Rumpelstiltskin & Trump


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This little commerce-paranoia tale I cooked up regarding the social criticisms of 'TrumpUSA' references the folkloric character Rumpelstiltskin, a mischievous little imp who trapped a young woman who was already trapped in a terrible labor-wager with her jailer.

Such a tale I think reflects some of the social idealism surrounding modern commerce-based 'aesthetics.'



Donald Trump, leader of the free world, was sitting in the Oval Office of the White House one evening when he heard a strange tapping on his window. The President had been drinking a little whiskey and felt light-headed and at first wondered if he simply hallucinated the sound, but it continued. Donald decided to go to the window and open it, and when he did, he was shocked to discover that a little imp had skulked up to the window and wanted to enter. Donald thought about it for a minute but was so intrigued by this little creature that he decided to invite him inside.

The imp told the President not to worry and assured him that he was merely dreaming (since he fell asleep while drinking whiskey). The imp told Donald he was Rumpelstiltskin and that he was very real (even if folklore suggested he was merely a 'morality-fable avatar'). Donald couldn't believe it but conceded the possibility that he was dreaming this whole ordeal and asked Rumpelstiltskin what he wanted with the American President. Rumpelstiltskin explained that this meeting was to be like a 'State of the Union' conference or a 'fireside-chat' meditation regarding consumerism, commerce, and capitalism as it related to new age globalization-politics.

RUMPELSTILTSKIN: I'm so pleased we finally meet, Mr. Trump!
TRUMP: So what do you want with me, Rumpelstiltskin?
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: You shouldn't have drank so much whiskey tonight...
TRUMP: Are you here to lecture me?
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: I'm curious. President Bill Clinton loved cheeseburgers. Do you?
TRUMP: I endorse McDonald's free-enterprise and consumerism, and I'm a fan of the film The Founder.
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: Oh, that's the Michael Keaton film about Ray Kroc, the McDonald's pioneer, right?
TRUMP: That's right, Rumpelstiltskin. Like I said, I support the 'branches' of capitalism (e.g., fast-food).
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: Well, then, you won't mind explaining the link between OPEC and Sunni-Shia troubles.
TRUMP: I think Sunni-Shia schisms within Islam complicate trade between America and the Middle East, sure.
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: Do you plan to assert America's 'capitalism might' to negotiate fair-trade 'treaties'?
TRUMP: If it helps grease the wheels and create profitable competitiveness between BP and OPEC, sure.
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: Are you a fan of comic book characters (e.g., Captain America, Brainiac, etc.)?
TRUMP: I support imaginative 'cheering' of fantastic 'avatars' signifying a social appreciation of courage/wit!
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: Great. Then I pose you a challenge. You have one month to hoist Richie Rich as a god.
TRUMP: Oh, Richie Rich (Harvey Comics), the youthful wealthy American 'prince' and do-gooder?
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: Yes! If you fail, I will return to haunt you. Remember, this won't be easy...
TRUMP: Why won't it be easy?

Before receiving an answer, Donald saw Rumpelstiltskin simply vanish before his eyes and two seconds later, Donald awoke in his Oval Office. He ran to the window and opened it, but there was nothing unusual. He sat back in his chair and started taking notes, wondering if he should do what the 'dream-warden' imp 'commanded' him to do. While the President realized he may have simply dreamed up this fantastic encounter, he wondered if Rumpelstiltskin's 'omen-wording' had any philosophical value or weight behind it. After all, commerce and consumerism (Wall Street, Burger King, Facebook, eBay, etc., etc.) surely compelled any responsible world-leader to evaluate any cultural impact of economics-related 'morality' and perhaps even the 'aesthetics of ethics.' Donald decided to take up the 'challenge' he received from the imp in his dream.

Two months had passed, and President Trump had taken multiple measures to ensure that Americans and American students appreciated the sociocultural 'impact' of consumerism and capitalism on world-philosophy and even psychology. Donald also took several measures to hype the modern intellectual value of the fortune-themed American comic book 'avatar' Richie Rich and also delivered a message to the press: "I believe a pop-culture character like Richie Rich reveals a special and unique American 'cardinality' towards the metaphysical meditation of the network-weight that fortune-meditation and profiteerism-ethics carries in this age of incredible commerce." However, Donald received no further sign from Rumpelstiltskin.

Then, one night soon thereafter, Donald had another dream in which the imp Rumpelstiltskin visited him! This time, the American President found himself on a park bench (somewhere in America), and Rumpelstiltskin walked up to him. The imp congratulated Donald for taking measures to make Americans more sensitive to the fact that consumerism-culture had altered the way humanity conceived of networking and etiquette. Rumpelstiltskin was also pleased that Donald made statements in the press about the academic intrigue surrounding Richie Rich in this modern age. The imp told Donald he would not bother him further and encouraged him to continue to ponder how fortune-meditation 'avatars' such as Richie Rich serve as 'spiritual reminders' of a human responsibility towards the poor. Donald realized he had a real 'capitalism-pressure related presidential experience'!


