Rush Limbaugh

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As always, you are wrong.

I don't even need to peek, for me to know that you are right about that.
Let the leftards gloat.....when Molly Ivins and Ed Bradley became worm food within a three month span of each other, it would have taken a wide angle lense to capture my ear to ear grin. I basked in the glow of their demise for a solid year.......especially Molly Ivins. That fat liberal cow was just a skeleton after cancer finished with her. That communist piece of shit learned the hard way about gulags but her personal gulag was a hospital bed which was more than she deserved. I felt the same way about Ginsberg but I suspect that she had been dead for months before the stench of her rotting corpse (even on ice) permeated whatever funeral parlor fridge they had her stored in. Fortunately, they didn't have to worry about maggots because even they were repulsed by her. The death that I most eagerly await is that of Nancy Pelousy. I am going to use some vacation time, find her grave and take a big ol Texas size shit on it. "Open wide, Nancy Skank!". If they have a grave for all the wrinkled flesh she has had removed with all the face-lifts she has had? I'll eat "Mexican" and leave a nice healthy turd on that one as well.
There will never be a great coming together.
They are just too far gone.

Which is why before it's too late, we need to divide this country and have two countries instead of one. One country for the commies, and another country for us real Americans. Time is running out quickly.

WTF is a REAL American, can you explain EXACTLY who that is. Because the folks who love to label themselves as REAL Americans are a joke.
There will never be a great coming together.
They are just too far gone.

Which is why before it's too late, we need to divide this country and have two countries instead of one. One country for the commies, and another country for us real Americans. Time is running out quickly.

WTF is a REAL American, can you explain EXACTLY who that is. Because the folks who love to label themselves as REAL Americans are a joke.
A real american isn't a parasitic sack of shit that believes "gubermint" should steal the labor of others at gunpoint in order to assuage the ne'er-do wells" that believe the world owes them a that plain enough for ya? Or did I use too many multi-syllable words?
Limbaugh made white supremacy an endangered specie in the US and millions of gullible Movement Conservatives bought into his Big Lie:

February 17, 2021

"It was Limbaugh who popularized the idea that hardworking white men were under attack in America.

"According to him, minorities and feminists were too lazy to work, and instead expected a handout from the government, paid for by tax dollars levied from hardworking white men.

"This, he explained, was 'socialism,' and it was destroying America.

"Limbaugh didn’t invent this theory; it was the driving principle behind Movement Conservatism, which rose in the 1950s to combat the New Deal government that regulated business, provided a basic social safety net, and promoted infrastructure.

"But Movement Conservatives' efforts to get voters to reject the system that they credited for creating widespread prosperity had little success."
Limbaugh made white supremacy an endangered specie in the US and millions of gullible Movement Conservatives bought into his Big Lie:

February 17, 2021

"It was Limbaugh who popularized the idea that hardworking white men were under attack in America.

"According to him, minorities and feminists were too lazy to work, and instead expected a handout from the government, paid for by tax dollars levied from hardworking white men.

"This, he explained, was 'socialism,' and it was destroying America.

"Limbaugh didn’t invent this theory; it was the driving principle behind Movement Conservatism, which rose in the 1950s to combat the New Deal government that regulated business, provided a basic social safety net, and promoted infrastructure.

"But Movement Conservatives' efforts to get voters to reject the system that they credited for creating widespread prosperity had little success."
Educate us about the monetary system and how "money" is created.......I just GOTTA know your take on this.......
I am betting that you are going to do a "face plant" on the cyber sidewalk....but I will give ya a chance......."explain away"....

There will never be a great coming together.
They are just too far gone.

Which is why before it's too late, we need to divide this country and have two countries instead of one. One country for the commies, and another country for us real Americans. Time is running out quickly.

WTF is a REAL American, can you explain EXACTLY who that is. Because the folks who love to label themselves as REAL Americans are a joke.
A real american isn't a parasitic sack of shit that believes "gubermint" should steal the labor of others at gunpoint in order to assuage the ne'er-do wells" that believe the world owes them a that plain enough for ya? Or did I use too many multi-syllable words?

Uh no that is bullshit since most Americans don't believe that garbage.
There will never be a great coming together.
They are just too far gone.

