Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

Here you go again, Whiner.

You have absolutely no right to anything I have earned but you still cry for someone to take something from someone else to give to you.

And none of my guns have ever nor will they ever be used in a crime so it's really none of your fucking business if I own one gun or one thousand guns now is it?

uh, yeah, when your fetish causes 32,000 deaths and 78,000 injuries, it totally becomes my business.
Here you go again, Whiner.

You have absolutely no right to anything I have earned but you still cry for someone to take something from someone else to give to you.

And none of my guns have ever nor will they ever be used in a crime so it's really none of your fucking business if I own one gun or one thousand guns now is it?

uh, yeah, when your fetish causes 32,000 deaths and 78,000 injuries, it totally becomes my business.

my guns caused ZERO injuries and deaths so no my guns are none of your business
And yet I am still smarter than you

Not really. You just spend more time rationalizing your selfishness and patting yourself on the back for being smart.

And guys like Rush are great enablers.
in your very small 2 dimensional mind you think I actually listen to talk radio.

I don't and never have.

You see I dislike people who love the sound of their own voice and do nothing but whine and tell everyone else how they should live their lives

You know people like you
I don't know if he is happy or unhappy, I can't judge people the way you do.

Rush could leave the air waves tomorrow and know that he changed radio.

Isn't that kind of like saying, "Hitler shot himself in his bunker knowing he changed Europe" ?

Yeah, he changed radio, all right. But not for the better.

I did notice you avoided the subject, how the man's attempts to find mainstream acceptance have met with failure at every turn.

Probably why he became a drug addict. That and his repressed homosexuality. Guy's spent his whole life hiding what he is, and now what he is gains acceptance he'll never enjoy?

You are a spiteful bitter human that believes that people that have money are evil.

I like the reference to Hitler, nice spin. What is wrong with being a homosexual? I find it the left brings this up, is it a negative?

As far as mainstream, i think he has a fan base larger than what you will achieve and money you will be pissed that he gets.

Again, spiteful bitter liberals.
You are a spiteful bitter human that believes that people that have money are evil.

I like the reference to Hitler, nice spin. What is wrong with being a homosexual? I find it the left brings this up, is it a negative?

As far as mainstream, i think he has a fan base larger than what you will achieve and money you will be pissed that he gets.

Again, spiteful bitter liberals.

Who ever said I wanted a "Fan base"?

Frankly, it strikes me that Rush's desire to have a fan base is kind of part of his problem. He wants acceptance.

He's tried to break into the mainstream several times (His TV Show, his attempts to get on Monday Night Football and ESPN, his attempt to buy into the St. Louis Rams) and has been rebuffed several times.

And now advertisers are abandoning him in droves because they don't want to be associated with his vile hatred.
I know, I know - we've heard it before, but there's no denying the plain truth and the evidence. Sane people, I mean.

I predict he will quit his show in the next year when his contract expires. He will never get big money again, and his ego won't allow him to take any less.

Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator
Indianapolis' WIBC is just the latest station to drop him like a bad habit. His days of relevance are numbered

The bad news just keeps coming for conservative talker Rush Limbaugh.

Which bulletin was worse, though? The news in April that he was being dropped by WIBC in Indianapolis, a booming talk powerhouse that played home to Limbaugh’s radio show for more than two decades, or the news this week that the talker’s new address on the Indianapolis dial is going to be WNDE, a ratings doormat AM sports station that has so few listeners it trails the commercial-free classical music outlet in town?

The humbling, red-state tumble is just the latest setback for the conservative talker who has seen his once-golden career suffer a steady series of losses recently.

Divorced from successful, longtime affiliates in places like New York, Los Angeles, Boston, and Indianapolis, Limbaugh’s professional trajectory is heading downward. That’s confirmed by the second and third-tier stations he now calls home in those important media markets, and the fact that when his show became available, general managers up and down the dial passed on it. Apparently turned off by the show’s hefty price tag, sagging ratings, and disappearing advertisers, Limbaugh continues to be a very hard sell.

It’s a precipitous fall from the glory days when the host posted huge ratings numbers, had affiliates clamoring to join his network, and dictated Republican politics. All of that seems increasingly distant now. With his comically inflated, $50 million-a-year syndication deal set to expire next year, Limbaugh’s future seems uncertain. “Who would even want someone whose audience is aging and is considered toxic to many advertisers,” askedRadioInsight last month.

For Limbaugh, the troubles were marked by key events from 2012 and 2013. The first came in the form of Limbaugh’s Sandra Fluke implosion, where he castigated and insulted for days the graduate student who testified before Congress about health care and access to contraception, calling her a “slut” and suggesting she post videos of herself having sex on the Internet. The astonishing monologues sparked an unprecedented advertiser exodus.

