Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

I thought his addiction was opiates, why are you lying?

Yes, how dare you slander Rush by saying he was an amphetimine addict when he was a high-class pain-killer Junky?

Clearly, he didn't deserve to go to prison for his drug problem like them colored people do.

That's not what I said dumb fuck, pull your head out of your fucking ass.

In a thread that Ed claims Rush lies, Ed lies.

Of course you lie all the time so lying is not an issue with you.
I guess Ed, like Joe, like Rush have no credibility.

The big difference is Joe and Ed have nothing and they are jealous that Rush has his own radio show and made 79 million this year alone.
Last edited: guys can be a hoot, in a very strange albeit entertaining way.

Now when Rush gesticulates while broadcasting - as many do - he's physically out of control due to drug use.

Duly noted and the class promises to keep the laughter down.

Wow, was that asshole wrong about everything, or what?!!!
Non of the damage he hoped and prayed for happened.

And did you see the drug addict flailing around uncontrollably from his amphetamines!

I thought his addiction was opiates, why are you lying?

Opiates do not make you unable to sit still. He has obviously switched to uppers.

You know by experience I take it. :rolleyes: guys can be a hoot, in a very strange albeit entertaining way.

Now when Rush gesticulates while broadcasting - as many do - he's physically out of control due to drug use.

Duly noted and the class promises to keep the laughter down.

Works for me. Gives him an excuse for that ludicrous bullshit too. Win-win.


Actual, I like this one da best:

So are you. I don't see your point.

I'm a very happy person. Don't mistake outrage over the abuses of Corporatism for unhappiness.

LImbaugh, on the other hand, has more money than God, but he doesn't have what he really wants, acceptance. Every attempt to mainstream himself has met with failure. The repeated times he's tried to be a host on Monday Night Football, the ESPN gig that lasted all of one show, and his attempts to buy into the St. Louis Rams, all met with failure because his reputation is so odious.

Union opposes Rush Limbaugh s bid to buy St. Louis Rams

And now his radio career is going down the tubes because his misogyny went too far.
So are you. I don't see your point.

I'm a very happy person. Don't mistake outrage over the abuses of Corporatism for unhappiness.

LImbaugh, on the other hand, has more money than God, but he doesn't have what he really wants, acceptance. Every attempt to mainstream himself has met with failure. The repeated times he's tried to be a host on Monday Night Football, the ESPN gig that lasted all of one show, and his attempts to buy into the St. Louis Rams, all met with failure because his reputation is so odious.

Union opposes Rush Limbaugh s bid to buy St. Louis Rams

And now his radio career is going down the tubes because his misogyny went too far.

And that TV talk show, remember that? If you blinked, you missed it.
So are you. I don't see your point.

I'm a very happy person. Don't mistake outrage over the abuses of Corporatism for unhappiness.

LImbaugh, on the other hand, has more money than God, but he doesn't have what he really wants, acceptance. Every attempt to mainstream himself has met with failure. The repeated times he's tried to be a host on Monday Night Football, the ESPN gig that lasted all of one show, and his attempts to buy into the St. Louis Rams, all met with failure because his reputation is so odious.

Union opposes Rush Limbaugh s bid to buy St. Louis Rams

And now his radio career is going down the tubes because his misogyny went too far.

I don't know if he is happy or unhappy, I can't judge people the way you do.

Rush could leave the air waves tomorrow and know that he changed radio.
I don't know if he is happy or unhappy, I can't judge people the way you do.

Rush could leave the air waves tomorrow and know that he changed radio.

Isn't that kind of like saying, "Hitler shot himself in his bunker knowing he changed Europe" ?

Yeah, he changed radio, all right. But not for the better.

I did notice you avoided the subject, how the man's attempts to find mainstream acceptance have met with failure at every turn.

Probably why he became a drug addict. That and his repressed homosexuality. Guy's spent his whole life hiding what he is, and now what he is gains acceptance he'll never enjoy?
So are you. I don't see your point.

I'm a very happy person. Don't mistake outrage over the abuses of Corporatism for unhappiness.

LImbaugh, on the other hand, has more money than God, but he doesn't have what he really wants, acceptance. Every attempt to mainstream himself has met with failure. The repeated times he's tried to be a host on Monday Night Football, the ESPN gig that lasted all of one show, and his attempts to buy into the St. Louis Rams, all met with failure because his reputation is so odious.

Union opposes Rush Limbaugh s bid to buy St. Louis Rams

And now his radio career is going down the tubes because his misogyny went too far.
You're not happy unless you're whining

and from the posts on this board I can only surmise that you're happy all the time
You're not happy unless you're whining

and from the posts on this board I can only surmise that you're happy all the time

I'm just not the heartless Libertarian Drone you are...

Sorry you miss that, with your "I got mine, fuck you" attitude towards life.

Fuck those preschoolers, you gots to have you a gun!!!!

Here you go again, Whiner.

You have absolutely no right to anything I have earned but you still cry for someone to take something from someone else to give to you.

And none of my guns have ever nor will they ever be used in a crime so it's really none of your fucking business if I own one gun or one thousand guns now is it?

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