Rush Limbaugh: Hurricane Irma is a liberal hoax!

Limbaugh to evacuate after calling Irma climate change ploy

Well, that's a Conservative Hero for you.


btw..WTF is this?

“May as well announce this. I’m not going to get into details because of the security nature of things, but it turns out that we will not be able to do the program here tomorrow,”

YEP! A Lying POS Conservative leader, putting lives in danger for MONEY!

Rush Limbaugh Going Off-Air, Days After Mocking Irma as Liberal Conspiracy Rush Limbaugh is now running from Irma, days after mocking storm as liberal conspiracy
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Limbaugh is running from the hurricane, but he's saying that his show is going off air because of security reasons? You've gotta be kidding me. If anyone believes that crap, they deserve all the lies that Limbaugh spouts.
Limbaugh is running from the hurricane, but he's saying that his show is going off air because of security reasons? You've gotta be kidding me. If anyone believes that crap, they deserve all the lies that Limbaugh spouts.
The POS 'PF' should've said nothing.
And just played show reruns for a few days.
Not many would know the difference.
Really, He can spew from his plane.
Global warming must be real. No one had even heard of a hurricane before this week, or knew what one was.
Jennifer Lawrence said that the hurricanes are nature's wrath due to trump's victory
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Here's a link that shows a NASA picture of all three hurricanes, Irma, Jose and Katia. Never seen three hurricanes all going in the Atlantic at the same time before.

NASA snaps all three Atlantic hurricanes in one picture


Did you know?

Rush Limbaugh says Hurricane Irma is conspiracy, evacuates anyway Rush Limbaugh Says Hurricane Irma Is Conspiracy, Evacuates Anyway | HuffPost

Yeah, it is an interesting picture, but it is also terrifying to see three fully developed hurricanes in the Atlantic basin all at the same time. I can't think of any other time that something like this has occurred.
Dang.. Sea level seems to bring Water Waves and Winds.


DANG! Seems there are NO gods. As I wanted Tiger's, LimpBalll's and the Douche's place only hit.
If I got my demands, I would worship that god. So, if this potential winning god can hit those three places ONLY. And nothing else. I can be ITs devotee.

Well,... Seems it's on track to hit on the inside west of FL..
SOOoooo...It seems to prove the known FACTS. There are NO gods.
Just mans Con on the WEAK!

DANG. Almost got my east side DIRECT hit.


I wanted it to hit on this track.DANG!


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Rush the fat fuck thinks its a hoax does he? Yet the lying sac of shit has no plans to stay in his florida beach home....uhmmmmm, another conservative ass ho having to eat his words.....when will these losers learn, God don't like ugly!! Florida, Texas are you listening?
Rush the fat fuck thinks its a hoax does he? Yet the lying sac of shit has no plans to stay in his florida beach home....uhmmmmm, another conservative ass ho having to eat his words.....when will these losers learn, God don't like ugly!! Florida, Texas are you listening?

Theeeee POS, gots ITs own jet.
He can play them to the last minute.
btw...DANG YUGE!


Fatboy running....


In other news...


Daddy sent in ONE stained reserve.


Well, he did/ does LIE.
I like to stay in reality.
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Well, Please explain the coming again?
YES, Here with a godly driven storm by ITs doings,
We call as Irma.

Seems their imaginary friend wants to take more.
ITs way.


gods kill all in better ways.
By your ignorances.
You can save lives.
Just try Science.

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