Ruh Roooooh!

It seems that there's going to be a new Special Counsel to investigate lynch, comey, obama, the shrilary, rice and isn't that GRAND!

Q. For what purpose?

[Didn't Darryll Issa spent enough of our tax dollars trying to find an iota of criminal conduct by Democrats?]

A. Repeated failures by the Republican Congress to accomplish the repeal and replacement of the ACA, the empty suit in the White House whose epic failure to fulfill his promises requires cover, have motivated the GOP to attempt to change the conversation form the chaos created in the last election.

The Republicans will do anything to protect their power, albeit used only to protect their own job by destroying the character of everyone who is a threat to them. That includes the Democratic Party, its members and any Republican, Conservative, Libertarian or Independent who doesn't support their agenda. In short, to remake American into a more perfect plutocracy, and to destroy as much of the democratic tradition that made America Great.

You know, it's going to be kind of interesting to see if it is a different outcome when the DOJ isn't running interference and helping those under suspicion to obstruct justice.
But that's just a guess.

It's likely to end up exactly as did the FBI investigation, only more costly and more divisive. Of course conservatives never give up, they win even when they lose because their base is biddable and will vote for anyone who clams to be a conservative and wears a flag pin in their lapel.

Doubtful to be honest. Like I said, the investigations were completely undermined by a DOJ that didn't want to "know" the truth, so was extremely active in preventing information from getting out. My only concern is the information has been destroyed. If it hasn't, it will be a different outcome.

What evidence do you have to support your claim? A conspiracy theory is a Conspiracy Theory, nothing more without probative evidence to support such a claim.

We have the fact that the DOJ didn't release information to the investigating groups for YEARS in some cases. A more clear example of obstruction would be hard to find. Lt. Gen Chipman's security clearance was slow walked by the obummer admin (he needed the clearance for the investigation) even though he was the HEAD of the US Army's legal department. That is one example among dozens of how the CIA, State Dept, and the Pentagon delayed the investigation, and buried information.
Q. For what purpose?

[Didn't Darryll Issa spent enough of our tax dollars trying to find an iota of criminal conduct by Democrats?]

A. Repeated failures by the Republican Congress to accomplish the repeal and replacement of the ACA, the empty suit in the White House whose epic failure to fulfill his promises requires cover, have motivated the GOP to attempt to change the conversation form the chaos created in the last election.

The Republicans will do anything to protect their power, albeit used only to protect their own job by destroying the character of everyone who is a threat to them. That includes the Democratic Party, its members and any Republican, Conservative, Libertarian or Independent who doesn't support their agenda. In short, to remake American into a more perfect plutocracy, and to destroy as much of the democratic tradition that made America Great.

You know, it's going to be kind of interesting to see if it is a different outcome when the DOJ isn't running interference and helping those under suspicion to obstruct justice.
But that's just a guess.

It's likely to end up exactly as did the FBI investigation, only more costly and more divisive. Of course conservatives never give up, they win even when they lose because their base is biddable and will vote for anyone who clams to be a conservative and wears a flag pin in their lapel.

Doubtful to be honest. Like I said, the investigations were completely undermined by a DOJ that didn't want to "know" the truth, so was extremely active in preventing information from getting out. My only concern is the information has been destroyed. If it hasn't, it will be a different outcome.

What evidence do you have to support your claim? A conspiracy theory is a Conspiracy Theory, nothing more without probative evidence to support such a claim.

We have the fact that the DOJ didn't release information to the investigating groups for YEARS in some cases. A more clear example of obstruction would be hard to find. Lt. Gen Chipman's security clearance was slow walked by the obummer admin (he needed the clearance for the investigation) even though he was the HEAD of the US Army's legal department. That is one example among dozens of how the CIA, State Dept, and the Pentagon delayed the investigation, and buried information.

Nothing in this post ^^^ is evidence of wrong doing (Misfeasance, Malfeasance or Nonfeasance) nor is it probative of anything you've claimed as facts.
I love how Democrats try to 'wish away' Hillary's criminal activities, proclaiming defenses for her that, like Comey's own, are not legally accepted defenses for breaking the law.

