Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

You are incredibly stupid you latrine cleaner. It’s been documented numerous times that Trump donates his salary. Thus he does not receive a salary no matter how much you lie and like to make yourself look like the idiot you are you lying leftist.

His salary is paid to him and then he donates it. If he did not receive it first, he could not ever donate it.

You are just a moron with no logic skills.

Yet I’m still hundreds of rungs higher up the ladder than a lying latrine cleaner like you will ever get. So Trump can’t tell them where to send the check he would normally get? Damn you’re stupid. Slapping you down is almost too easy. Maybe I’ll let my 3 year old take you on. Then you MIGHT have a 1% chance of winning.
Time to educate you again latrine cleaner. Had Obozocare not been shoved through against the wishes of the people, his employer would not have dropped coverage. Cause and effect. Of course, one needs a job to realize these things.

His employer made that choice, he was not forced to do it.

Keep showing your idiocy you lying leftist. Cause and effect. Most of us learned this in grade school. Had Obozocare not been forced on the people, this doesn’t happen. Of course here you are defending Obozo again like the good Obozo worshipper you are. A LAW was passed. Hence employers were FORCED to comply with an uneducated Obozo’s demands.
Yet I’m still hundreds of rungs higher up the ladder than a lying latrine cleaner like you will ever get. So Trump can’t tell them where to send the check he would normally get? Damn you’re stupid. Slapping you down is almost too easy. Maybe I’ll let my 3 year old take you on. Then you MIGHT have a 1% chance of winning.

When Trump fills out his taxes that money will be listed as paid to him and then donated to a charity. Because that is what happens.

That you are too stupid to grasp even this simple thing is something I cannot help.
Keep showing your idiocy you lying leftist. Cause and effect. Most of us learned this in grade school. Had Obozocare not been forced on the people, this doesn’t happen. Of course here you are defending Obozo again like the good Obozo worshipper you are. A LAW was passed. Hence employers were FORCED to comply with an uneducated Obozo’s demands.

The law did not force employers to drop coverage, you are a liar.

I think ObamaCare is awful but that does not mean I have to spread lies like you.
Time to educate you again latrine cleaner. Had Obozocare not been shoved through against the wishes of the people, his employer would not have dropped coverage. Cause and effect. Of course, one needs a job to realize these things.

His employer made that choice, he was not forced to do it.

Keep showing your idiocy you lying leftist. Cause and effect. Most of us learned this in grade school. Had Obozocare not been forced on the people, this doesn’t happen. Of course here you are defending Obozo again like the good Obozo worshipper you are. A LAW was passed. Hence employers were FORCED to comply with an uneducated Obozo’s demands.

Some people are just business ignorant. They have no idea that customers pay for all business expenditures. It's included in the price of their product or service they provide. People who know nothing about business think that when owners get hit with business expenses, they go into their magic money safe and just pull out the cash.
Some people are just business ignorant. They have no idea that customers pay for all business expenditures. It's included in the price of their product or service they provide. People who know nothing about business think that when owners get hit with business expenses, they go into their magic money safe and just pull out the cash.

None of that changes the undeniable fact your employer freely choose to drop coverage. It was not a requirement of the law, it was a business decision for which the employer is responsible.
When are you going to learn anything you lying leftist latrine cleaner? Again moron, where’s your “iron clad proof of Russian collusion” YOUR side claims to have had for 3 years? If being stupid is painful, you must be bedridden as dumb as you show yourself on a daily basis. Or are you blaming your stupidity on Trump too, like you do all your other poor decisions?

I do not have a side and I have 100's of post on here of me saying that I did not think that Trump did anything illegal, that he should not have been investigated by Mueller and should not have been impeached.

You are a fucking moron that has no clue at all of what you speak.

Yes or no, a President should be able to use the power of his office to exert pressure on a foreign country to dig up dirt on political rivals.
China will now join trump to help make a better world

China helped weaken our nation and military by buying off crooked congress leaders

But China knows they are indeed insanely crooked and knows they are very dangerous

So China will prove to America who the crooks were that they bought off

China will feel better with trump America than insane crooked people so easy to buy off

So China with uk and trump America will destroy the insane greed of liberalism world wide

And the liberal states with the deadly virus came to their states because of their liberal leaders going to China and being bought off

Democrats are toast and liberal leaders now will be locked up !!
When are you going to learn anything you lying leftist latrine cleaner? Again moron, where’s your “iron clad proof of Russian collusion” YOUR side claims to have had for 3 years? If being stupid is painful, you must be bedridden as dumb as you show yourself on a daily basis. Or are you blaming your stupidity on Trump too, like you do all your other poor decisions?

