Running like "a well-oiled machine"??? Really, Trump??? Really?

I personally can't fathom how they could make liberal brains boil over any better than they are. What machine operates at 100% efficiency? I'll buy one!
No one is asking for 100% efficiency but whats going on in the white house is unprecedented. Soon to be two members to leave under disgrace in less than 60 days. You hire a man who knows nothing about the job he is hired for, and this is what you get
It certainly is....destroying you fascist democrats is a step long overdue.....
Sadly, your president hasn't done shyte, its seems the courts are oveturning him every stop of the way
Is that what CNN says?
ask them
What for? They'll just lie.
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."
Trump is playing 3-D chess to your democrat checkers....snowflake....

Trump is playing Poddavki.
he played all those alt righters too ,,,gullible repubs
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."
The machine is oiled, but he forgot to fill up at the pump.
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."

Well, many crashed cars were "well oiled machines", weren't they?
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."
The only problem going on is the TREASON of the last administration trying to harm America and Americans by leaking national security information.
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."

You realize that rant has nothing to do with the title, right?

No one takes your opinion seriously because no one respects you. You've shown time and time again that you aren't rational and you act like a dick.

Maybe it you didn't act like a partisan hack we could have a fruitful discussion
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."

You realize that rant has nothing to do with the title, right?

No one takes your opinion seriously because no one respects you. You've shown time and time again that you aren't rational and you act like a dick.

Maybe it you didn't act like a partisan hack we could have a fruitful discussion
and which of your righty friends aren't partisan ? just curious
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."
The only problem going on is the TREASON of the last administration trying to harm America and Americans by leaking national security information.
treason was repubs killing obamas infrastructure bills and repatriating overseas money now they're all for it cowards republicans ,,,,but I repeat myself
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."
The only problem going on is the TREASON of the last administration trying to harm America and Americans by leaking national security information.
treason was repubs killing obamas infrastructure bills and repatriating overseas money now they're all for it cowards republicans ,,,,but I repeat myself
Capitals,they are your friend....Oh and actually no President Trump is for infrastructure it won't pass unless democrats get on board with it.
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."
The only problem going on is the TREASON of the last administration trying to harm America and Americans by leaking national security information.
treason was repubs killing obamas infrastructure bills and repatriating overseas money now they're all for it cowards republicans ,,,,but I repeat myself
Capitals,they are your friend....Oh and actually no President Trump is for infrastructure it won't pass unless democrats get on board with it.
so was obama but your traitors would do nothing
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."
The only problem going on is the TREASON of the last administration trying to harm America and Americans by leaking national security information.
treason was repubs killing obamas infrastructure bills and repatriating overseas money now they're all for it cowards republicans ,,,,but I repeat myself
Capitals,they are your friend....Oh and actually no President Trump is for infrastructure it won't pass unless democrats get on board with it.
well oiled?????
.Trump’s business dealings with Russia. We do not fully understand Trump’s Russian business connections because Trump has never released his tax returns. On February 28, 2016, Senator Ted Cruz said, “There have been multiple media reports about Donald’s business dealings with the mob, with the mafia. Maybe his [tax returns] show those business dealings are a lot more extensive than has been reported.” At the time, Politifact noted, “Cruz’s statement is accurate. Media reports have linked Trump to mafia bosses and mob-connected business associates for decades.” Time magazine, and other sources, have tied Trump to Russian oligarchs.

Trump's Kremlin Konnection | The Huffington Post
Obama on-going sedition, subversion, and conspiracy is like stepping in shit - it immediately breaks your stride, steals all your attention and focus, and at the root of the problem is a pile of shit.
What you fail to understand is that your complete partisanship, robs your opinion of ANY credibility.

Perfect sentence regarding most right wingers....Well stated.
Oh and actually no President Trump is for infrastructure it won't pass unless democrats get on board with it.

Here's a question that will tax (pardon the expression) your half-brain.....

We are ALL for improving our crumbling infrastructure.......However, Trump wants to address the issue while STILL giving HUGE tax cuts to his millionaire buddies, giving a HUGE increase to military spending, asking us to pay for his HUGELY expensive wall............SO, WHERE IS THAT FUCKING TRILLION OF DOLLARS FOR INFRASTRUCTURE COMING FROM?????

