Rush Limbaugh : "graphics have been created to make [Irma] look like the ocean's having an exorcism"


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
In a recent broadcast, Rush Limbaugh actively sought to downplay the potential impact of Hurricane Irma saying:

“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported. The graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.”​

Limbaugh justifies his assertion using the following conspiracy theory:

There is symbiotic relationship between retailers and local media, and it’s related to money. It revolves around money. You have major, major industries and businesses which prosper during times of crisis and panic, such as a hurricane, which could destroy or greatly damage people’s homes, and it could interrupt the flow of water and electricity. So what happens?

Well, the TV stations begin reporting this and the panic begins to increase. And then people end up going to various stores to stock up on water and whatever they might need for home repairs and batteries and all this that they’re advised to get, and a vicious circle is created. You have these various retail outlets who spend a lot of advertising dollars with the local media.

The local media, in turn, reports in such a way as to create the panic way far out, which sends people into these stores to fill up with water and to fill up with batteries, and it becomes a never-ending repeated cycle. And the two coexist. So the media benefits with the panic with increased eyeballs, and the retailers benefit from the panic with increased sales, and the TV companies benefit because they’re getting advertising dollars from the businesses that are seeing all this attention from customers.​

WTH? Has Rush been having an affair with Kellyanne "Alternative Facts" Conway? Just how absurd can one be? Let me ask you:
  • If you lived in Key West or another "mainland" U.S. locale and the authorities instruct you to evacuate, why do you need batteries, and water, and so on? Does your idea of "evacuate" mean leaving the locale where you are and that the hurricane will strike, and going to a different locale where it will hit?
  • Do you truly believe that anyone buys advertising expressly to boost sales in anticipation/expectation of a disaster's arrival? What business have you seen advertise itself or its offerings with a message themed around the idea of "hurry to our store to buy 'this and that' because 'such and such' a natural disaster is coming our way?"
Seriously? Do people actually ascribe to madness like what Rush put forth about the hurricane? If so, how have those people managed to avoid being committed to insane asylums?
In a recent broadcast, Rush Limbaugh actively sought to downplay the potential impact of Hurricane Irma saying:

“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported. The graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.”​

Limbaugh justifies his assertion using the following conspiracy theory:

There is symbiotic relationship between retailers and local media, and it’s related to money. It revolves around money. You have major, major industries and businesses which prosper during times of crisis and panic, such as a hurricane, which could destroy or greatly damage people’s homes, and it could interrupt the flow of water and electricity. So what happens?

Well, the TV stations begin reporting this and the panic begins to increase. And then people end up going to various stores to stock up on water and whatever they might need for home repairs and batteries and all this that they’re advised to get, and a vicious circle is created. You have these various retail outlets who spend a lot of advertising dollars with the local media.

The local media, in turn, reports in such a way as to create the panic way far out, which sends people into these stores to fill up with water and to fill up with batteries, and it becomes a never-ending repeated cycle. And the two coexist. So the media benefits with the panic with increased eyeballs, and the retailers benefit from the panic with increased sales, and the TV companies benefit because they’re getting advertising dollars from the businesses that are seeing all this attention from customers.​

WTH? Has Rush been having an affair with Kellyanne "Alternative Facts" Conway? Just how absurd can one be? Let me ask you:
  • If you lived in Key West or another "mainland" U.S. locale and the authorities instruct you to evacuate, why do you need batteries, and water, and so on? Does your idea of "evacuate" mean leaving the locale where you are and that the hurricane will strike, and going to a different locale where it will hit?
  • Do you truly believe that anyone buys advertising expressly to boost sales in anticipation/expectation of a disaster's arrival? What business have you seen advertise itself or its offerings with a message themed around the idea of "hurry to our store to buy 'this and that' because 'such and such' a natural disaster is coming our way?"
Seriously? Do people actually ascribe to madness like what Rush put forth about the hurricane? If so, how have those people managed to avoid being committed to insane asylums?
The problem is this does speak to some people. Limbaugh is taken seriously by a certain segment of the populace. People might get killed because of this idiot.
He will then apologize for his remarks and no blame will be laid at his feet.
Actually Limbaugh is right about models aren't worth shit
So Limbaugh is still a lying fool. Did anyone expect anything different?
There is a lot of truth to what Rush said. Any weather event is a media feeding frenzy and an excuse for warmer loonies like Al Gore to make more false prognostications.
I see all the lib Jews in the media are bashing Limbaugh....don't be surprised if the storm misses Florida. The models are pushing it further west
I see all the lib Jews in the media are bashing Limbaugh....don't be surprised if the storm misses Florida. The models are pushing it further west
Don't know why RWrs get unfairly tagged as anti-Semitic....
It will be a cold day in hell before I take Rush seriously enough to argue with anybody about anything he says.

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