The following year, as the host struggled to hang on to fleeing sponsors, radio industry giant Cumulus Media decided to negotiate its Limbaugh contract in public, making it clear through the press that the company was willing to cut ties with the pricey host in major cities where Cumulus owned talk radio stations. In the end, Limbaugh stayed with Cumulus stations, but the company sent a clear signal to the industry: Limbaugh was no longer an untouchable and general managers weren’t clamoring to hire him. Since then, the talker’s fortunes have only faded.

Another looming problem? Conservative talk radio is a “format fewer advertisers are interested in buying because of its aging audience,” noted radio consultant and self-identified Republican Darryl Parks. Limbaugh himself recently conceded a generational disconnect: “Now that I’ve outgrown the 25-54 demographic, I’m no longer confident that the way I see the world is the way everybody else does.

That disconnect may be fueling Limbaugh’s waning political influence. Once a mighty player whose ring was constantly kissed by Republicans, this campaign season seems to be unfolding with Limbaugh on the sidelines, his clout and his ability to drive the conversation seemingly surpassed by other conservative media players.
*YOU* jackasses have been attempting to "COOK" Limbaugh for 27 fucking years and have YET to do so...maybe too much fucking lighter fluid on the coals...LOL...FUCKTARD.
You are a spiteful bitter human that believes that people that have money are evil.

I like the reference to Hitler, nice spin. What is wrong with being a homosexual? I find it the left brings this up, is it a negative?

As far as mainstream, i think he has a fan base larger than what you will achieve and money you will be pissed that he gets.

Again, spiteful bitter liberals.

Who ever said I wanted a "Fan base"?

Frankly, it strikes me that Rush's desire to have a fan base is kind of part of his problem. He wants acceptance.

He's tried to break into the mainstream several times (His TV Show, his attempts to get on Monday Night Football and ESPN, his attempt to buy into the St. Louis Rams) and has been rebuffed several times.

And now advertisers are abandoning him in droves because they don't want to be associated with his vile hatred.

Yeah, that's it. Glad you at least feel better at someone else's expense. Man, you are one sick asshole.
Yeah, that's it. Glad you at least feel better at someone else's expense. Man, you are one sick asshole.
You mean like the :asshole: your MessiahRushie.

March 27, 2013

RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others
Yeah, that's it. Glad you at least feel better at someone else's expense. Man, you are one sick asshole.
You mean like the :asshole: your MessiahRushie.

March 27, 2013

RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others

Speaking of assholes, hi little Eddie.

Got the actual sound bite in full context?
Yeah, that's it. Glad you at least feel better at someone else's expense. Man, you are one sick asshole.
You mean like the :asshole: your MessiahRushie.

March 27, 2013

RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others

Speaking of assholes, hi little Eddie.

Got the actual sound bite in full context?
If you think it makes your MessiahRushie sound better by hoping people who got health care suffer in the long run so he can enjoy it, then here is the whole bite.
What a vicious piece of scum sucking shit you worship!

March 27, 2013

RUSH: Okay, folks, this health care business. We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.
Yeah, that's it. Glad you at least feel better at someone else's expense. Man, you are one sick asshole.
You mean like the :asshole: your MessiahRushie.

March 27, 2013

RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others

Speaking of assholes, hi little Eddie.

Got the actual sound bite in full context?
If you think it makes your MessiahRushie sound better by hoping people who got health care suffer in the long run so he can enjoy it, then here is the whole bite.
What a vicious piece of scum sucking shit you worship!

March 27, 2013

RUSH: Okay, folks, this health care business. We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.

Got the link? I don't worship him, hell, I haven't listened or watched him since the 90's, seems like you are obsessed with him. You have pictures of him in your bedroom? If he is a closet gay as Joey thinks he is, I still don't think you have a chance.

I find it amusing he obsessed the left is with a guy that is supposedly finished. Of course you nutters have been saying that for 25 plus years. One day he will retire and then you can claim your false victory.
Yeah, that's it. Glad you at least feel better at someone else's expense. Man, you are one sick asshole.
You mean like the :asshole: your MessiahRushie.

March 27, 2013

RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others
for a liberal, your knowledge of Rush. Is starting to base on stalking. We don't even listen to him. ...

Seek help fast.....
Yeah, that's it. Glad you at least feel better at someone else's expense. Man, you are one sick asshole.

I feel better because he's a racist, a misogynist and a homophobe (or perhaps a self-loathing homosexual) who incites bigotry and devalues or civic conversation.

The people who are going to be happiest about his demise are establishment Republicans.

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