Rural Whites turn to Violent Crime in Droves Amid Drug Addiction and Mass Unemployment

When you look at actual crime statistics, these small white towns have little crime. The closer the town is to a big city, the higher the crime.

Democrats want others to believe that overcrowding, poverty and a reduction in jobs has nothing to do with the invasion coming from the south. Democrats think we are all fools.
40 miles north of Twin Cities my rural community has had 0 murders in over 2 decades. Last I could find was a body recovered 25 years ago, which was dumped here from a crime taking place further south.
Small property crime and theft is more common and happens more to houses hidden in forest areas. Due to privacy and distance between houses. The only guns fired are those target shooting or hunting on larger parcels of land.
40 miles south is a whole different world.
The loss of jobs and the opioid epidemic are two of the biggest reasons.

When you think about crime, what do you picture? Probably the dark and scary streets of a crowded city. After all, cop shows always seem to be set in big cities.

But while violent crime is still a problem in urban areas, many of them are in fact safer now than they’ve been in decades. The violent crime rate in rural areas, meanwhile, has climbed above the national average for the first time in 10 years.

In Iowa, the overall violent crime rate rose by 3 percent between 2006 and 2016, but shot up by 50 percent in communities with fewer than 10,000 residents. Violent crime rates have doubled in rural counties in West Virginia over the past couple of decades, while tripling in New Hampshire. “Rural areas, which traditionally have had lower crime rates, have seen dramatic increases in incarceration rates,” says Jacob Kang-Brown, a senior research associate with the Vera Institute of Justice. “We see them now having the highest incarceration rates in the country.”

The explanations for this change are familiar ones. Not all rural areas are poor, but many have lost jobs as factories have closed and farming has become increasingly consolidated. Lack of employment has naturally led to increases in poverty, which is closely associated with crime. The opioid epidemic has hit rural America particularly hard, and methamphetamine remains a major problem in many small towns.

In Rural America, Violent Crime Reaches Highest Level in a Decade
The rise of the extremist feminists and extremist gay agendas have priority. White males are being emasculated just like African American males only they have a priority over white guys in agendas. And we are losing our excellence because of it. You do not have to believe me. The Asians are slowly taking over. And they don't play the emasculation game.
Wow, a really good example of the ignorance I was pointing out.

Notice the rant?

Notice there are no solutions offered?

Notice the racism and misogyny?

An example of an ignorant right winger working themselves up into a frenzy and imagining danger everywhere except where there really is danger.
Please stop it. There is no frenzy. Just not wanting more and more dollars stolen from my wallet. That gay Pulse Club tragedy was not done by some red neck It was done by an Islamic ally of yours. In Paris, instead of showing the red, white and blue lights on the Eiffel Tower, they showed rainbow colored lights for the tragedy. The same Eiffel Tower where the French have build a fence to protect it from the Islamic immigrants that moved there. You know that I know that you know that when of those crazies detonates a radiation bomb in one of your blue areas we will laugh. And the tragedy is that you do not know what the real world is.

That Pulse Nightclub tragedy wasn't committed by a terrorist infiltrating your country. It was committed by an American with a gun.

A radiation bomb? That's some threat. Are there still any of those things around? Testing stopped in the 70's or 80's.

We do know what the real world is Russky. It's full of people like you trying to destroy democracy and fair play and have us all living under murderous thugs like Putin. No thank you.
The Pulse Club Muslim killer was a buddy to the club and they knew him. And frankly they did not try to stop him.And the police fiefdoms did not go in ther because of fears of contracting HIV/AIDS. Bwhahha! You love death. You love what it brings to you. For you are not happy as many people are. Only you make the rules for people to do tragic things.
The loss of jobs and the opioid epidemic are two of the biggest reasons.

When you think about crime, what do you picture? Probably the dark and scary streets of a crowded city. After all, cop shows always seem to be set in big cities.

