Rush Limbaugh: Hurricane Irma is a liberal hoax!

In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax

So Limbaugh didn't actually say anything of the sort. Just some liberal lying faggot decided to claim Limbaugh "suggests" hurricanes are a "hoax".
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
He didn't say that you idiot. I actually LISTENED.
I was listening too. I only listen to the radio in the car so it was unusual for me to hear this show. Rush said nothing of the kind.
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
He didn't say that you idiot. I actually LISTENED.
I was listening too. I only listen to the radio in the car so it was unusual for me to hear this show. Rush said nothing of the kind.
I already posted the quote of him saying it was a hoax perpetrated by the media and their advertisers to sell product, so you lie like your MessiahRushie. No surprise there!
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
He didn't say that you idiot. I actually LISTENED.
I was listening too. I only listen to the radio in the car so it was unusual for me to hear this show. Rush said nothing of the kind.
I already posted the quote of him saying it was a hoax perpetrated by the media and their advertisers to sell product, so you lie like your MessiahRushie. No surprise there!
Yesterday he said that liberals claim they finally found the Earth's clitoris.

He also mentioned that the media claimed that for the first time a Hurricane was registering on the Richter Scale....meaning they were hyping the possibility of destruction.
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
He didn't say that you idiot. I actually LISTENED.
I was listening too. I only listen to the radio in the car so it was unusual for me to hear this show. Rush said nothing of the kind.
I already posted the quote of him saying it was a hoax perpetrated by the media and their advertisers to sell product, so you lie like your MessiahRushie. No surprise there!
Yesterday he said that liberals claim they finally found the Earth's clitoris.

He also mentioned that the media claimed that for the first time a Hurricane was registering on the Richter Scale....meaning they were hyping the possibility of destruction.
That was hysterical as the nutso libs were telling people to lick grass and tree trunks.
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
He didn't say that you idiot. I actually LISTENED.
I was listening too. I only listen to the radio in the car so it was unusual for me to hear this show. Rush said nothing of the kind.
I already posted the quote of him saying it was a hoax perpetrated by the media and their advertisers to sell product, so you lie like your MessiahRushie. No surprise there!

Actually, you posted that. Nowhere in that quote does he say the hurricane is a hoax, as the OP claims. He suggested that the whole Climate Change myth is to sell stuff, because the leftist media claims that Climate Change creates bigger and more dangerous hurricanes.
Actually, you posted that. Nowhere in that quote does he say the hurricane is a hoax, as the OP claims. He suggested that the whole Climate Change myth is to sell stuff, because the leftist media claims that Climate Change creates bigger and more dangerous hurricanes.
Exactly. They don't actually listen, they just repost whatever negative crap someone writes about a conservative figure to further demonize that individual.

And Rush was 100% right in what he actually said.
why are you listening to that blowhard ABS? me he is about as relevant as Joe Scarborough is.....

Actually Harry, I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh since 1992, because the Chief that I worked for liked to listen to him in the afternoons. When he transferred and I became LPO, Rush was banned in favor of the local rock and roll station, and nobody had a problem with that because we all (besides the Chief) thought he was a ranting blowhard.

However................I DO check out Yahoo! news during the day and saw this story on their page. I couldn't believe it when I first read it, and thought that others would enjoy hearing how off his rocker he is again.

And who knows? Maybe this claim of his will be so strange and unhinged that maybe it will wake up a conservative or two. There's always hope.
How can you comment on what Rush said yesterday if you haven't listened to him since 1992???

You, like a couple of other posters must have stopped reading after the first sentence, or maybe you read the whole first paragraph and then stopped. The reason I say that is because in the first paragraph, I stated that I haven't listened to Limbaugh since 1992 because I thought he was a blowhard.

Hopefully, you are still reading this, because it's the second paragraph where I explain that although I haven't listened to him since 1992, I DO check out Yahoo news on a regular basis, and I saw this story and what he'd said.

Got news for you, you don't have to listen to someone's radio show to hear about what they have said. There are other media options available such as internet, newspapers, magazines and television.
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
He didn't say that you idiot. I actually LISTENED.
I was listening too. I only listen to the radio in the car so it was unusual for me to hear this show. Rush said nothing of the kind.
I already posted the quote of him saying it was a hoax perpetrated by the media and their advertisers to sell product, so you lie like your MessiahRushie. No surprise there!
Yesterday he said that liberals claim they finally found the Earth's clitoris.

He also mentioned that the media claimed that for the first time a Hurricane was registering on the Richter Scale....meaning they were hyping the possibility of destruction.

Yes, there have been reports about it appearing on the Richter scale, but then again, that is because it actually has. This storm is the strongest ever recorded in the Atlantic, and even though they say it's a cat 5 storm, that is because cat 5 is the highest level we have, and this storm has had a weather guesser or two wondering if this storm will generate the necessity of making a cat 6.
why are you listening to that blowhard ABS? me he is about as relevant as Joe Scarborough is.....

