Ruh Roooooh!

It seems that there's going to be a new Special Counsel to investigate lynch, comey, obama, the shrilary, rice and isn't that GRAND!

Q. For what purpose?

[Didn't Darryll Issa spent enough of our tax dollars trying to find an iota of criminal conduct by Democrats?]

A. Repeated failures by the Republican Congress to accomplish the repeal and replacement of the ACA, the empty suit in the White House whose epic failure to fulfill his promises requires cover, have motivated the GOP to attempt to change the conversation form the chaos created in the last election.

The Republicans will do anything to protect their power, albeit used only to protect their own job by destroying the character of everyone who is a threat to them. That includes the Democratic Party, its members and any Republican, Conservative, Libertarian or Independent who doesn't support their agenda. In short, to remake American into a more perfect plutocracy, and to destroy as much of the democratic tradition that made America Great.
QUOTE="easyt65, post: ]
The AG had no other ethical choice but to recuse himself. RWNJs, including Trump, seem to think the AG is the president's personal lawyer. He is not.
Nice OPINION, not fact.

Snowflakes wouldn't know an ethical choice or a Conflict of Interest if it bit them in the ass, as proven by them defending Hillary's lawyer being on Mueller's team.

Let's see how accepting the snowflakes are when a Republican Special Counsel lead is appointed and fills his team with Trump donors and Trump lawyers. :p
A lawyer working for Hillary is on Mueller's team?

:lol: Link please!
A lawyer working for Hillary is on Mueller's team?

:lol: Link please!

You're asking for this AGAIN? How many times do I have to give this to you?

"While working at the WilmerHale law firm with Mr. Mueller, Ms. Rhee was on the legal team that represented the Clinton Foundation. She was also part of the team that defended Mrs. Clinton against lawsuits over her email practices as secretary of state."

Robert Mueller hires star lawyers for team
I still don't see any meat on the bone that Trump's appropriate (IMO) criticism of Sessions is somehow wrong. It is basically a much more critical version of 'The Apprentice'.

Since Sessions was appointed US AG, he let himself be bullied into un-necessarily recusing himself from a massive case against the President. Without him 'in the way' Mueller then loaded his Counsel with the 'murderers row' of Trump donors and Clinton lawyers with which to go after Trump.

Illegal leaks were pouring out of the WH, the former Director of the FBI admitted under oath he illegally leaked information while testifying that former US AG Lynch illegally obstructed Justice. The FBI also just released more than 400 more new pieces of evidence against Hillary Clinton of illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. It has also been revealed that Former Obama Cabinet member Susan Rice illegally shared records and illegally unmasked Americans for political purposes.

It's been like a cattle town the 1st night after the cowboys have brought in the herd, and the town has no sheriff - wild, crime, no sheriff, no justice.

Sessions has been exposed as weak, meek, easily intimidated, and without initiative to do his job. It took an ass-chewing from Trump to get him to step up and do his job.
- People criticized Trump for doing the ass-chewing. Sorry, they are wrong in one aspect. An ass-chewing is exactly what was needed. In my own professional mentorship I take the individual aside, though, and deliver the 'wall-to-wall counseling' in private. Trump doing so in person tells me he wanted it to be public, to let people know he was not happy with Sessions and when / if he fires him there will be no misunderstanding why he did / does so.

What happens next, like with the people I have counseled, is up to HIM / THEM. Sessions can take the initiative and step up his game...or hear the words people tuned in to the Apprentice to hear: 'You're Fired'.
Excerpt from the op ed I linked, right above yours.

Never more so than during his ongoing war on his own attorney general, Jeff Sessions. Trump has been privately blaming Sessions for the Russia cloud. But rather than calling him in to either work it out or demand his resignation, Trump has engaged in a series of deliberate public humiliations.

Day by day, he taunts Sessions, attacking him for everything from not firing the acting FBI director (which Trump could do himself in an instant) to not pursuing criminal charges against Hillary Clinton.

What makes the spectacle so excruciating is that the wounded Sessions plods on, refusing the obvious invitation to resign his dream job, the capstone of his career.

Trump relishes such a cat-and-mouse game and, by playing it so openly, reveals a deeply repellent vindictiveness in the service of a pathological need to display dominance.

Dominance is his game. Doesn’t matter if you backed him, as did Chris Christie, cast out months ago. Or if you opposed him, as did Mitt Romney, before whom Trump ostentatiously dangled the State Department, only to snatch it away, leaving Romney looking the foolish supplicant.
You so oppose Trump's leadership style. I do, as well, but as he was elected President he can run his WH / Cabinet as he chooses. As Barry stated, 'Elections have consequences'.
It seems that there's going to be a new Special Counsel to investigate lynch, comey, obama, the shrilary, rice and isn't that GRAND!

