Rush Limbaugh: Hurricane Irma is a liberal hoax!

In moving to a new department, long ago, I had to ride with a guy to help me get familiar with the job. He used to listen to Rush all afternoon, full blast, no shame. My opinion of my co-worker's intelligence dropped by half.

Rush's listeners are the most pathetic and ignorant suck-ups on the planet. I listened in the other day for fifteen minutes, and he hasn't change a lick. He's still blabbing about the same old shit. Rush is a bigger windbag than any hurricane.
/----/ So you admit you're stuck on stupid. What was Rush talking about in that 15 minutes that you claim you listened to? And what made it BS?
Don't talk like a moron.

Stuck on Stupid would be you, or people like you, who spend three hours a day listening to the World's Biggest Blowhard: Rush Limbaugh. Fifteen hours a week. Shit, those listeners could have used that time to learn how to read, or how to tie their own shoes, or how to eat with a fork, or how to sleep with non-family members. Now, it's completely wasted time.

But then, you're a trump supporter, so you're used to listening to, and believing, World Class Blowhards.
In moving to a new department, long ago, I had to ride with a guy to help me get familiar with the job. He used to listen to Rush all afternoon, full blast, no shame. My opinion of my co-worker's intelligence dropped by half.

Rush's listeners are the most pathetic and ignorant suck-ups on the planet. I listened in the other day for fifteen minutes, and he hasn't change a lick. He's still blabbing about the same old shit. Rush is a bigger windbag than any hurricane.
/----/ So you admit you're stuck on stupid. What was Rush talking about in that 15 minutes that you claim you listened to? And what made it BS?
Don't talk like a moron.

Stuck on Stupid would be you, or people like you, who spend three hours a day listening to the World's Biggest Blowhard: Rush Limbaugh. Fifteen hours a week. Shit, those listeners could have used that time to learn how to read, or how to tie their own shoes, or how to eat with a fork, or how to sleep with non-family members. Now, it's completely wasted time.

But then, you're a trump supporter, so you're used to listening to, and believing, World Class Blowhards.
/---/ typical Liberal. You make assumptions about others and claim to know what a guy on the radio says even though you never listen to him. So what did he say in those 15 minutes you listened and what made it BS?
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
/----/ For those interested in the truth (OP excluded of course) in Rush's own words: I Never, Ever Said the Hurricane Was Fake News, Drive-Bys

You can just read the thread title and know it's BS...LOL
/---/ So post the link that has Rush denying hurricanes. Not some lame Rush bashing blog but Rush's actual quote. And why are you afraid to read his article? It actually makes sense.

I didn't listen to him, nor did I pick up the news article on a liberal website, it came from a news article on Yahoo. Like I said, I don't listen to him, but this article on his craziness got my attention. Here's what he said, and how he's trying to call all the hurricane coverage a liberal hoax to advance a climate change agenda..................

On Monday’s program, Limbaugh said that “there is a desire to advance this climate change agenda, and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it. You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced.”

The National Hurricane Center did not respond to a request for comment on Limbaugh’s assertions about hurricanes.

Near the end of the segment, Limbaugh suggested that hurricane coverage was a means for local media outlets to increase ratings and local retailers to increase sales, returning to the observation with which he’d begun.

“You cannot find a case of bottled water here in Palm Beach,” he said. “You can’t. Miami, probably even worse.”
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
/----/ For those interested in the truth (OP excluded of course) in Rush's own words: I Never, Ever Said the Hurricane Was Fake News, Drive-Bys

You can just read the thread title and know it's BS...LOL
/---/ So post the link that has Rush denying hurricanes. Not some lame Rush bashing blog but Rush's actual quote. And why are you afraid to read his article? It actually makes sense.

I didn't listen to him, nor did I pick up the news article on a liberal website, it came from a news article on Yahoo. Like I said, I don't listen to him, but this article on his craziness got my attention. Here's what he said, and how he's trying to call all the hurricane coverage a liberal hoax to advance a climate change agenda..................

On Monday’s program, Limbaugh said that “there is a desire to advance this climate change agenda, and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it. You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced.”

The National Hurricane Center did not respond to a request for comment on Limbaugh’s assertions about hurricanes.

Near the end of the segment, Limbaugh suggested that hurricane coverage was a means for local media outlets to increase ratings and local retailers to increase sales, returning to the observation with which he’d begun.

“You cannot find a case of bottled water here in Palm Beach,” he said. “You can’t. Miami, probably even worse.”
/---/ no where does Rush call hurricanes a hoax. And stations do hype storms to increase viewers and ad revenue.
Of course you haven't listened. You didn't listen even when you heard him. You will zealously believe anyone who says anything negative about him though and ignore people who prove them liars.

