CDZ Runner slaps reporter on the butt, arrested for sexual battery.

OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

yeah- and the girl in the short dress was asking to get raped........

Way to blame the person who assaulted- not the one doing the assault.

Do I think this guy should go to prison for this? No. But there was not 'bad judgement' on both sides- there was a guy who thought he could get away with slapping a woman's ass.
OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

The reporter said she was hurt. BULLSHIT. That young newscaster is playing this for all it's worth.


More blaming the victim.

The woman was subject to criminal battery.

PFFFFT. Criminal battery? A butt slap? What this nonsense does is demean the true victims of sexual battery. That and give this woman instant fame.

So, here is a question for everyone:

What if this was his second offense for sexual battery? Would you think differently about this guy smacking her ass?
C'mon now...CLEARLY her ass attacked his hand!

HE should sue HER! Assault with a deadly butt!
Women feel differently about physical contact than men do. It's demeaning and condescending for them, like they don't have the right to autonomy that everyone ought to have. For them it ain't cool to be groped, fondled, pinched, grabbed, patted, or slapped on the ass, and I don't blame them. Where do you draw the line and say this is okay but that isn't? How about this: keep your GD hands to yourself until after you're married and even then you might wanna make she's not already pissed at you. If women have to call the cops and charge a guy is the only way for men to get the idea that it ain't okay to make free with a woman's body, so be it.
Yes, I already knew you to be incapable of understanding the difference between the letter of the law and spirit of the law,
And yet you seem to be completely incapable of explaining it, in this case. You only seem to be able to repeat your claim that this action did not violate the spirit of the law. Repeating it until you puke doesn't make it any more true.

It has dawned on me that perhaps I am simply using terms you have never encountered in your young life, since you keep repeating the letter of the law over and over with no comprehension of the difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.

The letter of the law is that which you keep repeating like you do. The spirit of the law, however, refers to the reason the law was enacted, what it wished to accomplish and the sort of behavior it hoped to address. That is what is meant by the term "spirit" of the law

In this case, the laws against sexual battery are seeking to address actions that are sexual in nature, unwanted, coercive and violative to the point of creating extreme duress. The idea is to protect women from overtly sexual behavior that is unwanted.

In the case of the butt slap, the question that needs to be asked is whether it was overtly sexual and coercive. As I said, his hand did not come close to her genitals. Despite her lies about it in order to create herself as victim, the action was brief rather than prolonged. It didn't last long enough so that coercion was necessary to further the interaction, and since this happened in broad daylight surrounded by hundreds of people, she was never in any danger. It was simply a spontaneous, albeit stupid and rude slap on her behind.

Where we differ is that you wish this to punish the man through the legal system, thus branding him as a sexual predator, and I do not think it rises to a criminal level thus falling under the purview of law enforcement. Your insistence on making this man a criminal far exceeds what he actually did, especially inasmuch as it would brand him in ways that would ruin his like.

We have a concept in our country that says people should be equal before the law. Since you wish to criminalize and stigmatize this man, the same should apply to ALL people engaging in similar behavior. If these same standards were applied to all people, our criminal justice system would collapse under the sheer weight all the criminal court cases thus supported.

I think the valuable time of our court system would be better spent addressing cases of real abuse involving real victimization, and leave all this silly manufactured leftist snowflake outrage out of it. The guy was a jerk, no doubt. Your desire for vengeance simply to virtue signal is just as bad. Sure, you want to make everything legal that you don't like. Authoritarians roll that way. At some point, though, you need to realize that people are going to act in ways you don't like and that you can't make criminals out of everybody.

Turning this man into a criminal for what he did is trivial, petty and vindictive. You want to ruin his life just to feel righteous. IMO, that is just as uncivil as anything he did.
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OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

yeah- and the girl in the short dress was asking to get raped........

Way to blame the person who assaulted- not the one doing the assault.

Do I think this guy should go to prison for this? No. But there was not 'bad judgement' on both sides- there was a guy who thought he could get away with slapping a woman's ass.
Yes there was. She had no business being on the course, which she was. She chose to be in a place that invited unwanted contact either a slap on the ass or a runner colliding with her. Maybe she was trying to prove how tough she is, or hoping for a chance to be famous.
She didn't exhibited any bad judgement whatsoever. Why you insist on blaming the victim is beyond bewildering to me.

