Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

I bet you wish for the days of the Fairness Doctrine, when political shows like Rush Limbaugh were not possible.
Of course your MessiahRushie did, and you should know by now I can back everything I post about Porky with quotes taken from his OWN transcripts.

May 26, 2011

RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.
Congrats, Eddie. You got me! In my zeal to point out your stupidity I should been smart enough to say he never seriously claimed 40 million daily listeners because he knows such a claim could be easily blown out of the water with a quick look at the Nielsens, Talkers magazine, or other sources. Odds are he said it because he knew full well how preposterous 40 million a day is. Tune in a bit more often and you'll soon be able to pick up on when he's yankin' folks' chains, which he does numerous times a broadcast.

Bounce the 40 million off fellow nitwit pogo who claims to have worked in the industry. If you catch him in a moment of honesty he'll likely tell you 40 million cumulative per week would likely be a stretch at the height of Rush's popularity.

Bottom line is your numbers and 70% claim are a load of JoeyB Dolezal.

Ed, JoeB and other types of liberals don't do sarcasm or humor when it comes to conservatives, they take everything at face value and the points go way over their heads. They are tough to reason with because their comprehension levels are so low.
Every time the Right are caught lying the liars claim it is "humor" or "sarcasm" but it always is a lie.
But when Libbies are caught lying, "their positions are evolving" or some such shit, right?
Still trying to deflect.
The fact remains your MessiahRushie said you can't use the traditional sources for his audience size, only HIS ratings, and I used ONLY his ratings he gave over the air of over 40 million daily in 2011 before his Fluke rant and 12 million daily that he gave last week. That is a loss of 70% using ONLY his ratings.

December 9, 2015

RUSH: It amazes me -- it always has amazed me -- the audience of this program. If you really want to be honest about the audience of this program, forget the way the traditional ratings are taken. We measure it and so forth. Well in excess of 20 million people -- unique people -- in a week listen, and the dirty little secret about numbers in this program is 12 million people listen during a three-hour program. Twelve million unique people will tune in at some point.

May 26, 2011

RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.
Deflecting? #1. I wasn't talking about ratings.
#2. I wasn't talking to you.
#3 I WAS talking about lying Liberals.
Not at all...
Libs listen to FM and vegetate listening to someone else's creativity. Conservatives tend to want to learn something.

By "Learning Something" you mean, "Listen to dog-whistle language that validates your racism, misogyny, homophobia and religious bigotry".

"Durn, Cleetus, I learned how to diss black people today without saying the "N-Word"!!!"
Provide proof of my racism, misogyny, homophobia and religious bigotry or kindly shut the fuck up, asshat.
Is that clear enough for you, Joe?
Not at all...
Libs listen to FM and vegetate listening to someone else's creativity. Conservatives tend to want to learn something.

By "Learning Something" you mean, "Listen to dog-whistle language that validates your racism, misogyny, homophobia and religious bigotry".

"Durn, Cleetus, I learned how to diss black people today without saying the "N-Word"!!!"
Provide proof of my racism, misogyny, homophobia and religious bigotry or kindly shut the fuck up, asshat.
Is that clear enough for you, Joe?

Joe makes it all up, thread after thread, subject after subject he lies. He won't post any proof, he will avoid answering and reaffirm his clueless bull.
Liberal radio is best listened to during nap time....

Liberal radio is the FM dial. The creative people that make music. Conservatives are good at whining on the AM dial, and oh are they good at it.

Surely you know how lame you sounded right there, lol.
Not at all...
Libs listen to FM and vegetate listening to someone else's creativity. Conservatives tend to want to learn something.

Yes 'libs' enjoy watching movies made by the most talented humans on Earth about the pains, lows and highs of living life, or going to see plays with talented people, or going to see paintings, or listening to music by the most talented people who spend a life time honing their craft.

Cons would rather listen to a fat old man whine about how miserable life is and how its all someone else's fault.

Hmmm, which to choose, which to choose...
Wow, this is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in the history of internet.

Thank you, you certainly have a flare for hyperbole eh. Its easy to dismiss a post like yours because it took as much thought and effort as a bear wiping its ass on a tree in the forest. I imagine you would be the splinter in the bear's ass.
Liberal radio is best listened to during nap time....

