Rush Limbaugh’s Apology Not Accepted By Liberals: Is There a Double Standard?

True. Ed Schulz was suspended for saying slut ONCE, Mayer fired for saying AlQaeda who suicided were not cowards.. Rush should be fired and set adrift...
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Rush Limbaugh

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Sarah Palin is a political pundit who makes a living off of insulting the other side........Bill Maher does the same

Sandra Fluke was an innocent citizen testifying before Congress. She never attacked Rush and did nothing to draw three days worth of personal insults

Rush Limbaugh is an "innocent civilian" entitled to his opinion.
How Naziesque trying to silence one's opinion.

Rush has a freedom of speech. Freedom of speech means you cannot be arrested for what you does not mean there are no consequences for what you say

Sandra Fluke also has a freedom of speech and Rush viciously attacked her for three days because of it. The public and Rush's sponsors determined that Rush's attacks went beyond what is reasonable. So Rush paid a price
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Sarah Palin is a political pundit who makes a living off of insulting the other side........Bill Maher does the same

Sandra Fluke was an innocent citizen testifying before Congress. She never attacked Rush and did nothing to draw three days worth of personal insults

Rush Limbaugh is an "innocent civilian" entitled to his opinion.
How Naziesque trying to silence one's opinion.

Rush has a freedom of speech. Freedom of speech means you cannot be arrested for what you does not mean there are no consequences for what you say

Sandra Fluke also has a freedom of speech and Rush viciously attacked her for three days because of it. The public and Rush's sponsors determined that Rush's attacks went beyond what is reasonable. So Rush paid a price

Right, and it doesn't bother you to see the MEDIA with helping to VILLIFY him? They are not the PUBLIC now are they? Every day they have another atricle about who is leaving his show. Why does the PUBLIC need to know that?
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But Rush, dittoheads, and Pubs aren't worried about civility, truth, patriotism, or people...
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Rush Limbaugh

Let's admit it. They dont want an apology. They want him off the air. He's too effective a communicator against them.
Rush Limbaugh’s Apology Not Accepted By Liberals: Is There a Double Standard?

No, just a general bewilderment on the part of the left that conservatives and republican could be so stupid as to let this get away from them; particularly when ones considers the fact that this non-issue was settled decades ago.

The left is creating this non issue with the help of the Main stream press. It helps them since they can not win on real issues.
RGS: GEORGE WILL. Rush cannot hold a candle to him.

*MY slight of your service IS remembered; again I WAS WRONG. Thoughts of my father ran heavenly that day.
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Rush Limbaugh

I am a fiscal conservative female and Rush Limbaugh offended me with that comment. In fact--he's TOAST with me.

The point being that we do not need to resort to the tactics of the left to make a point. Rush Limbaugh crossed that line in his statement and he is paying big time for it. And he deserves everything he gets. No one should tolerate these type comments coming from the left or the right.

And yet not only are they tolerated on the left, not only do they take it further, they celebrate it.
But Rush, dittoheads, and Pubs aren't worried about civility, truth, patriotism, or people...

omg, back to this civility thing..
I found it very civil to see threads on here about how Palin like big black dicks and black dogs.

you people are ALL A JOKE
Rush Limbaugh is an "innocent civilian" entitled to his opinion.
How Naziesque trying to silence one's opinion.

Who is trying to sensory him?
Oh! And PS Maher lost his job over what he said, remember that?

Hey asshole - you really don't need to respond to every one of my posts. Appreciate the "fan club" but there are several other posters who you can share your "brilliance" with. If it's any consolation, I think you're a dumb fuck. But, that's just me.

Have a nice life, assbreath.

You're lucky anybody responds to your posts.
Sandra fluke is a slut media whore fake piece of crap that gives women a bad name. :)

That may be so, I don't know. But there is no reason to call her that. One side of this debate has to remain civil. Otherwise, we arent really providing anyone with a choice.
True. Ed Schulz was suspended for saying slut ONCE, Mayer fired for saying AlQaeda who suicided were not cowards.. Rush should be fired and set adrift...
Ed Schulz was suspended for saying slut ONCE, Mayer fired for saying AlQaeda who suicided were not cowards.

Rush owns the show; good to read Schultz and Maher were also REPRIMANDED.
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Rush Limbaugh

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Sarah Palin is a political pundit who makes a living off of insulting the other side........Bill Maher does the same

Sandra Fluke was an innocent citizen testifying before Congress. She never attacked Rush and did nothing to draw three days worth of personal insults

thanks for proving the point asswipe.. cool dude.
But Rush, dittoheads, and Pubs aren't worried about civility, truth, patriotism, or people...

If that's true, it's only been true for about a week, and then Rush has since taken a step back.

Now if only you were worried about all those things.
Who is trying to sensory him?
Oh! And PS Maher lost his job over what he said, remember that?

Hey asshole - you really don't need to respond to every one of my posts. Appreciate the "fan club" but there are several other posters who you can share your "brilliance" with. If it's any consolation, I think you're a dumb fuck. But, that's just me.

Have a nice life, assbreath.

You're lucky anybody responds to your posts.

Don't take this the wrong way, but you are wrong here. You cant help but respond to his posts.
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Who defends Bill Maher?

That guy is a giant prick.
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Who defends Bill Maher?

That guy is a giant prick.

Your fellow left leaning board members. There's a whole thread where they are defending Maher a few rows down.
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Rush Limbaugh

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Sarah Palin is a political pundit who makes a living off of insulting the other side........Bill Maher does the same

Sandra Fluke was an innocent citizen testifying before Congress. She never attacked Rush and did nothing to draw three days worth of personal insults

thanks for proving the point asswipe.. cool dude.

The point that Rush is a Douchebag?
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Rush Limbaugh

Bill Maher Awk! Bill Maher Awk!

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