Rush Limbaugh: Hurricane Irma is a liberal hoax!

In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
Wouldn't it be wonderful, if Rush the Lush's home was completely destroyed with him in it and and and photo's of him, with nothing on but his fat man panties pasted all over the news media, asking for FEMA dollars with a mic in his hands??? Ah, the moment!!
You are truly sick.
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
Wouldn't it be wonderful, if Rush the Lush's home was completely destroyed with him in it and and and photo's of him, with nothing on but his fat man panties pasted all over the news media, asking for FEMA dollars with a mic in his hands??? Ah, the moment!!
You are truly sick.
From the orifice of Buttpimple:

The crux of Limbaugh’s argument was that “in the official meteorological circles, you have an abundance of people who believe that man-made climate change is real. And they believe that Al Gore is correct when he has written—and he couldn’t be more wrong—that climate change is creating more hurricanes and stronger hurricanes.”
Limbaugh is a resident of Palm Beach, Florida, and the hurricane-themed monologue appeared to be driven by his observation that bottled water had already been sold out in local stores, in preparation for Irma’s imminent landfall.

“The reason that I am leery of forecasts this far out, folks, is because I see how the system works,” Limbaugh said, alluding to alleged conspiracies against President Donald J. Trump. “Hurricane Harvey and the TV pictures that accompany that go a long way to helping further and create the panic.”
/----/ Rush is 100% correct. It's a lot of hype. Why else have reporters standing in gale force wind and rain.

As I live in Irma's path that is just great........; )
/----/ Well guess what you cretin - Rush's prediction was 100% He lives in Palm Beach
Hurricane Irma's track shifts east with center through Florida ...
5 hours ago - Hurricane Irma's track has shifted east today with its center bisecting Florida ... 145 mph winds, slowing to a Category 3 closer to Palm Beach County. ... And several computer models still take Irma over and/or west of Florida.
From the orifice of Buttpimple:

The crux of Limbaugh’s argument was that “in the official meteorological circles, you have an abundance of people who believe that man-made climate change is real. And they believe that Al Gore is correct when he has written—and he couldn’t be more wrong—that climate change is creating more hurricanes and stronger hurricanes.”
Limbaugh is a resident of Palm Beach, Florida, and the hurricane-themed monologue appeared to be driven by his observation that bottled water had already been sold out in local stores, in preparation for Irma’s imminent landfall.

“The reason that I am leery of forecasts this far out, folks, is because I see how the system works,” Limbaugh said, alluding to alleged conspiracies against President Donald J. Trump. “Hurricane Harvey and the TV pictures that accompany that go a long way to helping further and create the panic.”
/----/ Rush is 100% correct. It's a lot of hype. Why else have reporters standing in gale force wind and rain.

As I live in Irma's path that is just great........; )
/----/ Well guess what you cretin - Rush's prediction was 100% He lives in Palm Beach
Hurricane Irma's track shifts east with center through Florida ...
5 hours ago - Hurricane Irma's track has shifted east today with its center bisecting Florida ... 145 mph winds, slowing to a Category 3 closer to Palm Beach County. ... And several computer models still take Irma over and/or west of Florida.
Texas is worried, with no disrespect for anyone that is hit by it, that if it makes it into the gulf, we are screwed.
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
He didn't say that you idiot. I actually LISTENED.
Of course you haven't listened. You didn't listen even when you heard him. You will zealously believe anyone who says anything negative about him though and ignore people who prove them liars.

Funny how bed wetters insisted after Katrina that storms like it would be more intense, and more common. 12 years later we finally have another big storm and bed wetters are jumping up and down insisting they were indoctrinated correctly.

You pukes could not be more pathetic.
Hurricanes build strength over warm water. The ocean is warmer. Our hurricanes are getting stronger this year.

There have been 2.

Just 2 so far, and Irma hasn't actually hit yet.

In 2005 when we were told every year would be worse than last, then had 12 years of NOTHING we are supposed to ignore the fact the MMGW zealots were wrong?

If we have 3 this year.... then MAYBE they find some legitimacy.
I'd be happy if two record breaking storms in two weeks were it for the year. Hope it will be the worst of it.
However, all the folks who know about these things are quick to agree with you that nothing can actually be "proven" by one storm. It takes years of weather patterns and recording to start seeing any change in the averages. However, there have been predictions for quite some time that storms would increase in intensity as temperatures rise, and we have certainly seen a couple examples of that here in the past two weeks. The MOST recorded rainfall ever here and the HIGHEST winds ever for a hurricane in the Atlantic. They will simply be included in the averages over time. Maybe the people trying to convince deniers about GW are jumping to conclusions too quickly; it's true they aren't conclusive. But pooh-poohing it isn't smart, either.
Of course you haven't listened. You didn't listen even when you heard him. You will zealously believe anyone who says anything negative about him though and ignore people who prove them liars.

Funny how bed wetters insisted after Katrina that storms like it would be more intense, and more common. 12 years later we finally have another big storm and bed wetters are jumping up and down insisting they were indoctrinated correctly.

You pukes could not be more pathetic.
Hurricanes build strength over warm water. The ocean is warmer. Our hurricanes are getting stronger this year.

