Rush Limbaugh : "graphics have been created to make [Irma] look like the ocean's having an exorcism"

I wonder how many will die because they belive Rush.


Are you sure? His dittoheads believe everything he says. He said the storm wasn't so bad, and I can believe some dittohead might go by what Rush said instead of the news, and stay when he should evacuate.

Since he didn't say that, it wouldn't be his responsibility if anyone died. Those who lied about what he said, OTOH...

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Rush Limbaugh Claims Hurricane Irma Is Part Of A Vast Conspiracy | HuffPost

What he said is true. The stores were out of bottled water a week before the storm ever got close to land. I've seen this happen in our area every time a forecast mentions snow. If you go into a store after that, the shelves are decimated. It's a locally discussed joke, that the forecasters are in league with the stores, because people panic and buy way more supplies than they realistically need. Then, after the power comes back in in a day or so, they're stuck with more milk and bread than they know what to do with.

He didn't say that the storm wasn't so bad and that people shouldn't get out of its way.

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And, yet, 12 years ago, when Katrina hit, and 1,000 people died, and thousands more were trapped, the Right ranted on for MONTHS about how these people were warned to get out of town, but were too lazy or stupid to go.

Are you sure? His dittoheads believe everything he says. He said the storm wasn't so bad, and I can believe some dittohead might go by what Rush said instead of the news, and stay when he should evacuate.

Since he didn't say that, it wouldn't be his responsibility if anyone died. Those who lied about what he said, OTOH...

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Rush Limbaugh Claims Hurricane Irma Is Part Of A Vast Conspiracy | HuffPost

What he said is true. The stores were out of bottled water a week before the storm ever got close to land. I've seen this happen in our area every time a forecast mentions snow. If you go into a store after that, the shelves are decimated. It's a locally discussed joke, that the forecasters are in league with the stores, because people panic and buy way more supplies than they realistically need. Then, after the power comes back in in a day or so, they're stuck with more milk and bread than they know what to do with.

He didn't say that the storm wasn't so bad and that people shouldn't get out of its way.

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And, yet, 12 years ago, when Katrina hit, and 1,000 people died, and thousands more were trapped, the Right ranted on for MONTHS about how these people were warned to get out of town, but were too lazy or stupid to go.

Who ranted and what exactly did they say? BTW Clarence Ray Nagin (Mayor of NO at the time) totally left his people without means to get out. School buses could have been used but were left abandoned...I remember one guy grabbing a bus and busing folks to safety. Clarence is now where he prison for bribery and fraud.
If Kathy Griffin accused Trump of making the storm look like a vag, she would be called "insightful" by these bed wetters.

Are you sure? His dittoheads believe everything he says. He said the storm wasn't so bad, and I can believe some dittohead might go by what Rush said instead of the news, and stay when he should evacuate.

Since he didn't say that, it wouldn't be his responsibility if anyone died. Those who lied about what he said, OTOH...

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Rush Limbaugh Claims Hurricane Irma Is Part Of A Vast Conspiracy | HuffPost

What he said is true. The stores were out of bottled water a week before the storm ever got close to land. I've seen this happen in our area every time a forecast mentions snow. If you go into a store after that, the shelves are decimated. It's a locally discussed joke, that the forecasters are in league with the stores, because people panic and buy way more supplies than they realistically need. Then, after the power comes back in in a day or so, they're stuck with more milk and bread than they know what to do with.

He didn't say that the storm wasn't so bad and that people shouldn't get out of its way.

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And, yet, 12 years ago, when Katrina hit, and 1,000 people died, and thousands more were trapped, the Right ranted on for MONTHS about how these people were warned to get out of town, but were too lazy or stupid to go.
And if you're warned to evacuate, you should. No one is saying differently.
Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?
"Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?"

True! For instance, this was a perfect opportunity for fat, idiotic AM radio hosts to complain about liberals and j3ws, and for every Cletus With WiFi to bring out his tired, debunked climate denier talking points.
It is all a left wing conspiracy, politicized by altered graphics:

Irma’s Wind and Rain Pummeled Naples | The Weather Channel

Can you show us any of these "altered graphics" against other graphics that haven't been altered?


My post was sarcasm, dude.....