Funny how bed wetters insisted after Katrina that storms like it would be more intense, and more common. 12 years later we finally have another big storm and bed wetters are jumping up and down insisting they were indoctrinated correctly.

You pukes could not be more pathetic.
Hurricanes build strength over warm water. The ocean is warmer. Our hurricanes are getting stronger this year.

There have been 2.

Just 2 so far, and Irma hasn't actually hit yet.

In 2005 when we were told every year would be worse than last, then had 12 years of NOTHING we are supposed to ignore the fact the MMGW zealots were wrong?

If we have 3 this year.... then MAYBE they find some legitimacy.

Would four hurricanes in a month suit you? In addition to hurricane Harvey which nailed Houston, and now Irma is on it's way to Florida, there are two more storms capable of developing hurricanes, Jose and Katia, and Jose is predicted to make hurricane status by Wednesday. By the way, hurricane season isn't over until November.

Irma, Jose and Katia: The three major storms in the Atlantic

But two other storms, Tropical Storm Jose and Tropical Storm Katia, are also on their way, with the former expected to become a hurricane by Wednesday evening.

Tropical Storm Jose

Jose became the 10th named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season on Tuesday. It currently has wind speeds of around 60 mph, but the National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicts it will become a hurricane later on Wednesday.

Jose is currently out at sea but is heading west at a speed of around 13 mph. The NHC has not currently put out any watches or warnings, but has said that authorities in the Leeward Islands—a group of islands also known as the Lesser Antilles—in particular should monitor the storm. Some of the Leeward Islands, such as Barbuda and the U.S. Virgin Islands, have either been affected or are expected to be hit by Irma.

Tropical Storm Katia

A tropical depression that formed in the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday has strengthened overnight to become Tropical Storm Katia by Wednesday morning. With maximum wind speeds of 40 mph, it is currently located off the east coast of Mexico.

Fortunately, the storm is moving very slowly and is predicted to remain offshore on Friday morning, the NHC said, but could hit Mexico by the weekend. It will lead to heavy rain and flooding in eastern Mexico and the NHC said that a tropical storm watch could be issued for parts of the state of Veracruz later on Wednesday.
/----/ and for the 12 years there was little if any major hurricanes Libs said it didn't mean anything. Now 4 pop up and the sky is falling
Of course you haven't listened. You didn't listen even when you heard him. You will zealously believe anyone who says anything negative about him though and ignore people who prove them liars.

Funny how bed wetters insisted after Katrina that storms like it would be more intense, and more common. 12 years later we finally have another big storm and bed wetters are jumping up and down insisting they were indoctrinated correctly.

You pukes could not be more pathetic.
Hurricanes build strength over warm water. The ocean is warmer. Our hurricanes are getting stronger this year.

Let's see your data.

Oh, wait! You just made that shit up, didn't you?
Of course you haven't listened. You didn't listen even when you heard him. You will zealously believe anyone who says anything negative about him though and ignore people who prove them liars.

Funny how bed wetters insisted after Katrina that storms like it would be more intense, and more common. 12 years later we finally have another big storm and bed wetters are jumping up and down insisting they were indoctrinated correctly.

You pukes could not be more pathetic.
Hurricanes build strength over warm water. The ocean is warmer. Our hurricanes are getting stronger this year.

Let's see your data.

Oh, wait! You just made that shit up, didn't you?
/-----/ Old Lady says "We don't need no stinkin data."
From the orifice of Buttpimple:

The crux of Limbaugh’s argument was that “in the official meteorological circles, you have an abundance of people who believe that man-made climate change is real. And they believe that Al Gore is correct when he has written—and he couldn’t be more wrong—that climate change is creating more hurricanes and stronger hurricanes.”
Limbaugh is a resident of Palm Beach, Florida, and the hurricane-themed monologue appeared to be driven by his observation that bottled water had already been sold out in local stores, in preparation for Irma’s imminent landfall.

“The reason that I am leery of forecasts this far out, folks, is because I see how the system works,” Limbaugh said, alluding to alleged conspiracies against President Donald J. Trump. “Hurricane Harvey and the TV pictures that accompany that go a long way to helping further and create the panic.”
From the orifice of Buttpimple:

The crux of Limbaugh’s argument was that “in the official meteorological circles, you have an abundance of people who believe that man-made climate change is real. And they believe that Al Gore is correct when he has written—and he couldn’t be more wrong—that climate change is creating more hurricanes and stronger hurricanes.”
Limbaugh is a resident of Palm Beach, Florida, and the hurricane-themed monologue appeared to be driven by his observation that bottled water had already been sold out in local stores, in preparation for Irma’s imminent landfall.