Liberal radio is the FM dial. The creative people that make music. Conservatives are good at whining on the AM dial, and oh are they good at it.

Surely you know how lame you sounded right there, lol.
Not at all...
Libs listen to FM and vegetate listening to someone else's creativity. Conservatives tend to want to learn something.

Yes 'libs' enjoy watching movies made by the most talented humans on Earth about the pains, lows and highs of living life, or going to see plays with talented people, or going to see paintings, or listening to music by the most talented people who spend a life time honing their craft.

Cons would rather listen to a fat old man whine about how miserable life is and how its all someone else's fault.

Hmmm, which to choose, which to choose...
Wow, this is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in the history of internet.
It definitely ranks pretty high...
Congrats, Eddie. You got me! In my zeal to point out your stupidity I should been smart enough to say he never seriously claimed 40 million daily listeners because he knows such a claim could be easily blown out of the water with a quick look at the Nielsens, Talkers magazine, or other sources. Odds are he said it because he knew full well how preposterous 40 million a day is. Tune in a bit more often and you'll soon be able to pick up on when he's yankin' folks' chains, which he does numerous times a broadcast.

Bounce the 40 million off fellow nitwit pogo who claims to have worked in the industry. If you catch him in a moment of honesty he'll likely tell you 40 million cumulative per week would likely be a stretch at the height of Rush's popularity.

Bottom line is your numbers and 70% claim are a load of JoeyB Dolezal.

Ed, JoeB and other types of liberals don't do sarcasm or humor when it comes to conservatives, they take everything at face value and the points go way over their heads. They are tough to reason with because their comprehension levels are so low.
Every time the Right are caught lying the liars claim it is "humor" or "sarcasm" but it always is a lie.

You are lying, you take shit our of context. One of you nut jobs claimed Obama's 2008 campaign promised to drop unemployment to under 8%. You guys lie because you have nothing but lies.
I never take anything out of context like you and your MessiahRushie ALWAYS do. If I had you would have posted the words that show the "real" context, but the Right never does, they can NEVER back up any of their lies.

You got nothing limpballs, we catch you and Joey in lies everyday. You and your comedy is getting boring.
Again you just can't seem to provide the "correct" context, so all you have is more lies.
Thank you.
Ed, JoeB and other types of liberals don't do sarcasm or humor when it comes to conservatives, they take everything at face value and the points go way over their heads. They are tough to reason with because their comprehension levels are so low.
Every time the Right are caught lying the liars claim it is "humor" or "sarcasm" but it always is a lie.

You are lying, you take shit our of context. One of you nut jobs claimed Obama's 2008 campaign promised to drop unemployment to under 8%. You guys lie because you have nothing but lies.
I never take anything out of context like you and your MessiahRushie ALWAYS do. If I had you would have posted the words that show the "real" context, but the Right never does, they can NEVER back up any of their lies.

You got nothing limpballs, we catch you and Joey in lies everyday. You and your comedy is getting boring.
Again you just can't seem to provide the "correct" context, so all you have is more lies.
Thank you.

Thank you, for your comedy, the more you lie, the funnier you get.
Provide proof of my racism, misogyny, homophobia and religious bigotry or kindly shut the fuck up, asshat.
Is that clear enough for you, Joe?

Guy, the problem is you don't realize how racist and misogynistic you are. You think your views are normal.

(Psst. Psst. The confederate flag is racist.... just sayin'.)
Joe makes it all up, thread after thread, subject after subject he lies. He won't post any proof, he will avoid answering and reaffirm his clueless bull.

Naw, guy, i just don't think I should have to prove a guy who uses a RACIST flag as an avi is actually a... racist.
Joe makes it all up, thread after thread, subject after subject he lies. He won't post any proof, he will avoid answering and reaffirm his clueless bull.

Naw, guy, i just don't think I should have to prove a guy who uses a RACIST flag as an avi is actually a... racist.

You don't need to prove a thing joeyboy, you are a liar, you proved it over and over and over again.
Every time the Right are caught lying the liars claim it is "humor" or "sarcasm" but it always is a lie.

You are lying, you take shit our of context. One of you nut jobs claimed Obama's 2008 campaign promised to drop unemployment to under 8%. You guys lie because you have nothing but lies.
I never take anything out of context like you and your MessiahRushie ALWAYS do. If I had you would have posted the words that show the "real" context, but the Right never does, they can NEVER back up any of their lies.

