Rush Limbaugh Gives Young Men Advise Of "when No Means Yes"


Emotional One,

The man is King of Talk Radio because he is consistently correct on many things. Far from perfect, his credibility rating exceeds that of the mainstream media. In a big, big way! This bothers you, I understand. If you have actual evidence of Rush being incorrect on something, cite it. More to the point, do you have proof that Rush really thinks or advocates that no means yes? Did you read or listen to his entire monologue? Of course your don't, of course you didn't. All you got is the regurgitations of others, and your own emotions.

On another note, are you advocating any teleprompter speech from Obama? If so, cut and paste in a manner that reflects the intention rather than the emotion, and perhaps we could discuss. Thank you.

The man is King of Talk Radio because he knows how to manipulate the biases of his audience and validate them.

And, no, nothing in his monologue makes it sound any better.
our messiah Rush?

the only time I hear about him is from you lefties

he's your all's messiah, just like Fox news is really your favorite news channel:dance:

Emotional One,

The man is King of Talk Radio because he is consistently correct on many things. Far from perfect, his credibility rating exceeds that of the mainstream media. In a big, big way! This bothers you, I understand. If you have actual evidence of Rush being incorrect on something, cite it. More to the point, do you have proof that Rush really thinks or advocates that no means yes? Did you read or listen to his entire monologue? Of course your don't, of course you didn't. All you got is the regurgitations of others, and your own emotions.

On another note, are you advocating any teleprompter speech from Obama? If so, cut and paste in a manner that reflects the intention rather than the emotion, and perhaps we could discuss. Thank you.

The man is King of Talk Radio because he knows how to manipulate the biases of his audience and validate them.

And, no, nothing in his monologue makes it sound any better.

Yet, you can't refute him.

But the current POTUS, he is easily refutable. All. Day. Long.

Isn't that pathetic, that a radio talk show host is brighter then a President that has never held a job so much as cash register or hostess?
Why must you, and all maroons that follow, obsess over parsed and mischaracterized sound bites? It only makes you look shallow.

You've not even bothered to listen to his entire segment. You rely instead on shallowness.

Must I repeat the term shallow???
Thank you for admitting your MessiahRushie is "SHALLOW" when HE parses someone!!!

November 5, 2008
RUSH: Parsing The Messiah's Speech

Emotional One,

The man is King of Talk Radio because he is consistently correct on many things. Far from perfect, his credibility rating exceeds that of the mainstream media. In a big, big way! This bothers you, I understand. If you have actual evidence of Rush being incorrect on something, cite it. More to the point, do you have proof that Rush really thinks or advocates that no means yes? Did you read or listen to his entire monologue? Of course your don't, of course you didn't. All you got is the regurgitations of others, and your own emotions.

On another note, are you advocating any teleprompter speech from Obama? If so, cut and paste in a manner that reflects the intention rather than the emotion, and perhaps we could discuss. Thank you.
Your MessiahRushie means the opposite of what he says, if you know what to look for! :badgrin:



Prove me wrong.

Yet, you can't refute him.

But the current POTUS, he is easily refutable. All. Day. Long.

Isn't that pathetic, that a radio talk show host is brighter then a President that has never held a job so much as cash register or hostess?

What am I supposed to be refuting here?

Limbaugh said what he said. It's bizarre that anyone would actually still say something like this aloud in 2014, but there it is. the said thing is, it probably doesn't break into the top ten of the most obnoxious thing this guy has said.

And, yes, we know that Obama in the White HOuse eats you from the inside out. But you need to get over it.
That's right, Rush, teach them how to rape.
listen to the recording

he clearly sin't suporting that

But listening to him, understanding words, is a bridge too far.... Why let FACTS and TRUTH get in the way of a good emotional outburst??

But these maroons have not the foggiest notion of truth, fact or perspective. Isn't it pathetic that they don't even listen to the ACTUAL transcript before making judgment? They rely on partisan, emotion regurgitations to form their opinion. Ferguson, MO is a parallel example...... Dummies....
It was taken out of context, but of course the left will never pass up an opportunity to trash the guy.
Yeah, I posted this last week and the usual RWs came out in favor of his opinion.

He's a jackass who can't get laid any other way.

His fans should send him some Viagra so he doesn't have to steal and smuggle it into the country.

Rush is married, nimrod.

You seem intent on proving that liberals have no sense of humor.
Yeah, I posted this last week and the usual RWs came out in favor of his opinion.

He's a jackass who can't get laid any other way.

His fans should send him some Viagra so he doesn't have to steal and smuggle it into the country.

Rush is married, nimrod.

You seem intent on proving that liberals have no sense of humor.

Rush is married to Wife #4.

Oddly, he never produced any kids with Wives #1-3, even though all three of them produced children with other men.

draw you own conclusions.

Emotional One,

The man is King of Talk Radio because he is consistently correct on many things. Far from perfect, his credibility rating exceeds that of the mainstream media. In a big, big way! This bothers you, I understand. If you have actual evidence of Rush being incorrect on something, cite it. More to the point, do you have proof that Rush really thinks or advocates that no means yes? Did you read or listen to his entire monologue? Of course your don't, of course you didn't. All you got is the regurgitations of others, and your own emotions.