Hillary obviously and blatantly violated both FOIA and Federal Records Act. Just recently the FBI released BRAND NEW OFFICIAL Clinton Server e-mails - over 400 - that she never turned over to the State Dept as she was required to do by law. That is over 400 violations of the FOIA and over 400 violations of the Federal Records Act, a total of more than 800 counts of criminal activity in this latest batch of released e-mails alone.

Hillary also committed criminal mishandling of classified material by stor9ing classified and unclassified information and treating all information as unclassified, illegal storage of classified information, illegal transportation of classified, illegal transmission of classified, and giving persons who did not have the legally required clearances access to classified.

Hillary obstructed Justice - refusing an order from the FBI to hand over all servers, devices, and documents. Instead, she deleted thousands of emails and documents (1 count each of obstruction of Justice), smashed devices (1 count each od obstruction of justice), failed to turn over all devices (1 count each), and removed the sim cards of the devices she did manage to turn in (1 criminal count each). Let's not forget she also used Bleach Bit' to wipe her hard drive.

All this destruction of classified information is covered by numerous laws, all of which she violated:

18 U.S. Code § 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally

(a)Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

(b)Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.

fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both”….1 count each for the thousands of documents Hillary destroyed

18 U.S. Code § 1519 – Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy

"Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both."

“U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 12 — Diplomatic Security”:

18 U.S.C. Section 641. Public money, property or records

"Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use, or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof, …Shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years or both."

Section 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information …

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer —

Shall be fined not more than $10, 000 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

(g) If two or more persons conspire to violate any of the foregoing provisions of this section, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each of the parties to such conspiracy, shall be subject to the punishment provided for the offense which is the object of such conspiracy

Now consider 1 criminal count each for every single one of the documents Hillary Destroyed, with their being THOUSANDS of documents Hillary destroyed.....

Destroying 1 document is a violation of each of these 3 laws...that's 3 counts for each document. To serve out the potential time Hillary could be faced with, her grandchildren's grandchildren would have to help her serve the potential time she could face once convicted. :p

And poor, mis-guided snowflakes continue to claim that their poor wittle criminal who never gave a shat about them broke no laws.

You know, it's going to be kind of interesting to see if it is a different outcome when the DOJ isn't running interference and helping those under suspicion to obstruct justice.
But that's just a guess.

It's likely to end up exactly as did the FBI investigation, only more costly and more divisive. Of course conservatives never give up, they win even when they lose because their base is biddable and will vote for anyone who clams to be a conservative and wears a flag pin in their lapel.

Doubtful to be honest. Like I said, the investigations were completely undermined by a DOJ that didn't want to "know" the truth, so was extremely active in preventing information from getting out. My only concern is the information has been destroyed. If it hasn't, it will be a different outcome.

What evidence do you have to support your claim? A conspiracy theory is a Conspiracy Theory, nothing more without probative evidence to support such a claim.

We have the fact that the DOJ didn't release information to the investigating groups for YEARS in some cases. A more clear example of obstruction would be hard to find. Lt. Gen Chipman's security clearance was slow walked by the obummer admin (he needed the clearance for the investigation) even though he was the HEAD of the US Army's legal department. That is one example among dozens of how the CIA, State Dept, and the Pentagon delayed the investigation, and buried information.

Nothing in this post ^^^ is evidence of wrong doing (Misfeasance, Malfeasance or Nonfeasance) nor is it probative of anything you've claimed as facts.

That's funny. Whenever repubs do that sort of crap you progressives howl to the high mountains. Hypocrite much?
It's likely to end up exactly as did the FBI investigation, only more costly and more divisive. Of course conservatives never give up, they win even when they lose because their base is biddable and will vote for anyone who clams to be a conservative and wears a flag pin in their lapel.

Doubtful to be honest. Like I said, the investigations were completely undermined by a DOJ that didn't want to "know" the truth, so was extremely active in preventing information from getting out. My only concern is the information has been destroyed. If it hasn't, it will be a different outcome.