But while violent crime is still a problem in urban areas, many of them are in fact safer now than they’ve been in decades. The violent crime rate in rural areas, meanwhile, has climbed above the national average for the first time in 10 years.

In Iowa, the overall violent crime rate rose by 3 percent between 2006 and 2016, but shot up by 50 percent in communities with fewer than 10,000 residents. Violent crime rates have doubled in rural counties in West Virginia over the past couple of decades, while tripling in New Hampshire. “Rural areas, which traditionally have had lower crime rates, have seen dramatic increases in incarceration rates,” says Jacob Kang-Brown, a senior research associate with the Vera Institute of Justice. “We see them now having the highest incarceration rates in the country.”

The explanations for this change are familiar ones. Not all rural areas are poor, but many have lost jobs as factories have closed and farming has become increasingly consolidated. Lack of employment has naturally led to increases in poverty, which is closely associated with crime. The opioid epidemic has hit rural America particularly hard, and methamphetamine remains a major problem in many small towns.

In Rural America, Violent Crime Reaches Highest Level in a Decade
The rise of the extremist feminists and extremist gay agendas have priority. White males are being emasculated just like African American males only they have a priority over white guys in agendas. And we are losing our excellence because of it. You do not have to believe me. The Asians are slowly taking over. And they don't play the emasculation game.
Wow, a really good example of the ignorance I was pointing out.

Notice the rant?

Notice there are no solutions offered?

Notice the racism and misogyny?

An example of an ignorant right winger working themselves up into a frenzy and imagining danger everywhere except where there really is danger.
Please stop it. There is no frenzy. Just not wanting more and more dollars stolen from my wallet. That gay Pulse Club tragedy was not done by some red neck It was done by an Islamic ally of yours. In Paris, instead of showing the red, white and blue lights on the Eiffel Tower, they showed rainbow colored lights for the tragedy. The same Eiffel Tower where the French have build a fence to protect it from the Islamic immigrants that moved there. You know that I know that you know that when of those crazies detonates a radiation bomb in one of your blue areas we will laugh. And the tragedy is that you do not know what the real world is.

What is it with right wingers, always wishing death and mayhem on other Americans? I don't read liberals posting that they hope all conservatives die horrible. I can't imagine wishing death on anyone much less a fellow Canadian.

That's probably because the death and mayhem is a result of liberal policies. And liberals won't figure that out until some of that death and mayhem they were responsible for, sneaks up and bites them on the ass.

Like they say, a conservative is a liberal who got mugged. I've already been where you are, so no thanks.
This is a perfect example of the bizarro world of the GOP. Reagan and Bush try to destroy the country, Clinton builds it back up again, Bush comes in and destroys it again, Obama builds it back up again, and then Trump is comes in wanting to really do some massive devastation hoping America will never recover.
The loss of jobs and the opioid epidemic are two of the biggest reasons.

When you think about crime, what do you picture? Probably the dark and scary streets of a crowded city. After all, cop shows always seem to be set in big cities.

But while violent crime is still a problem in urban areas, many of them are in fact safer now than they’ve been in decades. The violent crime rate in rural areas, meanwhile, has climbed above the national average for the first time in 10 years.

In Iowa, the overall violent crime rate rose by 3 percent between 2006 and 2016, but shot up by 50 percent in communities with fewer than 10,000 residents. Violent crime rates have doubled in rural counties in West Virginia over the past couple of decades, while tripling in New Hampshire. “Rural areas, which traditionally have had lower crime rates, have seen dramatic increases in incarceration rates,” says Jacob Kang-Brown, a senior research associate with the Vera Institute of Justice. “We see them now having the highest incarceration rates in the country.”

The explanations for this change are familiar ones. Not all rural areas are poor, but many have lost jobs as factories have closed and farming has become increasingly consolidated. Lack of employment has naturally led to increases in poverty, which is closely associated with crime. The opioid epidemic has hit rural America particularly hard, and methamphetamine remains a major problem in many small towns.