Q. For what purpose?

[Didn't Darryll Issa spent enough of our tax dollars trying to find an iota of criminal conduct by Democrats?]

A. Repeated failures by the Republican Congress to accomplish the repeal and replacement of the ACA, the empty suit in the White House whose epic failure to fulfill his promises requires cover, have motivated the GOP to attempt to change the conversation form the chaos created in the last election.

The Republicans will do anything to protect their power, albeit used only to protect their own job by destroying the character of everyone who is a threat to them. That includes the Democratic Party, its members and any Republican, Conservative, Libertarian or Independent who doesn't support their agenda. In short, to remake American into a more perfect plutocracy, and to destroy as much of the democratic tradition that made America Great.

You know, it's going to be kind of interesting to see if it is a different outcome when the DOJ isn't running interference and helping those under suspicion to obstruct justice.
But that's just a guess.
It seems that there's going to be a new Special Counsel to investigate lynch, comey, obama, the shrilary, rice and isn't that GRAND!

Q. For what purpose?

[Didn't Darryll Issa spent enough of our tax dollars trying to find an iota of criminal conduct by Democrats?]

A. Repeated failures by the Republican Congress to accomplish the repeal and replacement of the ACA, the empty suit in the White House whose epic failure to fulfill his promises requires cover, have motivated the GOP to attempt to change the conversation form the chaos created in the last election.

The Republicans will do anything to protect their power, albeit used only to protect their own job by destroying the character of everyone who is a threat to them. That includes the Democratic Party, its members and any Republican, Conservative, Libertarian or Independent who doesn't support their agenda. In short, to remake American into a more perfect plutocracy, and to destroy as much of the democratic tradition that made America Great.

You know, it's going to be kind of interesting to see if it is a different outcome when the DOJ isn't running interference and helping those under suspicion to obstruct justice.
But that's just a guess.

It's likely to end up exactly as did the FBI investigation, only more costly and more divisive. Of course conservatives never give up, they win even when they lose because their base is biddable and will vote for anyone who clams to be a conservative and wears a flag pin in their lapel.
No. Our government is nothing like The Apprentice, that silly TV show, and only an idiot would think it is.
Usually not...but it needs to be. You F* up, you don't get to move up or keep your job. You are held responsible. Sessions, again, has demonstrated he is meek, weak, easily intimidated, and either needs to step up or be fired.
The entire Trump camp screwed up. Every one of them, including Sessions, lied about meetings with Russians.
By your own standard, they should all be held to account.
It seems that there's going to be a new Special Counsel to investigate lynch, comey, obama, the shrilary, rice and isn't that GRAND!

Q. For what purpose?

[Didn't Darryll Issa spent enough of our tax dollars trying to find an iota of criminal conduct by Democrats?]

A. Repeated failures by the Republican Congress to accomplish the repeal and replacement of the ACA, the empty suit in the White House whose epic failure to fulfill his promises requires cover, have motivated the GOP to attempt to change the conversation form the chaos created in the last election.

The Republicans will do anything to protect their power, albeit used only to protect their own job by destroying the character of everyone who is a threat to them. That includes the Democratic Party, its members and any Republican, Conservative, Libertarian or Independent who doesn't support their agenda. In short, to remake American into a more perfect plutocracy, and to destroy as much of the democratic tradition that made America Great.

You know, it's going to be kind of interesting to see if it is a different outcome when the DOJ isn't running interference and helping those under suspicion to obstruct justice.
But that's just a guess.

It's likely to end up exactly as did the FBI investigation, only more costly and more divisive. Of course conservatives never give up, they win even when they lose because their base is biddable and will vote for anyone who clams to be a conservative and wears a flag pin in their lapel.

Doubtful to be honest. Like I said, the investigations were completely undermined by a DOJ that didn't want to "know" the truth, so was extremely active in preventing information from getting out. My only concern is the information has been destroyed. If it hasn't, it will be a different outcome.
The only thing the Snowflakes have been able to accomplish so far with their butt-hurt conspiracy theories has been


Snowflakes be like...


The only thing Trump has been able to accomplish so far is

Um. Give me a week. I'll think of something.
How long does it take to appoint a Special Counsel anyways? We've been hearing about this for coming up on 4 days now. I guess I'll just have to keep asking.

This is getting even more hilarious.
: the House GOP's new "investigate Hillary again" amendment came from some of the Pepe's at Reddit's r/The Donald.

