Ruh Roooooh!

"little baboon"? So....not only is it trumpanzee excuse #5, but a flaming personal attack for dessert.

What does calling someone a "trumpanzee" qualify as?
A supporter of the so-called president. Kindly note the imbedded word "trump".

With the added "anzee" implying that anyone who supports trump is a chimpanzee. In other words, little hypocrite,....piss off with you mock bullshit outrage. You're a textbook example of "do as I say, not as I do" asshattery.

Westwall, please tell me you are an African American so I can call that asshat a RAAAAAAAACCCCCCIIIIIIIIST!

As far as a special counsel, let us just say with reasonable certainty that---------------> It is to soon to bring forth anything political, as Americans have short memories. Tis better to prove much closer to elections, how crooked they really are, and give them far less time to rehabilitate themselves in the public eye.

Politics is a dirtier business than most of us realize. How long do we actually think that the media had that video of Trump talking about grabbing pu**y? Think it was 10 hrs before release, or do we understand, it was probably closer to 10 weeks! They just waited for the most opportune time to have the biggest effect it could.

Well now, the shoe is on the other foot, if you catch my drift! Winter will soon be upon us, Christmas will pass, New Years will make us giddy, and then in many states, we will be watching much more TV as the snow keeps us indoors more. Oh, between January 15th, and February 15th, all the powder that was kept dry will start-) Doubt me? Watch-)

For those that think I am blowing smoke in my last post, I say to you, consider this--------> If the federal government wanted to make a case against they do it? The answer is a resounding, YES! There is not 1 person on this board, and next to no person in this country, who has the capacity to know every law, regulation, in our federal or state codes. This is why in our system, we find the crime, THEN find the person who committed the crime, and NOT vice-versa!

This is EXACTLY why what they are doing with the Trump special counsel, is so anti-American! They picked people, and are now searching for a crime.

Many leftists and republicans, (including myself) insist that Donald Trump is/can/will be vindictive. Well, if YOU were put under a special counsel not FOR a crime, but rather to search for a crime to be prosecuted for, would YOU be vindictive? (Remember, the odds are 50 to 1, the feds could find SOMETHING to prosecute you for)

And so, who now controls the FBI? The CIA? The DOJ? And all the other alphabet soup departments of the federal government! And every day that goes by, more judges, more appointees, more people that know how to do this get into government. (hey, ever try and build a pond on your property!)

Point is, this whole thing has come down because of Trump derangement syndrome, and now you are going to see how easy it is to stick it to someone, when the feds are NOT finding out who committed a crime in question, but rather pick someone, and try and find a crime they can prosecute them for. And the truth is------->with the leftists on high who have been in government for so long, it will be easy-peezy. Watch what I have said, in January or February, all hell is going to break loose, and most leftist posters on here are going to disappear for awhile, as it becomes apparent, it is OVER, do not pass go, do not fleece us for 200 dollars-)
And yet, not only after all the investigations on H. Clinton, they can't even name a Special Counsel even tho the OP was salivating about it's imminent happening back in July.....and no indictments at all.
What's with trumpanzees unable to 'get it up', figuratively speaking?
What does calling someone a "trumpanzee" qualify as?
A supporter of the so-called president. Kindly note the imbedded word "trump".

With the added "anzee" implying that anyone who supports trump is a chimpanzee. In other words, little hypocrite,....piss off with you mock bullshit outrage. You're a textbook example of "do as I say, not as I do" asshattery.

Westwall, please tell me you are an African American so I can call that asshat a RAAAAAAAACCCCCCIIIIIIIIST!

As far as a special counsel, let us just say with reasonable certainty that---------------> It is to soon to bring forth anything political, as Americans have short memories. Tis better to prove much closer to elections, how crooked they really are, and give them far less time to rehabilitate themselves in the public eye.

Politics is a dirtier business than most of us realize. How long do we actually think that the media had that video of Trump talking about grabbing pu**y? Think it was 10 hrs before release, or do we understand, it was probably closer to 10 weeks! They just waited for the most opportune time to have the biggest effect it could.

Well now, the shoe is on the other foot, if you catch my drift! Winter will soon be upon us, Christmas will pass, New Years will make us giddy, and then in many states, we will be watching much more TV as the snow keeps us indoors more. Oh, between January 15th, and February 15th, all the powder that was kept dry will start-) Doubt me? Watch-)

For those that think I am blowing smoke in my last post, I say to you, consider this--------> If the federal government wanted to make a case against they do it? The answer is a resounding, YES! There is not 1 person on this board, and next to no person in this country, who has the capacity to know every law, regulation, in our federal or state codes. This is why in our system, we find the crime, THEN find the person who committed the crime, and NOT vice-versa!

