Ruh Roooooh!

shit's about to get real

Rudy to head SC?

yes, we live in interesting times?

Wouldn't we all prefer to live in happy and calm times instead of "interesting times"? and to have smart and decent politicians/patriots who actually do their job instead of harming the country and its President and provoking a possible WW3? I know, I would.

How is investigating a possible crime "harming" the country? We also have another investigation going on because of a Russian interference in our country, is one okay and the other one not?
Oooo! Another thread on this. Do you have a name of this Special Counsel for us? I've been asking since the news first broke 3 days ago.
Why do you keep asking for the name of a person in an office that doesn't yet exist?

You seem to spend a lot of time repeating the same action over and over, hoping for a different result next time.
Oooo! Another thread on this. Do you have a name of this Special Counsel for us? I've been asking since the news first broke 3 days ago.
Why do you keep asking for the name of a person in an office that doesn't yet exist?

You seem to spend a lot of time repeating the same action over and over, hoping for a different result next time.

You mean like all those dozens of votes to kill Obamacare?
Gowdy doesnt have the authority to appoint a damn dogcatcher.

special council ... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Gowdy does not fool around and I heard that in prior practice as a prosecutor he never lost a case.
He certainly nailed the Benghazi investigation.

Yeah, if only the AG had sanctioned the shrilary for her obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence.
I want someone to have the stones to take on the Clintons.


Yes, I agree. There's not a Republican alive who has any stones at all, much less enough to take on the Clintons. I do not like the Clintons either, but they are way fucking smarter than all of the Republicans put together

Then why isn't anyone saying "Good morning Madame President"?
We are looking at possible corruption in the Republican Party and I'm all for that. What is now wrong with looking at possible corruption in the Democratic Party? Are we all not wanting justice or is it just justice if we go after the party we don't like?


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I still don't see any meat on the bone that Trump's appropriate (IMO) criticism of Sessions is somehow wrong. It is basically a much more critical version of 'The Apprentice'.

Since Sessions was appointed US AG, he let himself be bullied into un-necessarily recusing himself from a massive case against the President. Without him 'in the way' Mueller then loaded his Counsel with the 'murderers row' of Trump donors and Clinton lawyers with which to go after Trump.

Illegal leaks were pouring out of the WH, the former Director of the FBI admitted under oath he illegally leaked information while testifying that former US AG Lynch illegally obstructed Justice. The FBI also just released more than 400 more new pieces of evidence against Hillary Clinton of illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. It has also been revealed that Former Obama Cabinet member Susan Rice illegally shared records and illegally unmasked Americans for political purposes.

It's been like a cattle town the 1st night after the cowboys have brought in the herd, and the town has no sheriff - wild, crime, no sheriff, no justice.

Sessions has been exposed as weak, meek, easily intimidated, and without initiative to do his job. It took an ass-chewing from Trump to get him to step up and do his job.
- People criticized Trump for doing the ass-chewing. Sorry, they are wrong in one aspect. An ass-chewing is exactly what was needed. In my own professional mentorship I take the individual aside, though, and deliver the 'wall-to-wall counseling' in private. Trump doing so in person tells me he wanted it to be public, to let people know he was not happy with Sessions and when / if he fires him there will be no misunderstanding why he did / does so.

What happens next, like with the people I have counseled, is up to HIM / THEM. Sessions can take the initiative and step up his game...or hear the words people tuned in to the Apprentice to hear: 'You're Fired'.
shit's about to get real

Rudy to head SC?

yes, we live in interesting times?

Wouldn't we all prefer to live in happy and calm times instead of "interesting times"? and to have smart and decent politicians/patriots who actually do their job instead of harming the country and its President and provoking a possible WW3? I know, I would.
End sanctions on Puin NOWW!
I still don't see any meat on the bone that Trump's appropriate (IMO) criticism of Sessions is somehow wrong. It is basically a much more critical version of 'The Apprentice'.

Since Sessions was appointed US AG, he let himself be bullied into un-necessarily recusing himself from a massive case against the President. Without him 'in the way' Mueller then loaded his Counsel with the 'murderers row' of Trump donors and Clinton lawyers with which to go after Trump.

Illegal leaks were pouring out of the WH, the former Director of the FBI admitted under oath he illegally leaked information while testifying that former US AG Lynch illegally obstructed Justice. The FBI also just released more than 400 more new pieces of evidence against Hillary Clinton of illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. It has also been revealed that Former Obama Cabinet member Susan Rice illegally shared records and illegally unmasked Americans for political purposes.

It's been like a cattle town the 1st night after the cowboys have brought in the herd, and the town has no sheriff - wild, crime, no sheriff, no justice.

Sessions has been exposed as weak, meek, easily intimidated, and without initiative to do his job. It took an ass-chewing from Trump to get him to step up and do his job.
- People criticized Trump for doing the ass-chewing. Sorry, they are wrong in one aspect. An ass-chewing is exactly what was needed. In my own professional mentorship I take the individual aside, though, and deliver the 'wall-to-wall counseling' in private. Trump doing so in person tells me he wanted it to be public, to let people know he was not happy with Sessions and when / if he fires him there will be no misunderstanding why he did / does so.

What happens next, like with the people I have counseled, is up to HIM / THEM. Sessions can take the initiative and step up his game...or hear the words people tuned in to the Apprentice to hear: 'You're Fired'.

No. Our government is nothing like The Apprentice, that silly TV show, and only an idiot would think it is.

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