Rush says he is ashamed of the US...

Being ashamed of the country goes much deeper than merely who is president. The country and it's people are becoming and to a great extent have become something to be ashamed of no matter who is president.
Being ashamed of the country goes much deeper than merely who is president. The country and it's people are becoming and to a great extent have become something to be ashamed of no matter who is president.

So, when are you moving?
Being ashamed of the country goes much deeper than merely who is president. The country and it's people are becoming and to a great extent have become something to be ashamed of no matter who is president.

So, when are you moving?

My purpose is to help other people move. Business people, educated people. That's what I do. I help them relocate to other countries. Take their business, money and education with them and benefit someplace else.

I'm here for the subversion.
Being ashamed of the country goes much deeper than merely who is president. The country and it's people are becoming and to a great extent have become something to be ashamed of no matter who is president.

So, when are you moving?

My purpose is to help other people move. Business people, educated people. That's what I do. I help them relocate to other countries. Take their business, money and education with them and benefit someplace else.

I'm here for the subversion.

You are quite the patriotic American. Keep up the good work. :cuckoo:
An obese junkie flaps yap on the radio, and the wingnuts act as if God has spoken.
Much like the illegal alien socialist in the WH, he talks you guys swallow.

Except the first one is an oxycodone-addicted radio host who is a drop-out from Southeast Missouri State University and is on his fourth wife. And the second one is the POTUS, with degrees from Columbia and Harvard and just one wife, who graduated from Princeton. Makes it sort of easy as to who has the most cred.

I'm glad you brought that up. Obama is proof you can have all kinds of education, but you can still be the most ignorant person in any room you walk into. Thanks for bringing it up.
I've been ashamed of this nation's citizens for about 5yrs now, join the club Limbaugh.

He is coming late to this party. I've been ashamed of this country for the last 5 years or so, and lately deeply ashamed. Of the country, what laughingly passes for leadership and more and more, it's people.

I'm ashamed of its ubiqutous iapostrophe abuse. :eek:

Much like the illegal alien socialist in the WH, he talks you guys swallow.

Except the first one is an oxycodone-addicted radio host who is a drop-out from Southeast Missouri State University and is on his fourth wife. And the second one is the POTUS, with degrees from Columbia and Harvard and just one wife, who graduated from Princeton. Makes it sort of easy as to who has the most cred.

That's easy. Rush has far more cred than Obama. The later is a professional politician, which means he's a professional liar. Degrees from Harvard and Columbia don't furnish any cred. They do exactly the opposite.

"Smart bad! Knuckledrag good!
Think hurt. Need be told what think. Umgawa."
An obese junkie flaps yap on the radio, and the wingnuts act as if God has spoken.
Much like the illegal alien socialist in the WH, he talks you guys swallow.

Except the first one is an oxycodone-addicted radio host who is a drop-out from Southeast Missouri State University and is on his fourth wife. And the second one is the POTUS, with degrees from Columbia and Harvard and just one wife, who graduated from Princeton. Makes it sort of easy as to who has the most cred.

Unless you ever had unceasing, intolerable and excruciating pain that nothing but oxycontin can alleviate you have no right or call to judge anyone who experienced such pain and found that oxycontin allowed him to live e near normal life.

On the other hand, your hero, the President is a nicotine addict. He has not got the guts and the will power to quit, in spite the fact quitting smoking would not result in intolerable excruciating pain.

As far as university degrees are concerned, they do not give any kind of credibility on subjects not related to that degree. Also, liberals like you routinely dismiss, denigrate and deride degrees earned by conservatives. Try to remember all the crap your ilk spewed about George Bush's Business Degree from Yale.

At the same time don't forget all those who achieved greatness in business, science and arts who had no degree at all.
I've been ashamed of this nation's citizens for about 5yrs now, join the club Limbaugh.

He is coming late to this party. I've been ashamed of this country for the last 5 years or so, and lately deeply ashamed. Of the country, what laughingly passes for leadership and more and more, it's people.

I'm ashamed of its ubiqutous iapostrophe abuse. :eek:

Except the first one is an oxycodone-addicted radio host who is a drop-out from Southeast Missouri State University and is on his fourth wife. And the second one is the POTUS, with degrees from Columbia and Harvard and just one wife, who graduated from Princeton. Makes it sort of easy as to who has the most cred.

That's easy. Rush has far more cred than Obama. The later is a professional politician, which means he's a professional liar. Degrees from Harvard and Columbia don't furnish any cred. They do exactly the opposite.

"Smart bad! Knuckledrag good!
Think hurt. Need be told what think. Umgawa."

Do you look in the mirror before each time you post?
An obese junkie flaps yap on the radio, and the wingnuts act as if God has spoken.
Much like the illegal alien socialist in the WH, he talks you guys swallow.

Except the first one is an oxycodone-addicted radio host who is a drop-out from Southeast Missouri State University and is on his fourth wife. And the second one is the POTUS, with degrees from Columbia and Harvard and just one wife, who graduated from Princeton. Makes it sort of easy as to who has the most cred.

Not to the Kool Aid drinkers it's not.
He is coming late to this party. I've been ashamed of this country for the last 5 years or so, and lately deeply ashamed. Of the country, what laughingly passes for leadership and more and more, it's people.

I'm ashamed of its ubiqutous iapostrophe abuse. :eek:

That's easy. Rush has far more cred than Obama. The later is a professional politician, which means he's a professional liar. Degrees from Harvard and Columbia don't furnish any cred. They do exactly the opposite.

"Smart bad! Knuckledrag good!
Think hurt. Need be told what think. Umgawa."

Do you look in the mirror before each time you post?

Uh... nnnnnnno, why would I do that? There's way too much comedy material right here on screen. See above. :tongue:
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Being ashamed of the country goes much deeper than merely who is president. The country and it's people are becoming and to a great extent have become something to be ashamed of no matter who is president.

Yea, WHO votes for these people? Anyone ever stop and consider THAT? And I'm not talking about just Bush or Obama either.
That's easy. Rush has far more cred than Obama. The later is a professional politician, which means he's a professional liar. Degrees from Harvard and Columbia don't furnish any cred. They do exactly the opposite.

"Smart bad! Knuckledrag good!
Think hurt. Need be told what think. Umgawa."

Cred isn't the same thing as smart. Obama may be smart, but he's a scumbag. That's why all you sniveling servile left-wing worms worship him.
Whatever happened to American exceptionalism? Oh yeah, a Democrat won, so now Republicans don't like our country anymore. Makes me wonder why they are still here.

Correct, we definitely like the country less than before, just as any sane person liked Germany less after Hitler got elected. That's why the smart ones left. Only now, there isn't anywhere to go.

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