking for his own personal benefit.

What personal benefit?

To use your own words..." He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions"

And???? So who else would do it if not for Rudy? Do you think the government will provide him with an attorney that will do what Rudy is doing?
No. US attorneys have ethical constraints that Rudy doesn’t. US attorneys also have legal responsibility and oversight.

Nope. Rudy was just the man for the job.
Because he is asking for his own personal benefit.

What personal benefit?

To use your own words..." He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions"

And???? So who else would do it if not for Rudy? Do you think the government will provide him with an attorney that will do what Rudy is doing?

I have no problem with what Rudy is doing, this is not about Rudy. This is about the president of our country asking the leader of another country to help his personal attorney for his own personal gain.

What gain? He only asked if he would cooperate with is lawyer. He didn't demand it, he is asking because this is in conjunction with a charge brought on him by the Democrats in the House.

It is not to Trump's gain for his lawyer to find evidence of his clients innocence as you claimed that Rudy was doing?

So what's wrong with him asking that? Rudy is looking for information that in many cases only the government can provide.

Because he is asking for his own personal benefit.

What personal benefit?

To use your own words..." He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions"

And???? So who else would do it if not for Rudy? Do you think the government will provide him with an attorney that will do what Rudy is doing?
No. US attorneys have ethical constraints that Rudy doesn’t. US attorneys also have legal responsibility and oversight.

Nope. Rudy was just the man for the job.

Rudy is doing more than just practicing law, he is looking into matters which no other attorney will do, especially one provided by the government.
What personal benefit?

To use your own words..." He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions"

And???? So who else would do it if not for Rudy? Do you think the government will provide him with an attorney that will do what Rudy is doing?

I have no problem with what Rudy is doing, this is not about Rudy. This is about the president of our country asking the leader of another country to help his personal attorney for his own personal gain.

What gain? He only asked if he would cooperate with is lawyer. He didn't demand it, he is asking because this is in conjunction with a charge brought on him by the Democrats in the House.

It is not to Trump's gain for his lawyer to find evidence of his clients innocence as you claimed that Rudy was doing?


No, it's not a gain. If Rudy is looking for evidence to protect his client, that's hardly a gain.
To use your own words..." He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions"

And???? So who else would do it if not for Rudy? Do you think the government will provide him with an attorney that will do what Rudy is doing?

I have no problem with what Rudy is doing, this is not about Rudy. This is about the president of our country asking the leader of another country to help his personal attorney for his own personal gain.

What gain? He only asked if he would cooperate with is lawyer. He didn't demand it, he is asking because this is in conjunction with a charge brought on him by the Democrats in the House.

It is not to Trump's gain for his lawyer to find evidence of his clients innocence as you claimed that Rudy was doing?


No, it's not a gain. If Rudy is looking for evidence to protect his client, that's hardly a gain.

Holy fuck! I cannot do this anymore, this is just fucking stupid.

Go shove your head back up Trump's ass, that is the only place it belongs.
And???? So who else would do it if not for Rudy? Do you think the government will provide him with an attorney that will do what Rudy is doing?

I have no problem with what Rudy is doing, this is not about Rudy. This is about the president of our country asking the leader of another country to help his personal attorney for his own personal gain.

What gain? He only asked if he would cooperate with is lawyer. He didn't demand it, he is asking because this is in conjunction with a charge brought on him by the Democrats in the House.

It is not to Trump's gain for his lawyer to find evidence of his clients innocence as you claimed that Rudy was doing?


No, it's not a gain. If Rudy is looking for evidence to protect his client, that's hardly a gain.

Holy fuck! I cannot do this anymore, this is just fucking stupid.

Go shove your head back up Trump's ass, that is the only place it belongs.

Correct, it is stupid. There are no laws against Rudy looking into the Burisma matter. There is nothing wrong with a lawyer seeking evidence to protect his client.
Because he is asking for his own personal benefit.

What personal benefit?

