Rules For Traditionals: How People In Wedding Trades Can Defend Themselves

"Rules For Traditionals: How People In Wedding Trades Can Defend Themselves"

No one in the 'wedding trades' has any reason to 'defend himself,' each business owner need only follow the laws of his state or local jurisdiction, including just, proper, and Constitutional public accommodations laws.
Reasonable people would simply find a gay friendly business to service them. This is out and out persecution by the anti Christian leftists. And it is unconstitutional.
I believe false capitalists should be required to go "not-for-profit" if they want to indulge their ideology over Capitalism.

“In other words, bend over and take it up the ass. That's the kind of freedom loving attitude we've come to expect from the likes of you.”


Conduct yourself like a professional business owner and serve your patrons accordingly, by following necessary and proper regulatory measures as authorized by the Commerce Clause.

This is a non-issue, a ridiculous 'controversy' the consequence of the social right and their ignorance of, or contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.
This is not the equivalent of barring blacks from your hotel. Gays are served for everything else, as demonstrated, except for the sham of a marriage. Law has to protect both sides. 1st amendment rights must be protected. This must go to the Supreme Court immediately.
"Rules For Traditionals: How People In Wedding Trades Can Defend Themselves"

No one in the 'wedding trades' has any reason to 'defend himself,' each business owner need only follow the laws of his state or local jurisdiction, including just, proper, and Constitutional public accommodations laws.
Reasonable people would simply find a gay friendly business to service them. This is out and out persecution by the anti Christian leftists. And it is unconstitutional.
I believe false capitalists should be required to go "not-for-profit" if they want to indulge their ideology over Capitalism.
An absurd notion. This law will be overturned.
Again, you don't get to decide what the responsibilities of their jobs are, dumbass.
Yes, we do. Capitalism is regulated. Time to grow up now pee boy.

Yes, we have become a fascist country due to the likes of you.
then leave. Seriously leave and shut the fuck up already. Put up or shut up.

You leave, asshole. You and your ilk are constantly whining about how this country works, and then whenever anyone objects to your schemes to remake society you tell them to get the hell out. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
It's our nation, we founded it, not yours, Bripiss. Hit the road as you are neither needed nor wanted.
America was founded for and by Christians. You get the fuck out!

“In other words, bend over and take it up the ass. That's the kind of freedom loving attitude we've come to expect from the likes of you.”


Conduct yourself like a professional business owner and serve your patrons accordingly, by following necessary and proper regulatory measures as authorized by the Commerce Clause.

This is a non-issue, a ridiculous 'controversy' the consequence of the social right and their ignorance of, or contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.
This is not the equivalent of barring blacks from your hotel. Gays are served for everything else, as demonstrated, except for the sham of a marriage. Law has to protect both sides. 1st amendment rights must be protected. This must go to the Supreme Court immediately.
We have a First Amendment and its State equivalents; why do false capitalists care more about ideology than capitalism--shouldn't they be indulging their morals on a not-for-profit basis?
Here's another asshole who believes he's entitled to tell business owners how to run their businesses. That's the lib/fascist mentality in a nutshell: telling other people how to run their lives/businesses.
Isn't that what the communist right is doing?

The "communist right?" Did you intend to post this oxymoron?
no; i meant the communist Right who prefer to be infidel, protestant, and renegade to the concept of natural rights and Individual Liberty.

There's no such thing as the "communist right," numskull.
sure there is; skullnum.

You're a numskull.
Yes, we do. Capitalism is regulated. Time to grow up now pee boy.

Yes, we have become a fascist country due to the likes of you.
then leave. Seriously leave and shut the fuck up already. Put up or shut up.

You leave, asshole. You and your ilk are constantly whining about how this country works, and then whenever anyone objects to your schemes to remake society you tell them to get the hell out. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
It's our nation, we founded it, not yours, Bripiss. Hit the road as you are neither needed nor wanted.
America was founded for and by Christians. You get the fuck out!
This is as ridiculous as it is wrong.
Isn't that what the communist right is doing?

The "communist right?" Did you intend to post this oxymoron?
no; i meant the communist Right who prefer to be infidel, protestant, and renegade to the concept of natural rights and Individual Liberty.

There's no such thing as the "communist right," numskull.
sure there is; skullnum.

You're a numskull.
Given your posting history, you're in no position to call anyone else a 'numbskull.'
The article in the link in the OP was written by gays. No Christian must ever participate in a gay wedding. It isn't enough to advertise that you specialize in normal weddings but then serve gays when they demand it "to protect yourself legally" (read the whole article). The punishment from Jude 1 doesn't have gray areas. You either refuse to enable a cultural homosexual takeover (using the core of all culture-marriage) or you spend eternity in the Pit of Fire.
I disagree. True Christians adhere to the teachings of Christ. Wedding vendors do not participate in wedding ceremonies. Baking, photographing, catering are not sacramental rites or rituals. They are the services such vendors are in business for.