What evidence do you have to support your claim? A conspiracy theory is a Conspiracy Theory, nothing more without probative evidence to support such a claim.

We have the fact that the DOJ didn't release information to the investigating groups for YEARS in some cases. A more clear example of obstruction would be hard to find. Lt. Gen Chipman's security clearance was slow walked by the obummer admin (he needed the clearance for the investigation) even though he was the HEAD of the US Army's legal department. That is one example among dozens of how the CIA, State Dept, and the Pentagon delayed the investigation, and buried information.

Nothing in this post ^^^ is evidence of wrong doing (Misfeasance, Malfeasance or Nonfeasance) nor is it probative of anything you've claimed as facts.

That's funny. Whenever repubs do that sort of crap you progressives howl to the high mountains. Hypocrite much?

Name calling isn't a rebuttal, post probative facts to prove your allegations, which have never been truly defined.
shit's about to get real

Rudy to head SC?

yes, we live in interesting times?

Trey Gowdy on suicide watch?


I'm guessing that Pres. Trump has already appointed the special counsel that is going to handled the job, in order for him to go that route.

ummmmm, you might want to check .... oh fuck it, nevermind. Carry on. LOL
Doubtful to be honest. Like I said, the investigations were completely undermined by a DOJ that didn't want to "know" the truth, so was extremely active in preventing information from getting out. My only concern is the information has been destroyed. If it hasn't, it will be a different outcome.

What evidence do you have to support your claim? A conspiracy theory is a Conspiracy Theory, nothing more without probative evidence to support such a claim.

We have the fact that the DOJ didn't release information to the investigating groups for YEARS in some cases. A more clear example of obstruction would be hard to find. Lt. Gen Chipman's security clearance was slow walked by the obummer admin (he needed the clearance for the investigation) even though he was the HEAD of the US Army's legal department. That is one example among dozens of how the CIA, State Dept, and the Pentagon delayed the investigation, and buried information.

Nothing in this post ^^^ is evidence of wrong doing (Misfeasance, Malfeasance or Nonfeasance) nor is it probative of anything you've claimed as facts.

That's funny. Whenever repubs do that sort of crap you progressives howl to the high mountains. Hypocrite much?

Name calling isn't a rebuttal, post probative facts to prove your allegations, which have never been truly defined.

I already did. If a private company were under investigation, and used these sorts of tactics the DOJ would have tossed all of the execs in jail. I will grant you that a single case could be attributed to gross incompetence as that is the norm for government workers, however, given the entirety of the case, and the egregious examples of slow walking IS probative.

I suggest you look up requirements for release of discovery in a investigation or criminal case.
What evidence do you have to support your claim? A conspiracy theory is a Conspiracy Theory, nothing more without probative evidence to support such a claim.

We have the fact that the DOJ didn't release information to the investigating groups for YEARS in some cases. A more clear example of obstruction would be hard to find. Lt. Gen Chipman's security clearance was slow walked by the obummer admin (he needed the clearance for the investigation) even though he was the HEAD of the US Army's legal department. That is one example among dozens of how the CIA, State Dept, and the Pentagon delayed the investigation, and buried information.

Nothing in this post ^^^ is evidence of wrong doing (Misfeasance, Malfeasance or Nonfeasance) nor is it probative of anything you've claimed as facts.

That's funny. Whenever repubs do that sort of crap you progressives howl to the high mountains. Hypocrite much?

Name calling isn't a rebuttal, post probative facts to prove your allegations, which have never been truly defined.

I already did. If a private company were under investigation, and used these sorts of tactics the DOJ would have tossed all of the execs in jail. I will grant you that a single case could be attributed to gross incompetence as that is the norm for government workers, however, given the entirety of the case, and the egregious examples of slow walking IS probative.

I suggest you look up requirements for release of discovery in a investigation or criminal case.

You did not.