This is EXACTLY why what they are doing with the Trump special counsel, is so anti-American! They picked people, and are now searching for a crime.

Many leftists and republicans, (including myself) insist that Donald Trump is/can/will be vindictive. Well, if YOU were put under a special counsel not FOR a crime, but rather to search for a crime to be prosecuted for, would YOU be vindictive? (Remember, the odds are 50 to 1, the feds could find SOMETHING to prosecute you for)

And so, who now controls the FBI? The CIA? The DOJ? And all the other alphabet soup departments of the federal government! And every day that goes by, more judges, more appointees, more people that know how to do this get into government. (hey, ever try and build a pond on your property!)

Point is, this whole thing has come down because of Trump derangement syndrome, and now you are going to see how easy it is to stick it to someone, when the feds are NOT finding out who committed a crime in question, but rather pick someone, and try and find a crime they can prosecute them for. And the truth is------->with the leftists on high who have been in government for so long, it will be easy-peezy. Watch what I have said, in January or February, all hell is going to break loose, and most leftist posters on here are going to disappear for awhile, as it becomes apparent, it is OVER, do not pass go, do not fleece us for 200 dollars-)
And yet, not only after all the investigations on H. Clinton, they can't even name a Special Counsel even tho the OP was salivating about it's imminent happening back in July.....and no indictments at all.
What's with trumpanzees unable to 'get it up', figuratively speaking?

The swamp has been growing for over 75 years little baboon. It takes time. Just be patient.
What does calling someone a "trumpanzee" qualify as?
A supporter of the so-called president. Kindly note the imbedded word "trump".

With the added "anzee" implying that anyone who supports trump is a chimpanzee. In other words, little hypocrite,....piss off with you mock bullshit outrage. You're a textbook example of "do as I say, not as I do" asshattery.

Westwall, please tell me you are an African American so I can call that asshat a RAAAAAAAACCCCCCIIIIIIIIST!

As far as a special counsel, let us just say with reasonable certainty that---------------> It is to soon to bring forth anything political, as Americans have short memories. Tis better to prove much closer to elections, how crooked they really are, and give them far less time to rehabilitate themselves in the public eye.

Politics is a dirtier business than most of us realize. How long do we actually think that the media had that video of Trump talking about grabbing pu**y? Think it was 10 hrs before release, or do we understand, it was probably closer to 10 weeks! They just waited for the most opportune time to have the biggest effect it could.

Well now, the shoe is on the other foot, if you catch my drift! Winter will soon be upon us, Christmas will pass, New Years will make us giddy, and then in many states, we will be watching much more TV as the snow keeps us indoors more. Oh, between January 15th, and February 15th, all the powder that was kept dry will start-) Doubt me? Watch-)

For those that think I am blowing smoke in my last post, I say to you, consider this--------> If the federal government wanted to make a case against they do it? The answer is a resounding, YES! There is not 1 person on this board, and next to no person in this country, who has the capacity to know every law, regulation, in our federal or state codes. This is why in our system, we find the crime, THEN find the person who committed the crime, and NOT vice-versa!

This is EXACTLY why what they are doing with the Trump special counsel, is so anti-American! They picked people, and are now searching for a crime.

Many leftists and republicans, (including myself) insist that Donald Trump is/can/will be vindictive. Well, if YOU were put under a special counsel not FOR a crime, but rather to search for a crime to be prosecuted for, would YOU be vindictive? (Remember, the odds are 50 to 1, the feds could find SOMETHING to prosecute you for)

And so, who now controls the FBI? The CIA? The DOJ? And all the other alphabet soup departments of the federal government! And every day that goes by, more judges, more appointees, more people that know how to do this get into government. (hey, ever try and build a pond on your property!)

Point is, this whole thing has come down because of Trump derangement syndrome, and now you are going to see how easy it is to stick it to someone, when the feds are NOT finding out who committed a crime in question, but rather pick someone, and try and find a crime they can prosecute them for. And the truth is------->with the leftists on high who have been in government for so long, it will be easy-peezy. Watch what I have said, in January or February, all hell is going to break loose, and most leftist posters on here are going to disappear for awhile, as it becomes apparent, it is OVER, do not pass go, do not fleece us for 200 dollars-)
And yet, not only after all the investigations on H. Clinton, they can't even name a Special Counsel even tho the OP was salivating about it's imminent happening back in July.....and no indictments at all.
What's with trumpanzees unable to 'get it up', figuratively speaking?