Because she considers herself a victim. A victim of what? A slap on the butt? She probably has a nice :cul2:Anyone got pix of her butt at the time of the slapping? I inquiring minds want to know. He also said he thought he slapped her on the back. You never know she could have a nice high butt. (YUMM) and who wouldn 't want to slap THAT in a bicycle-peddling-testosterone "rage?" Oh Yeah, and.....There is no video of her butt and his hand. This is the most stupid shit I have seen in a long time.
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Another thought....IF this guy is an actual sexual abuser, he probably enjoys inflicting slaps to women's butts. Now he has his act on video. Wanna bet he has it running on a continuous play while he......Well you know. :abgg2q.jpg: And the MSM obliges his fantasy.......LOL
She didn't exhibited any bad judgement whatsoever. Why you insist on blaming the victim is beyond bewildering to me.

Because she considers herself a victim. A victim of what? A slap on the butt? She probably has a nice :cul2:Anyone got pix of her butt at the time of the slapping? I inquiring minds want to know. He also said he thought he slapped her on the back. You never know she could have a nice high butt. (YUMM) and who wouldn 't want to slap THAT in a bicycle-peddling-testosterone "rage?" Oh Yeah, and.....There is no video of her butt and his hand. This is the most stupid shit I have seen in a long time.
Biden is a touchy person and if he touches me, I will knock him on his back.
Biden is a touchy person and if he touches me, I will knock him on his back.

Not if he is riding a bike!! It will be 'hit and run' and you'll be left with a stinging butt. You will be told you had no business putting your butt where he can reach it. :10:
She didn't exhibited any bad judgement whatsoever. Why you insist on blaming the victim is beyond bewildering to me.

This is not a case of "bad judgment on both sides." It is widely known that one doesn't touch another person on intimate parts of their bodies without permission, so he must have known that what he was doing was wrong, and his action humiliated her on live broadcast.

While he doesn't deserve extended jail time, it is good that the authorities pursued this matter, and this man has been named, and, hopefully, shamed. Too often the perps who are photographed doing nasty things to other people get away without being identified. Hopefully this case will send a definite message to those too obtuse to have gotten the message already.
OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

yeah- and the girl in the short dress was asking to get raped........

Way to blame the person who assaulted- not the one doing the assault.

Do I think this guy should go to prison for this? No. But there was not 'bad judgement' on both sides- there was a guy who thought he could get away with slapping a woman's ass.
Yes there was. She had no business being on the course, which she was. She chose to be in a place that invited unwanted contact either a slap on the ass or a runner colliding with her. Maybe she was trying to prove how tough she is, or hoping for a chance to be famous.

This woman did not force this man to slap her ass. Why you think that standing on a public road- during an event- means that she chose to have her ass slapped by a guy just indicates to me that you feel a need to blame women for what men do to them.

A short dress is not an invitation to get raped.
Standing in a subway car is not an invitation to have your ass grabbed.
Standing on a public road during a race is not an invitation to get your ass slapped.

I know too many women who have had men fondle them, grab them, and take other liberties with them, without any permission on their part- only to have the men excuse their actions like you are doing.

Keep your hands to yourself and no one gets arrested.

We all learn this in elementary school- all except a few guys who think it doesn't apply to them.
The man should not have swapped her on the behind, but the entire incident could have been handled with an apology and some consciousness raising for the man.

That's what these types and their lawyers always say. They'll pay her off, see, because what happened "isn't that serious," they'll say to her. He'll go to an anti-harassment course, see. There'll be a nondisclosure agreement so "it doesn't ruin his life." (Actually so he can do it again and again for decades till he's too old.)

He did it, he should go to jail. Every woman should immediately bring criminal charges against these creeps.
What if this was his second offense for sexual battery? Would you think differently about this guy smacking her ass?

It's not his first offense! Probably his 37th. These types are ALWAYS serial offenders. They get off on doing what they aren't supposed to, to women who are shocked and confused and afraid of them. They love that.