A GOP Staffer Crowdsourced an Anti-Clinton Resolution From Reddit

This past Wednesday, a group of Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee presented an amendment calling for an investigation into alleged misconduct on the parts of Hillary Clinton and James Comey. It was a way to frustrate Democrats, but, more than that, it provided an opportunity to publicly discuss their very favorite thing: the many bygone misdeeds of Crooked Hillary. The amendment may sound to some readers like it's been ripped out of a conspiracy forum, because that's exactly what happened.

Sponsored by first-term Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Florida), the amendment itself sought to hijack what began as a resolution from Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington) asking for information about Comey's firing. In response to Jayapal's proposal, Gaetz and a few fellow Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee effectively replaced the Democrats' resolution with one of their own. The new amendment (which you can read in its entirety here) asks for an investigation into things like "the propriety and consequence of immunity deals given to possible Hillary Clinton co-conspirators" and "James B. Comey’s refusal to investigate then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding" a number of matters, including many of which may have come directly from r/The_Donald.

Thursday night, three Twitter users discovered that a staffer for one of the resolution’s sponsors attempted to crowdsource a number of the resolution's salient points from r/The_Donald, a subreddit notorious for playing host to unfounded conspiracy theories and anti-Islam tendencies. In other words, not a conventional source of legislative inspiration.

The GOP Crowsourced an Anti-Clinton Amendment From Reddit
You so oppose Trump's leadership style. I do, as well, but as he was elected President he can run his WH / Cabinet as he chooses. As Barry stated, 'Elections have consequences'.
a deeply repellent vindictiveness in the service of a pathological need to display dominance.
Democrats will stop at NOTHING to ensure this never happens....especially if they seriously think there is a chance a GOP Lead Counsel will be appointed who fills his team with Trump donors and lawyers like Mueller did with Democrats against Trump.


Hillary's guilt has already been proven, so much so that a 2 person panel consisting of Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder could see it...despite all the irrational denial by Hillary / DNC partisans.

Comey already admitted under oath he broke the law, in the same testimony he told of Lynch's obstruction. Comey even exposed Hillary's crimes / lies, as well....

"Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Was that true?"
"That's not true."

"Secretary Clinton said, 'I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.' Was that true?"
"There was classified material emailed"

Republicans hit James Comey over Hillary Clinton email probe, say issue isn't over -
You so oppose Trump's leadership style. I do, as well, but as he was elected President he can run his WH / Cabinet as he chooses. As Barry stated, 'Elections have consequences'.
a deeply repellent vindictiveness in the service of a pathological need to display dominance.
And you got your psychiatry degree from where...?
shit's about to get real

Rudy to head SC?

yes, we live in interesting times?

Trey Gowdy on suicide watch?


I'm guessing that Pres. Trump has already appointed the special counsel that is going to handled the job, in order for him to go that route.
You so oppose Trump's leadership style. I do, as well, but as he was elected President he can run his WH / Cabinet as he chooses. As Barry stated, 'Elections have consequences'.
a deeply repellent vindictiveness in the service of a pathological need to display dominance.
And you got your psychiatry degree from where...?
I didn't write this--Krauthammer did. And he DOES have a degree in psychiatry.
It seems that there's going to be a new Special Counsel to investigate lynch, comey, obama, the shrilary, rice and isn't that GRAND!

Q. For what purpose?

[Didn't Darryll Issa spent enough of our tax dollars trying to find an iota of criminal conduct by Democrats?]

A. Repeated failures by the Republican Congress to accomplish the repeal and replacement of the ACA, the empty suit in the White House whose epic failure to fulfill his promises requires cover, have motivated the GOP to attempt to change the conversation form the chaos created in the last election.

The Republicans will do anything to protect their power, albeit used only to protect their own job by destroying the character of everyone who is a threat to them. That includes the Democratic Party, its members and any Republican, Conservative, Libertarian or Independent who doesn't support their agenda. In short, to remake American into a more perfect plutocracy, and to destroy as much of the democratic tradition that made America Great.

You know, it's going to be kind of interesting to see if it is a different outcome when the DOJ isn't running interference and helping those under suspicion to obstruct justice.
But that's just a guess.

It's likely to end up exactly as did the FBI investigation, only more costly and more divisive. Of course conservatives never give up, they win even when they lose because their base is biddable and will vote for anyone who clams to be a conservative and wears a flag pin in their lapel.

Doubtful to be honest. Like I said, the investigations were completely undermined by a DOJ that didn't want to "know" the truth, so was extremely active in preventing information from getting out. My only concern is the information has been destroyed. If it hasn't, it will be a different outcome.

What evidence do you have to support your claim? A conspiracy theory is a Conspiracy Theory, nothing more without probative evidence to support such a claim.

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