[ YOU: "We have the fact that the DOJ didn't release information to the investigating groups for YEARS in some cases. A more clear example of obstruction would be hard to find. Lt. Gen Chipman's security clearance was slow walked by the obummer admin (he needed the clearance for the investigation) even though he was the HEAD of the US Army's legal department. That is one example among dozens of how the CIA, State Dept, and the Pentagon delayed the investigation, and buried information."[/QUOTE]

["Nothing in this post ^^^ is evidence of wrong doing (Misfeasance, Malfeasance or Nonfeasance) nor is it probative of anything you've claimed as facts."][/QUOTE]

Discovery occurs after a criminal complaint has been filed or Information after a Jury Indicts the Defendant. The Agency investigating the matter has no duty to provide what they've found until such time as the complaint/information has been filed.

The rest of you post is deflection from the issue at hand, and too biased to be taken seriously.
We have the fact that the DOJ didn't release information to the investigating groups for YEARS in some cases. A more clear example of obstruction would be hard to find. Lt. Gen Chipman's security clearance was slow walked by the obummer admin (he needed the clearance for the investigation) even though he was the HEAD of the US Army's legal department. That is one example among dozens of how the CIA, State Dept, and the Pentagon delayed the investigation, and buried information.

Nothing in this post ^^^ is evidence of wrong doing (Misfeasance, Malfeasance or Nonfeasance) nor is it probative of anything you've claimed as facts.

That's funny. Whenever repubs do that sort of crap you progressives howl to the high mountains. Hypocrite much?

Name calling isn't a rebuttal, post probative facts to prove your allegations, which have never been truly defined.

I already did. If a private company were under investigation, and used these sorts of tactics the DOJ would have tossed all of the execs in jail. I will grant you that a single case could be attributed to gross incompetence as that is the norm for government workers, however, given the entirety of the case, and the egregious examples of slow walking IS probative.

I suggest you look up requirements for release of discovery in a investigation or criminal case.

You did not.

[ YOU: "We have the fact that the DOJ didn't release information to the investigating groups for YEARS in some cases. A more clear example of obstruction would be hard to find. Lt. Gen Chipman's security clearance was slow walked by the obummer admin (he needed the clearance for the investigation) even though he was the HEAD of the US Army's legal department. That is one example among dozens of how the CIA, State Dept, and the Pentagon delayed the investigation, and buried information."

["Nothing in this post ^^^ is evidence of wrong doing (Misfeasance, Malfeasance or Nonfeasance) nor is it probative of anything you've claimed as facts."][/QUOTE]

Discovery occurs after a criminal complaint has been filed or Information after a Jury Indicts the Defendant. The Agency investigating the matter has no duty to provide what they've found until such time as the complaint/information has been filed.

The rest of you post is deflection from the issue at hand, and too biased to be taken seriously.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it is. Either you are being purposely obtuse, or you are lying. There are clear time limits on how soon requested information MUST be turned over to the asking agency's/Commissions. The obummer Admin made a habit of ignoring those well defined rules of evidence.
Nothing in this post ^^^ is evidence of wrong doing (Misfeasance, Malfeasance or Nonfeasance) nor is it probative of anything you've claimed as facts.

That's funny. Whenever repubs do that sort of crap you progressives howl to the high mountains. Hypocrite much?

Name calling isn't a rebuttal, post probative facts to prove your allegations, which have never been truly defined.

I already did. If a private company were under investigation, and used these sorts of tactics the DOJ would have tossed all of the execs in jail. I will grant you that a single case could be attributed to gross incompetence as that is the norm for government workers, however, given the entirety of the case, and the egregious examples of slow walking IS probative.

I suggest you look up requirements for release of discovery in a investigation or criminal case.

You did not.

[ YOU: "We have the fact that the DOJ didn't release information to the investigating groups for YEARS in some cases. A more clear example of obstruction would be hard to find. Lt. Gen Chipman's security clearance was slow walked by the obummer admin (he needed the clearance for the investigation) even though he was the HEAD of the US Army's legal department. That is one example among dozens of how the CIA, State Dept, and the Pentagon delayed the investigation, and buried information."

["Nothing in this post ^^^ is evidence of wrong doing (Misfeasance, Malfeasance or Nonfeasance) nor is it probative of anything you've claimed as facts."]