Let's see your data.

Oh, wait! You just made that shit up, didn't you?
Jesus, I hope that was a joke.
Of course you haven't listened. You didn't listen even when you heard him. You will zealously believe anyone who says anything negative about him though and ignore people who prove them liars.

Funny how bed wetters insisted after Katrina that storms like it would be more intense, and more common. 12 years later we finally have another big storm and bed wetters are jumping up and down insisting they were indoctrinated correctly.

You pukes could not be more pathetic.
Hurricanes build strength over warm water. The ocean is warmer. Our hurricanes are getting stronger this year.

There have been 2.

Just 2 so far, and Irma hasn't actually hit yet.

In 2005 when we were told every year would be worse than last, then had 12 years of NOTHING we are supposed to ignore the fact the MMGW zealots were wrong?

If we have 3 this year.... then MAYBE they find some legitimacy.
I'd be happy if two record breaking storms in two weeks were it for the year. Hope it will be the worst of it.
However, all the folks who know about these things are quick to agree with you that nothing can actually be "proven" by one storm. It takes years of weather patterns and recording to start seeing any change in the averages. However, there have been predictions for quite some time that storms would increase in intensity as temperatures rise, and we have certainly seen a couple examples of that here in the past two weeks. The MOST recorded rainfall ever here and the HIGHEST winds ever for a hurricane in the Atlantic. They will simply be included in the averages over time. Maybe the people trying to convince deniers about GW are jumping to conclusions too quickly; it's true they aren't conclusive. But pooh-poohing it isn't smart, either.

Partisans also point to one day or week in the stock market as a "sign" of the value of a President.

Partisans have zero credibility.
Of course you haven't listened. You didn't listen even when you heard him. You will zealously believe anyone who says anything negative about him though and ignore people who prove them liars.

Funny how bed wetters insisted after Katrina that storms like it would be more intense, and more common. 12 years later we finally have another big storm and bed wetters are jumping up and down insisting they were indoctrinated correctly.

You pukes could not be more pathetic.
Hurricanes build strength over warm water. The ocean is warmer. Our hurricanes are getting stronger this year.

There have been 2.

Just 2 so far, and Irma hasn't actually hit yet.

In 2005 when we were told every year would be worse than last, then had 12 years of NOTHING we are supposed to ignore the fact the MMGW zealots were wrong?

If we have 3 this year.... then MAYBE they find some legitimacy.
Though if they had any legitimacy, they wouldn't have falsified research.

From the orifice of Buttpimple:

The crux of Limbaugh’s argument was that “in the official meteorological circles, you have an abundance of people who believe that man-made climate change is real. And they believe that Al Gore is correct when he has written—and he couldn’t be more wrong—that climate change is creating more hurricanes and stronger hurricanes.”
Limbaugh is a resident of Palm Beach, Florida, and the hurricane-themed monologue appeared to be driven by his observation that bottled water had already been sold out in local stores, in preparation for Irma’s imminent landfall.

“The reason that I am leery of forecasts this far out, folks, is because I see how the system works,” Limbaugh said, alluding to alleged conspiracies against President Donald J. Trump. “Hurricane Harvey and the TV pictures that accompany that go a long way to helping further and create the panic.”
/----/ Rush is 100% correct. It's a lot of hype. Why else have reporters standing in gale force wind and rain.
Well, there you have it folks........................:lol:
From the orifice of Buttpimple:

The crux of Limbaugh’s argument was that “in the official meteorological circles, you have an abundance of people who believe that man-made climate change is real. And they believe that Al Gore is correct when he has written—and he couldn’t be more wrong—that climate change is creating more hurricanes and stronger hurricanes.”
Limbaugh is a resident of Palm Beach, Florida, and the hurricane-themed monologue appeared to be driven by his observation that bottled water had already been sold out in local stores, in preparation for Irma’s imminent landfall.

“The reason that I am leery of forecasts this far out, folks, is because I see how the system works,” Limbaugh said, alluding to alleged conspiracies against President Donald J. Trump. “Hurricane Harvey and the TV pictures that accompany that go a long way to helping further and create the panic.”
/----/ Rush is 100% correct. It's a lot of hype. Why else have reporters standing in gale force wind and rain.
Well, there you have it folks........................:lol:
/----/ Read this Spanky and keep yucking it up, but Rush was right and he's spent 45 years in the business:
After all the ridicule, why do Hurricane Sandy reporters still stand in wind and water for live TV?
At ABC News, James Goldston, the network's senior vice president of content and development, said Gutman thought he was in a safe area, only to be knocked over by a "rogue wave" forcing his team to move to higher ground. "We don't want unnecessary heroics," he said.

Such shots are an often-necessary result of the "arms race" that breaks out when competing news outlets try to dominate coverage of the same event, said Stacey Woelfel, news director at KOMU-TV in Missouri and an associate professor at the Missouri School of Journalism.
For those interested in the truth (OP excluded of course) in Rush's own words: I Never, Ever Said the Hurricane Was Fake News, Drive-Bys
You will NEVER get the truth from your MessiahRushie's own words. His game is "Lie and then deny."

