Rush Limbaugh’s Ratings Are In a State Of Complete Collapse

He has boasted about it many times on his hate radio program.

Given that you have never missed even one of his broadcasts we really should accept your information as genuine.
Well, someone has to point out how his lies contradict themselves from one day to the next because you mindless drones never remember what hes says the minute after he says it. So if you skulls of mush can't remember what he says from one minute to the next, how can they remember what he says from one day to the next.

For example, for years he has claimed he has no health insurance and always pays out of pocket for his medical needs. He has told this lie over and over and used the lie to encourage young people not to get insurance because of the Obamacare mandate. But only today he slipped and admitted he has mandatory health insurance exams in order to boast that, in spite of all the fat he eats, the mandatory exams show his cholesterol levels are normal.

October 01, 2013
RUSH: Gee, I wonder if my auto insurance would come down if I went out and got health insurance. 'Cause I don't have any.

May 07, 2014
RUSH: Can I tell you a short little story? I've told you this before. I am a man of substance. I am over what the actuarial tables say is my correct weight, and I eat all this stuff. And every time I go in for mandated insurance policy health checkups, the doctors, they take the blood and they do the triglycerides and they do the cholesterol, the good and the bad, they do all of that. And because even what they believe, my readings should be off the charts. They think they need to have a stretcher nearby to get me to the ER right after doing their tests. Then the tests come back and say, whoa, my cholesterol's below normal, good and bad. Triglycerides only slightly elevated.

February 10, 2012

RUSH: Jerry on Long Island in New York, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello, sir.
CALLER: Rush, mega, mega dittos from New York. Thank you for taking my call. It's a thrill to be speaking to you.
RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.
CALLER: A huge thrill. Thank you very much.
RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: I was telling Snerdley, your opening monologues are usually amazing but this morning's was brilliant, and I think it should be distributed to every high school student in this country. Because it was absolutely conservatism on parade this morning, and if our candidates could talk anywhere near what you said this morning, it would be a landslide in November, don't you think?

RUSH: You know, I've forgotten what I said. I thought I opened up talking about the Obama Health and Human Services, the abortion thing. What did I say that...? I'm not denying it was great. I just don't remember it.

CALLER: I was never really prompted to call anybody. When I heard it I just thought, "This was conservatism." Everything you said, Rush. Just... I don't know what you said, but it was just conservatism.

I don't care what he says, I don't listen to him, it is only liberals that listen and drone on about him. why does the left care what an entertainer says. More liberals love the entertainers and the BS, Rush Limbaugh and Jon Stewart. You give them both way to much credit.
What exactly does "a state of complete collapse" mean in the liberal mind? I would venture to say the Obama administration is in a "state of complete collapse" while Rush continues to do three hours a day of what he does best.
What exactly does "a state of complete collapse" mean in the liberal mind? I would venture to say the Obama administration is in a "state of complete collapse" while Rush continues to do three hours a day of what he does best.
Lie! :eusa_liar:
What exactly does "a state of complete collapse" mean in the liberal mind? I would venture to say the Obama administration is in a "state of complete collapse" while Rush continues to do three hours a day of what he does best.
Lie! :eusa_liar:

Brilliant come back. I guess the left wing blog sites are closed so we will have to wait until tomorrow for lefties to come up with more than a single word.
What exactly does "a state of complete collapse" mean in the liberal mind? I would venture to say the Obama administration is in a "state of complete collapse" while Rush continues to do three hours a day of what he does best.
Lie! :eusa_liar:

Brilliant come back. I guess the left wing blog sites are closed so we will have to wait until tomorrow for lefties to come up with more than a single word.
I already posted a whopper, you must have missed it.

To refresh your memory:

October 01, 2013
RUSH: Gee, I wonder if my auto insurance would come down if I went out and got health insurance. 'Cause I don't have any.

May 07, 2014
RUSH: Can I tell you a short little story? I've told you this before. I am a man of substance. I am over what the actuarial tables say is my correct weight, and I eat all this stuff. And every time I go in for mandated insurance policy health checkups, the doctors, they take the blood and they do the triglycerides and they do the cholesterol, the good and the bad, they do all of that. And because even what they believe, my readings should be off the charts. They think they need to have a stretcher nearby to get me to the ER right after doing their tests. Then the tests come back and say, whoa, my cholesterol's below normal, good and bad. Triglycerides only slightly elevated.

Brilliant come back. I guess the left wing blog sites are closed so we will have to wait until tomorrow for lefties to come up with more than a single word.
I already posted a whopper, you must have missed it.

To refresh your memory:

October 01, 2013
RUSH: Gee, I wonder if my auto insurance would come down if I went out and got health insurance. 'Cause I don't have any.

May 07, 2014
RUSH: Can I tell you a short little story? I've told you this before. I am a man of substance. I am over what the actuarial tables say is my correct weight, and I eat all this stuff. And every time I go in for mandated insurance policy health checkups, the doctors, they take the blood and they do the triglycerides and they do the cholesterol, the good and the bad, they do all of that. And because even what they believe, my readings should be off the charts. They think they need to have a stretcher nearby to get me to the ER right after doing their tests. Then the tests come back and say, whoa, my cholesterol's below normal, good and bad. Triglycerides only slightly elevated.

Just checked his website, and he did say that:

Like Junk Science on the Climate, Saturated-Fat Fearmongering Has Been Exposed as Baseless - The Rush Limbaugh Show


Brilliant come back. I guess the left wing blog sites are closed so we will have to wait until tomorrow for lefties to come up with more than a single word.
I already posted a whopper, you must have missed it.

To refresh your memory:

October 01, 2013
RUSH: Gee, I wonder if my auto insurance would come down if I went out and got health insurance. 'Cause I don't have any.