Well it's not so easy to see the sarcasm, is it? And to remember which side everyone is on, when I don't even remember having seen your name before, is also impossible.
Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?
"Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?"

True! For instance, this was a perfect opportunity for fat, idiotic AM radio hosts to complain about liberals and j3ws, and for every Cletus With WiFi to bring out his tired, debunked climate denier talking points.
Where's the fucking money?
Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?
"Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?"

True! For instance, this was a perfect opportunity for fat, idiotic AM radio hosts to complain about liberals and j3ws, and for every Cletus With WiFi to bring out his tired, debunked climate denier talking points.
Where's the fucking money?
In the fossil fuel industry, of course. Pay attention! Now, why is it they aren't churning out science to undermine the accepted theories? I guess they just don't feel like it. Man, they sure are lazy!
Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?
"Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?"

True! For instance, this was a perfect opportunity for fat, idiotic AM radio hosts to complain about liberals and j3ws, and for every Cletus With WiFi to bring out his tired, debunked climate denier talking points.
Where's the fucking money?
In the fossil fuel industry, of course. Pay attention! Now, why is it they aren't churning out science to undermine the accepted theories? I guess they just don't feel like it. Man, they sure are lazy!
Why are you ranting about the fossil fuel industry? Are you one of those nutjob conspiracy theorists who think that "big oil" causes hurricanes?
Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?
"Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?"

True! For instance, this was a perfect opportunity for fat, idiotic AM radio hosts to complain about liberals and j3ws, and for every Cletus With WiFi to bring out his tired, debunked climate denier talking points.
Where's the fucking money?
In the fossil fuel industry, of course. Pay attention! Now, why is it they aren't churning out science to undermine the accepted theories? I guess they just don't feel like it. Man, they sure are lazy!
Why are you ranting about the fossil fuel industry? Are you one of those nutjob conspiracy theorists who think that "big oil" causes hurricanes?
You said to follow the money ... I did.... guess you should have kept your mouth shut!
I wonder how many will die because they belive Rush.


Are you sure? His dittoheads believe everything he says. He said the storm wasn't so bad, and I can believe some dittohead might go by what Rush said instead of the news, and stay when he should evacuate.

Since he didn't say that, it wouldn't be his responsibility if anyone died. Those who lied about what he said, OTOH...
Actually the pathological liar DID say the storm was not as bad as the media said.

Sept 5, 2017
RUSH: Another thing I’ve found, folks, these storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they’re reported.
I wonder how many will die because they belive Rush.


Are you sure? His dittoheads believe everything he says. He said the storm wasn't so bad, and I can believe some dittohead might go by what Rush said instead of the news, and stay when he should evacuate.

Since he didn't say that, it wouldn't be his responsibility if anyone died. Those who lied about what he said, OTOH...
Actually the pathological liar DID say the storm was not as bad as the media said.

Sept 5, 2017
RUSH: Another thing I’ve found, folks, these storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they’re reported.
That's not exactly what he said. He said storms are NEVER as bad as reported, which is a lie he made up on the spot to beguile his nodding, sycophantic audience.... yet another in a stream of lies from a fat, stupid, pathological liar.
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I wonder how many will die because they belive Rush.


Are you sure? His dittoheads believe everything he says. He said the storm wasn't so bad, and I can believe some dittohead might go by what Rush said instead of the news, and stay when he should evacuate.
Especially when he said he was staying to do his radio show as long as he had electricity even though he chickened out and fled Thursday without doing his Friday show.

RUSH: Look, the program has to go on. I can sit here and say, “You know what, I’m gonna stay, I’m gonna ride this out.”

His business partners insisted he had to leave because without power there is no show. I mean, that's elementary for anyone not infested with a hate virus.
Except he had electricity on Friday the storm wouldn't hit Palm Beach until Sunday.
After telling his gullible audience that the storm was not as strong as reported and he was going to ride it out, the lying scum coward turned tail and ran to California on Thursday.