He said the predicted destinations, large cities, were fake, and he said the fake news was a collusion between media and advertisers to sell products like batteries and water, etc.

What Fatso is now denying he said:
Sept 5, 2017
RUSH: So there is a desire to advance this climate change agenda, and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it. You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced.
Now, how do you do this? Well, any number of ways. Let’s take south Florida television, for example. There is symbiotic relationship between retailers and local media, and it’s related to money. It revolves around money. You have major, major industries and businesses which prosper during times of crisis and panic, such as a hurricane, which could destroy or greatly damage people’s homes, and it could interrupt the flow of water and electricity. So what happens?
Well, the TV stations begin reporting this and the panic begins to increase. And then people end up going to various stores to stock up on water and whatever they might need for home repairs and batteries and all this that they’re advised to get, and a vicious circle is created. You have these various retail outlets who spend a lot of advertising dollars with the local media.
The local media, in turn, reports in such a way as to create the panic way far out, which sends people into these stores to fill up with water and to fill up with batteries
, and it becomes a never-ending repeated cycle. And the two coexist. So the media benefits with the panic with increased eyeballs, and the retailers benefit from the panic with increased sales, and the TV companies benefit because they’re getting advertising dollars from the businesses that are seeing all this attention from customers.
In yet another attempt to deny climate change, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that hurricanes are a liberal hoax to try to prove climate change is real. Doesn't he realize that hurricanes are naturally occurring weather phenomena, and are not ran by the "deep state"?

Rush is proving himself to be more and more of an idiot every day.

Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is not a meteorologist, as he acknowledges at the opening of the monologue, before proceeding to muse on meteorology. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Limbaugh Suggests Hurricane Irma is a Liberal Hoax
Thanks for proving you parrot liberal talking points. You're a dupe.
In 2005 when we were told every year would be worse than last, then had 12 years of NOTHING we are supposed to ignore the fact the MMGW zealots were wrong?
How stupid a DittoTard do you have to be to swallow that Limbaugh Lie????
Do you really think there have been no hurricanes in the WORLD for the last 12 years?
Or are you stupid enough to swallow the Limbaugh Lie that when environmentalists said that the intensity of hurricanes the WORLD over would increase they meant that the continental US was the whole world????

The number of hurricanes that reach Category Four and Five has doubled since 1970, according to a report by Judith Curry, an earth and atmospheric scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.
Her team links the increasing storm intensity to a 1-degree Fahrenheit (0.5-degree Celsius) rise in global sea surface temperature in the same period.
Curry is the co-author of two of the papers linking global warming to increasing storm intensity
"For the time being," she said, "this is what the data says and what analysis we have, and it says we are at elevated risk for increasing hurricanes and increasing intensity in hurricanes."
is he denying the hurricane or is he denying its climate change related?...
He is denying that hurricanes are as bad as the media makes them out to be, because the media and retail advertisers want to sell product so they exaggerate their danger by always predicting they will head for some big city no matter where they are actually headed.
IOW, media reports on hurricanes are FAKED to sell product for their advertisers.

Sept 5, 2017
RUSH: So there is a desire to advance this climate change agenda, and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it. You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced.
Now, how do you do this? Well, any number of ways. Let’s take south Florida television, for example. There is symbiotic relationship between retailers and local media, and it’s related to money. It revolves around money. You have major, major industries and businesses which prosper during times of crisis and panic, such as a hurricane, which could destroy or greatly damage people’s homes, and it could interrupt the flow of water and electricity. So what happens?
Well, the TV stations begin reporting this and the panic begins to increase. And then people end up going to various stores to stock up on water and whatever they might need for home repairs and batteries and all this that they’re advised to get, and a vicious circle is created. You have these various retail outlets who spend a lot of advertising dollars with the local media.
The local media, in turn, reports in such a way as to create the panic way far out, which sends people into these stores to fill up with water and to fill up with batteries
, and it becomes a never-ending repeated cycle. And the two coexist. So the media benefits with the panic with increased eyeballs, and the retailers benefit from the panic with increased sales, and the TV companies benefit because they’re getting advertising dollars from the businesses that are seeing all this attention from customers.
why are you listening to that blowhard ABS? me he is about as relevant as Joe Scarborough is.....

Actually Harry, I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh since 1992, because the Chief that I worked for liked to listen to him in the afternoons. When he transferred and I became LPO, Rush was banned in favor of the local rock and roll station, and nobody had a problem with that because we all (besides the Chief) thought he was a ranting blowhard.

However................I DO check out Yahoo! news during the day and saw this story on their page. I couldn't believe it when I first read it, and thought that others would enjoy hearing how off his rocker he is again.

And who knows? Maybe this claim of his will be so strange and unhinged that maybe it will wake up a conservative or two. There's always hope.
How can you comment on what Rush said yesterday if you haven't listened to him since 1992???
Wouldn't it be wonderful, if Rush the Lush's home was completely destroyed with him in it and and and photo's of him, with nothing on but his fat man panties pasted all over the news media, asking for FEMA dollars with a mic in his hands??? Ah, the moment!!
The lying scum coward will fly out of there rather than ride out the "media hyped" hurricane.

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