Rush Limbaugh’s Apology Not Accepted By Liberals: Is There a Double Standard?

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Rush Limbaugh

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Sarah Palin is a political pundit who makes a living off of insulting the other side........Bill Maher does the same

Sandra Fluke was an innocent citizen testifying before Congress. She never attacked Rush and did nothing to draw three days worth of personal insults

Sandra Fluke is a 30 year old, well known political activist. Especially at Georgetown University.
But Rush, dittoheads, and Pubs aren't worried about civility, truth, patriotism, or people...

If that's true, it's only been true for about a week, and then Rush has since taken a step back.

Now if only you were worried about all those things.

Wrong again. I'm crazy about truth. Rush/Pubs lie all the time. See sig pp3, And that's not civil or patriotic...
But Rush, dittoheads, and Pubs aren't worried about civility, truth, patriotism, or people...

If that's true, it's only been true for about a week, and then Rush has since taken a step back.

Now if only you were worried about all those things.

Wrong again. I'm crazy about truth. Rush/Pubs lie all the time. See sig pp3, And that's not civil or patriotic...

Well you could have fooled me, and just about everyone else on the board.
I absolutely trust the apology of a frequently misogynistic, rich, pasty white fat dude who is losing more and more income because of dropping sponsors.
If that's true, it's only been true for about a week, and then Rush has since taken a step back.

Now if only you were worried about all those things.

Wrong again. I'm crazy about truth. Rush/Pubs lie all the time. See sig pp3, And that's not civil or patriotic...

Well you could have fooled me, and just about everyone else on the board.

You are a dittohead and only recognize other dittoheads/dupes. They and you are sorely misled. pp3,1, and 2, oh, and 4
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Rush Limbaugh

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Sarah Palin is a political pundit who makes a living off of insulting the other side........Bill Maher does the same

Sandra Fluke was an innocent citizen testifying before Congress. She never attacked Rush and did nothing to draw three days worth of personal insults

Sandra Fluke is a 30 year old, well known political activist. Especially at Georgetown University.

And she never made a personal attack on the right. Even while Rush was viscously attacking her, she did not return in kind. Her influence at Georgetown University pales in comparison to the EIB network
Rush was free to attack her political positions. When he attacked her personally......he crossed the line
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh’s Apology Not Accepted By Liberals: Is There a Double Standard?

Apologised to the girl did he? On his radio show where he made the statements did he? Oh that's right..not to the young woman...and NOT on hisradio was on his web site..a week later..AFTER several sponsors dropped his ass face. Real classy PigMan.
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh’s Apology Not Accepted By Liberals: Is There a Double Standard?

Apologised to the girl did he? On his radio show where he made the statements did he? Oh that's right..not to the young woman...and NOT on hisradio was on his web site..a week later..AFTER several sponsors dropped his ass face. Real classy PigMan.

He did apologize on his show. Obviously you think he somehow has the ability to go on the air during the weekend when he has no broadcasting time.
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh’s Apology Not Accepted By Liberals: Is There a Double Standard?

Apologised to the girl did he? On his radio show where he made the statements did he? Oh that's right..not to the young woman...and NOT on hisradio was on his web site..a week later..AFTER several sponsors dropped his ass face. Real classy PigMan.

He did apologize on his show. Obviously you think he somehow has the ability to go on the air during the weekend when he has no broadcasting time.

He's rich...he could have easily put together a sincere apology to the young woman and run it as a commercial on the weekend when the rates are lower.
Rush Limbaugh’s Apology Not Accepted By Liberals: Is There a Double Standard?

Apologised to the girl did he? On his radio show where he made the statements did he? Oh that's right..not to the young woman...and NOT on hisradio was on his web site..a week later..AFTER several sponsors dropped his ass face. Real classy PigMan.

He did apologize on his show. Obviously you think he somehow has the ability to go on the air during the weekend when he has no broadcasting time.

He's rich...he could have easily put together a sincere apology to the young woman and run it as a commercial on the weekend when the rates are lower.

you mean like how Maher did for Palin and Shultz did for Laura Ingram and let's forget Don Imus or did I miss all their commericals that they PAID FOR?
Rush Limbaugh’s Apology Not Accepted By Liberals: Is There a Double Standard?

Apologised to the girl did he? On his radio show where he made the statements did he? Oh that's right..not to the young woman...and NOT on hisradio was on his web site..a week later..AFTER several sponsors dropped his ass face. Real classy PigMan.

He did apologize on his show. Obviously you think he somehow has the ability to go on the air during the weekend when he has no broadcasting time.