Which is why before it's too late, we need to divide this country and have two countries instead of one. One country for the commies, and another country for us real Americans. Time is running out quickly.

WTF is a REAL American, can you explain EXACTLY who that is. Because the folks who love to label themselves as REAL Americans are a joke.
A real american isn't a parasitic sack of shit that believes "gubermint" should steal the labor of others at gunpoint in order to assuage the ne'er-do wells" that believe the world owes them a that plain enough for ya? Or did I use too many multi-syllable words?

Uh no that is bullshit since most Americans don't believe that garbage.
You are such a baaaaaaaaad 'brotha".....oh my!!!! I stand behind exactly what I stated and it is fact based, "brotha"..........
There will never be a great coming together.
They are just too far gone.

Which is why before it's too late, we need to divide this country and have two countries instead of one. One country for the commies, and another country for us real Americans. Time is running out quickly.

WTF is a REAL American, can you explain EXACTLY who that is. Because the folks who love to label themselves as REAL Americans are a joke.
A real american isn't a parasitic sack of shit that believes "gubermint" should steal the labor of others at gunpoint in order to assuage the ne'er-do wells" that believe the world owes them a that plain enough for ya? Or did I use too many multi-syllable words?

Uh no that is bullshit since most Americans don't believe that garbage.
You are such a baaaaaaaaad 'brotha".....oh my!!!! I stand behind exactly what I stated and it is fact based, "brotha"..........

No it's bullshit, MOST Americans work everyday and are not sitting around waiting on a damn Govmint handout. You still haven't told us what a REAL American is.
There will never be a great coming together.
They are just too far gone.

Which is why before it's too late, we need to divide this country and have two countries instead of one. One country for the commies, and another country for us real Americans. Time is running out quickly.

WTF is a REAL American, can you explain EXACTLY who that is. Because the folks who love to label themselves as REAL Americans are a joke.
A real american isn't a parasitic sack of shit that believes "gubermint" should steal the labor of others at gunpoint in order to assuage the ne'er-do wells" that believe the world owes them a that plain enough for ya? Or did I use too many multi-syllable words?

Uh no that is bullshit since most Americans don't believe that garbage.
You are such a baaaaaaaaad 'brotha".....oh my!!!! I stand behind exactly what I stated and it is fact based, "brotha"..........

No it's bullshit, MOST Americans work everyday and are not sitting around waiting on a damn Govmint handout.
No, they are sitting around getting a "gubermint" check because they are getting an extra 400 per week on top of unemployment because of covid, a man-made bio weapon created under the obamamkonkey, ya stupid, ignorant fuck. They have no incentive to seek employment.
There will never be a great coming together.
They are just too far gone.

Which is why before it's too late, we need to divide this country and have two countries instead of one. One country for the commies, and another country for us real Americans. Time is running out quickly.

WTF is a REAL American, can you explain EXACTLY who that is. Because the folks who love to label themselves as REAL Americans are a joke.
A real american isn't a parasitic sack of shit that believes "gubermint" should steal the labor of others at gunpoint in order to assuage the ne'er-do wells" that believe the world owes them a that plain enough for ya? Or did I use too many multi-syllable words?

Uh no that is bullshit since most Americans don't believe that garbage.
You are such a baaaaaaaaad 'brotha".....oh my!!!! I stand behind exactly what I stated and it is fact based, "brotha"..........

No it's bullshit, MOST Americans work everyday and are not sitting around waiting on a damn Govmint handout.
No, they are sitting around getting a "gubermint" check because they are getting an extra 400 per week on top of unemployment because of covid, a man-made bio weapon created under the obamamkonkey, ya stupid, ignorant fuck. They have no incentive to seek employment.
This is how conspiracy kooks and frauds operate. This one is using a "slight of hand" trick of misdirection. Notice he is using a simple lie about most Americans being unemployed and depending on government handouts of cash for survival. So, he is lying on several levels. Only a limited number of Americans collect unemployment, typically, a single-digit percentage of persons in the workforce earning regular paychecks. His major point is a blatant lie but gives him an opportunity to be foul and crass snd spew insults and obscenities.
There will never be a great coming together.
They are just too far gone.

Which is why before it's too late, we need to divide this country and have two countries instead of one. One country for the commies, and another country for us real Americans. Time is running out quickly.

