Rush Limbaugh

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Rush amassed a net worth of over $600 million throughout his career, left behind a 50 million dollar home for his think he cares that some of y'all are trashing him?
Rush didn't hate black people because they're black, or gay people because they're gay, he hated them because they're Democrats!
I remember back in the Summer of 2019, he spoke heavily about The Squad. Because, I think it was also that time, Ilhan Omar and BLM

Rush amassed a net worth of over $600 million throughout his career, left behind a 50 million dollar home for his think he cares that some of y'all are trashing him?
Absolutely not. If the liberals didn't get upset at Rush, he would never have gotten rich in the first place. Rush thanks them from the after.
Actually I wouldn't mind seeing Dan Bongino step in to fill the seat.
So far, Todd Herman and Mark Styn have been filling in for Rush during those 2-3 weeks that he has been away. I like Todd Herman. But as a fill-in. I think Mark Styn would be great! But he is on Fox News.
So far, Todd Herman and Mark Styn have been filling in for Rush during those 2-3 weeks that he has been away. I like Todd Herman. But as a fill-in. I think Mark Styn would be great! But he is on Fox News.

I guess there are a lot of possibilities. I don't know Todd Herman, but the fill-ins didn't do much for me.
Were you scared? Did you hide in a bunker like Orange Julius Caesar did?

Why would I be scared? I have several guns and a case of ammo. Let them come to my house. The ammo is getting a little old anyway and I need to use it.
Ray is ready!

Image result for keyboard warrior

You don't need to be a tough guy in order to be prepared, and I'm prepared.
By all accounts i have seen, Limbaugh was a sweet lil' teddy bear off air. Sure, no doubt he had his little locker room talk when rolling with the big boys, but he didnt have to impress them. Limbaugh was the kingmaker. When conservative bigwigs hung out with Limbaugh, they had THEIR hands out, not the other way around.

That being the case, Limbaugh just did not give a shit. He would say ANYTHING on air he thought fit the character and the strategy. The guy could influence public policy with an hour of pretty good acting.

It's too bad he didnt use his talents for something better. But hey...the more nutso he got on air, the bigger the checks. You can guess the rest.
Actually I wouldn't mind seeing Dan Bongino step in to fill the seat.
So far, Todd Herman and Mark Styn have been filling in for Rush during those 2-3 weeks that he has been away. I like Todd Herman. But as a fill-in. I think Mark Styn would be great! But he is on Fox News.
I've become a fan of Todd Herman. He spills a lot of great information and FACTS. I just wish he'd link to his sources on his website.
Glenn Beck could step in, and the radio program wouldn't skip a beat.
Glen Beck has his own radio network. Why he do that?
Glenn Beck is an intellectual and a top drawer genius. In addition he can explain all of it in a way average Americans can understand and follow what the facts deliver. He's up there with the best of them, except he never misses.
Hey! Are we talking about foreign or domestic? Lol

If it's one thing I've always said, it's that the best part of being a Democrat is it's never your fault.

Trump was responsible for a worldwide virus and people not wearing masks.
Trump was responsible for Democrats rioting across the entire country in Democrat ran cities.
Trump was responsible for the California wildfires.

Not once did I see a leftist blame Biden for the people freezing and dying in Texas because their windmills froze and snow covered their solar panels.
Rush didn't hate black people because they're black, or gay people because they're gay, he hated them because they're Democrats!
The same Democrats that claimed Rush pandered to hate are currently showing how vile and hate filled their dark empty hearts are.

Disagree with the guy, maybe call him an asshole, but to celebrate death is crossing a line into sociopathic behavior that shouldn't be excused by anyone regardless of political affiliation.
It was wrong when folks did it to Ruth Ginsburg, and just as wrong today.

People need to get a grip.
Glenn Beck is an intellectual and a top drawer genius. In addition he can explain all of it in a way average Americans can understand and follow what the facts deliver. He's up there with the best of them, except he never misses.
I totally agree! But he co-owns The Blaze Network...was what I mentioned.
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