He's rich...he could have easily put together a sincere apology to the young woman and run it as a commercial on the weekend when the rates are lower.

I am sure any of the Sunday political talk shows would have found time to put him on
Your fellow left leaning board members. There's a whole thread where they are defending Maher a few rows down.


I've watched that guys show a few times, I admit.

It's funny, at points.

But I can only take it for about 10 minutes at a time before I'm forced to shut it off.

That guy can really be a self-righteous bastard.

And he's so far left, he makes me look like Ron Paul.
Rush Limbaugh’s Apology Not Accepted By Liberals: Is There a Double Standard?

No, just a general bewilderment on the part of the left that conservatives and republican could be so stupid as to let this get away from them; particularly when ones considers the fact that this non-issue was settled decades ago.

Yes, it was settled decades ago. But throw sex in there, and the men of this country become raving lunatics. SEX AND FUCKING, IT'S ALL THEY KNOW. AND... The women aren't any better. They wouldn't throw water on an educated woman if she were on fire.
Rush Limbaugh’s Apology Not Accepted By Liberals: Is There a Double Standard?

That would mean liberoidals had any standards at all to begin with...Which they clearly don't.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Sarah Palin is a political pundit who makes a living off of insulting the other side........Bill Maher does the same

Sandra Fluke was an innocent citizen testifying before Congress. She never attacked Rush and did nothing to draw three days worth of personal insults

Sandra Fluke is a 30 year old, well known political activist. Especially at Georgetown University.

And she never made a personal attack on the right. Even while Rush was viscously attacking her, she did not return in kind. Her influence at Georgetown University pales in comparison to the EIB network
Rush was free to attack her political positions. When he attacked her personally......he crossed the line

Oh, I agree... unfortunately the lefties who are freaking out over this dismissed the vile attacks on Palin by many on the left. Bil Mahar went so far as to call here **** and say he'd like to grudge fuck her.

Ah, that was just comedy. At least Letterman had the decency to apologize.
Sandra Fluke is a 30 year old, well known political activist. Especially at Georgetown University.

And she never made a personal attack on the right. Even while Rush was viscously attacking her, she did not return in kind. Her influence at Georgetown University pales in comparison to the EIB network
Rush was free to attack her political positions. When he attacked her personally......he crossed the line

Oh, I agree... unfortunately the lefties who are freaking out over this dismissed the vile attacks on Palin by many on the left. Bil Mahar went so far as to call here **** and say he'd like to grudge fuck her.

Ah, that was just comedy. At least Letterman had the decency to apologize.

Palin is a political commentator attacked by another political commentator. She is in the business of attacking the other side.

Rush attacked a young woman who was just testifying in Congress.
For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke.

I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress. I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities. What happened to personal responsibility and accountability? Where do we draw the line? If this is accepted as the norm, what will follow? Will we be debating if taxpayers should pay for new sneakers for all students that are interested in running to keep fit?In my monologue, I posited that it is not our business whatsoever to know what is going on in anyone's bedroom nor do I think it is a topic that should reach a Presidential level.

My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices.
A Statement from Rush - The Rush Limbaugh Show

He was pretty much saying I am sorry, but..........

When you apologize to someone, other than to please your sponsors. You don't add a fuck you at the end.

Unless of course you are a Muslim apologizing for 9/11 or some other terror attack then you on the left don't mind the "but..." at all do you?

What are you even talking about?

This girl didn't deserve a proper apology because some Muslim didn't apologize?
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh apologized this weekend for offensive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified in front of Congress about contraception coverage. Columnist for The Daily Beast and Democratic political analyst, Kirsten Powers, thinks that there is a double standard when it comes to liberals versus conservatives.

While she agrees that what Limbaugh said was “extremely egregious” and “deserves the outpouring of anger,” Powers wonders where is the outpour of cries when liberals, such as Bill Maher, make the same types of comments.

Rush Limbaugh

Oh damn, I am so sorry that I have lost ten sponsors for my show. Please, Mitt, don't fire me.
Rush Limbaugh’s Apology Not Accepted By Liberals: Is There a Double Standard?

No, just a general bewilderment on the part of the left that conservatives and republican could be so stupid as to let this get away from them; particularly when ones considers the fact that this non-issue was settled decades ago.

Yes, it was settled decades ago. But throw sex in there, and the men of this country become raving lunatics. SEX AND FUCKING, IT'S ALL THEY KNOW. AND... The women aren't any better. They wouldn't throw water on an educated woman if she were on fire.

Ain't it wonderful:lol:

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