In Rural America, Violent Crime Reaches Highest Level in a Decade

So let me get this straight, Virginia was a red state in 2006, but turned blue from that time. And Crime rose 50% as it turned Blue?

Whowulddathunkit? :dunno:
The rise of the extremist feminists and extremist gay agendas have priority. White males are being emasculated just like African American males only they have a priority over white guys in agendas. And we are losing our excellence because of it. You do not have to believe me. The Asians are slowly taking over. And they don't play the emasculation game.
Wow, a really good example of the ignorance I was pointing out.

Notice the rant?

Notice there are no solutions offered?

Notice the racism and misogyny?

An example of an ignorant right winger working themselves up into a frenzy and imagining danger everywhere except where there really is danger.
Please stop it. There is no frenzy. Just not wanting more and more dollars stolen from my wallet. That gay Pulse Club tragedy was not done by some red neck It was done by an Islamic ally of yours. In Paris, instead of showing the red, white and blue lights on the Eiffel Tower, they showed rainbow colored lights for the tragedy. The same Eiffel Tower where the French have build a fence to protect it from the Islamic immigrants that moved there. You know that I know that you know that when of those crazies detonates a radiation bomb in one of your blue areas we will laugh. And the tragedy is that you do not know what the real world is.

What is it with right wingers, always wishing death and mayhem on other Americans? I don't read liberals posting that they hope all conservatives die horrible. I can't imagine wishing death on anyone much less a fellow Canadian.

That's probably because the death and mayhem is a result of liberal policies. And liberals won't figure that out until some of that death and mayhem they were responsible for, sneaks up and bites them on the ass.

Like they say, a conservative is a liberal who got mugged. I've already been where you are, so no thanks.
This is a perfect example of the bizarro world of the GOP. Reagan and Bush try to destroy the country, Clinton builds it back up again, Bush comes in and destroys it again, Obama builds it back up again, and then Trump is comes in wanting to really do some massive devastation hoping America will never recover.

Sadly, this is all too true. Republicans are so focused on exacting revenge for Watergate and Iran Contra on Democrats that they have ceased to govern the country and are only interested in milking the middle class dry to benefit corporations and the wealthy.
Wow, a really good example of the ignorance I was pointing out.

Notice the rant?

Notice there are no solutions offered?

Notice the racism and misogyny?

An example of an ignorant right winger working themselves up into a frenzy and imagining danger everywhere except where there really is danger.
Please stop it. There is no frenzy. Just not wanting more and more dollars stolen from my wallet. That gay Pulse Club tragedy was not done by some red neck It was done by an Islamic ally of yours. In Paris, instead of showing the red, white and blue lights on the Eiffel Tower, they showed rainbow colored lights for the tragedy. The same Eiffel Tower where the French have build a fence to protect it from the Islamic immigrants that moved there. You know that I know that you know that when of those crazies detonates a radiation bomb in one of your blue areas we will laugh. And the tragedy is that you do not know what the real world is.

What is it with right wingers, always wishing death and mayhem on other Americans? I don't read liberals posting that they hope all conservatives die horrible. I can't imagine wishing death on anyone much less a fellow Canadian.

That's probably because the death and mayhem is a result of liberal policies. And liberals won't figure that out until some of that death and mayhem they were responsible for, sneaks up and bites them on the ass.

Like they say, a conservative is a liberal who got mugged. I've already been where you are, so no thanks.
This is a perfect example of the bizarro world of the GOP. Reagan and Bush try to destroy the country, Clinton builds it back up again, Bush comes in and destroys it again, Obama builds it back up again, and then Trump is comes in wanting to really do some massive devastation hoping America will never recover.

Sadly, this is all too true. Republicans are so focused on exacting revenge for Watergate and Iran Contra on Democrats that they have ceased to govern the country and are only interested in milking the middle class dry to benefit corporations and the wealthy.
Just the loss of a couple of blue cities will make things even. I promise.
The loss of jobs and the opioid epidemic are two of the biggest reasons.