Because they are perverted criminals.
The man should not have swapped her on the behind, but the entire incident could have been handled with an apology and some consciousness raising for the man.

That's what these types and their lawyers always say. They'll pay her off, see, because what happened "isn't that serious," they'll say to her. He'll go to an anti-harassment course, see. There'll be a nondisclosure agreement so "it doesn't ruin his life." (Actually so he can do it again and again for decades till he's too old.)

He did it, he should go to jail. Every woman should immediately bring criminal charges against these creeps.
So, when you succeed in incarcerating all the millions and millions of people you don't like, what are your plans for the ensuing economic collapse as our workforce is gutted and hundreds of billions of dollars are diverted to prison construction?
So, when you succeed in incarcerating all the millions and millions of people you don't like, what are your plans for the ensuing economic collapse as our workforce is gutted and hundreds of billions of dollars are diverted to prison construction?

It seems to be your position that millions and millions of men are improperly handling and hurting women and they'll all have to go to jail because they'll never stop.

I am hoping they are capable of learning quicker than that.
OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

So you're saying she was asking for it?

The only "bad judgement" was on the part of the runner. Period.

I'm saying a professional reporter knows full well what she is doing when she chooses to stand 3 feet away from hundreds of men running by. Like I stated, what I have seen in races I have run is the reporters stand on the sidewalk or well away from the runners. I've never seen one that close, it's dangerous. She could have caused a collision as well when the flow of runners shifts. Like I said bad judgement on both parties.

It sounds like you’re saying this woman Purposefully put herself in position to have her ass smacked. I don’t know how you can come to that conclusion. Women occupy space in front of me all the time, that doesn’t mean they’re asking for me to smack their ass.
OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

So you're saying she was asking for it?

The only "bad judgement" was on the part of the runner. Period.

I'm saying a professional reporter knows full well what she is doing when she chooses to stand 3 feet away from hundreds of men running by. Like I stated, what I have seen in races I have run is the reporters stand on the sidewalk or well away from the runners. I've never seen one that close, it's dangerous. She could have caused a collision as well when the flow of runners shifts. Like I said bad judgement on both parties.

It sounds like you’re saying this woman Purposefully put herself in position to have her ass smacked. I don’t know how you can come to that conclusion. Women occupy space in front of me all the time, that doesn’t mean they’re asking for me to smack their ass.

Because I've run about 40 races and I've never seen a reporter standing in the freaking road an arm's length from the runners. It's dangerous and invites problems. That's all I'm saying. I'm not excusing the guy, and I'm not accusing her of shaking her ass saying "smack me!" I am saying she made a bad decision that contributed to the situation.
OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

So you're saying she was asking for it?

The only "bad judgement" was on the part of the runner. Period.

I'm saying a professional reporter knows full well what she is doing when she chooses to stand 3 feet away from hundreds of men running by. Like I stated, what I have seen in races I have run is the reporters stand on the sidewalk or well away from the runners. I've never seen one that close, it's dangerous. She could have caused a collision as well when the flow of runners shifts. Like I said bad judgement on both parties.

It sounds like you’re saying this woman Purposefully put herself in position to have her ass smacked. I don’t know how you can come to that conclusion. Women occupy space in front of me all the time, that doesn’t mean they’re asking for me to smack their ass.

Because I've run about 40 races and I've never seen a reporter standing in the freaking road an arm's length from the runners. It's dangerous and invites problems. That's all I'm saying. I'm not excusing the guy, and I'm not accusing her of shaking her ass saying "smack me!" I am saying she made a bad decision that contributed to the situation.

perhaps it was a poor choice to be standing where she was, however I’m going to have to say I disagree with your characterization of that mistake as contributing in any way of this guy slapping her butt. It doesn’t matter how close she got to him or the other marathon competitors, standing where you’re not supposed to be standing does not in no way shape or form invite or elicit the type of behavior this guy exhibited. Plenty of other runners passed her by with doing what this guy did. The way I see it is this guy was the only one guilty of a crime in this encounter. Is it a serious crime? Perhaps not, but it’s behavior that should be punished and has no place amongst civilized people.

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