Actually Harry, I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh since 1992, because the Chief that I worked for liked to listen to him in the afternoons. When he transferred and I became LPO, Rush was banned in favor of the local rock and roll station, and nobody had a problem with that because we all (besides the Chief) thought he was a ranting blowhard.

However................I DO check out Yahoo! news during the day and saw this story on their page. I couldn't believe it when I first read it, and thought that others would enjoy hearing how off his rocker he is again.

And who knows? Maybe this claim of his will be so strange and unhinged that maybe it will wake up a conservative or two. There's always hope.
How can you comment on what Rush said yesterday if you haven't listened to him since 1992???

You, like a couple of other posters must have stopped reading after the first sentence, or maybe you read the whole first paragraph and then stopped. The reason I say that is because in the first paragraph, I stated that I haven't listened to Limbaugh since 1992 because I thought he was a blowhard.

Hopefully, you are still reading this, because it's the second paragraph where I explain that although I haven't listened to him since 1992, I DO check out Yahoo news on a regular basis, and I saw this story and what he'd said.

Got news for you, you don't have to listen to someone's radio show to hear about what they have said. There are other media options available such as internet, newspapers, magazines and television.
While I no longer believe any "reports" - based on either end of the spectrum - let's stipulate that he was accurately quoted in that piece.

I see that he is hammering on people advancing "fear and panic". The title says Limbaugh says that "Hurricane Irma is a liberal hoax."

Those are not the same. Not even close.

Maybe I missed something. Can you point out the offending quote?
Got news for you, you don't have to listen to someone's radio show to
Well, when someone actually listens, and tells you you got fake news, I guess the libtard chooses what he WANTS to believe.

I really don't care about your opinion of Rush, but THEY ARE LYING and you eat it up -- which is why your opinion has no value.
why are you listening to that blowhard ABS? me he is about as relevant as Joe Scarborough is.....

Actually Harry, I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh since 1992, because the Chief that I worked for liked to listen to him in the afternoons. When he transferred and I became LPO, Rush was banned in favor of the local rock and roll station, and nobody had a problem with that because we all (besides the Chief) thought he was a ranting blowhard.

However................I DO check out Yahoo! news during the day and saw this story on their page. I couldn't believe it when I first read it, and thought that others would enjoy hearing how off his rocker he is again.

And who knows? Maybe this claim of his will be so strange and unhinged that maybe it will wake up a conservative or two. There's always hope.
How can you comment on what Rush said yesterday if you haven't listened to him since 1992???

You, like a couple of other posters must have stopped reading after the first sentence, or maybe you read the whole first paragraph and then stopped. The reason I say that is because in the first paragraph, I stated that I haven't listened to Limbaugh since 1992 because I thought he was a blowhard.

Hopefully, you are still reading this, because it's the second paragraph where I explain that although I haven't listened to him since 1992, I DO check out Yahoo news on a regular basis, and I saw this story and what he'd said.

Got news for you, you don't have to listen to someone's radio show to hear about what they have said. There are other media options available such as internet, newspapers, magazines and television.
So you base your attacks against Rush off of inaccurate 3rd person fake News.
why are you listening to that blowhard ABS? me he is about as relevant as Joe Scarborough is.....

Actually Harry, I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh since 1992, because the Chief that I worked for liked to listen to him in the afternoons. When he transferred and I became LPO, Rush was banned in favor of the local rock and roll station, and nobody had a problem with that because we all (besides the Chief) thought he was a ranting blowhard.

However................I DO check out Yahoo! news during the day and saw this story on their page. I couldn't believe it when I first read it, and thought that others would enjoy hearing how off his rocker he is again.

And who knows? Maybe this claim of his will be so strange and unhinged that maybe it will wake up a conservative or two. There's always hope.
How can you comment on what Rush said yesterday if you haven't listened to him since 1992???

You, like a couple of other posters must have stopped reading after the first sentence, or maybe you read the whole first paragraph and then stopped. The reason I say that is because in the first paragraph, I stated that I haven't listened to Limbaugh since 1992 because I thought he was a blowhard.

Hopefully, you are still reading this, because it's the second paragraph where I explain that although I haven't listened to him since 1992, I DO check out Yahoo news on a regular basis, and I saw this story and what he'd said.

Got news for you, you don't have to listen to someone's radio show to hear about what they have said. There are other media options available such as internet, newspapers, magazines and television.
So you base your attacks against Rush off of inaccurate 3rd person fake News.

Doesn't change the fact they quoted what he actually said.
why are you listening to that blowhard ABS? me he is about as relevant as Joe Scarborough is.....

Actually Harry, I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh since 1992, because the Chief that I worked for liked to listen to him in the afternoons. When he transferred and I became LPO, Rush was banned in favor of the local rock and roll station, and nobody had a problem with that because we all (besides the Chief) thought he was a ranting blowhard.