“The reason that I am leery of forecasts this far out, folks, is because I see how the system works,” Limbaugh said, alluding to alleged conspiracies against President Donald J. Trump. “Hurricane Harvey and the TV pictures that accompany that go a long way to helping further and create the panic.”
/----/ Rush is 100% correct. It's a lot of hype. Why else have reporters standing in gale force wind and rain.
From the orifice of Buttpimple:

The crux of Limbaugh’s argument was that “in the official meteorological circles, you have an abundance of people who believe that man-made climate change is real. And they believe that Al Gore is correct when he has written—and he couldn’t be more wrong—that climate change is creating more hurricanes and stronger hurricanes.”
Limbaugh is a resident of Palm Beach, Florida, and the hurricane-themed monologue appeared to be driven by his observation that bottled water had already been sold out in local stores, in preparation for Irma’s imminent landfall.

“The reason that I am leery of forecasts this far out, folks, is because I see how the system works,” Limbaugh said, alluding to alleged conspiracies against President Donald J. Trump. “Hurricane Harvey and the TV pictures that accompany that go a long way to helping further and create the panic.”
/----/ Rush is 100% correct. It's a lot of hype. Why else have reporters standing in gale force wind and rain.

As I live in Irma's path that is just great........; )
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax

Yeah....having actually listened to the show, he didn't say all...but thanks for lying about him......
why are you listening to that blowhard ABS? me he is about as relevant as Joe Scarborough is.....

Actually Harry, I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh since 1992, because the Chief that I worked for liked to listen to him in the afternoons. When he transferred and I became LPO, Rush was banned in favor of the local rock and roll station, and nobody had a problem with that because we all (besides the Chief) thought he was a ranting blowhard.

However................I DO check out Yahoo! news during the day and saw this story on their page. I couldn't believe it when I first read it, and thought that others would enjoy hearing how off his rocker he is again.

And who knows? Maybe this claim of his will be so strange and unhinged that maybe it will wake up a conservative or two. There's always hope.

And since you didn't hear the show...feel free to tell those of us who actually listened to the show what he said.......
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
Bullshit. As evidenced by you not quoting Rush in your OP. You fuckers are not only running out of shit to rage about; your very unimaginative to boot.
Of course you haven't listened. You didn't listen even when you heard him. You will zealously believe anyone who says anything negative about him though and ignore people who prove them liars.

Funny how bed wetters insisted after Katrina that storms like it would be more intense, and more common. 12 years later we finally have another big storm and bed wetters are jumping up and down insisting they were indoctrinated correctly.

You pukes could not be more pathetic.
Hurricanes build strength over warm water. The ocean is warmer. Our hurricanes are getting stronger this year.

There have been 2.

Just 2 so far, and Irma hasn't actually hit yet.

In 2005 when we were told every year would be worse than last, then had 12 years of NOTHING we are supposed to ignore the fact the MMGW zealots were wrong?

If we have 3 this year.... then MAYBE they find some legitimacy.
Though if they had any legitimacy, they wouldn't have falsified research.
why are you listening to that blowhard ABS? me he is about as relevant as Joe Scarborough is.....

Actually Harry, I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh since 1992, because the Chief that I worked for liked to listen to him in the afternoons. When he transferred and I became LPO, Rush was banned in favor of the local rock and roll station, and nobody had a problem with that because we all (besides the Chief) thought he was a ranting blowhard.

However................I DO check out Yahoo! news during the day and saw this story on their page. I couldn't believe it when I first read it, and thought that others would enjoy hearing how off his rocker he is again.

And who knows? Maybe this claim of his will be so strange and unhinged that maybe it will wake up a conservative or two. There's always hope.
back in the 90's when i was carrying mail my radio got 2 stations one was the one he was on and the other was KLOS the so called classic rock station of LA, i got tired after a week of his "i know better than you" bullshit and KLOS was playing the same bands and the same songs so i ditched the radio.....silence was golden.....
Now here' a conundrum for us all. I'll bet the explanation for this will involve time travel. Liberal OP posts about what Limbaugh says and then out of the other side of his mouth says he hasn't heard anything he has said since 1992. Someone help me...
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
Wouldn't it be wonderful, if Rush the Lush's home was completely destroyed with him in it and and and photo's of him, with nothing on but his fat man panties pasted all over the news media, asking for FEMA dollars with a mic in his hands??? Ah, the moment!!
Rush is soooooo desperate for liberal meat to keep his ratings going.....its gotta be tough for these ass ho's with their party in charge of everything....what's a hating liberal to do? TALK ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE...TIMES ARE THAT FUCKIN BAD....lolololololo
Rush is soooooo desperate for liberal meat to keep his ratings going.....its gotta be tough for these ass ho's with their party in charge of everything....what's a hating liberal to do? TALK ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE...TIMES ARE THAT FUCKIN BAD....lolololololo
Poor rush the lush, gotta talk about climate change, cause I'm gone

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