To use your own words..." He was there to find evidence of his clients innocence and proof for his actions"

And???? So who else would do it if not for Rudy? Do you think the government will provide him with an attorney that will do what Rudy is doing?
No. US attorneys have ethical constraints that Rudy doesn’t. US attorneys also have legal responsibility and oversight.

Nope. Rudy was just the man for the job.

Rudy is doing more than just practicing law, he is looking into matters which no other attorney will do, especially one provided by the government.
You say that like it’s a good thing. It’s not.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?
Doesn't Rudy have a whole list of "reveals" that he's behind on?
I have no problem with what Rudy is doing, this is not about Rudy. This is about the president of our country asking the leader of another country to help his personal attorney for his own personal gain.

What gain? He only asked if he would cooperate with is lawyer. He didn't demand it, he is asking because this is in conjunction with a charge brought on him by the Democrats in the House.

It is not to Trump's gain for his lawyer to find evidence of his clients innocence as you claimed that Rudy was doing?


No, it's not a gain. If Rudy is looking for evidence to protect his client, that's hardly a gain.

Holy fuck! I cannot do this anymore, this is just fucking stupid.

Go shove your head back up Trump's ass, that is the only place it belongs.

Correct, it is stupid. There are no laws against Rudy looking into the Burisma matter. There is nothing wrong with a lawyer seeking evidence to protect his client.
Ya know, whenever the whole business of looking into Burisma corruption comes up, everyone on the left from hillary to the media to half the judges in this country starts going after whoever it is doing the digging and they don't stop at character assassination, they try and silence them with can bet there is something there...if this thing is as bad as it looks the liberals may have to call in greta.
I have no problem with what Rudy is doing, this is not about Rudy. This is about the president of our country asking the leader of another country to help his personal attorney for his own personal gain.

What gain? He only asked if he would cooperate with is lawyer. He didn't demand it, he is asking because this is in conjunction with a charge brought on him by the Democrats in the House.

It is not to Trump's gain for his lawyer to find evidence of his clients innocence as you claimed that Rudy was doing?


No, it's not a gain. If Rudy is looking for evidence to protect his client, that's hardly a gain.

Holy fuck! I cannot do this anymore, this is just fucking stupid.

Go shove your head back up Trump's ass, that is the only place it belongs.

Correct, it is stupid. There are no laws against Rudy looking into the Burisma matter. There is nothing wrong with a lawyer seeking evidence to protect his client.

I'm still trying to figure out whatever happened to opposition research, Ray.

Hillary, DNC, Steele Dossier & Crowdstrike = opposition research.

Trump team looking into corruption and burden sharing in a country KNOWN for its corruption and with obvious high level U.S. operatives involved in personal profiting = IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE?

First time I ever heard that one as a defense against a criminal investigation.
What gain? He only asked if he would cooperate with is lawyer. He didn't demand it, he is asking because this is in conjunction with a charge brought on him by the Democrats in the House.

It is not to Trump's gain for his lawyer to find evidence of his clients innocence as you claimed that Rudy was doing?


No, it's not a gain. If Rudy is looking for evidence to protect his client, that's hardly a gain.

Holy fuck! I cannot do this anymore, this is just fucking stupid.

Go shove your head back up Trump's ass, that is the only place it belongs.

Correct, it is stupid. There are no laws against Rudy looking into the Burisma matter. There is nothing wrong with a lawyer seeking evidence to protect his client.

I'm still trying to figure out whatever happened to opposition research, Ray.

Hillary, DNC, Steele Dossier & Crowdstrike = opposition research.

Trump team looking into corruption and burden sharing in a country KNOWN for its corruption and with obvious high level U.S. operatives involved in personal profiting = IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE?

First time I ever heard that one as a defense against a criminal investigation.

The big bug up their ass is this Biden thing. So what better way to prove your actions than to have your people find evidence of some possible corruption? First they tell us there is no evidence of corruption, and when Trump sends his people to find it, they're pissed off about that too. They insist the swamp do any investigation, as if they could be trusted.

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