Ruh Roooooh!

Gotta get the dingleberries lathered up. Can't have them looking at the e-mails where Trump Jr. actually said he was eager to collude with the Russians. And the campaign manager, and Trump's son-in-law saw the e-mails and agreed to the meeting. We have no idea what was agreed to, as the people involved are all known liars.
What about Hillary's emails? Those are all probably on the up and up. I see.
It seems that there's going to be a new Special Counsel to investigate lynch, comey, obama, the shrilary, rice
No, there isn't.

You've been hoaxed again.
Actually, Jeff Sessions is in receipt of the letter from 12 congress persons who have requested a special counsel and as of today, on FOX, in an interview he stated that he is considering seating one early next week.

The left leaning host was stunned at this admission... Its is most certifiably coming..
A left leaning host on Fox News. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Put down the crack pipe kid.
You might want to erase this comment....
And now it's Sunday.....any news on this new Special Counsel yet?
Nope, but we did get this pic of Chris Christie giving Trump a hand job.

It seems that there's going to be a new Special Counsel to investigate lynch, comey, obama, the shrilary, rice and isn't that GRAND!

Believe me now? It was theater for you rubes.

You rubes never tire of falling for these hoaxes. I bet you are already back in line to be lied to again.

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