WTF is a REAL American, can you explain EXACTLY who that is. Because the folks who love to label themselves as REAL Americans are a joke.
A real american isn't a parasitic sack of shit that believes "gubermint" should steal the labor of others at gunpoint in order to assuage the ne'er-do wells" that believe the world owes them a that plain enough for ya? Or did I use too many multi-syllable words?

Uh no that is bullshit since most Americans don't believe that garbage.
You are such a baaaaaaaaad 'brotha".....oh my!!!! I stand behind exactly what I stated and it is fact based, "brotha"..........

No it's bullshit, MOST Americans work everyday and are not sitting around waiting on a damn Govmint handout.
No, they are sitting around getting a "gubermint" check because they are getting an extra 400 per week on top of unemployment because of covid, a man-made bio weapon created under the obamamkonkey, ya stupid, ignorant fuck. They have no incentive to seek employment.

Dale Dipshit, you're racist, ignorant fool. You are probably one of the main folks sitting on your ass doing nothing.
This thread is filled with such irony. You have the hatemonger Rush, who was a fervent foot soldier for the hatemonger Trump, and the fervent disciples of both of these hatemongers, raised on decades of hate, come to a thread about the death of Rush, and they hate on anyone who is not a fan of the now deceased hatemonger. The cycle completes, and starts all over again.
There will never be a great coming together.
They are just too far gone.

Which is why before it's too late, we need to divide this country and have two countries instead of one. One country for the commies, and another country for us real Americans. Time is running out quickly.

WTF is a REAL American, can you explain EXACTLY who that is. Because the folks who love to label themselves as REAL Americans are a joke.
A real american isn't a parasitic sack of shit that believes "gubermint" should steal the labor of others at gunpoint in order to assuage the ne'er-do wells" that believe the world owes them a that plain enough for ya? Or did I use too many multi-syllable words?

Uh no that is bullshit since most Americans don't believe that garbage.
You are such a baaaaaaaaad 'brotha".....oh my!!!! I stand behind exactly what I stated and it is fact based, "brotha"..........

No it's bullshit, MOST Americans work everyday and are not sitting around waiting on a damn Govmint handout.
No, they are sitting around getting a "gubermint" check because they are getting an extra 400 per week on top of unemployment because of covid, a man-made bio weapon created under the obamamkonkey, ya stupid, ignorant fuck. They have no incentive to seek employment.
This is how conspiracy kooks and frauds operate. This one is using a "slight of hand" trick of misdirection. Notice he is using a simple lie about most Americans being unemployed and depending on government handouts of cash for survival. So, he is lying on several levels. Only a limited number of Americans collect unemployment, typically, a single-digit percentage of persons in the workforce earning regular paychecks. His major point is a blatant lie but gives him an opportunity to be foul and crass snd spew insults and obscenities.
Ummm, no........I got laid off on January 6th due to downsizing and had a job less than a week later. I was called a fool for not taking the "cash". The mailing facility whose equipment I repair was in need of machine operators so I contacted the ones that are more than "button pushers" and told them where they could get a job right away and they said "thanks but no thanks....I get more for doing nothing". That speaks volumes to me. I banked my generous severance package and never took a fucking dime from "da gubermint" to be you about right now because I just bitchslapped you.

There will never be a great coming together.
They are just too far gone.

Which is why before it's too late, we need to divide this country and have two countries instead of one. One country for the commies, and another country for us real Americans. Time is running out quickly.

WTF is a REAL American, can you explain EXACTLY who that is. Because the folks who love to label themselves as REAL Americans are a joke.
A real american isn't a parasitic sack of shit that believes "gubermint" should steal the labor of others at gunpoint in order to assuage the ne'er-do wells" that believe the world owes them a that plain enough for ya? Or did I use too many multi-syllable words?

Uh no that is bullshit since most Americans don't believe that garbage.
You are such a baaaaaaaaad 'brotha".....oh my!!!! I stand behind exactly what I stated and it is fact based, "brotha"..........

No it's bullshit, MOST Americans work everyday and are not sitting around waiting on a damn Govmint handout.
No, they are sitting around getting a "gubermint" check because they are getting an extra 400 per week on top of unemployment because of covid, a man-made bio weapon created under the obamamkonkey, ya stupid, ignorant fuck. They have no incentive to seek employment.

