Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

Listened to him today.
Did you catch your MessiahRushie lying?
Did you hear his show today? maybe you can tell us where he lied. Be careful uninformed weak minded person when you infer that someone is stupid because what that does is to show your lack of education manners and self respect.
Already did two posts before yours!

Here is another from the same day:

June 30, 2015

RUSH: Campus Reform, it's a website, one of the good guys, one of ours, they set up an easel and a giant poster board near the White House. And on the poster board were pictures of four or five mansions with the price tag underneath each one. They ranged in price from five million to $15 million, and they purposely stopped Millennials. Clean cut looking, average, ordinary, everyday, just good quality Millennial types, who owned the houses. "Who do you think owns these houses?" And the two names most mentioned were Marco Rubio and Dr. Ben Carson.

I didn't know at the time the New York Times had done this story on Rubio and his $80,000 fishing boat 'cause that story happened when I was out for a week on vacation, but stop and think, even a story on an $80,000 fishing boat convinced people that Marco Rubio is one of these. That's the first name that popped into their heads. And apparently the New York Times is a Bible to Millennials, whereas to you and I, it's actual bird cage filth. We don't believe anything in it because we know the bias and prejudice that goes into putting that paper together every day. The young skulls full of mush just eat it up, they swallow it, they believe every word of it.

When these Millennials, and they were male, female, black, white, in their thirties, when they were told that every one of those homes is owned by the Clintons, they could not believe it. And, further, they didn't want to believe it. They had no idea. They were floored when they found out the Clintons owned them. Every house on that poster board.
Listened to him today.
Did you catch your MessiahRushie lying?

Who is that?
I'll take that dodge as a no, you are too stupid to catch him lying.

Here's a hint:

June 30, 2015

RUSH: People who have been out of work beyond the total length of time that they get unemployment benefits, which is up to, what is it now, 99 weeks? (interruption) It's even longer than that? (interruption) Okay, 99 weeks.

How you can be that stupid and still use the Internet is a mystery.
Listened to him today.
Did you catch your MessiahRushie lying?
Did you hear his show today? maybe you can tell us where he lied. Be careful uninformed weak minded person when you infer that someone is stupid because what that does is to show your lack of education manners and self respect.

The problem is that thisoron thinks everything Rush says is a lie. That is all the Prog that that idiot needs. Just point at h and laugh, otherwise you are wasting your time.
Listened to him today.
Did you catch your MessiahRushie lying?

Who is that?
I'll take that dodge as a no, you are too stupid to catch him lying.

Here's a hint:

June 30, 2015

RUSH: People who have been out of work beyond the total length of time that they get unemployment benefits, which is up to, what is it now, 99 weeks? (interruption) It's even longer than that? (interruption) Okay, 99 weeks.

How you can be that stupid and still use the Internet is a mystery.
UI has not been 99 weeks since 2013. NOW it is 26 weeks in 40 states, 2 offer more weeks, one 28 weeks and one 30 weeks, and the other 8 states are less than 26 weeks with one as low as 14 weeks.
Listened to him today.
Did you catch your MessiahRushie lying?
Did you hear his show today? maybe you can tell us where he lied. Be careful uninformed weak minded person when you infer that someone is stupid because what that does is to show your lack of education manners and self respect.

The problem is that thisoron thinks everything Rush says is a lie. That is all the Prog that that idiot needs. Just point at h and laugh, otherwise you are wasting your time.
Like I said, too stupid to catch your MessiahRushie lying, even when shown the lie!
While you keep bobbin' and weavin' JoeyB here's another punch to your lying nose.

First two ads to run yesterday, first commercial break, on Rush's show aired on your WLS and my WOOD were for Hillsdale College and the Conservative Solutions Project. Now, not sure if yesterday was one of your "he has no national advertisers" day or "he only has local advertisers" day, but regardless your reputation in here remains laughably intact.
Those are PSAs for non-profits. All he gets is a tax deduction for the value of the ad slot so working people can pay his taxes.
I see you're still auditioning for the role of JoeyB wannabe. Big shoes to fill but keep at it.

So, please comment on what you think the final words of your alleged PSA mean:
"Paid for by Conservative Solutions Project."
he just signed a multi year contract with 5 new stations

.... Link?