When you think about crime, what do you picture? Probably the dark and scary streets of a crowded city. After all, cop shows always seem to be set in big cities.

But while violent crime is still a problem in urban areas, many of them are in fact safer now than they’ve been in decades. The violent crime rate in rural areas, meanwhile, has climbed above the national average for the first time in 10 years.

In Iowa, the overall violent crime rate rose by 3 percent between 2006 and 2016, but shot up by 50 percent in communities with fewer than 10,000 residents. Violent crime rates have doubled in rural counties in West Virginia over the past couple of decades, while tripling in New Hampshire. “Rural areas, which traditionally have had lower crime rates, have seen dramatic increases in incarceration rates,” says Jacob Kang-Brown, a senior research associate with the Vera Institute of Justice. “We see them now having the highest incarceration rates in the country.”

The explanations for this change are familiar ones. Not all rural areas are poor, but many have lost jobs as factories have closed and farming has become increasingly consolidated. Lack of employment has naturally led to increases in poverty, which is closely associated with crime. The opioid epidemic has hit rural America particularly hard, and methamphetamine remains a major problem in many small towns.

In Rural America, Violent Crime Reaches Highest Level in a Decade

Good points, and this is one of the reasons why Mrs. Clinton got beat so badly in the backwater areas of America.

The Democrats really neglected the smaller metropolises and rural areas. To quote B. Hussein O "suburbia bores me"
Wow, a really good example of the ignorance I was pointing out.

Notice the rant?

Notice there are no solutions offered?

Notice the racism and misogyny?

An example of an ignorant right winger working themselves up into a frenzy and imagining danger everywhere except where there really is danger.
Please stop it. There is no frenzy. Just not wanting more and more dollars stolen from my wallet. That gay Pulse Club tragedy was not done by some red neck It was done by an Islamic ally of yours. In Paris, instead of showing the red, white and blue lights on the Eiffel Tower, they showed rainbow colored lights for the tragedy. The same Eiffel Tower where the French have build a fence to protect it from the Islamic immigrants that moved there. You know that I know that you know that when of those crazies detonates a radiation bomb in one of your blue areas we will laugh. And the tragedy is that you do not know what the real world is.

What is it with right wingers, always wishing death and mayhem on other Americans? I don't read liberals posting that they hope all conservatives die horrible. I can't imagine wishing death on anyone much less a fellow Canadian.

That's probably because the death and mayhem is a result of liberal policies. And liberals won't figure that out until some of that death and mayhem they were responsible for, sneaks up and bites them on the ass.

Like they say, a conservative is a liberal who got mugged. I've already been where you are, so no thanks.
This is a perfect example of the bizarro world of the GOP. Reagan and Bush try to destroy the country, Clinton builds it back up again, Bush comes in and destroys it again, Obama builds it back up again, and then Trump is comes in wanting to really do some massive devastation hoping America will never recover.

Sadly, this is all too true. Democrats are so focused on exacting revenge for Bill Clinton's impeachment and Trump's election that they have ceased to govern the country, and are only interested in taxing the middle class dry to benefit big government and the wealthy Democratic elitists...

Sadly, this is all too true. Democrats are so focused on exacting revenge for Bill Clinton's impeachment and Trump's election that they have ceased to govern the country and are only interested in taxing the middle class dry to benefit big government and the wealthy Democratic elitists.
Please stop it. There is no frenzy. Just not wanting more and more dollars stolen from my wallet. That gay Pulse Club tragedy was not done by some red neck It was done by an Islamic ally of yours. In Paris, instead of showing the red, white and blue lights on the Eiffel Tower, they showed rainbow colored lights for the tragedy. The same Eiffel Tower where the French have build a fence to protect it from the Islamic immigrants that moved there. You know that I know that you know that when of those crazies detonates a radiation bomb in one of your blue areas we will laugh. And the tragedy is that you do not know what the real world is.