Discovery occurs after a criminal complaint has been filed or Information after a Jury Indicts the Defendant. The Agency investigating the matter has no duty to provide what they've found until such time as the complaint/information has been filed.

The rest of you post is deflection from the issue at hand, and too biased to be taken seriously.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it is. Either you are being purposely obtuse, or you are lying. There are clear time limits on how soon requested information MUST be turned over to the asking agency's/Commissions. The obummer Admin made a habit of ignoring those well defined rules of evidence.[/QUOTE]

Citation missing.
That's funny. Whenever repubs do that sort of crap you progressives howl to the high mountains. Hypocrite much?

Name calling isn't a rebuttal, post probative facts to prove your allegations, which have never been truly defined.

I already did. If a private company were under investigation, and used these sorts of tactics the DOJ would have tossed all of the execs in jail. I will grant you that a single case could be attributed to gross incompetence as that is the norm for government workers, however, given the entirety of the case, and the egregious examples of slow walking IS probative.

I suggest you look up requirements for release of discovery in a investigation or criminal case.

You did not.

[ YOU: "We have the fact that the DOJ didn't release information to the investigating groups for YEARS in some cases. A more clear example of obstruction would be hard to find. Lt. Gen Chipman's security clearance was slow walked by the obummer admin (he needed the clearance for the investigation) even though he was the HEAD of the US Army's legal department. That is one example among dozens of how the CIA, State Dept, and the Pentagon delayed the investigation, and buried information."

["Nothing in this post ^^^ is evidence of wrong doing (Misfeasance, Malfeasance or Nonfeasance) nor is it probative of anything you've claimed as facts."]

Discovery occurs after a criminal complaint has been filed or Information after a Jury Indicts the Defendant. The Agency investigating the matter has no duty to provide what they've found until such time as the complaint/information has been filed.

The rest of you post is deflection from the issue at hand, and too biased to be taken seriously.

Actually, it is. Either you are being purposely obtuse, or you are lying. There are clear time limits on how soon requested information MUST be turned over to the asking agency's/Commissions. The obummer Admin made a habit of ignoring those well defined rules of evidence.[/QUOTE]

Citation missing.[/QUOTE]

Incorrect. The Agency's involved are REQUIRED to provide the investigating body with the asked for documents. Now I know you are just lying.
Name calling isn't a rebuttal, post probative facts to prove your allegations, which have never been truly defined.

I already did. If a private company were under investigation, and used these sorts of tactics the DOJ would have tossed all of the execs in jail. I will grant you that a single case could be attributed to gross incompetence as that is the norm for government workers, however, given the entirety of the case, and the egregious examples of slow walking IS probative.

I suggest you look up requirements for release of discovery in a investigation or criminal case.

You did not.

[ YOU: "We have the fact that the DOJ didn't release information to the investigating groups for YEARS in some cases. A more clear example of obstruction would be hard to find. Lt. Gen Chipman's security clearance was slow walked by the obummer admin (he needed the clearance for the investigation) even though he was the HEAD of the US Army's legal department. That is one example among dozens of how the CIA, State Dept, and the Pentagon delayed the investigation, and buried information."

["Nothing in this post ^^^ is evidence of wrong doing (Misfeasance, Malfeasance or Nonfeasance) nor is it probative of anything you've claimed as facts."]

Discovery occurs after a criminal complaint has been filed or Information after a Jury Indicts the Defendant. The Agency investigating the matter has no duty to provide what they've found until such time as the complaint/information has been filed.

The rest of you post is deflection from the issue at hand, and too biased to be taken seriously.

Actually, it is. Either you are being purposely obtuse, or you are lying. There are clear time limits on how soon requested information MUST be turned over to the asking agency's/Commissions. The obummer Admin made a habit of ignoring those well defined rules of evidence.

Citation missing.[/QUOTE]

Incorrect. The Agency's involved are REQUIRED to provide the investigating body with the asked for documents. Now I know you are just lying.[/QUOTE]

Do you not know what a citation is? Post the points and authority to prove your point.

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