I do not have a side and I have 100's of post on here of me saying that I did not think that Trump did anything illegal, that he should not have been investigated by Mueller and should not have been impeached.

You are a fucking moron that has no clue at all of what you speak.

Yes or no, a President should be able to use the power of his office to exert pressure on a foreign country to dig up dirt on political rivals.

No, but it does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.
China now will tell who they bought off to help weaken America

China knows insane greed traitors are the most dangerous

China will work with trump to lock up all
Insane greed liberals world wide
When are you going to learn anything you lying leftist latrine cleaner? Again moron, where’s your “iron clad proof of Russian collusion” YOUR side claims to have had for 3 years? If being stupid is painful, you must be bedridden as dumb as you show yourself on a daily basis. Or are you blaming your stupidity on Trump too, like you do all your other poor decisions?

I do not have a side and I have 100's of post on here of me saying that I did not think that Trump did anything illegal, that he should not have been investigated by Mueller and should not have been impeached.

You are a fucking moron that has no clue at all of what you speak.

Yes or no, a President should be able to use the power of his office to exert pressure on a foreign country to dig up dirt on political rivals.

Well now that Bernie is starting to show some power, will the Democrats offer a public House apology to the President if Bernie wins? After all, if Sander's gets the nomination, then Biden was never Trump's political rival--Bernie was. So it's a bogus impeachment.
Some people are just business ignorant. They have no idea that customers pay for all business expenditures. It's included in the price of their product or service they provide. People who know nothing about business think that when owners get hit with business expenses, they go into their magic money safe and just pull out the cash.

None of that changes the undeniable fact your employer freely choose to drop coverage. It was not a requirement of the law, it was a business decision for which the employer is responsible.

No, it was a business decision he was forced to make because of government.
When are you going to learn anything you lying leftist latrine cleaner? Again moron, where’s your “iron clad proof of Russian collusion” YOUR side claims to have had for 3 years? If being stupid is painful, you must be bedridden as dumb as you show yourself on a daily basis. Or are you blaming your stupidity on Trump too, like you do all your other poor decisions?

I do not have a side and I have 100's of post on here of me saying that I did not think that Trump did anything illegal, that he should not have been investigated by Mueller and should not have been impeached.

You are a fucking moron that has no clue at all of what you speak.

Yes or no, a President should be able to use the power of his office to exert pressure on a foreign country to dig up dirt on political rivals.

Well now that Bernie is starting to show some power, will the Democrats offer a public House apology to the President if Bernie wins? After all, if Sander's gets the nomination, then Biden was never Trump's political rival--Bernie was. So it's a bogus impeachment.

An apology because the corrupt Senate says that Trump is guilty but the offence isn't serious enough to remove him from office. Are you that fucking deranged, or are you not going to try to convince us that Trump didn't try to extort the Ukrainians now?

The Senate just took a giant shit on the Constitution and you want Democrats to apologize. Republicans are dumber than a sack of hammers.
When are you going to learn anything you lying leftist latrine cleaner? Again moron, where’s your “iron clad proof of Russian collusion” YOUR side claims to have had for 3 years? If being stupid is painful, you must be bedridden as dumb as you show yourself on a daily basis. Or are you blaming your stupidity on Trump too, like you do all your other poor decisions?

I do not have a side and I have 100's of post on here of me saying that I did not think that Trump did anything illegal, that he should not have been investigated by Mueller and should not have been impeached.

You are a fucking moron that has no clue at all of what you speak.

Yes or no, a President should be able to use the power of his office to exert pressure on a foreign country to dig up dirt on political rivals.

Well now that Bernie is starting to show some power, will the Democrats offer a public House apology to the President if Bernie wins? After all, if Sander's gets the nomination, then Biden was never Trump's political rival--Bernie was. So it's a bogus impeachment.

An apology because the corrupt Senate says that Trump is guilty but the offence isn't serious enough to remove him from office. Are you that fucking deranged, or are you not going to try to convince us that Trump didn't try to extort the Ukrainians now?

The Senate just took a giant shit on the Constitution and you want Democrats to apologize. Republicans are dumber than a sack of hammers.

Yes I do want that, but as we all know, the Democrats don't have the integrity to admit they made a mistake.

It was all centered on Biden, because the libs made up this lie that Biden was his rival. They knew almost a year ahead of time who Trump was going to be facing. You see, in our country, quid pro quo's have been used by many Presidents, so it's not considered extortion. That's why when Biden did it, nobody from the Republican side went after him or DumBama.