Comey was busted for already deciding that the Hildebeast wouldn't face any charges for the serious breaches of national security that anyone else would be doing serious time Clintonistian fabian socialists really do circle the wagons of those just as filthy as you are.......(snicker)
A supporter of the so-called president. Kindly note the imbedded word "trump".

With the added "anzee" implying that anyone who supports trump is a chimpanzee. In other words, little hypocrite,....piss off with you mock bullshit outrage. You're a textbook example of "do as I say, not as I do" asshattery.

Westwall, please tell me you are an African American so I can call that asshat a RAAAAAAAACCCCCCIIIIIIIIST!

As far as a special counsel, let us just say with reasonable certainty that---------------> It is to soon to bring forth anything political, as Americans have short memories. Tis better to prove much closer to elections, how crooked they really are, and give them far less time to rehabilitate themselves in the public eye.

Politics is a dirtier business than most of us realize. How long do we actually think that the media had that video of Trump talking about grabbing pu**y? Think it was 10 hrs before release, or do we understand, it was probably closer to 10 weeks! They just waited for the most opportune time to have the biggest effect it could.

Well now, the shoe is on the other foot, if you catch my drift! Winter will soon be upon us, Christmas will pass, New Years will make us giddy, and then in many states, we will be watching much more TV as the snow keeps us indoors more. Oh, between January 15th, and February 15th, all the powder that was kept dry will start-) Doubt me? Watch-)

For those that think I am blowing smoke in my last post, I say to you, consider this--------> If the federal government wanted to make a case against they do it? The answer is a resounding, YES! There is not 1 person on this board, and next to no person in this country, who has the capacity to know every law, regulation, in our federal or state codes. This is why in our system, we find the crime, THEN find the person who committed the crime, and NOT vice-versa!

This is EXACTLY why what they are doing with the Trump special counsel, is so anti-American! They picked people, and are now searching for a crime.

Many leftists and republicans, (including myself) insist that Donald Trump is/can/will be vindictive. Well, if YOU were put under a special counsel not FOR a crime, but rather to search for a crime to be prosecuted for, would YOU be vindictive? (Remember, the odds are 50 to 1, the feds could find SOMETHING to prosecute you for)

And so, who now controls the FBI? The CIA? The DOJ? And all the other alphabet soup departments of the federal government! And every day that goes by, more judges, more appointees, more people that know how to do this get into government. (hey, ever try and build a pond on your property!)

Point is, this whole thing has come down because of Trump derangement syndrome, and now you are going to see how easy it is to stick it to someone, when the feds are NOT finding out who committed a crime in question, but rather pick someone, and try and find a crime they can prosecute them for. And the truth is------->with the leftists on high who have been in government for so long, it will be easy-peezy. Watch what I have said, in January or February, all hell is going to break loose, and most leftist posters on here are going to disappear for awhile, as it becomes apparent, it is OVER, do not pass go, do not fleece us for 200 dollars-)
And yet, not only after all the investigations on H. Clinton, they can't even name a Special Counsel even tho the OP was salivating about it's imminent happening back in July.....and no indictments at all.
What's with trumpanzees unable to 'get it up', figuratively speaking?

Comey was busted for already deciding that the Hildebeast wouldn't face any charges for the serious breaches of national security that anyone else would be doing serious time Clintonistian fabian socialists really do circle the wagons of those just as filthy as you are.......(snicker)
Still waiting for the simple move of assigning someone to be Special Counsel...not finish an investigation (investigate H. Clinton....gee, no one's ever done THAT before).....when oh when oh when will that be.

-posted from sunny San Diego...waiting for Dale to let me know when he's coming to visit
I see most of the DemocratParty relocating to a country with no extradition
Another NeverEnding GOP partisan Congressional Witch Hunt that will find nothing....zzzzzzzzzzzz. nobody cares anymore, dupes...
Well, if only they'd get around to appointing the Special Counsel we were told was going to be appointed........all the way back in late July.
I see most of the DemocratParty relocating to a country with no extradition
Another NeverEnding GOP partisan Congressional Witch Hunt that will find nothing....zzzzzzzzzzzz. nobody cares anymore, dupes...
Well, if only they'd get around to appointing the Special Counsel we were told was going to be appointed........all the way back in late July.
That was just loose talk. It's a big thing now in the Trump Administration. Make impressive, threatening statements and then do nothing.
Like the Special Commission to investigate voter fraud. Big impact that has had, too.
I see most of the DemocratParty relocating to a country with no extradition
Another NeverEnding GOP partisan Congressional Witch Hunt that will find nothing....zzzzzzzzzzzz. nobody cares anymore, dupes...
Well, if only they'd get around to appointing the Special Counsel we were told was going to be appointed........all the way back in late July.
That was just loose talk. It's a big thing now in the Trump Administration. Make impressive, threatening statements and then do nothing.
Like the Special Commission to investigate voter fraud. Big impact that has had, too.
Special Commission to investigate voter fraud....Ruh-Roooooh!
Build a wall...Ruh-Roooooh!
Repeal and replace Obamacare...Ruh-Roooooh!
Tax Reform...Ruh-Roooooh!
I see most of the DemocratParty relocating to a country with no extradition
Another NeverEnding GOP partisan Congressional Witch Hunt that will find nothing....zzzzzzzzzzzz. nobody cares anymore, dupes...