However................I DO check out Yahoo! news during the day and saw this story on their page. I couldn't believe it when I first read it, and thought that others would enjoy hearing how off his rocker he is again.

And who knows? Maybe this claim of his will be so strange and unhinged that maybe it will wake up a conservative or two. There's always hope.
How can you comment on what Rush said yesterday if you haven't listened to him since 1992???

You, like a couple of other posters must have stopped reading after the first sentence, or maybe you read the whole first paragraph and then stopped. The reason I say that is because in the first paragraph, I stated that I haven't listened to Limbaugh since 1992 because I thought he was a blowhard.

Hopefully, you are still reading this, because it's the second paragraph where I explain that although I haven't listened to him since 1992, I DO check out Yahoo news on a regular basis, and I saw this story and what he'd said.

Got news for you, you don't have to listen to someone's radio show to hear about what they have said. There are other media options available such as internet, newspapers, magazines and television.
So you base your attacks against Rush off of inaccurate 3rd person fake News.

Doesn't change the fact they quoted what he actually said.
Totally erasing the context as well.
Parsed words can be easily misunderstood.
It happens all of them time online.
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
He didn't say that you idiot. I actually LISTENED.
I was listening too. I only listen to the radio in the car so it was unusual for me to hear this show. Rush said nothing of the kind.
I already posted the quote of him saying it was a hoax perpetrated by the media and their advertisers to sell product, so you lie like your MessiahRushie. No surprise there!

Actually, you posted that. Nowhere in that quote does he say the hurricane is a hoax, as the OP claims. He suggested that the whole Climate Change myth is to sell stuff, because the leftist media claims that Climate Change creates bigger and more dangerous hurricanes.
You need to read this part again, If you have to "CREATE" the fear and panic, then the fear and panic of a hurricane is a hoax, hurricanes are nothing to fear according to your MessiahRushie:
Sept 5, 2017
RUSH: So there is a desire to advance this climate change agenda, and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it. You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced.
He also mentioned that the media claimed that for the first time a Hurricane was registering on the Richter Scale
But did the media actually say it was the "first time" or is that just another Limbaugh Lie you mindlessly swallowed whole?
Last edited:
Actually Harry, I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh since 1992, because the Chief that I worked for liked to listen to him in the afternoons. When he transferred and I became LPO, Rush was banned in favor of the local rock and roll station, and nobody had a problem with that because we all (besides the Chief) thought he was a ranting blowhard.

However................I DO check out Yahoo! news during the day and saw this story on their page. I couldn't believe it when I first read it, and thought that others would enjoy hearing how off his rocker he is again.

And who knows? Maybe this claim of his will be so strange and unhinged that maybe it will wake up a conservative or two. There's always hope.
How can you comment on what Rush said yesterday if you haven't listened to him since 1992???

You, like a couple of other posters must have stopped reading after the first sentence, or maybe you read the whole first paragraph and then stopped. The reason I say that is because in the first paragraph, I stated that I haven't listened to Limbaugh since 1992 because I thought he was a blowhard.

Hopefully, you are still reading this, because it's the second paragraph where I explain that although I haven't listened to him since 1992, I DO check out Yahoo news on a regular basis, and I saw this story and what he'd said.

Got news for you, you don't have to listen to someone's radio show to hear about what they have said. There are other media options available such as internet, newspapers, magazines and television.
So you base your attacks against Rush off of inaccurate 3rd person fake News.

Doesn't change the fact they quoted what he actually said.
Totally erasing the context as well.
Parsed words can be easily misunderstood.
It happens all of them time online.
Which is why your MessiahRushie ALWAYS parses words, even his own!!!!!

November 5, 2008
RUSH: Parsing The Messiah's Speech
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
He didn't say that you idiot. I actually LISTENED.
I was listening too. I only listen to the radio in the car so it was unusual for me to hear this show. Rush said nothing of the kind.
I already posted the quote of him saying it was a hoax perpetrated by the media and their advertisers to sell product, so you lie like your MessiahRushie. No surprise there!

Actually, you posted that. Nowhere in that quote does he say the hurricane is a hoax, as the OP claims. He suggested that the whole Climate Change myth is to sell stuff, because the leftist media claims that Climate Change creates bigger and more dangerous hurricanes.
You need to read this part again, If you have to "CREATE" the fear and panic, then the fear and panic of a hurricane is a hoax, hurricanes are nothing to fear according to your MessiahRushie:
Sept 5, 2017
RUSH: So there is a desire to advance this climate change agenda, and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it. You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced.
You must only be reading your bold text, because he follows it up with mentioning the Climate Change Myth, which is what the fear and panic the left is trying create is supposed to support. Nowhere does he say the Hurricane doesn't exist. Of course, if you needed facts to make your assertions, you wouldn't be a leftist.
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax

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