Perhaps, if a vendor fears for the status of their immortal soul by baking wedding cakes, they should morally vet each and every customer to assure no sinners ask for their services. Should 'Christian' vendors provide a wedding cake for a adulterer? What if a customer failed to remember the sabbath and keep it holy? Maybe there is a customer who regularly takes the Lord's name in vain. These are sins enumerated in the Ten Commandments, unlike homosexuality.

Face it. Wedding vendors who refuse to provide the exact same service to homosexual couples as they provide for heterosexual couples are afraid of marriage equality. Why? Ignorance, suspicion, reliance on wicked stereotypes, open bigotry. Is that the way Christ commanded us to treat one another?
Why force someone to bake a cake when some other bakery will do it? It's not like barring blacks from your hotel.
What if there is no other bakery? What if the other bakerie's provide an inferior product? Why force a choice when these businesses are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC?
I am an atheist, don't care about the religious hoodoo. Do you want to sell cakes and make a profit, or do you want to weedle about and loose money? I am an artist with standards, to, I understand, money is second to morals and creativity and somewhere you have to draw the line. Do you make swastika cakes for a Nazi couple? Or a burning cross cake for a KKK newlywed couple? If you want to turn them down, cool-smool. Why can't gays get over it?
I am an atheist, don't care about the religious hoodoo. Do you want to sell cakes and make a profit, or do you want to weedle about and loose money? I am an artist with standards, to, I understand, money is second to morals and creativity and somewhere you have to draw the line. Do you make swastika cakes for a Nazi couple? Or a burning cross cake for a KKK newlywed couple? If you want to turn them down, cool-smool. Why can't gays get over it?
Swastika cakes and burning cross cakes? Red herrings!

These cakes make purely political statements. What political statement does a wedding cake make?
Isn't that what the communist right is doing?

The "communist right?" Did you intend to post this oxymoron?
no; i meant the communist Right who prefer to be infidel, protestant, and renegade to the concept of natural rights and Individual Liberty.

There's no such thing as the "communist right," numskull.
sure there is; skullnum.

You're a numskull.
your a skullnum :p
Why aren't the "traditional marriage people working actively to get all those PA laws appealed? Does that require REAL effort? Is that why it's not being done?
Around here we has hot crossed buns, that's when a KKK member shoves a burning cross up your ass...
One might think that wedding vendors would be over the moon about the prospect of all these new potential customers! Imagine all that business out there that silly dogma is keeping away.

Let the bigots starve under the combined weight of customer ostrisizing them, law suits over non-compliance with public accommodation laws and their own lack of understanding of the Golden Rule.
Yes, we do. Capitalism is regulated. Time to grow up now pee boy.

Yes, we have become a fascist country due to the likes of you.
then leave. Seriously leave and shut the fuck up already. Put up or shut up.

You leave, asshole. You and your ilk are constantly whining about how this country works, and then whenever anyone objects to your schemes to remake society you tell them to get the hell out. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
It's our nation, we founded it, not yours, Bripiss. Hit the road as you are neither needed nor wanted.
America was founded for and by Christians. You get the fuck out!
Ah...I see you are pretty much advocating what many of us are warning against.
Yes, we do. Capitalism is regulated. Time to grow up now pee boy.

Yes, we have become a fascist country due to the likes of you.
then leave. Seriously leave and shut the fuck up already. Put up or shut up.

You leave, asshole. You and your ilk are constantly whining about how this country works, and then whenever anyone objects to your schemes to remake society you tell them to get the hell out. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
It's our nation, we founded it, not yours, Bripiss. Hit the road as you are neither needed nor wanted.
America was founded for and by Christians. You get the fuck out!
A Christian Nation that bans, by law, in its very founding document no less, the ability of the nation to declare itself a Christian Nation? Care to try again?
Keys is confused. He thinks that if he repeats this lie often enough, it will become the truth. It's worked with the story of welfare queens, tax cuts create jobs, the poor are all lazy, and Obama is a commie so Keys is confident it will work this time too.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Why is it right wingers forget Christ's two great commandments?
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Why is it right wingers forget Christ's two great commandments?
Because, they don't have any problem being infidel, protestant, and renegade to the teachings of Jesus the Christ while trying to muster honest Injeun contingents for their allegedly, "gospel Truth" Cause

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