Rules regarding accusations of paedophilia

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So, put simply, once again, the Left are finding themselves getting special protection and consideration. Basically, discussion of grooming is now off the table despite the serious implications of the action, thus assuring MORE grooming go on. And Disney, central to the whole issue, is getting BLANKET protection.

Can anyone tell me of all the WORDS which are verboten here, is there a single one which applies toward conservatives? Think about it: every forbidden word or term excluded here I know or can think of applies to protecting the delicate snowflakiness of the LEFT.
And Disney, central to the whole issue, is getting BLANKET protection.

are they promoting preteen sex?
All grooming accusations I have seen are linked to the grooming of youngsters.

Hey Tommy: Grooming also pertains to the racial and social indoctrination of children to influence their attitudes, not necessarily to physically MOLEST them. Gee, you started this dumb thread and now you don't even understand the term.
I can't imagine a rule exists where a person can state support for sexual grooming, and someone can get infracted for clling them out on it.
Almost as bad as the rule demanding threads be moved to the basement for misspelling Obumma's name wrong while there are ten OPs a day calling DJT "tRUMP" and Tramp.
Oh, they let us know under Obama what they have in mind.

Kevin Jennings, President Obama's Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug FreeSchools at the U.S. Department of Education, is in hot water this week for having failed to report that a 15-year-old sophomore student in his school had told him of having sex with an older man.

But failure to report what appeared to be a case of statuatory rape of a child may be the least of Jennings' worries. Lori Roman of Regular Folks United points to statements by Jennings a decade or more ago when he praised Harry Hay of the North American Association for Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which promotes the legalization of sexual abuse of young boys by older men.

Roman provides damning details and links here. She also notes that Jennings wrote the forward "to a book called Queering Elementary Education. And another fellow you may have heard of wrote one of the endorsements on the book jacket—Bill Ayers." Ayers, of course, is the Weather Underground bomber from the 1960s who is just an "acquaintance" of Obama.

This same assclown was running around schooling 14 year olds in schools on how to 'fist' properly and other fun stuff. Look up GLSEN and find out how they run seminars for schoolteachers and provide literature from grade schoolers.
Sometimes, a person can defend something like this, even if not intentionally, even if not in actual words, by simply placing restrictions on DISCUSSION of the topic, thus giving the offender unintended protection.
Delta4embasay went on for a long time safe in the knowledge he had Cotote protecting him.

Pedophiles are an oppressed minority, dontcha know!
if it's not sexual in nature, involving underage children, we don't consider it pedophilia.
Of course it is and what you consider as a group of unpaid maudes (we) is just dirtying the waters but that's fine.

The narrative is changing under your feet.

Sex = m/f

So they are grooming sexually.
The Biden Administration has certainly made itself clear what qualities it is looking for in job applicants.

Not allowed to criticize?

Seems like critique is allowed.

Critique is clearly allowed, to the point of genocide.


The next pogram will come from the US. Certainly not Ukraine.

Because they killed almost all the Jews there already.
So, if all you do is dress up a boy in girl’s clothing, that’s OK?
Tell me the hell any decent person in their right mind would do such a sick and twisted thing? :dunno:

Why not just take elementary kids to a titty bar too, if you are going to be mentally depraved while you are at at. . .

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