What is it with right wingers, always wishing death and mayhem on other Americans? I don't read liberals posting that they hope all conservatives die horrible. I can't imagine wishing death on anyone much less a fellow Canadian.

That's probably because the death and mayhem is a result of liberal policies. And liberals won't figure that out until some of that death and mayhem they were responsible for, sneaks up and bites them on the ass.

Like they say, a conservative is a liberal who got mugged. I've already been where you are, so no thanks.
This is a perfect example of the bizarro world of the GOP. Reagan and Bush try to destroy the country, Clinton builds it back up again, Bush comes in and destroys it again, Obama builds it back up again, and then Trump is comes in wanting to really do some massive devastation hoping America will never recover.

Sadly, this is all too true. Democrats are so focused on exacting revenge for Bill Clinton's impeachment and Trump's election that they have ceased to govern the country, and are only interested in taxing the middle class dry to benefit big government and the wealthy Democratic elitists...

Sadly, this is all too true. Democrats are so focused on exacting revenge for Bill Clinton's impeachment and Trump's election that they have ceased to govern the country and are only interested in taxing the middle class dry to benefit big government and the wealthy Democratic elitists.

You stupid partisan. Nobody gave a rat's ass about the Clintons. The response to the Trump presidency has been entirely because Republicans have installed a career criminal in the White House, one who appears to have been elected with propagranda assistance by the Russian government, and one who is doing the bidding of Putin in destroying the strategic alliances and trade agreements under which the United States became the richest, most powerful nation on earth.

What's happening with Trump has everything to do with the actions of Trump and his associates, and their connections to the Russian interference in the 2016 election campaign. Then there's Trump's Twitter feed, which daily spews witness intimidation, threats, hate, and lies.

Last but not least is Trump's policies along the Southern Border. The unspeakable cruelty of separating families, has made Americans ashamed and embarassed in front of the entire world. Children are dying to score political points for Trump. There is nothing that you can say that justifies ripping babies out of their mothers arms with no intention of ever reuniting them.

As long as fools like you continue to try to sell the idea that what is currently happening with the investigations into Donald Trump, and the continuing saga of Administration officials, campaign workers and cronies doing a perp walk into court to plead guilty to a cornucopia of bribery, corruption and flat out racketeering, all of which has its roots in Russian connections, while the President danges pardons to people who don't "rat him out", and threatens to go after the families of those who do, has anything to do with the Clintons, you're fucking insane. Certifiably.
Last edited:
What is it with right wingers, always wishing death and mayhem on other Americans? I don't read liberals posting that they hope all conservatives die horrible. I can't imagine wishing death on anyone much less a fellow Canadian.

That's probably because the death and mayhem is a result of liberal policies. And liberals won't figure that out until some of that death and mayhem they were responsible for, sneaks up and bites them on the ass.

Like they say, a conservative is a liberal who got mugged. I've already been where you are, so no thanks.
This is a perfect example of the bizarro world of the GOP. Reagan and Bush try to destroy the country, Clinton builds it back up again, Bush comes in and destroys it again, Obama builds it back up again, and then Trump is comes in wanting to really do some massive devastation hoping America will never recover.

Sadly, this is all too true. Democrats are so focused on exacting revenge for Bill Clinton's impeachment and Trump's election that they have ceased to govern the country, and are only interested in taxing the middle class dry to benefit big government and the wealthy Democratic elitists...

Sadly, this is all too true. Democrats are so focused on exacting revenge for Bill Clinton's impeachment and Trump's election that they have ceased to govern the country and are only interested in taxing the middle class dry to benefit big government and the wealthy Democratic elitists.

You stupid partisan. Nobody gave a rat's ass about the Clintons. The response to the Trump presidency has been entirely because Republicans have installed a career criminal in the White House, one who appears to have been elected with propagranda assistance by the Russian government, and once which is doing the bidding of Putin in destroying the strategic alliances and trade agreements under which the United States became the richest, most power nation on earth.