Dale Dipshit, you're racist, ignorant fool. You are probably one of the main folks sitting on your ass doing nothing.
Superbad brotha SEZ???? "I can't refute what you said so you be a RACIST!!!!!". The last bastion of hope for a dumb fuck that has only one card to play. You are more to be pitied than scolded.
This thread is filled with such irony. You have the hatemonger Rush, who was a fervent foot soldier for the hatemonger Trump, and the fervent disciples of both of these hatemongers, raised on decades of hate, come to a thread about the death of Rush, and they hate on anyone who is not a fan of the now deceased hatemonger. The cycle completes, and starts all over again.
Yeah, you commie fucks are so full of compassion and empathy....said no one ever. Leftards hate the truth about themselves and will demonize and attempt to marginalize anyone that speaks out against their commie agenda. I should be so fortunate to be as hated by the leftists as Rush was. I would wear it like a badge of honor. I will swear eternal friendship to any and all that despise you commie fucks even a tenth as much as I do. My hatred of those of your ilk motivates me to carry on.

Hope this helps, dipshit........
This thread is filled with such irony. You have the hatemonger Rush, who was a fervent foot soldier for the hatemonger Trump, and the fervent disciples of both of these hatemongers, raised on decades of hate, come to a thread about the death of Rush, and they hate on anyone who is not a fan of the now deceased hatemonger. The cycle completes, and starts all over again.
Yeah, you commie fucks are so full of compassion and empathy....said no one ever. Leftards hate the truth about themselves and will demonize and attempt to marginalize anyone that speaks out against their commie agenda. I should be so fortunate to be as hated by the leftists as Rush was. I would wear it like a badge of honor. I will swear eternal friendship to any and all that despise you commie fucks even a tenth as much as I do. My hatred of those of your ilk motivates me to carry on.

Hope this helps, dipshit........

Ladies and gentleman, I present Exhibit A.

But hey, in the spirit of Rush Limbaugh, I hope you're freezing your ass off. :ahole-1:
Rush established the new voice of Conservatism

Before Rush, Conservatism was intellectual
William F Buckley, George Will, William Safire

Rush brought about the Carnival Barker, muckraking, bombastic Conservatism

The late Safire was a Clintonista, George Will is a BIdenista. William F. Buckley met and encouraged a young Limbaugh back in the day.

Republicans used to appeal to intellectuals.

Now they mock those who are educated
He can and already has. This is the era of Trump as the "voice" for freedom.
No. Trump was the voice of insurrection, autocratic rule and Vladimir Putin. Why do you think he lost? We're not living with that crap.
So speaking your mind is now insurrection! Fk, can’t make it up dude, I’m laughing my ass off
Speaking your mind is fine, as long as you do not break down barriers around the capital, break out windows, beat in doors while attacking capital security, trampling to death people in your own rabid mob, and force your way into the capital to hunt down and kill the Vice-President, Speaker of the House and others you don't like, just because they will not let you overthrow free elections for your furor. What 3rd world bananna republic did you and those traitor that made the failed attempt think you were living in? If that is what you guys call speaking your mind, you can forget it.

Who did that?

The insurrectionist mob trump sent to the capital.

The insurectionists were breaching the Capitol long before anyone from Trump's speech was there. The breach began 10 to 20 minutes before Trumps speech was over. Then you have the walk to get there after his speech.

You people look like idiots with this CLEARLY FAILED line of logic
Rush established the new voice of Conservatism

Before Rush, Conservatism was intellectual
William F Buckley, George Will, William Safire

Rush brought about the Carnival Barker, muckraking, bombastic Conservatism

The late Safire was a Clintonista, George Will is a BIdenista. William F. Buckley met and encouraged a young Limbaugh back in the day.

Republicans used to appeal to intellectuals.

Now they mock those who are educated

Of course, that observation is a load of manure. Rush Limbaugh was the founder of the largest free institution of higher education in world history, occupying the Attila the Hun chair at the Limbaugh Institute. President Trump and Dr. Glenn Beck both started universities as well as the Republican Falwell's Liberty University which is a Division 1 school
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