Sept 5, 2017
RUSH: Another thing I’ve found, folks, these storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they’re reported.
BTW Clarence Ray Nagin (Mayor of NO at the time) totally left his people without means to get out. School buses could have been used but were left abandoned.
Not quite! A typical Right-wing half-truth/whole lie. The levees held throughout the day the hurricane hit. After the hurricane passed, overnight the levee gave way, or as the conspiracy theorists say the levee in the poor section was blown up to protect the houses in the rich section, in any case after the levee gave way the busses were flooded, they were not flooded during the hurricane.
It is all a left wing conspiracy, politicized by altered graphics:

Irma’s Wind and Rain Pummeled Naples | The Weather Channel

Can you show us any of these "altered graphics" against other graphics that haven't been altered?


My post was sarcasm, dude.....

Well it's not so easy to see the sarcasm, is it? And to remember which side everyone is on, when I don't even remember having seen your name before, is also impossible.

I guess that I thought that combining Rush's "conspiracy" statement with a video of utter devastation in Naples would be a tipoff....
Are you sure? His dittoheads believe everything he says. He said the storm wasn't so bad, and I can believe some dittohead might go by what Rush said instead of the news, and stay when he should evacuate.

Since he didn't say that, it wouldn't be his responsibility if anyone died. Those who lied about what he said, OTOH...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Rush Limbaugh Claims Hurricane Irma Is Part Of A Vast Conspiracy | HuffPost

What he said is true. The stores were out of bottled water a week before the storm ever got close to land. I've seen this happen in our area every time a forecast mentions snow. If you go into a store after that, the shelves are decimated. It's a locally discussed joke, that the forecasters are in league with the stores, because people panic and buy way more supplies than they realistically need. Then, after the power comes back in in a day or so, they're stuck with more milk and bread than they know what to do with.

He didn't say that the storm wasn't so bad and that people shouldn't get out of its way.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And, yet, 12 years ago, when Katrina hit, and 1,000 people died, and thousands more were trapped, the Right ranted on for MONTHS about how these people were warned to get out of town, but were too lazy or stupid to go.

Who ranted and what exactly did they say? BTW Clarence Ray Nagin (Mayor of NO at the time) totally left his people without means to get out. School buses could have been used but were left abandoned...I remember one guy grabbing a bus and busing folks to safety. Clarence is now where he prison for bribery and fraud.

I lived in New Orleans when Katrina hit, and just was barely able to get out in time. Then, For at least a couple of years, I endured assholes who were not there ranting on these boards about the stupid blacks "who did not have the sense to evacuate", which was given as the reason that the survivors were stranded like an African 3rd world country by our own government, who, BTW, sent the National Guard, who forgot to bring boats.
It is all a left wing conspiracy, politicized by altered graphics:

Irma’s Wind and Rain Pummeled Naples | The Weather Channel

Can you show us any of these "altered graphics" against other graphics that haven't been altered?


My post was sarcasm, dude.....

Well it's not so easy to see the sarcasm, is it? And to remember which side everyone is on, when I don't even remember having seen your name before, is also impossible.

I guess that I thought that combining Rush's "conspiracy" statement with a video of utter devastation in Naples would be a tipoff....

Yeah, and you think that everyone looks at your simple post, then goes and looks at the OP again, and then goes back to your simple post and..... maybe you need to learn a little more about how people read your posts.
BTW Clarence Ray Nagin (Mayor of NO at the time) totally left his people without means to get out. School buses could have been used but were left abandoned.
Not quite! A typical Right-wing half-truth/whole lie. The levees held throughout the day the hurricane hit. After the hurricane passed, overnight the levee gave way, or as the conspiracy theorists say the levee in the poor section was blown up to protect the houses in the rich section, in any case after the levee gave way the busses were flooded, they were not flooded during the hurricane.

The idiot mayor didn't know enough to move the buses beforehand and have them at the ready that, is not a right-wing half-truth.
RUSH: Another thing I’ve found, folks, these storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they’re reported.

Before the storm there were predictions of 185 mph winds running up central Florida, they turned out to be 140 then 100 to 50 or 60. There were also reports that all of Florida would have to be evacuated. Didn't happen. Yes, any hurricane is devastating but not the the extent it was billed. So....Rush was right....again.
Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?
"Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?"

True! For instance, this was a perfect opportunity for fat, idiotic AM radio hosts to complain about liberals and j3ws, and for every Cletus With WiFi to bring out his tired, debunked climate denier talking points.

Who are j3ws? Has your hatred affected your typing fingers? LOL

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