Rumpbots talk Rebellion, Assassination at Rallies

"His supporters here said they plan to go to their local precincts to look for illegal immigrants who may attempt to vote. "

And how, exactly, will Trump supporters determine if someone is ‘illegal’; what indeed does an ‘illegal’ look like – what these ignorant bigots will end up doing is accosting Hispanic Americans registered to vote.

Easy. They're the ones who don't speak a Murrican.
Sounds like freedom...
No, it sounds like a criminal conspiracy.

It sounds like contempt for the democratic process, for a republican form of government, and the rule of law.

It sounds like the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity common to most Trump supporters.
Sounds like freedom...
To stupid folks, it would...
The founding fathers were quite ingenious actually. You can move you know? The borders are still open.
Yes, they were – they had the foresight to create a Constitutional Republic, whose citizens were subject to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly; Trump and his supporters are proof of that, where our Constitutional Republic safeguards citizens from the ignorance, fear, stupidity, and hate propagated by Trump and is miscreant supporters.

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