And before you nitwits on the right whine about Obama's debt increases, bear in mind that Obama had to finally contend for the GWB 2 unpaid wars and the unpaid for Medicare Advantage.
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."
The only problem going on is the TREASON of the last administration trying to harm America and Americans by leaking national security information.
treason was repubs killing obamas infrastructure bills and repatriating overseas money now they're all for it cowards republicans ,,,,but I repeat myself
Capitals,they are your friend....Oh and actually no President Trump is for infrastructure it won't pass unless democrats get on board with it.
so was obama but your traitors would do nothing
You don't understand what I mean by traitors obviously. Obama and company are running a parallel administration at worst and at best they are the ones behind the slow down of Trumps cabinet so they can keep their traitors in place in Trumps administration for as long as possible and cause as much havoc the country and its people be damned.
Oh and actually no President Trump is for infrastructure it won't pass unless democrats get on board with it.

Here's a question that will tax (pardon the expression) your half-brain.....

We are ALL for improving our crumbling infrastructure.......However, Trump wants to address the issue while STILL giving HUGE tax cuts to his millionaire buddies, giving a HUGE increase to military spending, asking us to pay for his HUGELY expensive wall............SO, WHERE IS THAT FUCKING TRILLION OF DOLLARS FOR INFRASTRUCTURE COMING FROM?????

And before you nitwits on the right whine about Obama's debt increases, bear in mind that Obama had to finally contend for the GWB 2 unpaid wars and the unpaid for Medicare Advantage.

Increased revenue...building the wall and deporting illegal invaders saves money several ways by cutting off their benefits costing us MILLIONS if not BILLIONS a year,it allows AMERICANS to take good jobs at higher pay because employers won't have cheap illegal labor they can pay shit wages and no benefits to anymore. They will either go under or hire America and pay good wages. People with more money spend more money. We don't have the money right now because of Obama's 1% growth in 8 years....get it back up to 3 or 4% growth like President Trump knows how to do and we can get somewhere.You won't be swayed you are a partisan democrat so I don't know why I am wasting my breath.As usual to GET SOMEWHERE you have to spend a little more to gain a lot more in the end.
well oiled fuck up machine ...

President Donald Trump’s first month in office has been dogged by one misstep after another—botched executive orders and attacks on the judiciary, punctuated by bizarre, and often inappropriate, boasting about the size of his electoral victory and inauguration crowd. He has done little to address the cavalcade of scandals that have already become a defining feature of his presidency, from the shadow of intrigue hanging over his campaign’s dealings with Russia to his undiplomatic threats against U.S. allies, derailing any momentum on his inchoate legislative agenda. There’s an inquiry into his ownership of the Trump International Hotel just down Pennsylvania Avenue, a call to discipline his counselor Kellyanne Conway for giving his daughter Ivanka’s brand a “free commercial” on Fox News, and an investigation underway about whether or not there’s enough security in place at Mar-a-Lago after the president decided to review national-security documents on a terrace at the Palm Beach resort last weekend in plain view of prying dinner guests.
well oiled fuck up machine ...

President Donald Trump’s first month in office has been dogged by one misstep after another—botched executive orders and attacks on the judiciary, punctuated by bizarre, and often inappropriate, boasting about the size of his electoral victory and inauguration crowd. He has done little to address the cavalcade of scandals that have already become a defining feature of his presidency, from the shadow of intrigue hanging over his campaign’s dealings with Russia to his undiplomatic threats against U.S. allies, derailing any momentum on his inchoate legislative agenda. There’s an inquiry into his ownership of the Trump International Hotel just down Pennsylvania Avenue, a call to discipline his counselor Kellyanne Conway for giving his daughter Ivanka’s brand a “free commercial” on Fox News, and an investigation underway about whether or not there’s enough security in place at Mar-a-Lago after the president decided to review national-security documents on a terrace at the Palm Beach resort last weekend in plain view of prying dinner guests.

Trump's very, very low self-esteem which leads to his need to ALWAYS clamor for accolades, even if they're fictitious, will remain his GREATEST flaw as to why this clown cannot be commander in chief.
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."

Considering the Bureaucracy hates his guts because he threatens their little fiefdoms I'm surprised he's getting as much done as he is.

Add in the complete lack of a "honeymoon" which most first term Presidents get for the first 100 days or so, and the continual wailing of Dems in Congress and Local progressive areas, and so far so good.

Even Politifact can't say he's broken any of his campaign promises so far.
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."
You seem to be wearing down

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