What's happening with Trump has everything to do with the actions of Trump and his associates, and their connections to the Russian interference in the 2016 election campaign. Then there's Trump's Twitter feed, which daily spews witness intimidation, threats, hate, and lies.

Last but not least is Trump's policies along the Southern Border. The unspeakable cruelty of separating families, has made Americans ashamed and embarassed in front of the entire world. Children are dying to score political points for Trump. There is nothing that you can say that justifies ripping babies out of their mothers arms with no intention of ever reuniting them.

As long as fools like you continue to try to sell the idea that what is currently happening with the investigations into Donald Trump, and the continuing saga of Administration officials, campaign workers and cronies doing a perp walk into court to plead guilty to a cornucopia of bribery, corruption and flat out racketeering, all of which has its roots in Russian connections, while the President danges pardons to people who don't "rat him out", and threatens to go after the families of those who do, has anything to do with the Clintons, you're fucking insane. Certifiably.

So many words. TL,DR
Wow, a really good example of the ignorance I was pointing out.

Notice the rant?

Notice there are no solutions offered?

Notice the racism and misogyny?

An example of an ignorant right winger working themselves up into a frenzy and imagining danger everywhere except where there really is danger.
Please stop it. There is no frenzy. Just not wanting more and more dollars stolen from my wallet. That gay Pulse Club tragedy was not done by some red neck It was done by an Islamic ally of yours. In Paris, instead of showing the red, white and blue lights on the Eiffel Tower, they showed rainbow colored lights for the tragedy. The same Eiffel Tower where the French have build a fence to protect it from the Islamic immigrants that moved there. You know that I know that you know that when of those crazies detonates a radiation bomb in one of your blue areas we will laugh. And the tragedy is that you do not know what the real world is.

What is it with right wingers, always wishing death and mayhem on other Americans? I don't read liberals posting that they hope all conservatives die horrible. I can't imagine wishing death on anyone much less a fellow Canadian.

That's probably because the death and mayhem is a result of liberal policies. And liberals won't figure that out until some of that death and mayhem they were responsible for, sneaks up and bites them on the ass.

Like they say, a conservative is a liberal who got mugged. I've already been where you are, so no thanks.
This is a perfect example of the bizarro world of the GOP. Reagan and Bush try to destroy the country, Clinton builds it back up again, Bush comes in and destroys it again, Obama builds it back up again, and then Trump is comes in wanting to really do some massive devastation hoping America will never recover.

Sadly, this is all too true. Republicans are so focused on exacting revenge for Watergate and Iran Contra on Democrats that they have ceased to govern the country and are only interested in milking the middle class dry to benefit corporations and the wealthy.
Since Reagan their only goal is to loot the country.

And they been using the base’s racism to achieve their sinister goal.
Please stop it. There is no frenzy. Just not wanting more and more dollars stolen from my wallet. That gay Pulse Club tragedy was not done by some red neck It was done by an Islamic ally of yours. In Paris, instead of showing the red, white and blue lights on the Eiffel Tower, they showed rainbow colored lights for the tragedy. The same Eiffel Tower where the French have build a fence to protect it from the Islamic immigrants that moved there. You know that I know that you know that when of those crazies detonates a radiation bomb in one of your blue areas we will laugh. And the tragedy is that you do not know what the real world is.

What is it with right wingers, always wishing death and mayhem on other Americans? I don't read liberals posting that they hope all conservatives die horrible. I can't imagine wishing death on anyone much less a fellow Canadian.

That's probably because the death and mayhem is a result of liberal policies. And liberals won't figure that out until some of that death and mayhem they were responsible for, sneaks up and bites them on the ass.

Like they say, a conservative is a liberal who got mugged. I've already been where you are, so no thanks.
This is a perfect example of the bizarro world of the GOP. Reagan and Bush try to destroy the country, Clinton builds it back up again, Bush comes in and destroys it again, Obama builds it back up again, and then Trump is comes in wanting to really do some massive devastation hoping America will never recover.

