Rules regarding accusations of paedophilia

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What has that got to do with me ?
It has to do with the fact creepers ( the correct term and you know this term ) stalk the internet for victims like Anthony Weiner and others have done and Delta was one of them and was removed from the board!

Now let be clear your right to anyone child is limited unless it is your kid!

If you want to subject your kid to sexual content at an early age that is your thing but remember there are laws you must also abide by even in England and there are limits!
They would probably be sued and arrested if they refused to groom these dogs:

The Biden Administration has certainly made itself clear what qualities it is looking for in job applicants.
Who else agrees with me that there is something very fucked up about the fact that those who are willfully and knowingly complicit in the sexual grooming and abuse of children are allowed to openly defend and advocate for such, but any of us who dare to call them out on it risk being sanctioned and censored for it?

I'm generally not in favor of censorship, but if we're not to be allowed to call out supporters of child abuse for what they clearly are, then perhaps fairness demands that it also not be allowed to defend or advocate for such abuse, don't you think?
That's been going on here for more than a decade (is it two, yet?)
They can say outrageous and creepy shit..and if anybody calls them out on it, woe to them. I was banned multiple times (years ago but I think all the players are still here) for daring to QUOTE a freak and draw attention to their own words, still up on the board.
It has to do with the fact creepers ( the correct term and you know this term ) stalk the internet for victims like Anthony Weiner and others have done and Delta was one of them and was removed from the board!

Now let be clear your right to anyone child is limited unless it is your kid!

If you want to subject your kid to sexual content at an early age that is your thing but remember there are laws you must also abide by even in England and there are limits!

Did a quick search on Weiner.

Youngest he is credited with sexting is 15.

Which does not make him a pedophile.

Needs to be shot, IMO, but not for pedophilia.
Did a quick search on Weiner.

Youngest he is credited with sexting is 15.

Which does not make him a pedophile.
Did a quick search on Weiner.

Youngest he is credited with sexting is 15.

Which does not make him a pedophile.

Needs to be shot, IMO, but not for pedophilia.

Needs to be shot, IMO, but not for pedophilia.
Called Weiner a creeper not a Pedophile.

Creeper is those that lure kids into sexual acts.
I can't even believe this forum is now having to have this conversation.

It used to be. . . back in the D4E days, most folks, whether they were on the left, or the right, all agreed on what was not acceptable. I thought he was allowed to stay, simply as a badge of how much this forum tolerates free speech. . .

. . . and it used to take a lot to get folks to get kicked off. A lot of folks would have to complain, on BOTH the left & the right, for you to get your ass the 'ol heave ho.

I am disgusted that we need to even have to have this discussion now. . . .

Just. . . don't call folks groomers. Why can't we treat folks with dignity and be adults?

. . . and folks shouldn't be defending the state's grooming behavior, or public school's twisting young minds. There was a time, we all agreed on that. Critical theory, is a way, to destroy society. Duh.

I can't even believe this forum is now having to have this conversation.

It used to be. . . back in the D4E days, most folks, whether they were on the left, or the right, all agreed on what was not acceptable. I thought he was allowed to stay, simply as a badge of how much this forum tolerates free speech. . .

. . . and it used to take a lot to get folks to get kicked off. A lot of folks would have to complain, on BOTH the left & the right, for you to get your ass the 'ol heave ho.

I am disgusted that we need to even have to have this discussion now. . . .

Just. . . don't call folks groomers. Why can't we treat folks with dignity and be adults?

. . . and folks shouldn't be defending the state's grooming behavior, or public school's twisting young minds. There was a time, we all agreed on that. Critical theory, is a way, to destroy society. Duh.

back in the D4E days

D4E hasn't posted since 2015.

LOOONG time ago.
But many of us sure do remember him.

His language was so telltale that a person would have to be awfully dense or awfully corrupt not to notice.
I noticed and he creeped me out!

One time I posted a meme and BlackSand told me to watch it because of Delta and after that I knew who was the sick pervert.

As for the OP and the issue with the usage of Grooming, Groomer and miketx Disney ( I wish he would stop that one ) the fact is Groomer and Grooming have been used by Governments like Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union and a lot of the tactics and techniques I am seeing is very Trotsky was of Grooming society…

The Op should know this and should learn the term has many meanings and understand some of us know a lot about the former Soviet Union way of grooming young minds…
Pedo. Not paedo. The Brits can’t even spell correctly anymore. In any event, let’s settle it:

To all adult human beings, keep your hands off the kids. (If you wanna quibble, ok. All adult humans except parents attending to a baby’s hygiene, doctors and nurses attending to a child’s medical needs and emergency workers trying to save a child from a threatening situation.). All others, don’t touch them in any way designed to gratify your own sexual urges. And don’t discuss matters of human sexuality with them while they’re still young enough to enjoy a period of innocence.

Are we clear?!
It has to do with the fact creepers ( the correct term and you know this term ) stalk the internet for victims like Anthony Weiner and others have done and Delta was one of them and was removed from the board!

Now let be clear your right to anyone child is limited unless it is your kid!

If you want to subject your kid to sexual content at an early age that is your thing but remember there are laws you must also abide by even in England and there are limits!
I am still baffled as to what this has to do with me.
I noticed and he creeped me out!

One time I posted a meme and BlackSand told me to watch it because of Delta and after that I knew who was the sick pervert.

As for the OP and the issue with the usage of Grooming, Groomer and miketx Disney ( I wish he would stop that one ) the fact is Groomer and Grooming have been used by Governments like Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union and a lot of the tactics and techniques I am seeing is very Trotsky was of Grooming society…

The Op should know this and should learn the term has many meanings and understand some of us know a lot about the former Soviet Union way of grooming young minds…
It is only used in one context on this site and it is against the rules.
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