We won the election didn't we, OH SNAP!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
You already had control of Congress and already had unending Congressional witch hunts. That's all the GOP cares about now that they have low taxes on the bloated rich, dupe.
I see most of the DemocratParty relocating to a country with no extradition
Another NeverEnding GOP partisan Congressional Witch Hunt that will find nothing....zzzzzzzzzzzz. nobody cares anymore, dupes...

We won the election didn't we, OH SNAP!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
You already had control of Congress and already had unending Congressional witch hunts. That's all the GOP cares about now that they have low taxes on the bloated rich, dupe.
Isn't it odd that they have control of all three branches of government and yet they are so very very very very helpless to appoint a Special Counsel. Ruh-Roooooh indeed.
I see most of the DemocratParty relocating to a country with no extradition
Another NeverEnding GOP partisan Congressional Witch Hunt that will find nothing....zzzzzzzzzzzz. nobody cares anymore, dupes...

We won the election didn't we, OH SNAP!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
You already had control of Congress and already had unending Congressional witch hunts. That's all the GOP cares about now that they have low taxes on the bloated rich, dupe.
Isn't it odd that they have control of all three branches of government and yet they are so very very very very helpless to appoint a Special Counsel. Ruh-Roooooh indeed.

Its still funny your side lost and got booted out of power, just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we rule over you. :muahaha:
I see most of the DemocratParty relocating to a country with no extradition
Another NeverEnding GOP partisan Congressional Witch Hunt that will find nothing....zzzzzzzzzzzz. nobody cares anymore, dupes...

We won the election didn't we, OH SNAP!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
You already had control of Congress and already had unending Congressional witch hunts. That's all the GOP cares about now that they have low taxes on the bloated rich, dupe.
Isn't it odd that they have control of all three branches of government and yet they are so very very very very helpless to appoint a Special Counsel. Ruh-Roooooh indeed.

Its still funny your side lost and got booted out of power, just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we rule over you. :muahaha:
And a fine job, based on total b*******, your idiot party is doing... Haven't done any of the things they promised you, all of which was based on misinformation oh my God what a mess..
It seems that there's going to be a new Special Counsel to investigate lynch, comey, obama, the shrilary, rice
No, there isn't.

You've been hoaxed again.
What you afraid of what a little prison time will do to your party?

Democrats aren't worried about doing time. Plenty have gone to prison and here they are. I just like that the people being investigated will have their lives turned upside down.
I see most of the DemocratParty relocating to a country with no extradition
Another NeverEnding GOP partisan Congressional Witch Hunt that will find nothing....zzzzzzzzzzzz. nobody cares anymore, dupes...

We won the election didn't we, OH SNAP!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
You already had control of Congress and already had unending Congressional witch hunts. That's all the GOP cares about now that they have low taxes on the bloated rich, dupe.
Isn't it odd that they have control of all three branches of government and yet they are so very very very very helpless to appoint a Special Counsel. Ruh-Roooooh indeed.

Its still funny your side lost and got booted out of power, just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we rule over you. :muahaha:
Interesting that you would say that considering that others on this very thread stated that your side is totally helpless to change things. Which is it?
I see most of the DemocratParty relocating to a country with no extradition
Another NeverEnding GOP partisan Congressional Witch Hunt that will find nothing....zzzzzzzzzzzz. nobody cares anymore, dupes...

We won the election didn't we, OH SNAP!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
You already had control of Congress and already had unending Congressional witch hunts. That's all the GOP cares about now that they have low taxes on the bloated rich, dupe.
Isn't it odd that they have control of all three branches of government and yet they are so very very very very helpless to appoint a Special Counsel. Ruh-Roooooh indeed.

Darling, the political class have owned all three branches of government for decades. This is the first time in over 50 years that a branch of government isn't controlled by them. Your nonsense about repub vs dem is simply brain washed twattle. There IS no dem vs repub. They are joined at the hip, and they are bending you over.

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