Rush says he is ashamed of the US...

Rush doesn't give a fig if the government collapses.

If the article to which this post refers is a true expression of what Rush said?

Well, it's consistent with what Rush has been saying all along.

He does not believe that our government ought to spend so much money and he does not believe that AUSTERITY will hurt our economy.

I disagree with him on many points, but I understand why he believes what he believes and wants what he wants, too.
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Well it wasn't all that long ago that Michelle Obama was finally proud of her country.
Maybe Rush is feeling a little down in the dumps...

If we all try to send some love Rush's way maybe he will come around... :cool:
I've been ashamed of this nation's citizens for about 5yrs now, join the club Limbaugh.

He is coming late to this party. I've been ashamed of this country for the last 5 years or so, and lately deeply ashamed. Of the country, what laughingly passes for leadership and more and more, it's people.
Wrong. You've been spending too much time on "Media Matters" and "the Daily Kos".
And you've been listening to your MessiahRushie's denials too much!

October 7, 2009
RUSH: * One of my fervent objectives and goals before I do move to New Zealand and start spending everything I have before they take it away from me, is to convince as many people as possible that the damn government is not God, and nobody in it even comes close to being as competent as you are to run your life.*

That isn't a promise of any kind, asshole. Furthermore, it's tongue-in-cheek.
The reason the pathological liar gave for moving to New Zealand and putting his money in Singapore was if the Federal Government ever took over the private sector economy, which he says already happened with GM, Chrysler and Obamacare. So why is he still here? Because the real reason is he is moving to New Zealand after he destroys this great country from within, and obviously he feels he has not caused enough damage yet.
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Where did he say he was ashamed of the USA?

"I can't help but think that we are all being played for a bunch of fools, a bunch of suckers on this sequester business," he said. "Do you really think 800,000 people are [going to] lose their jobs in the Pentagon because we cut $22 billion? Do you really think air traffic control's [going to] shut down? Do you really think there aren't [going to] be any meat inspectors? Do you really think that all of these horror stories are going to happen? I don't."

"Ladies and gentleman, for the first time in my life, I am ashamed of my country. To be watching all of this, to be treated like this, to have our common sense and intelligence insulted the way it's been insulted? It just makes me ashamed."

"It" is the way "this sequester business" results are being fear-mongered by BOTH Parties that control the government of [his] country.

Once again, your failure to report anything in context is astonishing.

So what does "I'm ashamed of my country." mean? Or maybe he is talking about a South American country. You know, one of countries that he visits to pick up presciption drugs, extra viagra, or little boys.

I'd spoon feed you a definition of context, but I'm certain that would go over your head.

I'm ashamed of my country producing citizens as ignorant as you.
Whatever happened to American exceptionalism? Oh yeah, a Democrat won, so now Republicans don't like our country anymore. Makes me wonder why they are still here.
Whatever happened to American exceptionalism? Oh yeah, a Democrat won, so now Republicans don't like our country anymore. Makes me wonder why they are still here.

We're waiting to pick up the pieces after the drunken party is over. Someone's got to be responsible for the mess the kids make.
Whatever happened to American exceptionalism? Oh yeah, a Democrat won, so now Republicans don't like our country anymore. Makes me wonder why they are still here.

Obama and the Democrats killed American execptionalism. We have been wanting to RETURN to it.

Buy a clue twit.

So, what you are saying is that the exceptional ones are too incompetent to win an election? :confused:
Whatever happened to American exceptionalism? Oh yeah, a Democrat won, so now Republicans don't like our country anymore. Makes me wonder why they are still here.

Obama and the Democrats killed American execptionalism. We have been wanting to RETURN to it.

Buy a clue twit.

So, what you are saying is that the exceptional ones are too incompetent to win an election? :confused:

American exceptionalism is not about politicians ya dummy.

No wonder we're so screwed up
Obama and the Democrats killed American execptionalism. We have been wanting to RETURN to it.

Buy a clue twit.

So, what you are saying is that the exceptional ones are too incompetent to win an election? :confused:

American exceptionalism is not about politicians ya dummy.

No wonder we're so screwed up

I don't care for Obama either, but for better or worse he is our democratically elected leader. Republicans just love or hate our country based on whether or not their guy won.
So, what you are saying is that the exceptional ones are too incompetent to win an election? :confused:

American exceptionalism is not about politicians ya dummy.

No wonder we're so screwed up

I don't care for Obama either, but for better or worse he is our democratically elected leader. Republicans just love or hate our country based on whether or not their guy won.

Nonsense. Republicans are in remorse because of whats happening to our country. The leader ALWAYS takes the blame be it good or bad. Nothing has changed

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