Rush Limbaugh

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Rush amassed a net worth of over $600 million throughout his career, left behind a 50 million dollar home for his think he cares that some of y'all are trashing him?
rusty did nothing with his wealth and left three women without any children.
He was one of the biggest tippers on the planet.

He tipped working employees more than Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, the Clintons and Obama have given to honest charities.....Combined.
He gave millions to leukemia research. I never new why that disease was so important to him though. Must be a story behind it
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society...He did an annual show devoted to raising funds for them.

All the profits from his "Stand Up for Betsy Ross" tees went to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation.

He might possibly have been a more charitable man then the entire Democrat congress rolled into one.
Good grief, left loons are orgasmed over a man's death?

I think it's sad...but as Rush stated himself recently, even bad things like his cancer, is for the good, in the end.... He said in time, you will notice and find, what good came out of the bad and sad..... it gave me a sense of hope, for him and the world. :(
Evil person 6 feet under= safer world.
Besides the dumb ass knew smoking causes cancer and he continued smoking, not smart.

Moooohaumed was a baby raper....Rush wasn't that low was he?
Rush is a POS fear mongering racist. Good riddance.
you are a you are right up there with him....
How am I a bigot ? He is though.
i have told you this more than have belittled people who live in red states as being below you,just because they live think because you live in California you are better than they are,why i dont know,California is nothing like it was at one are a bigot....
Not all, but most are and they vote accordingly. California Belongs to all Americans not just me.
I think 2021 will be amazing.
Trump gone.
Trump impeached for the second time.
The racists are went back to hibernation.
The CONS tearing each other up.
Rush hit the dust.

Can't stop winning !!!
LIbErals' “science” is the same “science” that declares Bruce Jenner to be a woman. This fact needs to be brought up every time someone from the left wrong tries to lay claim to science. Your “science” has nothing to do with what sane people understand genuine science to be, other than often being the most possible exact opposite thereof.

They only believe in science when science agrees with them.
You realize this Communism stuff is from Q....right?

No, the Communism stuff is from the Communist party. All one has to do is go to the US Communist party website, look at their agenda, their goals, their support of Democrat presidential candidates, and compare that to the Democrat platform. The Communists said decades ago they would take over this country, but do so without one bullet being fired. They will takeover from within.

If you are approached by Satan, he will not introduce himself as Satan, he will look just like any other person. Much like Hitler successfully accomplished, the Democrats are now moving bills forward to disarm the public. Now why in the world would they want to do that? History will tell you why.
LIbErals' “science” is the same “science” that declares Bruce Jenner to be a woman. This fact needs to be brought up every time someone from the left wrong tries to lay claim to science. Your “science” has nothing to do with what sane people understand genuine science to be, other than often being the most possible exact opposite thereof.

They only believe in science when science agrees with them.

The "science"gets adjusted to agree with them.
You realize this Communism stuff is from Q....right?

No, the Communism stuff is from the Communist party. All one has to do is go to the US Communist party website, look at their agenda, their goals, their support of Democrat presidential candidates, and compare that to the Democrat platform. The Communists said decades ago they would take over this country, but do so without one bullet being fired. They will takeover from within.

If you are approached by Satan, he will not introduce himself as Satan, he will look just like any other person. Much like Hitler successfully accomplished, the Democrats are now moving bills forward to disarm the public. Now why in the world would they want to do that? History will tell you why.
They won't stop talking about Q, even though his last post was before Christmas.

The delusinal derangement is off the charts.
this is one of the best Rush episodes from 2016

"we don't need unity. after we have pummeled the left into submission, like America did to Japan in WWII, then we can unify"

"Obama would not have been elected president if it weren't for his race"

"i'm not arrogant. if i was, you would see me on TV all day"

"Kaepernick hates America, that's why the media loves him"

interview with Reince Priebus+75 year old caller with 4 liberal kids who all supported Hillary

Only a deranged sociopath would laud that torrent of rhetorical diarrhea.

You've touched on what made Lush Rimjob a waste of human blubber (bolded above) --- he more than any other asshole created the dystopian concept of Eliminationism -- the idea that one's adversary should not be reasoned with but rather EXTERMINATED. And for that, he's a scumbag.

Very well said.

Seems the libTURDS here just want to keep showing how stupid and hate filled they are. The jealousy and moronic statements are off the charts. Celebrating a death. Shows how little character you assholes have.
the left hates everyone that refuses to bow to tyranny .
The Left just defeated tyranny in November.

They installed tyranny in Nov.. There, fixed that!
That's why barbed wire and 7k troops remain around the Capitol, sluggo!
No....January 6th and the inspiration many found in the BIG LIE caused the troops and barbed wire around the Capitol. And you are continuing the BIG LIE by amplifying it with another BIG LIE.....Popeye....
Projecting very much, clearly. :rolleyes-41:
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