Rush Limbaugh

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What Inferior Camera Guy doesn't get is that the title describes an action alleged by President Obama while he was president. So it's correct. In the first paragraph they correctly refer to him as Former President Obama, because he is no longer POTUS.

If Obama does something now that's newsworthy, Foxnews will call him Former President Obama in the headline.
We know, obammy’s never wrong
When was he a "voice for freedom" for any American other than an American who is a white, heterosexual male who is a member of a fundie "Christian" cult?

He did not want to join in with his fellow Americans.

Get a life. We're all here, all Americans. together.

I don't see you and your fellow Nazis as Americans.

You are the enemy of the Constitution, the enemy of liberty, the enemy of a free market where anyone can be whatever they work to be.

Explain all of this. Provide details. Explain who are "Americans". As I said, we are all here and all Americans.
it depends on whether your loyalty is for the US or global entities. let us know yours.

I am an American, of course. I don't know what you mean by "global entities." Keep in mind that I support American values. Freedom. Democracy. Equality. Assistance to those in need. Friendship. As an American, I cannot support authoritarianism, racism, misogyny, homophobia, religion-based hatred, or hatred based on ethnicity. The freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States belong to each and every individual among us regardless of their personal characteristics. I am part of and support the fellowship of the United States. As such, I could never be a "nazi." We are family here.
Rush didn't hate black people because they're black, or gay people because they're gay, he hated them because they're Democrats!
The same Democrats that claimed Rush pandered to hate are currently showing how vile and hate filled their dark empty hearts are.

Disagree with the guy, maybe call him an asshole, but to celebrate death is crossing a line into sociopathic behavior that shouldn't be excused by anyone regardless of political affiliation.
It was wrong when folks did it to Ruth Ginsburg, and just as wrong today.

People need to get a grip.

Nope, not in this case. Lush Rimjob was a complete waste of human skin who laid waste to polite political discourse, so why the fuck should he get off scot free? He can rot in hell where he's got a special suite. And when his toadies declare there'll never be another like him, let's hope they're right.

So again, good riddance to bad Rimjob.
Rush didn't hate black people because they're black, or gay people because they're gay, he hated them because they're Democrats!
The same Democrats that claimed Rush pandered to hate are currently showing how vile and hate filled their dark empty hearts are.

Disagree with the guy, maybe call him an asshole, but to celebrate death is crossing a line into sociopathic behavior that shouldn't be excused by anyone regardless of political affiliation.
It was wrong when folks did it to Ruth Ginsburg, and just as wrong today.

People need to get a grip.

Nope, not in this case. Lush Rimjob was a complete waste of human skin who laid waste to polite political discourse, so why the fuck should he get off scot free? He can rot in hell where he's got a special suite. And when his toadies declare there'll never be another like him, let's hope they're right.
giphy (1).gif
The same Democrats that claimed Rush pandered to hate are currently showing how vile and hate filled their dark empty hearts are.

Disagree with the guy, maybe call him an asshole, but to celebrate death is crossing a line into sociopathic behavior that shouldn't be excused by anyone regardless of political affiliation.
It was wrong when folks did it to Ruth Ginsburg, and just as wrong today.

People need to get a grip.

Democrats don't look at the opposition as Americans with a different opinion. Democrats look at opposition as a sworn enemy. For a Democrat, no other opinion is allowed. That's why they protest a Republican speaker when they go to their college, that's why they shutdown Parlor, that's why Twitter and Facebook remove Republican posts.
The same Democrats that claimed Rush pandered to hate are currently showing how vile and hate filled their dark empty hearts are.

Disagree with the guy, maybe call him an asshole, but to celebrate death is crossing a line into sociopathic behavior that shouldn't be excused by anyone regardless of political affiliation.
It was wrong when folks did it to Ruth Ginsburg, and just as wrong today.

People need to get a grip.

Democrats don't look at the opposition as Americans with a different opinion. Democrats look at opposition as a sworn enemy. For a Democrat, no other opinion is allowed. That's why they protest a Republican speaker when they go to their college, that's why they shutdown Parlor, that's why Twitter and Facebook remove Republican posts.
There will never be a great coming together.
They are just too far gone.
I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh. I loved his sense of humor. I bought his books.