Sadly, this is all too true. Republicans are so focused on exacting revenge for Watergate and Iran Contra on Democrats that they have ceased to govern the country and are only interested in milking the middle class dry to benefit corporations and the wealthy.
Since Reagan their only goal is to loot the country.

And they been using the base’s racism to achieve their sinister goal.
dam a righty said something very similar to what your saying about republicans in another thread recently.......only he was talking about the democrats destroying the country and using racism to achieve their sinister goal guys look at each other the same way,same type of people,but just cant seem to get along....... as Mr.Spock was fond of saying.....fascinating....
The loss of jobs and the opioid epidemic are two of the biggest reasons.

When you think about crime, what do you picture? Probably the dark and scary streets of a crowded city. After all, cop shows always seem to be set in big cities.

But while violent crime is still a problem in urban areas, many of them are in fact safer now than they’ve been in decades. The violent crime rate in rural areas, meanwhile, has climbed above the national average for the first time in 10 years.

In Iowa, the overall violent crime rate rose by 3 percent between 2006 and 2016, but shot up by 50 percent in communities with fewer than 10,000 residents. Violent crime rates have doubled in rural counties in West Virginia over the past couple of decades, while tripling in New Hampshire. “Rural areas, which traditionally have had lower crime rates, have seen dramatic increases in incarceration rates,” says Jacob Kang-Brown, a senior research associate with the Vera Institute of Justice. “We see them now having the highest incarceration rates in the country.”

The explanations for this change are familiar ones. Not all rural areas are poor, but many have lost jobs as factories have closed and farming has become increasingly consolidated. Lack of employment has naturally led to increases in poverty, which is closely associated with crime. The opioid epidemic has hit rural America particularly hard, and methamphetamine remains a major problem in many small towns.

In Rural America, Violent Crime Reaches Highest Level in a Decade
Well don't worried about that. Pres.Trump is undoing what they has put into place. They were intentionally trying to create chaos. They were trying to make everyone poor and they will the rich. Having everyone's grandchildren saying that they want to be like Chelsea Clinton or the Obama's daughters. Having them all saying how fabulous that they look. And their parents will be responding back saying, "If you take your vitamins daily, that you will some day look and be rich like them." And the hold household will be watching their reality T.V. daydreaming that they are in their place.

Marc, do these types of threads make you more justified in your racism?

We have a big opioid problem here. When I think of crime, my mind goes to the steady stream of drugs being delivered to our children by the black thugs from Chicago. The cops arrest a couple car loads a week.
That is my honest answer because you asked...
The thread premise isn’t ‘racist’ – and like most on the right you completely miss the point.

Indeed, the thread premise exhibits the racism common to far too many on the right – the racist notion that blacks are ‘predisposed’ to crime; the racist lie that drugs and violence are ‘unique’ to urban communities of color; and the lie that drugs and the violence associated with drugs is the consequence of ‘liberal policies,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth, as the same thing is occurring in communities controlled by conservative Republicans.

The problem with drug crime and violence is a National problem, not a problem relegated to a particular race or community.
dam a righty said something very similar to what your saying about republicans in another thread recently.......only he was talking about the democrats destroying the country and using racism to achieve their sinister goal guys look at each other the same way,same type of people,but just cant seem to get along....... as Mr.Spock was fond of saying.....fascinating....

Lefty Democrats always accuse others bad things that they, (Lefty Democrats) initiate themselves. Classic neo-Marxist defliction.
The loss of jobs and the opioid epidemic are two of the biggest reasons.

When you think about crime, what do you picture? Probably the dark and scary streets of a crowded city. After all, cop shows always seem to be set in big cities.

But while violent crime is still a problem in urban areas, many of them are in fact safer now than they’ve been in decades. The violent crime rate in rural areas, meanwhile, has climbed above the national average for the first time in 10 years.

