Rush Limbaugh

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Rush amassed a net worth of over $600 million throughout his career, left behind a 50 million dollar home for his think he cares that some of y'all are trashing him?
rusty did nothing with his wealth and left three women without any children.
He was one of the biggest tippers on the planet.

He tipped working employees more than Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, the Clintons and Obama have given to honest charities.....Combined.
He gave millions to leukemia research. I never new why that disease was so important to him though. Must be a story behind it
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society...He did an annual show devoted to raising funds for them.

All the profits from his "Stand Up for Betsy Ross" tees went to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation.

He might possibly have been a more charitable man then the entire Democrat congress rolled into one.

Certainly more than the Dimocrats that infest this website.
the left hates everyone that refuses to bow to tyranny .
The Left just defeated tyranny in November.
No, she proceeded with the 2and fake impeachme
I just heard that Rush passed away a few hours ago. I actually turned on his radio show around noon and they were talking about it. I had a feeling something was wrong.

I missed his show all last week because of the impeachment hearings. They started at noon or 10AM so I didn't even try to see if Rush was on. Fortunately, I found out now that he wasn't on anyway. Years ago there was a news station here that carried Rush and a bunch of other top conserv talk radio all day long including Savage and others then one day they dropped it all for COUNTRY MUSIC. I live up in the North! WTF. So I missed Rush for years after that.

Then last Fall, Summer or whenever, Angelo I think said something on a thread somewhere about something Rush was going to do live, maybe it had something to do with him appearing at Trump's SOTU address, anyway, it lead to my finding that Rush was still on a local radio station here, a different one, and my being able to catch his show again these past several months! So for that, I thank him!

But as time went on recently more and more, Rush's days off became increasingly the RULE rather than the exception, no more the rare day off here or there but a question of whether he would even be on day by day; --none of his guests really hold a candle to him as good as a few of them are. So after catching Rush's show a couple weeks ago, more and more often, if Rush wasn't on, I simply just turned the radio off.

Years ago, Rush taught me how to critically analyze the Left and cut through all the circus BS, clear the smoke and see to the real issue at hand. Time came when I realized that when something happened, I would assess it and draw my own conclusions about what it was really about, and when I listened to Rush, he was saying pretty much the same things! So I both knew that I was seeing things clearly and that Rush had taught me how to cut through all the media BS. I always wished I had been able to tell Rush that, that I had learned how to analyze things listening to him rather than depending on him to tell me these things, though I was always happy to do both. I don't see anyone able to step in to fill Rush's shoes now other than maybe Mark Levin or maybe Tucker.

THE VINDICATION that Rush was right about most everything and was seeing things clearly was the vitriol the Left had for him. Had Rush been way off all the time, the Left would have simply ignored him as irrelevant. But they hated him so much because HE WAS SO RIGHT: like a vigilant security light over the treasured goal, he peeled away all the layers of fake news and subterfuge they put out there trying to HIDE what they are really doing! So when you see all the usual pieces of shit here like Synthaholic celebrating his death, understand why. When the Left takes anyone as seriously with a white, burning hate as they took Rush (or Trump), millions of them following his every word every day attacking him on everything, that is really their highest vindication of how SPOT ON he really was.

So I missed Rush's show last week. I find out now that I actually DID catch Rush's last show on Feb. 2 and am actually listening to it again right now. But when I tuned in again yesterday after his not being on Wed, Thur, Fri, then Monday last week, and he wasn't on yet again yesterday, I felt something was wrong. I didn't expect Rush was about to die because he sounded so normal and himself last time on the air! But I thought maybe if he was going to be OFF the air more than on, that maybe he ought to just hang it up, that his show was pretty much over.

But cancer is funny. People usually have a comeback and look stronger and better than ever right before their final decline. Between Feb 3 and today was Rush's final decline. He will be sadly missed by millions and millions. There is no substitute. I'm just glad I got to follow his show these last several months--- maybe the better part of the last year.

So Rush is gone. Out of respect for him, I'm not posting or reading anything else today, nor going to attack any of the idiots here predictably jumping with joy over his death. I'm going to just listen to his last radio program and reflect back on his greatness and the loss to us all. With Rush, you never knew what he was going to come out with and reveal next; with Hannity, one show sounds predictably like any other from five years ago. Or ten years ago. Rush had more meat in just one hour of his program than Hannity has in a month. With other hosts, all they talk about are the things that have just happened; --with Rush, he always told you about things as they WERE happening, behind the media smoke, or were ABOUT to or GOING to happen! It was Rush's near perfect PREDICTIVE ability to tell you what things really MEANT and what to EXPECT from politicians that was his true gift to us that made him SPECIAL.

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That's such a good post, toobefreak.
The guy is dead. Finished. Is there anything about his life and what he did with his time on earth to celebrate?
President Trump Issues a Statement on the Death of Rush Limbaugh

"The great Rush Limbaugh has passed away to a better place, free from physical pain and hostility. His honor, courage, strength, and loyalty will never be replaced. Rush was a patriot, a defender of Liberty, and someone who believed in all of the greatness our Country stands for. Rush was a friend to myself and millions of Americans — a guiding light with the ability to see the truth and paint vivid pictures over the airwaves. Melania and I express our deepest condolences to his wonderful wife, Kathryn, his family, and all of his dedicated fans. He will be missed greatly."