I stopped listening the day after Kurt Cobain's death, when Rush called him "A human piece of shit."

So why should we be respectful of him after his death when he wasn't of others?
I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh. I loved his sense of humor. I bought his books.

I stopped listening the day after Kurt Cobain's death, when Rush called him "A human piece of shit."

So why should we be respectful of him after his death when he wasn't of others?

Be better.
the left hates everyone that refuses to bow to tyranny .
The Left just defeated tyranny in November.

They installed tyranny in Nov.. There, fixed that!
That's why barbed wire and 7k troops remain around the Capitol, sluggo!
No....January 6th and the inspiration many found in the BIG LIE caused the troops and barbed wire around the Capitol. And you are continuing the BIG LIE by amplifying it with another BIG LIE.....Popeye....
will they use any of those troops to defend private business owners when the left burns and riot this summer ?
I wonder if his program will or can continue on without him
Glenn Beck could step in, and the radio program wouldn't skip a beat.


Actually I wouldn't mind seeing Dan Bongino step in to fill the seat.

Nobody will ever fill his seat.

Conservative talk radio will continue but nobody will ever replace Rush.
And thank goodness for that. His clones are generally morons. We need to keep that trend.
Good grief, left loons are orgasmed over a man's death?

I think it's sad...but as Rush stated himself recently, even bad things like his cancer, is for the good, in the end.... He said in time, you will notice and find, what good came out of the bad and sad..... it gave me a sense of hope, for him and the world. :(
Evil person 6 feet under= safer world.
Besides the dumb ass knew smoking causes cancer and he continued smoking, not smart.

Moooohaumed was a baby raper....Rush wasn't that low was he?
Rush is a POS fear mongering racist. Good riddance.
you are a you are right up there with him....
How am I a bigot ? He is though.
i have told you this more than have belittled people who live in red states as being below you,just because they live think because you live in California you are better than they are,why i dont know,California is nothing like it was at one are a bigot....
When was he a "voice for freedom" for any American other than an American who is a white, heterosexual male who is a member of a fundie "Christian" cult?

He did not want to join in with his fellow Americans.

Get a life. We're all here, all Americans. together.

I don't see you and your fellow Nazis as Americans.

You are the enemy of the Constitution, the enemy of liberty, the enemy of a free market where anyone can be whatever they work to be.

Explain all of this. Provide details. Explain who are "Americans". As I said, we are all here and all Americans.
it depends on whether your loyalty is for the US or global entities. let us know yours.

I am an American, of course. I don't know what you mean by "global entities." Keep in mind that I support American values. Freedom. Democracy. Equality. Assistance to those in need. Friendship. As an American, I cannot support authoritarianism, racism, misogyny, homophobia, religion-based hatred, or hatred based on ethnicity. The freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States belong to each and every individual among us regardless of their personal characteristics. I am part of and support the fellowship of the United States. As such, I could never be a "nazi." We are family here.
It’s actually quite simple, do you or would you give a job to an American or Chinese Russian
When was he a "voice for freedom" for any American other than an American who is a white, heterosexual male who is a member of a fundie "Christian" cult?

He did not want to join in with his fellow Americans.

Get a life. We're all here, all Americans. together.

I don't see you and your fellow Nazis as Americans.

You are the enemy of the Constitution, the enemy of liberty, the enemy of a free market where anyone can be whatever they work to be.

Explain all of this. Provide details. Explain who are "Americans". As I said, we are all here and all Americans.
it depends on whether your loyalty is for the US or global entities. let us know yours.

I am an American, of course. I don't know what you mean by "global entities." Keep in mind that I support American values. Freedom. Democracy. Equality. Assistance to those in need. Friendship. As an American, I cannot support authoritarianism, racism, misogyny, homophobia, religion-based hatred, or hatred based on ethnicity. The freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States belong to each and every individual among us regardless of their personal characteristics. I am part of and support the fellowship of the United States. As such, I could never be a "nazi." We are family here.

Liberals do not understand the Constitution any more than they understand Economics, History, Climate Science, Biology or Ethics.

There is no United States anymore. It is just greedy Socialists and Americans that embrace personal Liberty. Two different groups and they will never be united.

This country is fucked because of Libtard greed.
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