This little commerce-paranoia tale I cooked up regarding the social criticisms of 'TrumpUSA' references the folkloric character Rumpelstiltskin, a mischievous little imp who trapped a young woman who was already trapped in a terrible labor-wager with her jailer.

Such a tale I think reflects some of the social idealism surrounding modern commerce-based 'aesthetics.'



Donald Trump, leader of the free world, was sitting in the Oval Office of the White House one evening when he heard a strange tapping on his window. The President had been drinking a little whiskey and felt light-headed and at first wondered if he simply hallucinated the sound, but it continued. Donald decided to go to the window and open it, and when he did, he was shocked to discover that a little imp had skulked up to the window and wanted to enter. Donald thought about it for a minute but was so intrigued by this little creature that he decided to invite him inside.

The imp told the President not to worry and assured him that he was merely dreaming (since he fell asleep while drinking whiskey). The imp told Donald he was Rumpelstiltskin and that he was very real (even if folklore suggested he was merely a 'morality-fable avatar'). Donald couldn't believe it but conceded the possibility that he was dreaming this whole ordeal and asked Rumpelstiltskin what he wanted with the American President. Rumpelstiltskin explained that this meeting was to be like a 'State of the Union' conference or a 'fireside-chat' meditation regarding consumerism, commerce, and capitalism as it related to new age globalization-politics.

RUMPELSTILTSKIN: I'm so pleased we finally meet, Mr. Trump!
TRUMP: So what do you want with me, Rumpelstiltskin?
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: You shouldn't have drank so much whiskey tonight...
TRUMP: Are you here to lecture me?
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: I'm curious. President Bill Clinton loved cheeseburgers. Do you?
TRUMP: I endorse McDonald's free-enterprise and consumerism, and I'm a fan of the film The Founder.
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: Oh, that's the Michael Keaton film about Ray Kroc, the McDonald's pioneer, right?
TRUMP: That's right, Rumpelstiltskin. Like I said, I support the 'branches' of capitalism (e.g., fast-food).
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: Well, then, you won't mind explaining the link between OPEC and Sunni-Shia troubles.
TRUMP: I think Sunni-Shia schisms within Islam complicate trade between America and the Middle East, sure.
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: Do you plan to assert America's 'capitalism might' to negotiate fair-trade 'treaties'?
TRUMP: If it helps grease the wheels and create profitable competitiveness between BP and OPEC, sure.
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: Are you a fan of comic book characters (e.g., Captain America, Brainiac, etc.)?
TRUMP: I support imaginative 'cheering' of fantastic 'avatars' signifying a social appreciation of courage/wit!
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: Great. Then I pose you a challenge. You have one month to hoist Richie Rich as a god.
TRUMP: Oh, Richie Rich (Harvey Comics), the youthful wealthy American 'prince' and do-gooder?
RUMPELSTILTSKIN: Yes! If you fail, I will return to haunt you. Remember, this won't be easy...
TRUMP: Why won't it be easy?

Before receiving an answer, Donald saw Rumpelstiltskin simply vanish before his eyes and two seconds later, Donald awoke in his Oval Office. He ran to the window and opened it, but there was nothing unusual. He sat back in his chair and started taking notes, wondering if he should do what the 'dream-warden' imp 'commanded' him to do. While the President realized he may have simply dreamed up this fantastic encounter, he wondered if Rumpelstiltskin's 'omen-wording' had any philosophical value or weight behind it. After all, commerce and consumerism (Wall Street, Burger King, Facebook, eBay, etc., etc.) surely compelled any responsible world-leader to evaluate any cultural impact of economics-related 'morality' and perhaps even the 'aesthetics of ethics.' Donald decided to take up the 'challenge' he received from the imp in his dream.

Two months had passed, and President Trump had taken multiple measures to ensure that Americans and American students appreciated the sociocultural 'impact' of consumerism and capitalism on world-philosophy and even psychology. Donald also took several measures to hype the modern intellectual value of the fortune-themed American comic book 'avatar' Richie Rich and also delivered a message to the press: "I believe a pop-culture character like Richie Rich reveals a special and unique American 'cardinality' towards the metaphysical meditation of the network-weight that fortune-meditation and profiteerism-ethics carries in this age of incredible commerce." However, Donald received no further sign from Rumpelstiltskin.

Then, one night soon thereafter, Donald had another dream in which the imp Rumpelstiltskin visited him! This time, the American President found himself on a park bench (somewhere in America), and Rumpelstiltskin walked up to him. The imp congratulated Donald for taking measures to make Americans more sensitive to the fact that consumerism-culture had altered the way humanity conceived of networking and etiquette. Rumpelstiltskin was also pleased that Donald made statements in the press about the academic intrigue surrounding Richie Rich in this modern age. The imp told Donald he would not bother him further and encouraged him to continue to ponder how fortune-meditation 'avatars' such as Richie Rich serve as 'spiritual reminders' of a human responsibility towards the poor. Donald realized he had a real 'capitalism-pressure related presidential experience'!


View attachment 138347
/---- In order for satire to work it must be based in reality. Trump doesn't drink or smoke. Even Libtards admit that much. Your hit piece is a FAIL.

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