Read Newsmax: Donald Trump's Statement on Rush Limbaugh
Ex-president trump.

Former Presidents are always identified as President (insert last name here)...
You are quite the lying piece of shit, aren’t you?

Show me a single instance of anyone on foxnews calling Obama ‘President Obama’ after he left office. Their transcripts are online.

Get busy.

Read the fucking headline:

President Obama was in on plot to 'frame' Flynn, attorney says

Eat my shit, rookie...

Former National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn's lead attorney accused top officials of orchestrating a plot to frame her client, insisting that former President Barack Obama himself was in on it.


You don't know what a headline is, do you?

Stupid fuck.

I never suggested that they never refer to him as something else. But they also refer to him as "President Obama", as evidenced by the headline in the link I provided you.

You asked for a single instance, and I gave you one.

You're just too afraid to admit that you were too fucking stupid to realize how easily a single instance could be found...
You should have read the next post first, before showing your ass.

Eat a dick, hag...
Rush made it cool to be a patriot conservative. he showed folks how to stand up against the tide, what i call the endless tide of liberal tyranny
My take on Rush Limbaugh is a lot like my take was in Trump. Though, obviously my opinions about Rush were formed first, chronologically.

As I said earlier, I didn't like Rush at all, when I first listened to his show. It took me a while before I was able to detect and appreciate Rush's use of sarcasm and his (clever) use of one example of absurdity to illustrate the absurdity of something else.

LOL, I damn near wrecked my service van, LAUGHING, when Rush was going on and on about seeing some woman "Farding" while she was behind the wheel. Especially, some of the calls he was taking about it. Funny stuff.

Eventually, I was able to know what Rush was going to say about most things, before I turned on the radio and when I had a question or an urge to call the show, 99.9% of the time, someone else would call, get in and beat me to it.

It was a great way to pass the time and miles when on the road doing service calls.
in this episode one month before the 2016 election, Rush reacts to a Hurricane in FL and Trump hiring an Albanian immigrant to run Trump Tower, 6 years after he left federal prison + Pence interview amid crazy media allegations

So many times, when people wanted to just give up on conservatism, whether in 2012 with Mittens or 2008 when McCain lost, Rush was the kind of person who you could turn on the radio and you’d realize, 'You know something? We're America. It's going to be OK'
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

He lived way to long, no one out lied or out hated this piece of goo. He raised more haters then any other person in the media over the year, hate, ugliness , bigotry , cruelty this guy was as ugly as anyone of the hate party members. He was a champion of hate, he did it with more lies then any other media person in my lifetime. Won't miss him at all, he just another traitor to this country any supporter of Trump is a traitor to this country.
I won't say I liked him. He liked to stir up anger and hatred. But he meant a lot to a lot of people, and certainly defined an era of political engagement. And lung cancer is a sucko way to go.

I have never liked him myself for always sticking up for the Neocons and the Military Industrial Complex. Although he did make some good points here and there in his radio show in the last few years. I wonder who will be taking his spot now.
So many times, when people wanted to just give up on conservatism, whether in 2012 with Mittens or 2008 when McCain lost, Rush was the kind of person who you could turn on the radio and you’d realize, 'You know something? We're America. It's going to be OK'

I can agree with that.
I'm not exactly crying.

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Glad to see however we are seeing what you people are really like.
Rush limbaugh is one of the large causes of the problems facing my country. His divisiveness, lies, and conspiracy theories spawned the whack-jobs tRump took advantage of in his attempt to destroy my country.

You stupid Moon Bats hate anybody that preaches Liberty.

Go fuck yourself you hateful piece of shit.
Limbaugh didn't preach liberty. He spewed hate and fear.
Hate being disagreeing with liberal indoctrination
Nope. Hate being phrases like "libtard" and "feminazi"
I'm not exactly crying.

View attachment 458257

Glad to see however we are seeing what you people are really like.
Rush limbaugh is one of the large causes of the problems facing my country. His divisiveness, lies, and conspiracy theories spawned the whack-jobs tRump took advantage of in his attempt to destroy my country.

You stupid Moon Bats hate anybody that preaches Liberty.

Go fuck yourself you hateful piece of shit.
Limbaugh didn't preach liberty. He spewed hate and fear.
Lol, hate and fear. Without that there would be no liberals.
Irony, without which there would be no tRumplings.
Limbaugh was as much a misogynist as he was a hateful bigot, racist, and liar.
As always, you are wrong.
He's the Babe Ruth of radio, or let's say Hank Aaron. He would've been great in radio even without the conservatism...he was just that talented
10 year old girl from Baton Rouge calls in to Rush show, he sends her gifts (at the end at 1:32)

THEY CENSORED RUSH'S CHILDREN'S BOOKS from the school library, it turns out!

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