Running like "a well-oiled machine"??? Really, Trump??? Really?

So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."

Considering the Bureaucracy hates his guts because he threatens their little fiefdoms I'm surprised he's getting as much done as he is.

Add in the complete lack of a "honeymoon" which most first term Presidents get for the first 100 days or so, and the continual wailing of Dems in Congress and Local progressive areas, and so far so good.

Even Politifact can't say he's broken any of his campaign promises so far.
you fn republicans gave obama the honeymoon from hell
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."

Considering the Bureaucracy hates his guts because he threatens their little fiefdoms I'm surprised he's getting as much done as he is.

Add in the complete lack of a "honeymoon" which most first term Presidents get for the first 100 days or so, and the continual wailing of Dems in Congress and Local progressive areas, and so far so good.

Even Politifact can't say he's broken any of his campaign promises so far.
you fn republicans gave obama the honeymoon from hell

He had a heavily democratic congress, an almost crushing majority in the Senate, a lapdog fawning press, and the backing of the Government Bureaucrats.

Methinks your memory is a bit dicey on the topic.
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."

Considering the Bureaucracy hates his guts because he threatens their little fiefdoms I'm surprised he's getting as much done as he is.

Add in the complete lack of a "honeymoon" which most first term Presidents get for the first 100 days or so, and the continual wailing of Dems in Congress and Local progressive areas, and so far so good.

Even Politifact can't say he's broken any of his campaign promises so far.
you fn republicans gave obama the honeymoon from hell
well obummer never reached across the aisle or to the other americans that didn't vote for him. it was quote, the consequence of the election.
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."

Considering the Bureaucracy hates his guts because he threatens their little fiefdoms I'm surprised he's getting as much done as he is.

Add in the complete lack of a "honeymoon" which most first term Presidents get for the first 100 days or so, and the continual wailing of Dems in Congress and Local progressive areas, and so far so good.

Even Politifact can't say he's broken any of his campaign promises so far.
you fn republicans gave obama the honeymoon from hell
well obummer never reached across the aisle or to the other americans that didn't vote for him. it was quote, the consequence of the election.
obummer wanted to rub every opposing nose in the dirt as long and as hard as he could. A very nasty president that got nothing done accept separate a nation.
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."

Considering the Bureaucracy hates his guts because he threatens their little fiefdoms I'm surprised he's getting as much done as he is.

Add in the complete lack of a "honeymoon" which most first term Presidents get for the first 100 days or so, and the continual wailing of Dems in Congress and Local progressive areas, and so far so good.

Even Politifact can't say he's broken any of his campaign promises so far.
you fn republicans gave obama the honeymoon from hell

He had a heavily democratic congress, an almost crushing majority in the Senate, a lapdog fawning press, and the backing of the Government Bureaucrats.

Methinks your memory is a bit dicey on the topic.
Do you remember what McConnell said?? at the very beginning of obamas presidency??? How many fillibusters from republicans filled the air You guys were such pos that you wouldn't let infrastructure go thru or bringing back overseas billions but now it's ok?
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."

Considering the Bureaucracy hates his guts because he threatens their little fiefdoms I'm surprised he's getting as much done as he is.

Add in the complete lack of a "honeymoon" which most first term Presidents get for the first 100 days or so, and the continual wailing of Dems in Congress and Local progressive areas, and so far so good.

Even Politifact can't say he's broken any of his campaign promises so far.
you fn republicans gave obama the honeymoon from hell
well obummer never reached across the aisle or to the other americans that didn't vote for him. it was quote, the consequence of the election.
obummer wanted to rub every opposing nose in the dirt as long and as hard as he could. A very nasty president that got nothing done accept separate a nation.
Yes JC we all know how willing your"" it's my way or the highway gang"" like compromise
Nothing gives me pleasure than to hit right wingers with FACTS......They seem to be immune to reality. LOL
et me ask you nat is there one reasonable republican here ?

I'm sure some EXIST....but NOT on this forum.....On here, they're all trying to avoid their sorry consciences.
So far, this administration has proven to be a sorry joke. Trump is quickly learning (perhaps, he's really not that sharp) that running a very complex government apparatus is NOT like running a business where despotic stances and decision-making are much more the norm and much less under scrutiny.

Right wingers on here will excuse ANYTHING that rump has done and is doing......their own sorry consciences are ar stake.....But for others ho can be objective, this administration is proving to be a farce.

Flynn, Sessions, DeVos, Price, Kushner, et all, are allpart of the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."

Considering the Bureaucracy hates his guts because he threatens their little fiefdoms I'm surprised he's getting as much done as he is.

Add in the complete lack of a "honeymoon" which most first term Presidents get for the first 100 days or so, and the continual wailing of Dems in Congress and Local progressive areas, and so far so good.

Even Politifact can't say he's broken any of his campaign promises so far.
you fn republicans gave obama the honeymoon from hell

He had a heavily democratic congress, an almost crushing majority in the Senate, a lapdog fawning press, and the backing of the Government Bureaucrats.

Methinks your memory is a bit dicey on the topic.
Do you remember what McConnell said?? at the very beginning of obamas presidency??? How many fillibusters from republicans filled the air You guys were such pos that you wouldn't let infrastructure go thru or bringing back overseas billions but now it's ok?

Welcome to politics. Sucks now that there's a Republican that plays the game just as hard as you idiots, doesn't it?

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