In Iowa, the overall violent crime rate rose by 3 percent between 2006 and 2016, but shot up by 50 percent in communities with fewer than 10,000 residents. Violent crime rates have doubled in rural counties in West Virginia over the past couple of decades, while tripling in New Hampshire. “Rural areas, which traditionally have had lower crime rates, have seen dramatic increases in incarceration rates,” says Jacob Kang-Brown, a senior research associate with the Vera Institute of Justice. “We see them now having the highest incarceration rates in the country.”

The explanations for this change are familiar ones. Not all rural areas are poor, but many have lost jobs as factories have closed and farming has become increasingly consolidated. Lack of employment has naturally led to increases in poverty, which is closely associated with crime. The opioid epidemic has hit rural America particularly hard, and methamphetamine remains a major problem in many small towns.

In Rural America, Violent Crime Reaches Highest Level in a Decade
Yes I have seen enough to know whites couldn’t take half the shit blacks been through.

Hell white conservatives want to start a civil war now. And they snap and shoot up places over nonsense.

Think how crazy they’d get if they were treated like second class citizens.

Imagine if police brutalized them. They’d be talking about the 2nd amendment. In other words they’d shoot law enforcement.
The loss of jobs and the opioid epidemic are two of the biggest reasons.

When you think about crime, what do you picture? Probably the dark and scary streets of a crowded city. After all, cop shows always seem to be set in big cities.

But while violent crime is still a problem in urban areas, many of them are in fact safer now than they’ve been in decades. The violent crime rate in rural areas, meanwhile, has climbed above the national average for the first time in 10 years.

In Iowa, the overall violent crime rate rose by 3 percent between 2006 and 2016, but shot up by 50 percent in communities with fewer than 10,000 residents. Violent crime rates have doubled in rural counties in West Virginia over the past couple of decades, while tripling in New Hampshire. “Rural areas, which traditionally have had lower crime rates, have seen dramatic increases in incarceration rates,” says Jacob Kang-Brown, a senior research associate with the Vera Institute of Justice. “We see them now having the highest incarceration rates in the country.”

The explanations for this change are familiar ones. Not all rural areas are poor, but many have lost jobs as factories have closed and farming has become increasingly consolidated. Lack of employment has naturally led to increases in poverty, which is closely associated with crime. The opioid epidemic has hit rural America particularly hard, and methamphetamine remains a major problem in many small towns.

In Rural America, Violent Crime Reaches Highest Level in a Decade
Nice fact bending and picking post.
The loss of jobs and the opioid epidemic are two of the biggest reasons.

When you think about crime, what do you picture? Probably the dark and scary streets of a crowded city. After all, cop shows always seem to be set in big cities.

But while violent crime is still a problem in urban areas, many of them are in fact safer now than they’ve been in decades. The violent crime rate in rural areas, meanwhile, has climbed above the national average for the first time in 10 years.

In Iowa, the overall violent crime rate rose by 3 percent between 2006 and 2016, but shot up by 50 percent in communities with fewer than 10,000 residents. Violent crime rates have doubled in rural counties in West Virginia over the past couple of decades, while tripling in New Hampshire. “Rural areas, which traditionally have had lower crime rates, have seen dramatic increases in incarceration rates,” says Jacob Kang-Brown, a senior research associate with the Vera Institute of Justice. “We see them now having the highest incarceration rates in the country.”

The explanations for this change are familiar ones. Not all rural areas are poor, but many have lost jobs as factories have closed and farming has become increasingly consolidated. Lack of employment has naturally led to increases in poverty, which is closely associated with crime. The opioid epidemic has hit rural America particularly hard, and methamphetamine remains a major problem in many small towns.

In Rural America, Violent Crime Reaches Highest Level in a Decade
Yes I have seen enough to know whites couldn’t take half the shit blacks been through.

Hell white conservatives want to start a civil war now. And they snap and shoot up places over nonsense.

Think how crazy they’d get if they were treated like second class citizens.

Imagine if police brutalized them. They’d be talking about the 2nd amendment. In other words they’d shoot law enforcement.

Racist post...^^^^^^

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