May 07, 2014
RUSH: Can I tell you a short little story? I've told you this before. I am a man of substance. I am over what the actuarial tables say is my correct weight, and I eat all this stuff. And every time I go in for mandated insurance policy health checkups, the doctors, they take the blood and they do the triglycerides and they do the cholesterol, the good and the bad, they do all of that. And because even what they believe, my readings should be off the charts. They think they need to have a stretcher nearby to get me to the ER right after doing their tests. Then the tests come back and say, whoa, my cholesterol's below normal, good and bad. Triglycerides only slightly elevated.
You are precisely the type of person that he is speaking to when he says such things......What makes it even more funny is you didn't even listen to the show. You get these sound bites from sites. You never cease to be less gullible do you?
Prove it.
He has boasted about it many times on his hate radio program.

Given that you have never missed even one of his broadcasts we really should accept your information as genuine.

Brilliant come back. I guess the left wing blog sites are closed so we will have to wait until tomorrow for lefties to come up with more than a single word.
I already posted a whopper, you must have missed it.

To refresh your memory:

October 01, 2013
RUSH: Gee, I wonder if my auto insurance would come down if I went out and got health insurance. 'Cause I don't have any.

May 07, 2014
RUSH: Can I tell you a short little story? I've told you this before. I am a man of substance. I am over what the actuarial tables say is my correct weight, and I eat all this stuff. And every time I go in for mandated insurance policy health checkups, the doctors, they take the blood and they do the triglycerides and they do the cholesterol, the good and the bad, they do all of that. And because even what they believe, my readings should be off the charts. They think they need to have a stretcher nearby to get me to the ER right after doing their tests. Then the tests come back and say, whoa, my cholesterol's below normal, good and bad. Triglycerides only slightly elevated.
You are precisely the type of person that he is speaking to when he says such things......What makes it even more funny is you didn't even listen to the show. You get these sound bites from sites. You never cease to be less gullible do you?
Typical DittoTards, I'm attacked for both listening and not listening in the same thread!!!

Why don't you link to the "sites" I got my quotes from!!!!!
You won't because I got them from your MessiahRushie's own transcripts.
He has boasted about it many times on his hate radio program.

Given that you have never missed even one of his broadcasts we really should accept your information as genuine.

I already posted a whopper, you must have missed it.

To refresh your memory:

October 01, 2013
RUSH: Gee, I wonder if my auto insurance would come down if I went out and got health insurance. 'Cause I don't have any.

May 07, 2014
RUSH: Can I tell you a short little story? I've told you this before. I am a man of substance. I am over what the actuarial tables say is my correct weight, and I eat all this stuff. And every time I go in for mandated insurance policy health checkups, the doctors, they take the blood and they do the triglycerides and they do the cholesterol, the good and the bad, they do all of that. And because even what they believe, my readings should be off the charts. They think they need to have a stretcher nearby to get me to the ER right after doing their tests. Then the tests come back and say, whoa, my cholesterol's below normal, good and bad. Triglycerides only slightly elevated.
You are precisely the type of person that he is speaking to when he says such things......What makes it even more funny is you didn't even listen to the show. You get these sound bites from sites. You never cease to be less gullible do you?
Typical DittoTards, I'm attacked for both listening and not listening in the same thread!!!

Why don't you link to the "sites" I got my quotes from!!!!!
You won't because I got them from your MessiahRushie's own transcripts.

I see I'm not the only one to notice that the same wags seem to paint anyone who dares criticize His Blobness as "trying to censor him" while simultaneously crowing "you guys are the only ones who listen to him".

Having it both ways: priceless. :D
i will never attack a left-wing idiot for watching or listening to right wing radio or tv; no wonder they're #1 in many markets!!

Yup! Any minute now Rush will be gone....wait for it.....wait for it.....
Notice the DittoTards can't deny that their MessiahRushie lied about not having health insurance after encouraging the suckers in his audience to remain uninsured like him, nor can they link to any other site that nailed him on that lie!!!
What sort of weird fixation leads anyone to read transcripts of radio programs? I mean, even the most worshipful devotion to a personality is understandable - without that Jim Jones would be an unknown today. But these crazed libs are spending way too much time downloading and sounding out the words of all those transcripts!

Maybe we could pass the hat and buy 'em some Kool-Aid?
More than that --- what sort of egomaniacal narcissist transcribes his own programs that the unwashed may be washed in the blood of His InCyst-ent primordial pseudowisdommery? Why, such an ego would have to be some cigar-chomping misogynist who compares itself to God, would it not?
Cripes this stupid thread is still rolling? The idiot who wrote the original article has already been blown out of the water as having lied errr mislead in his blog piece.
More than that --- what sort of egomaniacal narcissist transcribes his own programs that the unwashed may be washed in the blood of His InCyst-ent primordial pseudowisdommery? Why, such an ego would have to be some cigar-chomping misogynist who compares itself to God, would it not?

One who is capitalist clean to the core!

Those fixated libs PAY for those transcripts (unless they've figured out to steal them or get some kinda Obamagrant)! There's gold in them thar ills!
More than that --- what sort of egomaniacal narcissist transcribes his own programs that the unwashed may be washed in the blood of His InCyst-ent primordial pseudowisdommery? Why, such an ego would have to be some cigar-chomping misogynist who compares itself to God, would it not?

One who is capitalist clean to the core!

Those fixated libs PAY for those transcripts (unless they've figured out to steal them or get some kinda Obamagrant)! There's gold in them thar ills!

Not "capitalist".... what was his term....

"confiscatory". That was it. Exactly the adjective for one who believes it really is all about Numero Uno. Goes with the Viagra and the Dominican hookers. :thup:

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