Their bogus impeachment claim was less about a quid pro quo, and more of what he wanted it for, which was for Zelensky to look into the Burisma/ Biden situation. But as we all know, no quid pro quo was mentioned in the phone call.

So if Biden doesn't get the nomination, then the entire impeachment was based on lies and false information. Since you can't take back an impeachment, the very least they should do is make a public apology to the President for falsely impeaching him.
Simple question for any/all of our left wingers:

Why was Hunter Biden put on the board of Burisma at a salary of 83K per month?

Because his last name was Biden. It wasn't illegal. Questionable ethically, but perfectly legal. Do you really want to start getting into an ethical discussion when Trump is president?

and what exactly did the Ukrainian gas company expect in return for their 83K per year? It was an attempt to buy influence in the obama white house through Biden. That is corruption, and Uncle Joe and Barry instigated it.

I just told you, moron. Name recognition. They could say they have a Biden on their board. And? Seriously, with Trump in office, this really is not a rock you want to turn over...but don't let me stop you.

Can you please tell me how name recognition would help a company? Would they get more customers? Would that name create more profit?

It's no secret that Burisma is one of the most corrupt companies in one of the most corrupt countries of the world. So if you were in charge of Burisma, how would you keep people (and the US government) off your back? Think real hard now.

Emails Reveal Burisma Consulting Firm Leveraged Hunter Biden To Get State Dept. Meetings
Here is what corruption looks like with connections
And name dropping
in high places..

Trump and Giuliani should not throw stones in glass houses.... THEY are the crooked trying to deflect.

Oh, my!!

President Donald Trump pressed then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to help persuade the Justice Department to drop a criminal case against an Iranian-Turkish gold trader who was a client of Rudy Giuliani, according to three people familiar with the 2017 meeting in the Oval Office.
Tillerson refused, arguing it would constitute interference in an ongoing investigation of the trader, Reza Zarrab, according to the people. They said other participants in the Oval Office were shocked by the request.

Trump Urged Top Aide to Help Giuliani Client Facing DOJ Charges
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Trump defense team was also given the opportunity to cross examine Sondland and all public witnesses, they chose not to, is my understanding....though maybe they counted the R congress questioners as their defense team????
Which Sonderland statement do you want?...There were 2 distinctly different statements!....Think he ASSUMED, OR was a direct statement to him his lie?
he conveniently forgot things, until other witnesses 'refreshed' his memory with their under oath testimony.... :rolleyes:

AND as he testified, the white house confiscated his daily work notes and documents and would not allow him to read them to refresh his memory before testifying... gawd almighty, this administration is so so so corrupt... beyond swamp corrupt....
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Simple question for any/all of our left wingers:

Why was Hunter Biden put on the board of Burisma at a salary of 83K per month?

Because his last name was Biden. It wasn't illegal. Questionable ethically, but perfectly legal. Do you really want to start getting into an ethical discussion when Trump is president?

and what exactly did the Ukrainian gas company expect in return for their 83K per year? It was an attempt to buy influence in the obama white house through Biden. That is corruption, and Uncle Joe and Barry instigated it.

I just told you, moron. Name recognition. They could say they have a Biden on their board. And? Seriously, with Trump in office, this really is not a rock you want to turn over...but don't let me stop you.

Can you please tell me how name recognition would help a company? Would they get more customers? Would that name create more profit?

It's no secret that Burisma is one of the most corrupt companies in one of the most corrupt countries of the world. So if you were in charge of Burisma, how would you keep people (and the US government) off your back? Think real hard now.

Emails Reveal Burisma Consulting Firm Leveraged Hunter Biden To Get State Dept. Meetings
Here is what corruption looks like with connections
And name dropping
in high places..

Trump and Giuliani should not throw stones in glass houses.... THEY are the crooked trying to deflect.

Oh, my!!

President Donald Trump pressed then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to help persuade the Justice Department to drop a criminal case against an Iranian-Turkish gold trader who was a client of Rudy Giuliani, according to three people familiar with the 2017 meeting in the Oval Office.
Tillerson refused, arguing it would constitute interference in an ongoing investigation of the trader, Reza Zarrab, according to the people. They said other participants in the Oval Office were shocked by the request.

Trump Urged Top Aide to Help Giuliani Client Facing DOJ Charges

Ah, on the (witch) hunt again. The Democrats can't stand the fact they can't beat Trump in an election so they continue their never-ending hunt.

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