You got nothing limpballs, we catch you and Joey in lies everyday. You and your comedy is getting boring.
Again you just can't seem to provide the "correct" context, so all you have is more lies.
Thank you.
Thank you, for your comedy, the more you lie, the funnier you get.
Again no context. You never disappoint.
You care enormously.

I would know except, as I already noted, I often don't get to listen to his show. It has to do with working.

You wouldn't understand.

You were too busy welching on other agreements?

Zzz. You remain insipid, uninspired, derivative, dishonest and boring. I have not welshed on anything. Period.

Your cheap ass deflection effort aside, you have nothing of merit to offer evidently.

Some things just never change.

It would be simpler if you'd just admit that you remain obsessed with Rush. But that would require that you engage in a moment's worth of honesty, so clearly that option is out for you.
I would know except, as I already noted, I often don't get to listen to his show. It has to do with working.

You wouldn't understand.
Which is why the millions and millions of CON$ervoFascists who listen religiously to all 3 hours of Porky's show every day deny it, if they admitted they listened they acknowledge they do not have jobs and suck off the government teat.

I see plenty of libtards obsessing over everything the man has to say.

Apparently, then, it is you idiot lolberals who have all the government-cheese time on your hands to listen to him so fully.
Provide proof of my racism, misogyny, homophobia and religious bigotry or kindly shut the fuck up, asshat.
Is that clear enough for you, Joe?

Guy, the problem is you don't realize how racist and misogynistic you are. You think your views are normal.

(Psst. Psst. The confederate flag is racist.... just sayin'.)
How can a friggin piece of cloth be racist? It can't any more than a gun can go out and kill.
The flag is in my avatar to piss off you and your Liberal friends. I'm overjoyed that it serves it's purpose.
You like to assume I'm racist because I'm a realist, Joe. I post facts and statistics that tweak you. You can't dispute the information so you call me racist or a gun nut. It's all you really have, Joe and everyone sees straight through you.
Oh! If you really want to know if I'm a racist, I'll put you in touch with my 2nd wife. She'll laugh her 1/2 black ass off. I loved both halves equally; the same way I detest both halves of barack obama.
I would know except, as I already noted, I often don't get to listen to his show. It has to do with working.

You wouldn't understand.
Which is why the millions and millions of CON$ervoFascists who listen religiously to all 3 hours of Porky's show every day deny it, if they admitted they listened they acknowledge they do not have jobs and suck off the government teat.

I see plenty of libtards obsessing over everything the man has to say.

Apparently, then, it is you idiot lolberals who have all the government-cheese time on your hands to listen to him so fully.
Except your MessiahRushie, when asked if he screens them out as to why there are so few Lib callers to his show, he said he doesn't and the number of Lib callers matches the number of his Lib listeners. So his audience consists of mostly lazy jobless CON$ervoFascist welfare queens like YOU!
Thing is, the countless liberals hanging on Mr. Limbaugh's every word, do not consider themselves "monitor", not listeners. A small distinction....but they seem most sincere. As sincere as liars can make themselves seem....
Except your MessiahRushie, when asked if he screens them out as to why there are so few Lib callers to his show, he said he doesn't and the number of Lib callers matches the number of his Lib listeners. So his audience consists of mostly lazy jobless CON$ervoFascist welfare queens like YOU!
Lib listeners aren't bright enough to dial the number and the ones that can dial are in fear of him. :clap:
How can a friggin piece of cloth be racist? I

Good question..


You like to assume I'm racist because I'm a realist, Joe. I post facts and statistics that tweak you. You can't dispute the information so you call me racist or a gun nut. It's all you really have, Joe and everyone sees straight through you.

Guy, some shit you heard on a racist website or hate radio aren't "Facts" or "Statistics".

What tweaks me is that you are the kind of useless racist tool that keeps the GOP in power as it proceeds to fuck working people. That's what tweaks me. But you'll happily let them push you into a shithole as long as you are above the darkies.

Oh! If you really want to know if I'm a racist, I'll put you in touch with my 2nd wife. She'll laugh her 1/2 black ass off.

Oh, she's only "half" black now? Because in earlier tellings, she was all black.

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