So.... no link.
The Void.
Nil, zero, the empty set.
Quel surprise.

.... Link?

How To Use Google To Search

Caution: Contains words longer than two syllables.

Wow! What a great site!! :eusa_dance:

Just look what I found on this here "Google" contraption!

Ya learn sump'm every day, huh??
One of these days, Rush will retire with more money than he can spend in ten lifetimes. When he does, the loyal followers of the MSM will brag about how he was brought down by the collective efforts of the liberal opposition.

Rush is probably the most successful radio commentator of all times and his critics hate him for it.

Only if your definition of "success" involves the phrase "how many gullibles can I snooker today?".

Or in Duh Limblob's own description of himself, "to make you mad" so he can "charge confiscatory ad rates".

What an admirable trait. Yessiree bob, can't think of any human endeavor more laudable than that. :salute:
While you keep bobbin' and weavin' JoeyB here's another punch to your lying nose.

First two ads to run yesterday, first commercial break, on Rush's show aired on your WLS and my WOOD were for Hillsdale College and the Conservative Solutions Project. Now, not sure if yesterday was one of your "he has no national advertisers" day or "he only has local advertisers" day, but regardless your reputation in here remains laughably intact.
Those are PSAs for non-profits. All he gets is a tax deduction for the value of the ad slot so working people can pay his taxes.
I see you're still auditioning for the role of JoeyB wannabe. Big shoes to fill but keep at it.

So, please comment on what you think the final words of your alleged PSA mean:
"Paid for by Conservative Solutions Project."
That is who paid to produce the PSA ad, not the air time. Conservative Solutions Project is the fake charity to keep the donors secret for the Conservative Solutions PAC. The CSP fake charity as a charity gets the air time for free.
Rush is right some of the time. He's anti Transpacific Partnership. Look at how many p.o.s. democrats are for it including pelosi and obama. You know, the guy who promised a most transparent administration.
Wait! He was on the air today?

He was?

But the libs said he was toast!
Rush is right some of the time. He's anti Transpacific Partnership. Look at how many p.o.s. democrats are for it including pelosi and obama. You know, the guy who promised a most transparent administration.
He was pro NAFTA, so he is only pretending to be anti TPP because that is the way the wind is blowing today.
Rush is right some of the time. He's anti Transpacific Partnership. Look at how many p.o.s. democrats are for it including pelosi and obama. You know, the guy who promised a most transparent administration.
He was pro NAFTA, so he is only pretending to be anti TPP because that is the way the wind is blowing today.
I listen to his show daily and he has not taken a stand on TPP either way because the idiot in the oval office won't allow him and us to see what's in it!
and...the announcement of the new stations was on his show if you listened to it you would of heard it. And you would be smarter than you are and you would have more to say than link link link link link...moron.
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Rush is right some of the time. He's anti Transpacific Partnership. Look at how many p.o.s. democrats are for it including pelosi and obama. You know, the guy who promised a most transparent administration.
He was pro NAFTA, so he is only pretending to be anti TPP because that is the way the wind is blowing today.
I listen to his show daily and he has not taken a stand on TPP either way because the idiot in the oval office won't allow him and us to see what's in it!
and...the announcement of the new stations was on his show if you listened to it you would of heard it. And you would be smarter than you are and you would have more to say than link link link link link...moron.

Oh this is even better -- "I heard it on Limblob!"

--- "And I believed it!" :rofl:
Listened to him today.
Did you catch your MessiahRushie lying?

Who is that?
I'll take that dodge as a no, you are too stupid to catch him lying.

Here's a hint:

June 30, 2015

RUSH: People who have been out of work beyond the total length of time that they get unemployment benefits, which is up to, what is it now, 99 weeks? (interruption) It's even longer than that? (interruption) Okay, 99 weeks.

How you can be that stupid and still use the Internet is a mystery.
UI has not been 99 weeks since 2013. NOW it is 26 weeks in 40 states, 2 offer more weeks, one 28 weeks and one 30 weeks, and the other 8 states are less than 26 weeks with one as low as 14 weeks.

OMG! Alert Brian Williams! :lmao:

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