Rules regarding accusations of paedophilia

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Yet it is not only allowed but supported with an iron fist here that talking about the "sexual awakening" of other people's young children is supported 100 %.

I would LOVE to see these people amble up to a father and start a conversation about the sexual awakening of his prepubesent child. The burlier the father, the better.
Oh, they let us know under Obama what they have in mind.

Kevin Jennings, President Obama's Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug FreeSchools at the U.S. Department of Education, is in hot water this week for having failed to report that a 15-year-old sophomore student in his school had told him of having sex with an older man.

But failure to report what appeared to be a case of statuatory rape of a child may be the least of Jennings' worries. Lori Roman of Regular Folks United points to statements by Jennings a decade or more ago when he praised Harry Hay of the North American Association for Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which promotes the legalization of sexual abuse of young boys by older men.

Roman provides damning details and links here. She also notes that Jennings wrote the forward "to a book called Queering Elementary Education. And another fellow you may have heard of wrote one of the endorsements on the book jacket—Bill Ayers." Ayers, of course, is the Weather Underground bomber from the 1960s who is just an "acquaintance" of Obama.

This same assclown was running around schooling 14 year olds in schools on how to 'fist' properly and other fun stuff. Look up GLSEN and find out how they run seminars for schoolteachers and provide literature from grade schoolers.
It is only used in one context on this site and it is against the rules.
No, it is only against the rules if the moderator says it is and you are not a moderator for a damn good reason… Just like I am not one for a damn good reason…

If the moderator feel it broke the rules then they will deal with it and if not then you have to accept their decision or you can pout…

Now there are two moderators you can ask, well three and I am sure when they weigh in none of you will like it!

So let me be very damn clear if it is not allowed in the Flame Zone ( because we had this issue in the past ) it is not allowed up here but it is at the moderation team discretion and not yours or I discretion!

I am still baffled as to what this has to do with me.
To upset you and to annoy you is why they are doing it and you are easily triggered by it.

Think before you respond to one of them and realize the words you use in the the thread you are in could lead to some heated trolling…
I noticed and he creeped me out!

One time I posted a meme and BlackSand told me to watch it because of Delta and after that I knew who was the sick pervert.

As for the OP and the issue with the usage of Grooming, Groomer and miketx Disney ( I wish he would stop that one ) the fact is Groomer and Grooming have been used by Governments like Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union and a lot of the tactics and techniques I am seeing is very Trotsky was of Grooming society…

The Op should know this and should learn the term has many meanings and understand some of us know a lot about the former Soviet Union way of grooming young minds…
You remember don’t you BlackSand ?

After that I never did it again!!!
You remember don’t you BlackSand ?

After that I never did it again!!!

Damnit Bruce ... You aren't supposed to tell anyone I make the occasional kind gesture to assist others.
Think of what that may do to my reputation as a belligerent, obnoxious and uncaring member of the community.

You are jeopardizing nine hard fought years of outright skullduggery ... :tongue-44:


Damnit Bruce ... You aren't supposed to tell anyone I make the occasional kind gesture to assist others.
Think of what that may do to my reputation as a belligerent, obnoxious and uncaring member of the community.

You are jeopardizing nine hard fought years of outright skullduggery ... :tongue-44:

Yeah, I was new here and you saved my rear, so thank you…

It is true and sometimes people should know a lot of us are good too each other even if we are on opposite sides of the fence…
I know that Bob is stupid
Stupid? Tommy, I would bet $5,000 that Bob has more brains from the pons area DOWN than you do in your whole head.

but it shouldnt give him the right to call me or others a paedo.
Funny how you rashly and harshly accuse many others here of things freely in almost your every thread, but let someone get under your skin just one time with a word that obviously TRIGGERS you, maybe hitting a bit too close to home, and here you are demanding it never happen again. You seem too used to and dependent on the Thought Police coming to rescue you.

It is wrong and should be dealt with.
Something wrong with your keyboard that you can't just click the ignore button like the rest of us or offer an illuminated rebuttal to the person? No, instead, here you are whining again like a little girl looking for special treatment. And you wonder why people think what they do.
Stupid? Tommy, I would bet $5,000 that Bob has more brains from the pons area DOWN than you do in your whole head.

Funny how you rashly and harshly accuse many others here of things freely in almost your every thread, but let someone get under your skin just one time with a word that obviously TRIGGERS you, maybe hitting a bit too close to home, and here you are demanding it never happen again. You seem too used to and dependent on the Thought Police coming to rescue you.

Something wrong with your keyboard that you can't just click the ignore button like the rest of us or offer an illuminated rebuttal to the person? No, instead, here you are whining again like a little girl looking for special treatment. And you wonder why people think what they do.
That is the point and poster’s are given the option to put another poster on ignore if they feel offended by the trolling they are receiving.

I have poster’s on ignore and never tell them and just let them think I am just being silent or didn’t read their drivel.

Tommy knows he is as guilty and my bet is he got caught, reprimanded and now want the Mods to treat other poster’s the same way he was treated and is doing this thread as a tantrum instead…

Just my opinion…
as stated before:

One problem.

'Grooming' is not just done by pedophiles.

It is also done by the 'trans' and LQG+ members of society.

When we get a report, or see the see the term groomer used, we check the reference.

If it refers to pedo, they get deleted and warned.

if pedo is not part of the conversation, no action is taken.
Aren’t pageant moms groomers by sexualizing young girls?
Just. . . don't call folks groomers.

Only problem with that, MB, is that it again ends up being yet one more concession to the left while they still go on endlessly doing far worse unabated, from all the little name calling like Trumpbots and such all the way to calling Trump supporters insurrectionists and national threat terrorists.

But no, here we are because somebody said Tommy plays with dolls or something.

Me, I'm so used to the insults that nothing penetrates anymore and I just try to give as good as I get.

That's why God gave us the Iggy Button.
No. Because moms aren't advocating surgical, psychological and chemical change, and are only dressing up their own child for modeling purposes, etc., not trying to influence an entire generation or society.
So, if all you do is dress up a boy in girl’s clothing, that’s OK?
Basically if we think you are using it to imply a member is pedo, we will act on it. I strongly recommend you do NOT call a member a groomer in the context of children or you risk an infraction.

That doesn’t mean you can’t talk about grooming and groomers, just don’t call a member that. If we think you are using Disney for that purpose, you take the same risk.

It’s like porn…we can’t always define it, but we know when we see it.

So, put simply, once again, the Left are finding themselves getting special protection and consideration. Basically, discussion of grooming is now off the table despite the serious implications of the action, thus assuring MORE grooming go on. And Disney, central to the whole issue, is getting BLANKET protection.

Can anyone tell me of all the WORDS which are verboten here, is there a single one which applies toward conservatives? Think about it: every forbidden word or term excluded here I know or can think of applies to protecting the delicate snowflakiness of the LEFT.
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