On another note, are you advocating any teleprompter speech from Obama? If so, cut and paste in a manner that reflects the intention rather than the emotion, and perhaps we could discuss. Thank you.

The man is King of Talk Radio because he knows how to manipulate the biases of his audience and validate them.

And, no, nothing in his monologue makes it sound any better.

and Rachel maddcow, Bill Maher, John Stewart, etc etc don't do the same thing
who care's
so let me guess. The Rush bashers. I bet every single one of you never listened to his program once- ever.... ON YOUR OWN- NO 20 second sound clips from the libtard media count.

Yet, you can't refute him.

But the current POTUS, he is easily refutable. All. Day. Long.

Isn't that pathetic, that a radio talk show host is brighter then a President that has never held a job so much as cash register or hostess?

What am I supposed to be refuting here?

Limbaugh said what he said. It's bizarre that anyone would actually still say something like this aloud in 2014, but there it is. the said thing is, it probably doesn't break into the top ten of the most obnoxious thing this guy has said.

And, yes, we know that Obama in the White HOuse eats you from the inside out. But you need to get over it.

If you listen to the ACTUAL transcript, you will know how dumb you sound. I mean that with the utmost respect.

Emotional One,

The man is King of Talk Radio because he is consistently correct on many things. Far from perfect, his credibility rating exceeds that of the mainstream media. In a big, big way! This bothers you, I understand. If you have actual evidence of Rush being incorrect on something, cite it. More to the point, do you have proof that Rush really thinks or advocates that no means yes? Did you read or listen to his entire monologue? Of course your don't, of course you didn't. All you got is the regurgitations of others, and your own emotions.

On another note, are you advocating any teleprompter speech from Obama? If so, cut and paste in a manner that reflects the intention rather than the emotion, and perhaps we could discuss. Thank you.

The man is King of Talk Radio because he knows how to manipulate the biases of his audience and validate them.

And, no, nothing in his monologue makes it sound any better.

and Rachel maddcow, Bill Maher, John Stewart, etc etc don't do the same thing
who care's

Recall that liberal talk radio failed. Not because of demographics. Hmm...what could it have been.??

Emotional One,

The man is King of Talk Radio because he is consistently correct on many things. Far from perfect, his credibility rating exceeds that of the mainstream media. In a big, big way! This bothers you, I understand. If you have actual evidence of Rush being incorrect on something, cite it. More to the point, do you have proof that Rush really thinks or advocates that no means yes? Did you read or listen to his entire monologue? Of course your don't, of course you didn't. All you got is the regurgitations of others, and your own emotions.

On another note, are you advocating any teleprompter speech from Obama? If so, cut and paste in a manner that reflects the intention rather than the emotion, and perhaps we could discuss. Thank you.

The man is King of Talk Radio because he knows how to manipulate the biases of his audience and validate them.

And, no, nothing in his monologue makes it sound any better.

and Rachel maddcow, Bill Maher, John Stewart, etc etc don't do the same thing
who care's

Recall that liberal talk radio failed. Not because of demographics. Hmm...what could it have been.??

For the
High pitch screeching, eyes bulging, veins popping out all over the place with spittle flying out of their mouths...could be one reason...
another is they're :evil:
so let me guess. The Rush bashers. I bet every single one of you never listened to his program once- ever.... ON YOUR OWN- NO 20 second sound clips from the libtard media count.
And you would lose! I listen to the pathological liar which is why I know him better than he knows himself and I can state that he means the opposite of what he says if you know where to look. :badgrin:

Emotional One,

The man is King of Talk Radio because he is consistently correct on many things. Far from perfect, his credibility rating exceeds that of the mainstream media. In a big, big way! This bothers you, I understand. If you have actual evidence of Rush being incorrect on something, cite it. More to the point, do you have proof that Rush really thinks or advocates that no means yes? Did you read or listen to his entire monologue? Of course your don't, of course you didn't. All you got is the regurgitations of others, and your own emotions.

On another note, are you advocating any teleprompter speech from Obama? If so, cut and paste in a manner that reflects the intention rather than the emotion, and perhaps we could discuss. Thank you.

The man is King of Talk Radio because he knows how to manipulate the biases of his audience and validate them.

And, no, nothing in his monologue makes it sound any better.

and Rachel maddcow, Bill Maher, John Stewart, etc etc don't do the same thing
who care's

Recall that liberal talk radio failed. Not because of demographics. Hmm...what could it have been.??

For the
High pitch screeching, eyes bulging, veins popping out all over the place with spittle flying out of their mouths...could be one reason...
another is they're :evil:
Amazing that you can SEE all that on RADIO. :cuckoo:
Yeah, I posted this last week and the usual RWs came out in favor of his opinion.

He's a jackass who can't get laid any other way.

His fans should send him some Viagra so he doesn't have to steal and smuggle it into the country.

Rush is married, nimrod.

You seem intent on proving that liberals have no sense of humor.

Rush is married to Wife #4.

Oddly, he never produced any kids with Wives #1-3, even though all three of them produced children with other men.

draw you own conclusions.

So now your theory is that he doesn't have sex with his own wife? Really?

The conclusion I draw is that you're a numskull.

Any questions?

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